Andrea Mitchell Gunsplaining
A few weeks ago, we were lectured by the media about trying to be too specific in regards to the discussion of guns in American society. They called it “gunsplaining”.
Gunsplaining, though, is always done in bad faith. Like mansplaining, it’s less about adding to the discourse than smothering it — with self-appointed authority, and often the thinnest of connection to any real fact.
We were too picky about the difference between a clip and a magazine. We were too eager to point and laugh about the “thing in the back that goes up” and “full semi-automatic”
So, the media has taken the lead in explaining to us ignorant folks about guns;
.@PeteWilliamsNBC on the weapon used in the newsroom shooting: a shotgun is like a backwards funnel, you don’t have to have direct aim to hurt a lot of people. It was purchased legally. #AMR
— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) June 29, 2018
Um, what?
Category: Media
She must use a gallon of Spackle daily to keep that face camera friendly.
Well this is surprising! Especially to those of us who have actually fired a shotgun or two, and may understand the terms “choke” and “shot pattern.”
Unlike Andrea Mitchell.
Andrea Mitchell clearly learned everything she knows from playing “Call of Duty.”
She seriously believes watching Bugs Bunny cartoons is research.
Bugs Bunny would give her much better information than what she spews.
Elmer Fudd was an expert marksman even when his shotgun barrel was tied in a knot, Bugs on the other hand knew how to weave , duck and cover as I recall and foil Fudd’s aim.
No, Andrea Mitchell. “Gunsplaining” (as you call it) is not done in bad faith. It’s done because most of the media – and many if not most on the political Left – are abysmally ignorant concerning reality when it comes to firearms, as well as deficient in common sense. Someone has to provide the facts; you and your colleagues certainly are not doing it.
Now: how about you get your crayons, find a nice pad of paper, and color us a pretty picture. Based on your writing above, that’s more in line with your mental capacity than trying to discuss firearms. Doing the latter intelligently (or rationally) is obviously beyond you.
Uh, Hondo, the media are INTENTIONALLY ignorant, not just abysmally ignorant.
They do not want to know anything about anything.
When is that old cow going to pack it in and retire? She hasn’t been relevant about anything for a long, long time.
And when they go to the range to “learn” about guns and shoot for the first time, they only learn how dangerous, scary, and improper these “weapons of war” are. Confirmation bias? What confirmation bias?
Mitchell seems to have a double standard going. The actual word to describe when someone is being overly precise is “pedantic.” Using the term “gunsplaining” instead makes the assumption that your potential audience isn’t smart enough to understand “pedantic” in normal usage. Who’s talking down to who?
If you hear a noise in your backyard just grab your side by side and let off a few shells through the back door. Since you don’t need to aim this will incapacitate any bad guy in the area on the spot. I have this on the absolute highest authority on guns, Smoking Joe.
Talk about thin connections to facts there, Andrea.
She just described a blunderbuss. Idiot.
Also I don’t mean to alarm anybody but if you haven’t been following what has been going on in the world of gun control this year you really should.
The media has gotten really, really organized. Every major media group in the US has opened up numerous faux debates and discussion about guns and claimed to have brought in people representing “the full spectrum of the gun issue”. I highly encourage people to not write these shenanigans off. I have rarely seen such an active and organized disinformation campaign.
We tend to rely too heavily on the constitution and the courts to protect our rights. Too many misinformed people could end up being problematic.
I don’t think anyone is writing anything off. However, awareness of this is vital, yes, and exposing it to the light of day for what it is becomes even more vital.
As is so often the case, the left accuses others, who are not guilty of the charge they level, of doing precisely what they themselves are doing. Apparently they are so superior that they can expound upon at topic without any knowledge at all and we are supposed to defer to their superiorness but if we express any thoughts on a topic about which we know quite a lot it proves our ignorance.
Yeah, rather difficult for sane folks to take most lefties seriously for that among several very good reasons. Their tactics make it impossible to find any common ground. You’d think it was purposeful.
Of course, to the MSM and liberals (but I repeat myself), any narrative other than, “Guns bad, ban them,” is too complex and to be derided or ignored.
That’s like saying a vertical rectangle is a sideways Lego.
Huh? What??
That actually made sense. Maybe I should quit drinking.
HAHAHA!! Never be a quitter!
Jane, you ignorant slut…
That has got to be the perfect response!
One of the fun things of being older, I can understand this reference from seeing it on TV myself.
In the near future kids will be saying, “what’s a TV?”
It’s a monitor for a DVD/Bluray unit.
Andrea you ignorant slut.
Their I fixed it for ya’
Gunsplaining. Mansplaining.
“Because Fuck You! That’s why”.
“When I say shit I know nothing about, do not correct me because I really am not interested in facts.”
Seems to cover both.
So it’s like a megaphone! Not like a garden hose. AR’s are like garden hoses cuz you can spray bullets. Funnels and hoses. Makes it easier to explain it to the children.
Backwards funnel? It takes one to know one, Andrea.
I wonder if she realizes that a backwards funnel, is still a funnel.
Long ago in a galaxy far away when I was stationed at Langley, we used to hunt deer on the Base. It was okay because it was in the area beyond the golf course by the ammo dump.
The rules early on was only shotguns. So I had the excuse to buy a new toy as I owned no shotguns. So I bought one and joined the hunt.
The first time I ever pulled the trigger on it was at a deer with 00 buckshot at about 35 yards and missed. I did plow up the ground near there.
So I decided I probably ought to pattern the weapon and see where it shot. I did this at 40 yards, and learned something. First I learned that when sighting down the ribbed barrel, I should hold a bit more front sight or it shot low.
The second thing I learned was the type of ammo had a real effect. Buckshot tends to deform a bit going down the barrel and the little flat spots tend to disperse the shot pattern. The solution I learned was copper plated buckshot. It is resistant to deformation and holds a much tighter pattern.
The fact that I was sports editor of my high school paper means I have more training, experience and knowledge in Ms Mitchell’s “profession” than she has in mine or with firearms.
I mentioned this in the past. One of the Brink’s drivers let a shotgun round off with double OHH buck which penetrated the bottom ceiling of the cab and whoever was assigned to the truck heard the shot rolling around above him while making a turn. Eventually the shot got stuck in the little nooks and crannies between the roof and lower cab ceiling.
Most of us use deer slugs.
That year the rule was buckshot only. Two years later they changed to slugs only but no slug barrels. Before the season opened they opened up the Base range so we could sight in with slugs. Lesson learnedI took advantage of that to see where mine shot slugs. I had invested in a couple boxes of BRI Sabot 3 in 12 gauge.
The last time I’d shot my shotgun had been at Quail 2-3/4 low brass #8.
I got into a nice “stable” seated position, sighted down the barrel rib,squeezed the trigger and almost got knocked over from the recoil from the sabot slugs.
Since we were going to hunting out of makeshift tree stands, I came to the conclusion I needed a flatter assed position if it was going to be truly stable.
I also made sure I had my shooting vest with the shoulder pad on the next time I shot the slugs.
Quite the difference between quail loads and slugs.
I now have a 20 gauge with a slug barrel that I need to get to the range and try out.
Last I was at Ft. Meade a few decades back, any .22 caliber was allowed but nothing larger bore due to concerns about overshooting the berm. So a .22-250, with damn near 4000 fps muzzle velocity, was legal…but a 1300 fps .45-70 with a trajectory like a rainbow, wasn’t.
Stop Gunsplaining! Range Control are all experts and know exactly what they are doing 24/7!
I’m Range Control and I take offense to this (smile). Granted I work the fire desk and just coordinate which ranges go hot, which training areas are being used, and manage the airspace. I have nothing to do with how the ranges are set up and what ammo can be used.
I was a Paramedic in Kansas City for many years. I can tell you, after responding to a KCPD call of a guy that lost in a shoot-out with them, that 00 Buck at about 50 yards will still do a through and through on a head. PD needed me to say the guy was DRT (dead right there). I did.
“The fact that I was sports editor of my high school paper means I have more training, experience and knowledge in Ms Mitchell’s “profession” than she has in mine or with firearms.”
An untrained monkey has more training, experience, and knowledge in journalism than most of the Mainstream Media.
Your a nice looking Chick Andrea but it’s a shame that you have a liberal mental disorder. If you were on the same side as myself, I could serenade you with-“I’ve got a chick I really dig she’s the apple of my eye”
(Pizza Pie by Norman Fox and the RobRoys)
Shut up bitch.
Your vagina is like a backwards funnel. Same as your mouth. It’s like a cock dock station similar to the apollo / lunar lander relationship.
Her Vagina is for sad people.
Her vaj is like a homeless shelter. Anybody can come in, no questions asked.
It’s Andreas Fault
Andrea’s Crack.
I see what you did there…I like it!
If you don’t know what you’re talking about but blab away anyway, when an expert hears you and corrects you, expect some ‘s’plaining!!
So…eat it Andrea.
Let the experts handle the conversation.
She got that info from Pete Williams,an NBC reporter, who used to be Spokesman for the Pentagon, I believe. She belongs on The View with the rest of those unbiased folks.
Calling Andrea Mitchell a harebrained media bimbo is quite redundant given the proof she provides,
A backwards funnel to the non-firearms literate is kinda accurate, I guess but still sounds on the far end of going full retard.
Here is an idea, Andrea. If your trying to explain firearms to the general public how about you put your reporter hat on and dig up an NRA Certified Instructor, The NRA is right around the corner from you and have them explain it. They actually know what they are talking about.
somebody pass her the koolaid
“a shotgun is like a backwards funnel” Huh? If a funnel is used properly and normally, it is held with its wide end up and its narrow end down. If it’s backwards, the narrow end is up and the wind end is down. Dahell am I missing? And why didn’t she just say that the spread of shot begins and increases when the shot leaves the barrel? I guess her head would splodey if I mentioned the various types of chokes used to control spred.
Poly choke equals a stroke.
Today’s lesson on breaking wind, just for you Andrea. Located just below the back bone is what has always been known as the sometimes dangerous arsehole. The sphincter muscle is often considered the beginning of an accidental discharge, similar to a backwards funnel. One does need not take aim in order to hurt/affect the nasal passages of a LOT of people. When the nearly a MWD is discharged, in fact, many people are often injured….particularly in the nasal area. We all possess one, for there is no license required. Typically some one like you who is totally full of shit become the most dangerous to be near during a discharge. IMHO, you would be considered at least a five gauge asshole, attempting to educate the public how air seeping into our intestine and out the brown eye can be so dangerous if left to the will of the public. From Dr. Jarhead, a man who knows an asshole by reading, rather than having to smell.
You don’t want to ask her if it was a “pump action”; she’d take that as sexual harassment.
I’d hit it…with a ‘funnel weapon’. That being the stock end of my oldest shotgun. Several times or until it stops moving.
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