Weekend open thread
June 29, 2018
Body Heat
On Japan’s Shodoshima island, winter temperatures drop below freezing. To cope, Japanese macaques, or snow monkeys, huddle together for warmth.
Category: Open thread
June 29, 2018
Body Heat
On Japan’s Shodoshima island, winter temperatures drop below freezing. To cope, Japanese macaques, or snow monkeys, huddle together for warmth.
Category: Open thread
And I can not believe I made it……
And I can’t believe I am Runner Up to FIRST!
Congrats, 7711C20!
You are a bad loser, Another Pat. You are allowed to congratulate your better only after you kick up some dirt at your near miss, maybe offer an excuse, and toss an insult grenade or two.
For a good example, please see ChipNASA’s comment. You can learn about how to lose from him.
Accepting loss gracefully is not tolerated. It’s in the dickweed by-laws. Look itup.
Claw: Help! 🆘️
Are there ROEs on being a 2nd place minion (Silver Medallion) in the coveted WOT book?🥈
After all, me is trying to get a trophy participation!
In the sea of TAH Crumudgins, SOMEONE has to provide balance and wear the White cowboy hat. You think I’m gonna waste all that “Be Nice To Others” training the US Army bestowed on me? 😈😉😎
In the words of Vince Lombardi, “Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a loser.”
Third. Now go take that test you’re trying to avoid.
And I’m not even remotely close again
Congratulations Brother! Well played.
Third and let me show you my red ass!
Okay, fourth.
4th and let me show you macaque
😀 😀 😀
Good one!!!
I’m gonna rock out with macaque out…
Are you off your meds again, Yef?
Congrats Chip! I was tied up working??
WILTED WILLY: “Tied Up Working“, dang! Do you work in one of them Bondage rooms? What does it pay? Is it fun? Asking for a friend.
Willy, did your forget your safe-word? 🙂
Meth is bad. Let me get that out there for you in case you didn’t know that already.
Sometimes watching someone interact with a meth head can be hilarious. My customers last night can attest to that.
I had one hit on me by telling me that I was good looking. I immediately told her that my wife said the same thing about me. She then told me that she has had many married boyfriends. I told her that I was not going to be one of them.
I’m getting too old for this crap.
Go the Kingman, Az to see the effects of meth it’s sad and comical at the same time
A drunk will steal your wallet and feel sorry for you. An addict will steal your wallet and try to help you find it.
Wasn’t Twain who said “The difference between a man and a dog is that when you feed the dog, he is grateful and doesn’t try to bite you”? Something close to that.
Top ten
Ace’s Morning Rant (with the gorilla), has a hilarious (but accurate) picture “Summary of This Week’s News”. I don’t know if I can link to it. Worth peeking over there.
It’s okay Yef, I hereby award you Honorary Third Place.
Make it Honorary Thidr.
Just as long as he buffs the hallway, cleans the CO and 1SG’s Offices and latrines, is on time for Police Call and Motor Pool cleanup and STOPS huffing the floor wax…
Yeah, the Supply Sargent says we are WAY over on floor wax. Damn Yef, your lungs haven’t quit yet?
Yef, ya dummy; this might come as a shock to you, but in order to claim first, or “Firts”, you must first actually be the first to comment. Making your claim when there have been a dozen or so comments made ahead of you only helps with your dumb makeup. Some might even think that you had been assaulted with a “Stupid Stick”, but most of us know that it all comes naturally. Now, go play, and stop eating the crayons.
If Yef would JUST stop huffing the floor wax…
Hey, at least he quit posting “First!!!” in articles completely different than the WOT.
Ah damit
I missed it by 9 minutes of an angle.
How many mils is that?
The angle of the dangle x the heat of the meat = the mass of the ass.
In case anyone is interested in going….
Great Lakes is having a 4th of July bash starting on 3rd July and continuing to 4th July, complete with foods of all kinds and a fireworks display and the Navy band playing on July 4th.
Top twenty and Honorary First once again.
In honor of Ex-PH2’s photography and culinary skills, want to let TAH know today, 29 June, is National Camera Day, National Waffle Iron Day and National Almond Buttercrunch (AKA Almond Roca) day!
Hey, I’m up for that!
Waffles – nice and steaming hot, with lots of butter in those little nooks and maple syrup slowly oozing down one side.
I did get one semi-decent shot of the Moon conjunct Saturn in opposition (across the solar system from Earth). Scorpio is high in the sky to the South of me.
Waffles are pancakes with a non-skid surface.
They’re also good as teething aids for babies because they have those built-in drool cups.
John Giduck – the turd with a face!
Saw that assclown on an episode of “Weaponology” talking about Speznaz… still is an assclown.
Yeah. “Spetsnaz Consultant” o whatever he called his rotund self in that episode. He couldn’t gut out even 60 days in US Army Basic Training but a special ops unit wants to gain whatever he knowledge he has (about quitting?)
Trolling a dead cop’s wife at his funeral tells you everything you need to know about this turd…with a face.
Well, since you all insist … here’s this week’s trivia/humor column. Feel free to enjoy at your leisure. DID YOU KNOW…? Did the author of a beloved children’s book work as a British spy? By Commissioner Wretched If my recent e-mails are any indication, some of you are on to me. I’m referring to my “headline question” above the actual column. You may have noticed (how could you not?) that whatever question I’m asking, the answer in the column is always, “Yes.” So why do I do it? Why do I continue to put up questions like the one above, with the full knowledge that you don’t even have to read the column to know that the answer is yes? That’s not a rhetorical question. If you know why I’m doing that, please let me know. Seriously, I do it because I believe it will capture your attention anyway. Sure, you know that whatever the question in the headline is, the answer is going to be yes. But you will also want to know why … and for that, you’re going to have to read the column to find out. Method to my madness, no? Of course, I could always just change the rules and start asking “No” questions, too … and don’t think it hasn’t crossed my mind. Because it hasn’t. If you’ve got a question for me – or something to share – or a great idea for losing weight (I’m trying again), drop me an e-mail to didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com and I’ll happily answer. Find the answer to this week’s headline question below … as we go into the week’s trivia! Did you know … … the word “mortgage” comes from French? It comes from the words “mort,” meaning dead, and “gage,” meaning pledge. In other words, your mortgage is your pledge until death. (Don’t pay your mortgage and see what I mean.) … a snake can still bite after it has been decapitated? The snake is still capable of inflicting its particular kind of unpleasantness up to an hour after its head has been cut off. … during… Read more »
I will keep the pop music out of the hen house, in that case.
Hens will lay one egg per day without a rooster present. They only need a rooster to fertilize the egg to produce baby chicks.
You can, however, beat or scramble eggs and freeze them in ice cube trays for future use, but they need to be used within a 6-month or less time period.
I tested Hannah Glasse’s method of determining if eggs are fresh or stale. Put an egg in a bowl of cold water. If it sinks, it is still fresh. I have no idea how far back that goes, but that was before modern refrigeration was invented. Her cookbook The Art of Cookery (1785) is still selling.
John Cage )no relation to the Velvet Underground fella of the same name, who nowadays does classic dance choreography) also did “3 minutes 28 seconds” in which the pianist just sits at the bench doing nothing for the time specified. No two performances are alike.
On our SF group’s annual UW exercise in Southern Germany, I met a WWII Wehrmacht vet POW in the Westerheim gasthaus which was my base of ops. He spent several years as a POW in a southern state (Louisiana or Alabama, I think). He said he wanted to stay in the US when the war was over, but had to go home. He loved the U.S. Said he spent most of his time working on farms, and he was treated extremely well. He spoke excellent English. In contrast, the owner of the gasthaus was POW of the Russians; he was not released until 1956. He was lucky because one third of his fellow POW’s died in the captivity of the Russians. Needless to say, he had no fond memories of his POW experience nor a desire to stay in the USSR.
This just in: per the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath is still deceased!
Oh, and I found this update with additional background concerning the batsh!t crazy a-hole who shot up the Annapolis Capital Gazette newsroom:
Somehow, mentioning that just seems apropos here. (smile)
A very Bernathian character.
I once dealt with a Bernathian level of crazy lawer. He also thought it was a good move to sue judges who ruled against him. He did a year in jail on contempt in addition to being ultimately disbarred. Too bad he wasn’t a light sport pilot, as well.
Fortunately, Bernath only took himself out at the end of the day, and the sotted jumpsuit wearing clown will never “cometh”.
Ditto the other two dickheads in the DRG.
This just in…
Daniel Bernath is still dead as a door nail.
Cute, until they rip off your genies and chew off your face.
Have a great weekend y’all, try’n Stay cool!
I’m proud to announce to you miscreants and dickweeds that my 15 year old son is on an airplane on his way to Marine Military Academy in Harlingen for 30 days of summer camp, followed by his June academic year. He’s a good kid, ready for transformation, and excited to begin.
Also, Daniel A Bernath is still dead.
*Junior academic year
Had to look it up. I thought maybe Marine referred to seaweed and other salty, wet stuff. Here’s the link for others since you thoughtlessly omitted it. Dickweed.
Guilty as charged.
Congrats, GD Contractor. I know you are one proud Dad.👍
There’s a little statue there which might be familiar to most of us here especially the Marines among us. Well not so little actually. And cast from the same mold as the one most folks think is one of a kind.
Maryland’s gubbenor has ordered the state flag to be flown at half staff for those newspaper employee killings in Annapolis. That’s nice. You know, if he did that for all killings in Maryland, the flag would be permanently at half staff.
You know, if he did that for all killings in
MarylandBaltimore, the flag would be permanently at half staff./there, fixed it for you
Can’t say I have much use for Gov. Hogan, but he does lower the flag for Maryland’s military who are KIA.
Damn! Bernath is still dead? How does that work, when there is a puke stained, purple jumpsuited, one time skydiver, down in Orange City Florida that has been heard having nightly conversations with him? He’s even been overheard, along the roadside, stumbling away from the Orange City Liquor Store, clutching a bottle of MD 20/20, mumbling about how they could have done so much together.
I wonder how many times he’s been in jail so far and how much more jail time he has coming to him?
Not enough, not enough.
Too bad dipshit doesn’t live in Pasco County. It’d only be a matter of time before he was a regular on Live PD.
Down thread Hack says that dufus is corresponding with him. I would have thought after his hoosegow time he would have shut up and colored.
Figuring the “gain time” that Poser for Life Kyle Christopher Barwan has amassed, he might be on the streets in Late November 2018. That is, if he doesn’t piss of the corrections officers, and keeps a smile on Bubba’s big ole face.It must be getting pretty hot, mighty muggy, and thick with Mosquitoes, down there in the Gainseville Work Camp area of responsibility.
Kyle Christopher Barwan Is still a turd
Kyle Christopher Barwan Is still full of shit
Kyle Christopher Barwan Is a lying sack of shit
Kyle Christopher Barwan Should move to Arizona and pull his crap
Kyle Christopher Barwan Is still at the bob wire hotel
That’s all folks
No! Just because you left Arizona, doesn’t mean you get to foist Kyle Christopher Barwan off on us! Although I do know a rather nice piece of desert that would be a suitable drop-off point…
Exactly !!!!!!!
I know of an RF test facility that can crank out around 3 Megawatts. We can play “how many watts can Kyle take before he explodes”.
just wondering if anyone has heard from Bernath?
oh sorry, i just saw frankie Cee’s post
I don’t use Ouija boards, so no.
I would like to ensure the grass is water there tho. Anyone have a 10 digit grid?
More driving, less TAHing.
If there is a hurricane, the grass will definitely be water… underwater.
All we need is 10 digit grid and a keg of quality beer.
Not to be outdone by the misfire event on the USS Sullivan Brothers, the German Navy vessel Sachsen (F219) had a similar event on her decks.
That’s not a good thing!
That’ll buff right out!
Calling Yef! We need your buffering skills NOW!
The Japanese want to play too.
Fox News Link
That was one pissed off rocket. Did you hear it hissing?
I’m here 9000 feet above sea level
Enjoying a beautiful day lite rain and 64
And by the way I’m present and accountant for
I’m on 24hrs R&R in NorCal after 24 on the line. The fire is out, but they’re expecting a Red Flag Warning up here tomorrow, so they’re milking it to keep resources in place, just in case. Mrs. Whitey wants me home, but she’s consoling herself by making plans for the the overtime check.
Keep up the good fight, TOW. And don’t forget to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
Hell, now that I’m wearing captain’s bugles I’m just watching everybody else work.
Hope all my friends at TAH have a great 4th of July and remember what our nations birthday means to all of us? Thank you to all who served!!
For those who are interested in Daniel Alan Bernath’s current residency:
He is resting at Section 1, Site 967 in the Sarasota National Cemetary, Florida. His Memorial ID number is 189679034.
This is an update from last week’s posting. The link now has a picture of his Headstone with the engraving “Lived Life Well”:
What?! His headstone lists him as a PH-2, says nothing about his “Honorary Chief Petty Officer” status. He wasn’t able to take that phony claim to the grave with him? He must have left it in the wreckage of the plane after he kamakazied in down in the northwest corner of the Florida Everglades. Rest in Pieces Bernath, you earned it.
Lived life well?
I’d hate to see their idea of scum-sucking shitbag worthless waste of sperm and eggs should have been a blowjob life.
Present and ready for the weekend!
Late for formation again. Have a great weekend everyone.
Sparks. You are familiar with the potato peeler? See the mess sergeant.
Am guessing Buffer Detail is only reserved for Yef?
(Just kidding, Yef…you know we love you…)😉
Better than grease traps. I liked DRO. But not so much as to show up at 0300 and start the line. (90% of you younguns have no clue what I wrote). Poet, Frankie, and Claw do.
Do they even make trainees do KP anymore?
SJ, the really cool duty was “Boiler Room” detail. Making sure the stokers were running in the modern buildings, and shoveling coal in the older buildings, 20 hours on, 48 hours off, was nice. While on duty, you could ghost somewhere and get plenty of sleep, then head to Kentucky lake on the 48 off.
Lots of nice crappies and bass at Kentucky and Barkley Lakes. Although, Frankie, I don’t think Lake Barkley existed while you were there. From what I know, something, somewhere was dammed up and the lake was formed up in 1966. Lots of good catfish in the Cumberland River, though, if you could see your way clear of fighting off all those damn gar that would steal your bait./smile
Oh, and yeah, there was still coal room detail going on in the motor pool buildings as late as 73/74 while I was there. At least for my outfit (1/3 ADA) there was.
I still fondly recall the smell of coal burning at Ft Benning and Ft Gordon in the 63 era. Fire watches not withstanding.
When I was in the Band at Parris Island, we went on a TAD/TDY trip to Tampa for the Pirate Festival Parade. While there we stayed at MacDill AFB. They assigned us to a Idle Barracks and the heat and hot water came from the Coal fired system in the building(1 system per bldg.). Since we were only staying for 2 nights, Coal was not provided so we had to traipse over the barracks next door for a hot shower. This was during the 2 week cold spell that had our barracks at PI without heat, since the above ground steam lines FROZE.
Ps comment #120!!!! in WOT.
2/17 Air Cav, I am WELL versed in the use of a potato peeler and a scrub brush for cleaning garbage cans out back of the mess hall. As well as the use of a wire coat hanger, folded properly in order to ‘whip’ the floor wax into a semi liquid to fling on the floor and buff in. Then upon drying, the use of horse blanket pieces under the buffer pad to give it that ‘see yourself shine’. Oh…for those days again.
Horse blanket? We used fuzzy toilet seat covers and that put a glass finish on the floors!
The Expert Floor Buffer Operator Badge, anyone graduating Basic without it is a SLACKER!!!
No toilet fuzzy seat covers in my platoon’s barracks APF. In fact, no toilet seat lids at all, just the part where the ass gasket goes and we didn’t have ass gaskets either. Why? Because they always better had been clean enough for the Drill Sergeant’s mother to take a dump on. Cut pieces of old horse blanket did put a mean shine on the floor though. Just in my experience.
Funny how the most perverse things back then in the 60’s make me smile now: dudes taking a dump in a line of toilets facing each other with no stalls in a WW2 era barracks building at Benning; a cracker from Florida the first time he sees black guys lathering up non stop in showers…dudes could go through some soap! Life like that made me realize that we all have our way of doing things but, at least in the Army, we were all one color: Army Green! Geeze out!
Pictures of those WWII era latrines sans stalls make me wonder just where a dude had to go when he needed to spank his monkey!
A Proud Infidel, I’ll say I quickly learned to keep it quiet with the lights out in the latrine. And listen for footsteps so as to put out the appropriate ‘wicked dump’ moan. If anyone asked why the lights were out, I said so as not to wake my buddies. Fortunately, the troop on Fire Watch was posted at the other end of the barracks and made rounds every 20 minutes. At 18 years old, 20 minutes is enough time to spank it two times AND take a dump.
Not first.
Not second.
Not a turd either.
I had to call the IRS again the other day, something I loathe, being fairly sane. Anyway, this time, before I called, expecting my usual 50-75 minute hold, I coogled around and found THE SECRET to getting to an agent in under 5-6 mins. It worked for me the first time. If anyone wants it, let me know and I’ll post it in a cmt.
I’m interested, even though I’d rather milk venomous reptiles than call the IRS.
Here you go:
IRS: 1-800-829-1040 Hrs: 7 AM – 7 PM local time Monday-Friday
DO NOT choose the first option re: “Refund”, or it will send you to an automated phone line.
Choose option 2 for “personal income tax.”
Then press 1 for “form, tax history, or payment.”
Then press 3 “for all other questions.”
Then press 2 “for all other questions.”
– When it asks you to enter your SSN or EIN to access your account information, DO NOT ENTER ANYTHING.
– After a few seconds, it will ask again for your SSN or EIN and, again, DO NOT ENTER ANYTHING. You will then get yet another menu. When you do, press 2 for “personal or individual tax questions.”
You will then, as if by magic, be transferred to an agent who will actually answer the call quickly.
Amazing, thanks!
Thank you, 2/17 AirCav. You are a kind, kind person, for sharing that.
Misery loves company.
Mrs. and I went to funeral at Barrancas on Tuesday for John Schoonover. The NW Florida Patriot Guard was there, about 40 of them … very impressive. His son and daughter were there. Also present were representatives from numerous service organizations. A retired Navy chaplain said some words. Also speaking was RADM Carol Lynch. I googled her and it seems she is/was head honcho of Navy JAG. John’s son is a retired Navy Chief Photographer’s Mate. It was a very humbling experience. I’m glad we went. I try to attend these types of funerals, where there may not be a great turnout b/c the deceased is unlikely to have many friends and family in the area. His children is not from this area.
I talked to the NW Florida Patriot Guard afterwards. They did 230 funerals at Barrancas last year. They have done over 150 the first half of this year. Tip of the hat to the Patriot Guard.
Speaking of pancakes and waffles, IHOP is changing their name to IHOB and will specialize in hamburgers. Heavily advertised in my part of the country. Guess they got as much mileage out of the pancake angle as they could.
Reminds me of Arby’s. For years all they sold was roast beef sandwiches. Now roast beef is no longer stressed in their commercials. They have a variety of sandwiches. Their advertisement says “We have the meats.”
As Wendy’s asked: You gonna buy burgers from someone who found pancakes too difficult to make?”
Ooh, *POW!*, right in the kisser!
Toys R Us closed their last US store today. They have a few stores remaining in Canada and elsewhere. Hard to say how they missed those two giant ships that began heading their way a few decades ago, Wal Mart and Amazon. For the last several years, at least in those I visited, it reminded me of a trashy Kmart, with stuff out of place, on the floor, etc. Try finding an employee who knew anything? Not gonna happen. It’s like Sam’s: If you make eye contact with an employee, they haul ass.
I understood that the name change to “IHOB” is only temporary and just a marketing ploy.
Of course, I could be wrong.
When it doesn’t work, just like the symbol for the artist formerly known as Prince, you will hear a more popular campaign of “We’re IHOP again!”
Will their slogan be “The Restaurant Formerly Known as IHOP”?
Thank you for sharing, HMC as well as you and your wife attending his funeral.
Am resharing the wonderful story about John and his son, Robert:
Where has MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) been????
Haven’t heard “21nd; 4rd; etc.” from him in ages.
I was also thinking I hadn’t heard Greybeard poke in in awhile.
or the JAG guy (JAGC?). Been a Loooong time for him. He always had good insights.
I’m around but more in “lurker” status these days. As many can relate, been balancing work, military stuff, little kids and other various pursuits. Also, I have been writing a book that many of you might find interesting (I hope). It even has a reference to TAH. It’s currently in prepublication review and I hope to tell you all more about it in the near future.
What’s the TAH burger called at Slash Run? Rumor is that it has Habanero Sauce, so it’s fitting it is called:
“This Ain’t Hell, but You’ll Think it is Later”
BAM! for the weekend open thread win of the week. What ya got to say ’bout that Jonn?
Today a friend was released from a max prison after 15 years… straight time, no early release (by law). He made a terrible mistake and drove drunk, killing someone as a result. He did his time without complaint, knowing the terrible thing he did. I sent him books monthly, and provided magazine subscriptions. He is a VN veteran who crewed helicopters that rescued downed pilots in Laos and North VN. I hope the family of his victim can forgive him.
You are indeed a good friend, 100E.
Hopefully your friend will forgive himself for that tragic mistake.
Well said Pat. There but for the Grace of God, etc. Back in the day when there were mandatory officer calls at the club some bad juju could have happened.
A lot of us, myself included, did things that could have turned out bad. Good luck was my copilot more than once.
Godspeed to your friend 100E. You give renewed meaning to ‘a friend in need, is a friend indeed’.
Interesting weekend around casa OWB. Will be participating in my first official VFW funeral tomorrow. My post has been swamped, and has buried too many of our members in the past month. Plus provided support for several veterans who were not members. Think good thoughts for me, please.
We did sign up 5 new members this month, all of whom will be there as well. Young guys. Looking forward to them getting involved.
The good thoughts worked – thank you!
The service went very well. We had 7 rifles at the ready but one shooter had a bad muscle spasm just prior to firing. We had a very handy spot for him to sit down, so all recovered. We were still happy because we thought we would only have 5 rifles.
Very bad spot for a service. Remote cemetery, very narrow approach, limited places for assembly, and very high heat index. The bugler was actually hidden from view not by choice but of necessity unless we wanted to place everyone in direct sunlight with no breeze. We were all dripping wet even with the bit of shade cover after standing out in it for a couple of hours during the hottest part of the day. But it could have been so much worse. Had it rained, the road would have been treacherous.
A good first experience. It was such an honor to play a role in the interment. We do it again Monday but at a church.
The Vermont CVMA is raffling off a new Harley today. It was purchased by our governor and customized by prisoners. It will be at Green Mountain Harley at 1400.
Mrs. Sparky is in VT visiting family, but I don’t think she’d appreciate me asking her to take a 90-minute roadie to buy a ticket.
Well the Winner was from N.H. The Governor called him up on the spot and told him owed $4000 in taxes on an $18000 dollar bike. Not bad for $50 ticket.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom … so predictable it was painful
Harley Davidson … have heard they are moving overseas? Being US built was a calling card of theirs for decades.
Biggest catfish caught … 35 pounds, Navy Lake, Millington, TN 1979
Biggest carp (yeah, I know) … also about 35 pounds, Smith Lake in NC 60s
Biggest bass … about 4 pounds
Live less than five miles from Gulf of Mexico and rarely go fishing. Much prefer fresh water fishing.
Here’s hoping you released the 35 pound catfish. Those are the breeders for the future generations. I always found that harvesting the yearlings/two year olds in the 4-5 pound range worked out best when doing beer batter dipper strips.
A 35 pound carp would just about provide the fertilizer for 15-16 mounds of pumpkins, squash, watermelons, etc./smile Some of the old Buffalo Carp we would catch in the Tippecanoe or Kankakee Rivers in Indiana would put a 35 pounder to shame. But if you catch a carp early in the year and make sure you cut out the “mud vein”/blood stripe completely, then BBQ them, they weren’t half bad.
Oh, I forgot to add:
The Brits go in big for fly fishing for carp. Over there they call them “Golden Bass.”
So, I walk into a local Micky Dees this a.m. and there, with a couple of buds, sits a fellow with a 101st ball cap on his noggin. It looks brand new. And I say to him, with a smile, “101st? I was with the 2/17.” He looks at me like I’m speaking Chinese. The smile leaves my face. He has no clue. I start to move away and he says, “I was attached to the 1st Cav. I took my airborne training overseas.” He got a good look at my ass.
I see that another genius journalist got shit canned. He tweeted that a MAGA hat was dropped by the Annapolis newspaper office shooter. Never happened. Maybe he and Fat Checker can get a job writing copy for CNN or MSNBC.
Posers get to dress up on 4JULY, Independence Day. If the heat index isn’t 106 as it has almost every day for a week, the Mrs. and I might head downtown for the parade. Fewer people every year. Those who stand and salute the Flag are 3-4 y/o and old folks. Everyone else is on their stupid cell. One of my providers has a sign on her office wall: If your phone rings when I am in here with you, I’m leaving. The appointment is over.” Her office. Her rules. I don’t have a cell. Wife does. Safety reasons.
On the wall of the Barber Shop I go to is a price list saying:
Haircut – $11.00
Cell Phone Cut – $15.00
He’s serious, answer your cell phone while he’s working on you and it’s an instant extra five bucks!
“I don’t have a cell”
I thought I was the only one.
Hack Stone has been remiss in updating the Usual Suspects (TAH Usual Gang Of Miscreants) as to (slipped that one in) the recent correspondence that he recently received from a surviving member of The Dutch Rudder Gang. It seems that Dallas Wittgenfeld has learned how to log on to Facebook, and he sent Hack a message identifying Hack as an individual residing in Gaithersburg MD. Wittgenfeld was so kind as to provide a screenshot of Hack’s “secret Identity”, but he can assure everyone that at no time in his life has Hack Stone ever sported a beard. That is due partially to a fashion choice, and partially to the fact to his Irish DNA, he just can’t pull off growing a quality beard.
That being said (written?), Hack believes that the reason that Wittgenfeld contacted him is because Wittgenfeld is currently “cash poor”, having invested heavily in buying up all of the Hawaiian Punch that he could acquire, anticipating massive shortages of this precious commodity due to the Kilauea volcano activity.
Maximum Waters is at it again. This time she appeared at some rally of illegals and their sympathizers demanding that the US disregard its immigration and entrance laws. She held a sign in front of her that read, “Families Belong Together.” Of course, she can’t mean that. Is she proposing that a family be incarcerated when one of its members goes to prison? How about that over 70% of Black births in the UDS are to unmarried women and that about the same percentage of Black households have no Dad in them? Is that what she is demanding, that Black biological fathers marry the women they impregnate and actually live with the mother and baby? Sure. That must be it.
A friend e-mailed me about Mad Max actually demanding the next SCOTUS pick be an illegal alien. Unfortunately it was on CNN, so only a few dozen folks actually saw it.
True or not, she makes barking moonbats seem sane.
As ignorant, and I mean dead damn dumb fucking ignorant as Maxie is, the sadness is that those who voted for her are even more so. How fucking low can the bar go? That’s an honest question too.
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