Weekend open thread
June 22, 2018
Swiss Sunrise
In northern Switzerland, winter fog rolls over Wasserflue mountain. Your Shot photographer Christian Gehrig held the shutter open for 13 seconds at sunrise to create the impression of movement.
Nine more days until our rent is due – donate now. We’re a little over half way to our $6000 goal (the actual amount is $7200, but I pay a lump sum amount in July to save $1200 from what I would pay if I paid monthly).
Category: Open thread
Congrats Jon, may you be recorded in the exhaulted book of firsts!!
I stand corrected. I could have been a contender. Congrats, Jon The Mechanic.
Thank you HMC. I was lucky to have gotten in ahead of you.
I’ve often wondered – if you were on a ship and you post just as you cross the international date line, did it happen yesterday or did it happen today.
I ponder those things. 😉
Why do I give my retirement money for investment to a guy called a broker?
Which way were you crossing? Today into tomorrow, or today into yesterday?
Now cross the Equator and flush the toilet- Coriolis effect will spin the whirlpool clockwise or counter clockwise, depending on if you are North or South of the equator.
Crossing the equator at the International Date Line while flushing the toilet will cause a rift in the space-time continuum and will end the Multiverse as we currently know it.
You want THAT on your resume?
If you strap a piece of toast onto the back of a cat… butter side up… and toss the cat off the roof… does it land butter side down, or does the cat land on it’s feet?
Neither- the cat always lands on her feet, and buttered toast will inevitably land buttered side down.
The forces cancel, so the toast-strapped cat will simply hover. And be loudly unhappy about it.
Heh, I just got done tossing unbuttered toast out the door for the Grackles. Keeps them off the feeder. They have an upside down tail like an F4 so I call them Phantoms. Fun to watch them rotate with a whole slice and warp their wings to compensate for that giant airfoil in their mouth.
And here is to hoping that PV9 Giordano is found to have last served honorably at the rank of E-4.
Here ’tis, better late then never.
Top 10 – ain’t bad.
At the peremptory request of … well, just about nobody, I herewith submit this week’s trivia nonsense. Enjoy, if that be your pleasure! DID YOU KNOW…? Did the YMCA actually threaten to sue the Village People for their hit song, “YMCA”? By Commissioner Wretched I must tell you, I admire comedians of the bygone era. I’m speaking of the greats, like Jack Benny … Fred Allen … Groucho Marx … Herb Shriner … George Gobel … and so many more. Why do I admire them, you may ask? Because they were able to entertain me – and millions of other people – without resorting to what is known as “blue” material. I’m referring to curse words, vulgar comments, coarse references to bodily functions, and the like. See, it is possible to be popular and funny without being shocking. (That in itself is pretty shocking, isn’t it?) They were the products of a different time. Now that different time had a lot of bad things in it, don’t get me wrong, and those things should have been addressed then – and in many cases, they have been or are being addressed today. But one very nice part of that different time was that people who entertain didn’t have to resort to disgusting talk to do so. And in that vein, I refrain from such silly commentary here in my efforts to entertain you. What I do bring you, every week, is trivia. And I know you enjoy it; at least, my e-mail box says you do. If you want to tell me you like it (or don’t like it), send a note to didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com and I’ll promise a swift reply. Without turning “blue” (unless I hold my breath a while), here’s this week’s sojourn into the minutiae of life we call … trivia! Did you know … … there have been three times in history when coffee has been banned? Once in Mecca during the 16th Century; once when King Charles II banned the drink to quiet a burgeoning revolution; and once in Germany in 1677 when Frederick the Great banned it because… Read more »
Re: Yakov, Stalin always treated him like shit. He unsuccessfully attempted suicide in the 1930s because the old man didn’t approve of his least-favorite son marrying a Jewish girl. Stalin’s reaction to the whole thing was to say “The idiot can’t even shoot straight.” From what I’ve read of Yakov Dzugashvili’s life, you could say the Germans did him a favor when they ended it.
Re: toilet paper, wasn’t the original term “therapeutic papers?”
Re: licensed hunters vs. Red Chinese army, reminds me of the apocryphal quote attributed to Yamamoto about there being “a gun behind every blade of grass.” He probably didn’t actually say that, but he would have been right if he did.
Yeah, I doubt I’d want ol’ Uncle Joe as my father. Not a nice man by anybody’s definition of the word. Fact – he was more afraid of his people uprising against him than they were of him.
Toilet paper was, indeed, known as “therapeutic papers.” In the days before the Sears catalog, it was pretty therapeutic, I’d imagine.
I’ve found no verification of the Yamamoto quote, but I’ve also found no refutation of it, either, so make of that what you will.
CW: Question.
You wrote “the first non-human to win an Oscar was Mickey Mouse? (He’s also the first non-living-thing to win an Oscar.”
If Mickey Mouse was the first, then who was the 2nd?🤔
Factually, Walt Disney received the Oscar and not Mickey…(I know, I know, I’m a party-pooper…🎈🎈
True, Mr. Disney received the Oscar. You’re a party pooper. But it’s okay. My little factoids have been known to spark a discussion or two in their time.
I’m not sure who the second was … I’m guessing Tom and Jerry, or possibly Bugs Bunny. I know each received Academy Awards.
With regards to comedians the Dean Martin Roasts were a lot better than what now passes for roasts on Comedy Central. I gave up trying to watch those about half way through my first attempt. I swear as much as any soldier but fail to see how using any variation of our favorite word (rhymes with duck) enhances a joke. De Niro’s movie The Comedian is an example of what I’m talking about. Consider me neither amused or shocked, Bobby Boy.
Old saying from the comics who worked the Catskills was “If you have to be blue to be funny, you aren’t funny”
This clip of Dean Martin and Foster Brooks is hilarious … and while there may be a bit of innuendo (one by Mr. Martin and one by Mr. Brooks), it’s perfectly clean. This is what I mean by not working “blue.”
No point in even trying anymore, my internet connection is soooooooo slow I’m going back to dial up…
Con grat’s to the winner!
I was doing work related stuff when the WOT post dropped.
Had copy and paste ready and everything.
Ferbiddy-twird and that’s it.
It is raining and cold in my kingdom. I have turned on the furnace, and it is a shade over a week to July. I guess Gorebull Warming went to another planet.
Meantime, Mars is suffering from a dust storm which started three Earth days ago and now covers the entire planet.
Good times.
We’re also in the process of overtaking Mars. During my pre dawn 6 mile runs, I could see it as a tiny sphere, bright orange red, with the effects of the dust storm. It outshines the fireflies when compared one on one.
Get photos if you can. A stick tripod doesn’t cost much and weighs very little.
First but for Russian Collusion
Who do you buy a drink for to get the hat tip for when this thread’ll drop? 🙂
That information is closely held by those of us with Dashboard access, and only Jonn sets the exact time.
In other words, sorry buddy, nice try.
No ill feelings; in the Navy, “If ya ain’t cheatin’, ya ain’t tryin’!”
There’s a very fine line between “cheating” and “liberal interpretation of the rulebook”.
Which is why NCOs run the military, and graciously allow the Officers to think they’re in charge.
If it’s worth fighting for, it’s worth fighting dirty!
(Former enlisted)
My first platoon sergeant, SFC Loving, told me on my first day as a platoon leader: “Sir, I run this platoon, but I will let you command it, but we will work together to make it continue to be the best platoon in the battalion.” I let him continue to run it, and one of my squads won the brigade MSPC (Mounted Squad Personnel Carrier) live fire competition that year.
Got a somewhat NSFW joke for y’all. This one is courtesy of one of my firefighters, who’s a female practitioner of the “alternate lifestyle.”
What do you call it when you cockblock a lesbian?
Seems I’ve heard this one, but damned if I can recall the punchline..
Correct answer:
Beaver dam
Clam Jam?
Bush Whack?
Pussy Pass?
Beaver Dam?
Need I go on?
Coot’ scoot
I googled it so blame them for the buzzfeed link (I’m still sorry tho)
I always thought that eventually all lesbians end up looking alike because they’re always rubbing off on one another!
Have a great weekend y’all
Top 20
Greetings comrades.
Where’s MCPO NYC USN (Ret.)? Haven’t seen him for a while.
He commented on the Navy thread a short while ago.
Jonn, this is new puter IP address. My old puter died fighting but is still dead. Jonn, please take note of this message. I really do put in the Mod Room w/the fakers,embellishers and other deviant types. Joe
Present! Twelveteenth I think.
I’m somewhere around here….
TOP THIRTY and Honorary First once again.
Tickled the donate button- time’s short so do likewise!
Question for all, seeking information, advice and opinions –
Is anyone, or does anyone know someone who went to Uniformed Services University? What was your major, and were you a civilain or military?
I know someone that went. He was a friend. Def Lepper fan, long hair, civilian. He had good grades. Majored in Molecular and cell biology. Got a commission in the Army as he went through. Sepcialized in opthamology. My ex-military friends also applied and didn’t get in there, but their GPA was slightly less than his.
I’m heading out on a much-needed vacation. You guys and gals all take care, and I’ll catch y’all when I return next month. Combat Historian out…
As of June 22, 2018, Dennis Howard Chevalier, a.k.a. Denny H Chevalier, phony Gulf War veteran, phony veteran, phony C-130 compass call pilot, phony SWAT veteran, phony retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel… That Dennis Howard Chevalier… Still was arrested on February 27, 2018, for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
He pointed a gun at his ex-wife and son, waved a loaded weapon around and pretended to shoot things, threatened an ex-fiancé with putting a round into her head, and then his arrest for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
One of these days, he’s going to point his gun at someone, like he has done before… And BHANG! They need to take this guy’s weapons away before he shoots someone.
Here is one link to one the details:
Just google “Dennis Chevalier arrested” to get additional details.
I can’t help but laugh every time I look at his mugshot photo, he has an “OH SHIT, Bubba & Thor are gonna OWN ME!” look on his face!
The Perennial Shitstain, Kyle Christopher Barwan, dob January 1, 1990 is still at the Gainesvile Work Camp facility of the Florida Department of Corrections. His present release to Parole Status date is 12/12/18. If he behaves himself, keeps Bubba with a smile on his face, and stays on his knees around his corrections officers, he won’t lose his “good time”.
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This blog is the funniest damn thing out there.
Inside baseball on steroids.
It’s like sitting around a burning barrel of shit with your peers as each member takes their turn stirring.
That’s kind of a disturbing mental image but I get your point… just remember to check the wind.
Does the USAA commercial where the wife says “they thank you for your service which is nice because as a spouse we serve too” annoy the crap out of anyone else?
Air Force Twist. She meant she serves at the O club. 🙂
It sorta does, but mostly it is amusing. Having been a member of the military and a spouse of a military member, I can attest that it is hardly the same.
Guess it depends upon just how ones defines the word “serve.” In some ways the spouses do indeed also serve, but in no way the same way.
Yup. First time that came on, MRS D lost her shit. I mean lost it. Sammy the Wonderdog didn’t come out from under the bed for 2 days.
USAA sucks all around – when I was in the Army, they only accepted officers. When they got rid of that policy, I needed insurance and they told me that I had been out too long. I can take a hint. Their loss.
USAA screwed me on a Jaguar XKE that was totaled in Germany. The claims adjuster in Frankfurt knew I was working 6 or 7 days a week as an infantry officer and was in no position to argue with the company about his determination that car, with 7500 miles on the clock, was only worth $1900, which just happened to be about $50.00 less than the loan balance. He was a big fat Irish a-hole. Never did business with them again.
Oh, yes it does! Glad I’m not alone. My spouse (child of career USAF pilot) disagreed with me when I called bullshit on the wife in that ad. I thought he was joking; was appalled to realize he was not.
Why am I not surprised:
Funny how “Family Separation” was never an issue with the news media during BHO’s 8 years…
looks like we’re back to “catch and release” with this latest over reaction.
Wow..that was disturbing to read…and you are right about the “catch and release”..not good.
Twist mentioned the USAA commercial.
Which led me to sharing with TAH one of my favorite commercials (some of you are probably too young to remember this one):
Anyone else have a favorite they would like to share?
One of my own favorites is the Volkswagen “Snow Plow” ad by DDB from 1964.
Have never seen that VW commercial, Perry. But now I have…😊
Thank you for sharing!
Hey, you know who the Dad (Johnny Haymer 1920-1989) is in the Rice Krispies commercial?
That’s MASH 4077’s Supply Sergeant and part-time electrician/generator operator, Elmo Zale.
Claw…that’s him? The MASH Supply Daddy from Brooklyn?
Wow…learned something new today…thanks!
BTW, “No More Rice Krispies!” finally replaced “Beep! Beep!” (that was painful…😉)
Was about to comment on Zelmo Zale. Glad I read through. Thanks.
The EDS commercial…
“No animals were harmed making that commercial”..😉
John Giduck – the turd with a face!
When a dog leaves a John Giduck on the yard, does it come out head first or feet first ???
This child/parent illegal immigration stuff is insane. First, there is no outrage among the Left when Americans are raped, murdered, or killed by drunk drivers and the culprits are illegal aliens. Second, the propaganda pics are beyond the pale. The little kid in a cage, you probably know, was in no cage at all. A small fence was between him and the photographer, and that’s all. Now, Time magazine has a cover showing a crying toddler looking up. The magic of photo merging makes it appear she is looking tearfully at Trump. So, what about that poor child? Well, it turns out that thye child was never separated from her mother at all. Mommy was deported from the US to her native Honduras in 2012. (Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Trump was president then.) Anyway, the mother, one S. Sanchez, abandoned her husband and their three other children in Honduras, took the little one, and the rest is history or, more accurately, fiction. The pic made it’s way around the world and the husband saw his little girl, Yanela. And that’s how the story surfaced. The truth sucks, doesn’t it Lefties?
Yep…check out my comment above on Time Magazine and then check out this out:
As I said, why is it the news media did not bring up “Family Separation” during BHO’s time in office…(sarc)
It’s positively insane. Fake pics. Fake stories. Doesn’t matter. It proves what we’ve been saying about Trump all along! And every Hollywood jackass and jillass, not to mention newsy type, is out blaming Trump. Imbeciles. They don’t care one whit about the truth.
I keep waiting for every liberal to virtue signal with a sign in their yard that says, “I love you, my doors are unlocked, this is a gun free zone.”
The WV Supreme Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, has five justices, including one designated chief justice. Their budget has no legislative oversight. That’s sweet but is likely to soon change. The reason is a fellow named Allen Loughry. He was the chief justice of the WV Supreme Court until a long-time court employee started talking to local media. The employee, a court administrator, talked about state-bought things going into Loghry’s home. He talked about a new couch that Loughry bought for his office, at a cost of $32,000! He talked about the use of state cars and state gas for personal doings. And he talked about other things, all involving Loughry and all involving great expense. So, being the honorable and decent public servant, what did Loughry do? He targeted the employee and even made a phone call to the Feds about him. How dare some low-level SOB stir his gilded pot! It didn’t work. The other day, Loughry was arrested. He faces over 30 counts and about 400 years in prison. He’ll probably never see a day. The guy who was charged with mail fraud, witness tampering, and other crimes involving moral turpitude, was released on $10,000 bail. My guess is that he wasn’t even cuffed when he was taken into custody.
I missed the WOT contest today, I was getting a much needed haircut !!!
I just tried to watch “Once Upon a Time in America” starring the biggest pussy actor in America now, Robert De Niro and had to give it up after the second rape of a woman.
Only a libidiot could take enjoyment by filming the rape of a woman.
One guy told me that it was one of the best movies ever….
Well, I think I’ll stick with my Cary Grant movie, “Operation Petticoat” for being one of the best ever made.
Cary Grant and Tony Curtis together, great funny movie !!!
What about “SOME LIKE IT HOT” with Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, and Marilyn Monroe?
I watched “Rear Window” last night, again. Still trying to figure out what an uptown babe like Grace Kelly, rich, beautiful, etc. saw in old, haggard James Stewart living in a one bedroom walk up. She sure did cut a nice figure though. I was even rooting for Raymond Burr to toss his ass out the window to see what happened but damned if the cops didn’t break his fall, more or less.
“During a visit to Ireland, fired FBI Director James Comey said Friday that he was so ashamed of current U.S. immigration policies that he considered telling Irish customs officials that he was Canadian when he arrived.”
Comey was there to hawk his book. As far as I am concerned, that statement by Comey reveals all that needs to be known about him. POS.
All one has to do is study his work history to know he is corrupt, as is his butt-buddy, Mueller.
An interesting case was decided by the Supremes the other day, by a 5-4 vote. Again, one lawyer in a black robe made the law of the land. His name is John Roberts, the guy who has special powers that allow him to see what isn’t apparent to anyone else, as he did when he saw obamacare was just a tax. Anyway, he once again joined the four dyed-in-the-wools libs on the court (Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan) in ruling that tracking a person’s location by tracking his cell-phone use through third-party business records requires a warrant. The decision is being hailed as a victory for privacy rights but I don’t see it that way at all. Instead, I see it as a victory for criminals who now get to assert the 4th A protection against unreasonable searches and seizure when nothing of theirs is searched and nothing of theirs is seized.
Here’s the case for those who wish to read it. Alito’s dissent gives a wonderful historical perspective.
Dunno. It seems to me what the decision is saying isn’t that the Feds can’t have access to the phone location data. It’s saying that if they want it, they need to obtain a warrant. To decide otherwise carries with it an implication that there are no reasonable expectations against privacy intrusion not only from the Feds, but also from commercial interests who could use the data however they want.
Some of this gets back to a statement made by Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems in 1999 that in the online realm “You have zero expectations of privacy. Get over it.” Those at the time who said McNealy was full of shit were generally considered to be hopeless Luddites, but subsequent circumstances have shown they had a point. There are a lot of signals that the gathering and sale of personal data is spiraling out of control.
“To decide otherwise carries with it an implication that there are no reasonable expectations against privacy intrusion….” A telephone company’s records do not belong to an individual who uses the company’s service. And since the 4th A has not, heretofore, extended to third parties, such as a business who have records about you, the warrant requirement is not triggered. If, for instance a rental car company rents a car to someone who uses the car in the commission of a crime, and law enforcement either asks for the rental records or furnishes the company with a subpoena for them, the suspected criminal has no standing to assert that his 4th A rights were violated. The records are not his. They belong to the rental company.
And while I’m at it, an expectation of privacy is nowhere found in the Constitution. It is a creation of former Justice Harlan, who fashioned it as a 4th A test. It has since taken on a life of its own and is frequently mistaken to be a Constitutional right.
Personally, I don’t have a problem if the law has evolved to bring issues of privacy under the umbrella of the 4th Amendment. If the Constitution wasn’t open to some interpretation, there wouldn’t be a need for the Supreme Court.
One of the things that annoys me about some of this stuff is that back in the day there seemed to be more of a sense of decency, fairness, and honor about how personal communications were handled. Gentlemen, so the saying went, do not read other people’s mail. Postal service related law has underwritten the idea, and the international community has continued to respect the sanctity of the diplomatic pouch.
Why should the internet be any different?
The law has not, as you say, evolved. What has changed is the view of how the law should be applied, courtesy of a few lawyers in black robes. Here’s something to ponder. Including Marbury v. Madison, when the court unilaterally assumed for itself the power of judicial review, the Supreme Court declared laws to be unconstitutional 10 times in 88 years (1789-1867.) In 2006, the Supreme Court did the same thing six times, and it took only 4 years (2002-2006) for the court to do that 10 times. In other words, those few lawyers are making laws. That’s not the way our system was designed.
All right. So I can’t add. Sue me.
I don’t know where the internet reference comes from. The case at hand concerns the tracking of someone’s whereabouts by police by their accessing a service provider’s business records w/o a warrant.
There was an implied “for example” in the internet reference. It was made in the sense of not just specific relevance to the phone company’s location tracking, but also to IT in general. My own view is that whether or not the phone company should require a warrant to release tracking data isn’t the main question. It’s whether, and how, they should be recording and retaining the tracking data in the first place.
We are creating a surveillance state, and we’re doing it mostly for the pathetic purpose of getting “liked” on Facebook, or “followed” on Twitter, or to make Sergei Brin rich enough to buy Lithuania. The old East German Stasi would be delighted; they couldn’t have imagined such a thing in their wildest dreams.
But I might be going off topic by looking at the forest instead of the trees…
And another legal story…
Unless you are an imaginative judge, sex and sexual orientation are not synonymous. There’s a story on Fox News online whose headline begins, “Teacher Suspended for Being Gay.” The teacher, a woman, showed a picture of her wife to a class. The teacher was suspended, and she has, of course, filed a lawsuit alleging that she has been discriminated against. She most certainly has. The question is whether she was illegally discriminated against. And that’s where the fun begins regarding “discrimination on account of sex.” Sex means gender. It does not mean sexual activity, let alone sexual preference. Unfortunately, not all Circuit Courts agree with that. Some would like to twist and turn the term “sex” and define it to include sexual preference. Eventually, the Supremes will take this on or Congress can change the verbiage in the statute. If that change must come, and I wish otherwise, I prefer that it come through Congress and the Chief Executive, not from one or two lawyers in black robes.
If it was a private school and she signed a contract about not discussing homosexuality, shame on her.
Other than that, who cares to whom she’s married?
I take that back, are they hot?
Here is there picture, Roh-Dog:
“their” not “there”.
Thanks! That’s tempting…
Per the vid in that link, it is permissible to fire someone for being gay in 28 states.
Well, I’m pretty f**king liberal when it come to the whole ‘gay rights’ thing but…
So, I really want an AR but I live in CT. So I can leave this state and go to one where my rights aren’t infringed upon. I have that choice. And I’m talking about an enshrined, god-giveth/man-no-take-ey-away, Constitutional right.
Let’s make a deal, fruitcakes. 100% reciprocity for unlimited carry and repeal of all firearms laws post-‘34 for ‘gay marriage’ and you can’t be fired.
Our IDC_SARC would certainly tag team them both, based on their photo posted with the FOX story. But then that’s not giving too much credit.
I didn’t want to say his name.
We just got the smell off the website from the last, um, mess.
Btw Jonn, we’re out of bleach.
Good news . Another genius is out of the gene pool. Bad news. His girlfriend was pregnant when she shot him. It was a video stunt gone not wrong, but the way one would expect. A .50 cal handgun shot point blank through an encyclopedia that was serving as a bullet-proof vest. I’m not certain where the bullet stopped but it made a hole in the book and in genius. For pulling the trigger at his instance, she got 180 days to be served at 30-day intervals over 6 years. Guns don’t kill people, but stupid sure does.
I remembered this. Jonn posted this info about a year ago (@ 26 June 2017) after this tragic incident.
Jonn had it listed as “Fame”, but I cannot find that posting. He used that title, because that was what the couple wanted: Fame, as in YouTube Stars.
And you are right, 2/17 Air Cav, because it was stupidity as well as greed to become famous that killed the young man and not the gun.
Darwin grins.
Any thoughts on this cut and repost below By Charles Krauthammer I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a group called “Organizing for Action” (OFA). OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our current president’s administration is trying to do. This organization goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed to proceed then we will be living in chaos very much like third world countries are run. What good is it to have an established government if it is not going to be respected and allowed to follow our laws? If you had an army some 30,000 strong and a court system stacked over the decades with judges who would allow you to break the laws, how much damage could you do to a country? We are about to find out in America! Our ex-president said he was going to stay involved through community organizing and speak out on the issues and that appears to be one post-administration promise he intends to keep. He has moved many of his administration’s top dogs over to Organizing for Action. OFA is behind the strategic and tactical implementation of the resistance to the Trump Administration that we are seeing across America, and politically active courts are providing the leverage for this revolution. OFA is dedicated to organizing communities for “progressive” change. Its issues are gun control, socialist healthcare, abortion, sexual equality, climate change, and of course, immigration reform. OFA members were propped up by the ex-president’s message from the shadows: “Organizing is the building block of everything great we have accomplished Organizers around the country are fighting for change in their communities and OFA is one of the groups on the front lines. Commit to this work in 2017 and beyond.” OFA’s website says it… Read more »