Scott Edward Davis; serial phony
The Miami Herald reports that Scott Edward Davis has been arrested for impersonating a Homeland Security agent as well as a veteran. He’s locked up in the Indian River County jail after deputies found him flashing a badge and for having a veteran designation on his drivers’ license;
According to the police report, the case began back in December 2017, when Davis reportedly started a verbal disturbance at a Ford dealership in Vero Beach when the suspect presented a badge and “repeatedly identified himself as a representative of the Department of Homeland Security.”
On his person was a driver’s license that listed him as having a veteran designation.
He’s been at it for a while according to WPTV;
Police in Austin, Texas say Davis was arrested twice in 1992, in which he made over 20 traffic stops on unsuspecting victims while impersonating a law enforcement officer. He was found in possession of emergency lights, a siren, an unauthorized fire department badge, and he admitted he might have had a firearm during these traffic stops.
Davis was also arrested in 2005 in Clay County, Florida for impersonating a law enforcement officer. According to a Clay County report, he reportedly conducted a traffic stop with blue lights in his personal vehicle. He was near a military base and identified himself as Major Scott Davis.
During the investigation of the disturbance at Velde Ford in December, investigators noticed a document in his driver’s license file which appears to have come from the Veterans Administration and showed years of service from 1984 to 2006 and an honorable discharge. The document was used by Davis to obtain the veterans designation on his license.
Investigators became suspicious that someone with Davis’ felony arrest history would have remained in the military. Veterans Administration records revealed that the document was fake and Davis had actually been in the U.S. Army from 1987 to 1989 and was discharged under other than honorable conditions. The Veterans Administration confirmed that Davis is not eligible for benefits, nor is he considered a veteran.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Florida again!
You took the words right out of my mouth Mick.
The Grand Master Poser Shitbag of all poser shitbags…and from Florida too…
(Flying fake badges and shredded phony documents go EVERYWHERE).
OTH not eligible for benefits.
Can you say, “BCD or DD,” boys and girls? I thought you could!
I’ll say this: Gah!!! Ugly, poser fucktard!!!
Pretend to be a vet and you get shamed. Pretend to be a cop and you go to jail. Pretend to be a Federal Agent and you go to prison. At least he has been working his way up to the big leagues.
His next stint will be to impersonate a corrections officer
In a lot of states it’s only a misdemeanor, so nothing but “time served” and a paltry fine.
As with stolen valor, this is the tip of the iceberg. He’s not doing this for altruistic reasons.
This hole is really, really deep and full of unpleasant stuff, isn’t it?
I’m sure he’s saying ‘Awe, something else!’ right now.
As nasty as he is, and with an OTH discharge, it is my considered opinion that this ball of slime be awarded whatever size Pile of Insults ChipNASA has to offer. Even a vacuum-compressed version will do.
We could use the Bunker of Insults for low-rent scumbags like this guy…
Well, we a now up to the top of page 6 and it is now The Continent of Insults®™ .
We have EX-PH2’s request and then The Stranger’s comment, so, if we have an AYE vote, I’ll drop the entire load on this asshole because he’s been at it for more than 25 years.
Aye! Aye! A thousand times, aye!
Rules of engagement checked. Legal officer says this is a valid target. Chip, you’re cleared hot. Area is clear of friendlies.
Hey Scotty, Enjoy jail you festering fuckbucket. I hope you’re made AIR TIGHT DAILY. Fucking Spermburper…. The Continent of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! THREE PASS AIRCRAFT BOMB RUN!!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! Scott Edward “Douchebag” Davis NOT a Veteran, vile, flaming piece of skunk shit, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY!!, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, Fucking one cell spermatozoon with a tiny flagella, gaping giant ass walking fungus shit nugget, Bag of seasoned dog shit, Cambodian cunt sauce, he deserves to have his private parts gnawed by angry badgers, Anyone who ever loved you was wrong, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, JERK OFF !!, Soup Sandwich, if you Mom would have known you were going to turn out like this, she’d have prayed for a miscarriage, Diaper-Sniper, you’re such a pussy, when you get a haircut they charge you for a bikini wax, suck a big diseased gorilla dick and open those ass cheeks for the bull elephant that has been eyeing your lying ass, Poster-child for post birth abortion, This twat waffle is dumber than a bucket of goat piss, I pray thou shalt be pursued into the mountains by sex-mad baboons, O thou creature of the pit!, If you are married, The only thing your wife wants for Christmas is a folded flag, Dick Swallowing Jerk Wad Spooge Sampling cum gobbling parasitic infection bunghole tonguer, Klootviool, should be ass raped and tea-bagged, at the same time, by a Rabid Rhinoceros, you were the kid that had to sit alone at lunchtime, you’re the afterbirth that… Read more »
should eat a nice steaming pile of monkey shit you ass clown, looks like hammered dog shit, Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn’t what she meant, If Mr. Rogers were alive, he’d piss on your grave, helmet wearing short bus riding window licker, Head paddler in the douche canoe, Uncle Fucker, more ate up than a chocolate dildo in a crowded gay bar, shitbag, dipstickus giganticus, Humpty Dumpty cleanup man after the fleet visits Naples, Herp-Burger, poofter, intergalactic cunt muffin, knob gobbling, fimicolous galactic Jackoff, Deputy executive assistant jizz mopper in training, chronic hemorrhoid, stugatz, inbred, toe-jam from an infected Filipino hooker that specializes in foot jobs, tortured turnip turd, Sea Donkey, festering pool of anal leakage, your penis lives in eternal darkness, I’d hate to see your toilet, retardus maximus, Microcephalic Toad Licker, can go suck a fat baby’s dick, steaming rat-felching bucket of moldy monkey fuck, Bellicose ball gnashing raper of babies with rabies, Pecker-puffing pickle licker, catcher not pitcher, bawbag, about as useful as a white crayon, Arschloch, impotent koekeloeren, slaptard, couldn’t even be trained in my AFSC in the USAF to suck farts out of C-5 seat cushions, mumpsimus, reverse dirty sanchez lover, scunner, kutomba wewe, Cryptosporidium-ridden tire tosser, fudgepacker, turbo douche & enema nozzle, mental midget, likes to molest small farm animals, dead and alive, is a hemorrhoid, 100 retarded monkeys could jerk off in a stagnant swamp and generate a better life form than you, You are about as useful as a knitted condom, if I have the taste of you in my mouth, I’d lick the taint of a dead rotting water buffalo in the Vietnamese jungle just to get the taste out, just to fix your shit, you could make a Jew deny the Holocaust, you are the reason Jesus can’t play peek-a-boo, he has holes in his hands, you are a 0 EPR/OPR, you are worse than a Dishonorable Discharge….from your Mom’s vagina, Massive bucket of schlong fuck juice, cockalorum cum-guzzling gutter slut, Dalton Coldiron’s bunny-butt buddy atomic sphincter goblin,… Read more »
The motion passes
No need for a second
To pass for a repeat
Turd burglar…
Amen! Where’s the Tylenol?
UP HIS ASS sideways with a frozen python!
I’ll bet he had a toy badge as a kid and rode a bicycle with a siren. The girls shunned him so he decided to arrest them. Sicko creep.
Got his start as a pretend Hall Monitor.
Or a Mall brat…
“… so he decided to arrest them.” Bwhaaa
Does it look as if he had some plastic surgery done on his face? (Mugshot different than the one Jonn posted):
They made it a real PITA for *me* to get that “V” on my license even with honest documentation, and this dirtbag managed to get one with faked papers?
A slow week for Seal posers and this guy lives two counties south of me.
I would keep this loser away from kids….