Tuesday morning feel good stories

| June 19, 2018

From Riverside, Illinois;

Someone kicked in the side door of a home at 8:11 a.m. in the 500 block of Berkeley Road in Riverside after ringing the doorbell and getting no response, according to a statement form Riverside police.

The homeowner, who has a valid concealed carry license, picked up his gun and yelled for the intruder to get out, police said. The homeowner and suspect never saw each other.

The suspect or suspects drove off in a dark-colored SUV, according to police. No injuries were reported.

From Temple City, California;

A man who broke into a Temple City business early Monday was shot and wounded by the owner, authorities said.

Sheriff’s Lt. Tom McNeil said the injured suspect was expected to survive.

Deputies caught a second suspect who fled the scene when he crashed several streets away, in the 4400 block of Temple City Boulevard.

The two men had tried to break into an automotive business in the 4700 block of Miller Drive around 4 a.m., the lieutenant said. The owner was at the shop.

One of the suspects pried the door open, got inside and was shot, McNeil said. The owner had been burglarized in the past, McNeil said, but he did not know if it happened at the same business.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Whether the victim did or did not have a valid carry permit is almost as relevant as if he had a valid drivers license, paid up taxes, and an ACT score. But, at least that story is clear about who was the victim of the crime.


Curiously, the media fabulists seldom mention whether the perpetrator has a license or even lawfully owns the firearm used during commission of their crimes.


It’s Tuesday, so Sister Mary Grace is only going to point out the rather confusing word order of this sentence:

“Deputies caught a second suspect who fled the scene when he crashed several streets away….”

It’s still raining outside my little house. Accuweather’s forecasts should be impounded for unreliability. They change them on an almost hourly basis. At least, we’re getting rain so that the tall corn will grow. Sam Naomi would be pleased.

A. Young

Got golf ball-sized hail where I live.