Friday morning feel good stories

| June 15, 2018

From Las Vegas, Nevada;

A central valley homeowner shot and killed an intruder Wednesday morning, Las Vegas police said.

Police were called at 11 a.m. to the 2800 block of Hermosa Street, near East Sahara Avenue and Maryland Parkway, Metropolitan Police Department spokesman Larry Hadfield said.

From Santa Cruz County, California;

The woman, identified as 32-year-old Samantha Vetter, broke into a home in Ben Lomond on Monday afternoon and stole multiple firearms, investigators said, according to KSBW.
When deputies arrived, Vetter sped away in a stolen Lexus, abandoning her pet dog, the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office said.

Later that day, another deputy spotted the Lexus in downtown Boulder Creek, and authorities again gave chase.
“The deputy continued to pursue the woman until he lost sight of her,” the sheriff’s news release said.
Officials searched for the vehicle and waited at nearby intersections, but didn’t catch a glimpse of it.
That is, until evening.
That’s when residents on Branciforte Drive in the Santa Cruz area reported a silver Lexus blocking a driveway, police said.
A woman was walking door to door asking residents to not call the police. She was also asking for gas, officials said.
When police arrived in the neighborhood, they found a 45-year-old man named Chad Tartala by the Lexus, according to the release. He told authorities that the woman he was with was up the driveway looking for gasoline.
Inside the Lexus, officials found stolen property from the earlier burglary, police said.
Meanwhile, officials made a reverse 911 call to residents, asking them to shelter in place “because of the public safety threat Samantha represented,” the news release said.
Other neighbors began calling 911 to report that they saw a woman trying to get into parked cars in the area.
One of the residents who received the reverse 911 call saw Vetter climb over his driveway’s fence and walk toward his house, police said.
The man armed himself with a handgun and shouted at Vetter to stop, but “she continued toward him, challenging him to shoot her,” according to the news release.
“Finally, fearing for his and his family’s safety, the resident fired a single warning shot into the soft dirt in front of his porch,” the news release said.
Vetter then followed the resident’s commands to lay flat on the ground, and deputies arrived and arrested her.
Vetter, who is homeless and from the San Lorenzo Valley, was arrested on suspicion of burglary, vehicle theft, evading a peace officer, carrying a loaded firearm, being a felon in possession of a firearm and violating probation, the Santa Cruz Sentinel reported.
Tartala, the man who was with Vetter, was arrested on suspicion of narcotics and stolen property charges, police said.

From Toledo, Ohio;

Police tell the Toledo Blade the suspected domestic incident occurred around noon. The neighbor reportedly saw the suspect, Bernard Neyland, 59, of Toledo, attacking the victim with an ax in a pickup truck.

According to WTVG Channel 13, police say Benjamin Hand, 29, came out of his home and shot Neyland.

“I heard this lady screaming,” an unidentified neighbor tells WTVG. “She was saying, ‘Help me! He’s killing me! He’s killing me!'”

Neyland was taken to University of Toledo Medical Center but died of his wounds, the Blade reports.

From Chicago, Illinois;

[Kinta] Harris wrote a robbery note at a nearby library, then walked into the MB Financial Bank branch about 9 a.m. at 3030 E. 92nd St., went straight to a teller and slid the note on the counter, the complaint said.
When the teller started to put cash into his bag, Harris told them to hurry before he hurt someone, and motioned to his hip to suggest he had a gun, according to the complaint.
When he was walking out, a bank security guard who had found Harris to be suspicious confronted him and told him he couldn’t leave with the money, the complaint said.

Harris didn’t give him the money and instead ran off, according to the complaint. The guard chased after him and fired a single shot, striking Harris in the leg. Harris kept running.
Chicago police officers later saw a man who matched Harris’ description near 90th Street and Escanaba, the complaint said.
They arrested Harris, and took him to the University of Chicago Medical Center for treatment.
While in custody, he admitted to the robbery and confirmed he was the man wearing a wig, reading glasses and a long black coat in surveillance pictures, the complaint said. He told officers he had been fired from his job in October and needed money to pay his bills, including parking tickets.

From Wisner, Nebraska;

A Wisner family wakes up to an intruder and quickly take action.
Police say, on the 24th of May, Jaben Sateren broke into a home in Cuming County.

The break-in was anything, but typical.

That’s because he was not wearing any clothes.

The homeowner, Brook Anderson, grabbed his gun and shot the intruder in the leg twice and held him at gunpoint until officers arrived.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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River Rat RVN

Santa Cruz has always been a strange place due mostly to the Hippies who flocked to the area because it’s so remote. And it’s so off the charts liberal.

In the 60’s & 70’s it was peace, love, and a lot of dope. Now it’s just a lot of dope.

But like most of California it’s a total disaster. The drugs and are so prevalent and the bizarre behavior of the residents dissuades visitors from even enjoying the once staple of summer fun: The Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.

I’m not at all sorry I left the People’s Republic for greener pastures.


I was armed and in fear of my life, but not afraid enough to actually consider killing the person of whom I was afraid when I pulled the trigger.

Makes perfect sense to me.


I get it, warning shots aren’t a part of SOP, but if it works, it ain’t stupid.


I get it, warning shots aren’t part of the SOP, but if it works, it ain’t stupid.

Jon The Mechanic

Vetter doesn’t deserve that dog.

I hope it finds a better forever home, and soon.

A Proud Infidel®™

Warning shots and wound shots, BOTH are a waste of ammo because that results in a wounded goblin whose Medical Bills will have to be footed by taxpayers, not to mention their being fed, clothed and housed at taxpayer expense as well as their legal expenses!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I guess in Samanthas case, they didn’t Vett er before she was put on probation. Why did the bank Dick chase the bank robber down the street and shoot him after the fact. Okay, I can see him chasing the perp, but to try and use deadly force against the perp. I don’t think so.

A. Young

Knock on the door in the middle of the night and random person asking me not to call the cops and if I can spare some gas.

Seems legit.
Sarcasm implied.