USS Hue City saving the world

| June 14, 2018

According to the Navy Times, USS Hue City (CG-66), a Ticonderoga class-guided-missile cruiser, responded to a Coast Guard request for help off the coast of Georgia to rescue the crew of a 42-foot fishing vessel Barbara Lynn;

It only took the cruiser about 20 minutes to arrive at the vessel’s last reported position.

“The crew of the USS Hue City…when within approximately 1 mile of the last known position of the distress, reported seeing orange flares, flashing lights and located a raft with three fishermen aboard surrounded by debris,” the Coast Guard release said.

Hué City’s rescue swimmer, Sonar Technician (Surface) 3rd Class Nathan Andrade, a native of Stockton, California, swam to the life raft to assist as Hue City maneuvered nearby.

Andrade then harnessed each fisherman, while the crew lifted the survivors on board using litters.

The rescue took just two hours to complete and there were no reported injuries as a result.

Thanks to AW1Ed for the link.

Category: Navy, Search and Rescue

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Well done Navy especially PO Andrade.
Pardon my ignorance, is rescue swimmer some type of additional duty? Can it be done by any rating (assuming they swim well enough)?


Shipboard Rescue Swimmers can be any rating, Helicopter Rescue Swimmers are primarily AW’s these days.

AW1 Tim

Yeah, I had that duty with the base helo while assigned to the ASWOC at NASB. AW’s were required to pass the 1st class swimming test just to get into the rate.

I know of several who were transferred from P-3’s to helos during their careers (and back again) before they got out.

My last orders were to the TSC aboard USS Eisenhower where I’d also be tasked collaterally with wet crew duty.


My first tour was helos out of Norfolk, then to Jax for P-3s.

chooee lee

Mine was with HS3 NAS Norfolk 1961.


OK, so I’m a sucker for any article with a Rescue Swimmer involved. A very important point made:

“This case highlights the close cooperation between the Coast Guard and the Navy as well as the importance of having the right safety equipment on board,” said Lt Cmdr. Ryan Kelley, the Coast Guard’s 7th District Public Affairs Officer. “The Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon, flares and flashing light, without question, helped lead rescue crews directly to their location to get them home safely.”

Without emergency signaling devices one’s chances of being found at sea are frighteningly slim.


It is refreshing to read stories such as this.

Team effort between the Navy and Coast Guard. 👍

Thank You for sharing this.


Blue-water Navy and the Knee-deep Navy?


Blue water Navy and Puddle Pirates.



When I took the training and test for my FCC GMDSS License, EPIRBs were heavily covered.

“Don’t leave port without them.”


I can only imagine what a needle in a haystack finding a tiny life raft or bobbing swimmer in the vast oceans is.

Seeing the videos from the plane’s point of view on carrier approach and that giant ship looks like a teeny dot!


Well done Navy! I’m thinking those fishermen are some happy campers. Tempered, of course, by the loss of the boat.

I wonder what happened?


“I wonder what happened?”

Cue the “Jaws” theme song and the last words heard from the crew “I told you we needed a bigger boat.”/smile


Looks like rescue swimmer STG3 Nathan Andrade received the Navy Commendation Medal for his efforts!

“…After almost three years in the Navy and successfully completing its rigorous Rescue Swimmer School, this was the first time Andrade’s skills were put to the test in a real-life situation…..”


A big Here-Here for the USS Hue City and STG3 Nathan Andrade! Damned well done indeed.


So this story begs another Army guy question for you Navy folks. Because Google is just not specific enough.

Which is bigger and more potent in combat, a Ticonderoga class guided missile cruiser, or an Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyer?

Thank you in advance for your patience and help.


Arleigh Burke class are guided missile destroyers (DDG), Tico class are guided missile cruisers (CG), and are larger in all dimensions. Both are pretty bad-ass, and they have different mission sets. While both are “multi-mission platforms” the Tico’s specialty is protecting the carriers from air attack, and some Arleigh Burkes are anti-ballistic missile capable. Pictures are worth…
Burke Burke Class DDG

Tico CG Tico Class CG


Thank you AW1Ed and STGSN for you helpful information. God bless you and all who serve in our Navy.


I guess the ‘Small Boys’ don’t always take their Helo Det out with them.

For all I know the Carriers do the same thing; i only went aboard when they had CQ Dets, workups, or Cruise.


Wiki says she can do 37.4 mph.
Whats the real number?


I don’t see the square root of negative one in that quantity, so it’s a real number.

(ducks carp).


It’s also in mph because I can’t tie a proper knot.
Always wondered if the National Bureau of Standards keeps the original length of rope in a climate controlled vault.


Just about every Navy ship can travel at 30+ knots, and that’s all that is ever published for public consumption.


I figured it was closely held.
There must be some limit where it becomes impractical to add more power or further refine hull design. I suspect the “brick wall” has been reached for anything with a submerged hull. Maybe not.


Good job Navy.
The Coast Guard Veterans are the real crazy people, they go pleasure boating when everybody else decides to leave their boat at the pier…
And… Those crazy fucks enjoy that shit too !!!
Good on both of them and all you rescue swimmers !!!