PETA really is a cartoon version of the insanity of progressive activists

| February 18, 2009

Would someone explain to me how this makes *ANY* sense?

In a few short weeks, Canada will once again start its merciless slaughter of seals for their skins. As the world turns its attention toward Canada, which will host the 2010 Winter Olympics, we now have an opportunity to shine the spotlight on the barbaric seal slaughter. Today, at news conferences in Vancouver and cities around the world, PETA and its affiliates launched a year-long campaign targeted at the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee in an effort to end the seal slaughter once and for all, but we need your help!
Please urge the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee to call for an immediate end to the horrific slaughter of baby seals. Until it does, the annual massacre will be a stain on the reputation of the 2010 Olympic Games.

I don’t approve of Monarchies, and I think they waste valuable resources better utilized elsewhere, which is why I am protesting IKEA tomorrow.

Now, how is my protest any less sensical than that of Ms Newkirk and PETA?

I thought the olympics had to do with sports, and getting Phelps dates with strippers? Did I miss a memo somewhere?

Category: Politics

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Jonn Lilyea

I take it that seal golfing has FINALLY been accepted as an Olympic sport this year?


Who gives these idjits the funds required to perpetuate the ongoing assault against humanity? PETA peeps have no day job…this asshattery is their bread and butter. Since GM and J&J aren’t kicking them advertising bucks, somebody is bankrolling this anti-First World campaign. Follow the money and you will find the, um, money. Somebody is profiting from PETA’s sensationalism.

Frankly Opinionated

All this over a few seals being killed. Where is the outrage over all those “Black” Angus cattle that are being butchered just so “White” Americans can have their Filet Mignon, T-Bones, and rump roasts? Or why haven’t they protested in front of Col. Sanders place to protest the needless slaughter of those pretty white leghorns just so Americans can have meat with secret herbs n spices. They had better not interfere with my Manatee hunting. I love those fatty rib racks. They don’t even like it that I take and eat Swordfish. Protested me at the dock one morning in Islamorada and made total asses of themselves.
Haven’t they ever heard: “Get a Life, Idiot”?
nuf sed


Let’s see… Baby Seals NO that’s a sacred life, Baby Humans well… that’s OK, it’s a woman’s right to choose.

I vote we start a PETA clubbing season.

Frankly Opinionated

I’m with you Ray. Can I head up the Southeast end of things? I happen to know of some PETA, (Acronym for “People Eating Tasty Animals”), activists here on the Redneck Riviera. Seems they dislike that we catch kill and eat such things as fish, (they call them “Sea Kittys”), hogs, Deer, (they call them “Bambi”), and other wild critters. And yes, most of them do endorse the fine art of killing innocent, living babies- abortion, all the while also decrieing the Death Penalty for those who do heinous crimes. They sure have some confused priorities, don’t they.
PETA clubbing,,,,,,h’mmmmmmm has a nice ring to it.
nuf sed


PETA is just one of many organizations that are funded by Deep Ecologists. FYI, here’s a link to an informative article:

Deep Ecology – The Hidden Agenda

Algore is a deep ecologist as is his mentor, Maurice Strong. There’s alot of wealthy lefties who believe in this Gaia worship bullshit and they’re the same people who are behind the human induced (anthropogenic) global warming hoax.

The Sniper

Did you know that baby harp seal tastes just like spotted owl?