Frank Crary gets a Distinguished Service Cross
![]( reports that local man, Frank Crary, will be awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his heroism in Vietnam while he served there with the 1st Cavalry Division in 1966;
Crary exposed himself to enemy fire by attacking a North Vietnamese machine gun that was among enemy positions that had pinned down his unit, an Army statement says.
Crary acted “with total disregard for his own personal safety” when he jumped up, ran toward the machine gun position, flanked it and killed the enemy, the statement says.
Thanks to AW1Ed for the tip.
Category: Real Soldiers
BZ 1st Cav. Frank
Gully Vern..onlyiest tookem 52 years!
I’m wondering if this is an upgrade from a lesser medal? The article didn’t explain. This article is more in-depth: Still, it does not mention any award that SPC Crary might have received. It mentions others receiving SSM and BSM(V). It was at this point that SP4 Frank Crary, a team leader in SGT Webb’s squad, suddenly sprang up and ran parallel to the Recon line. Those who saw Frank expose himself this way wondered if he had lost his mind. After all, the troopers had been under tremendous combat pressure, seeing their friends shot, burned, and screaming in pain, with mortars, napalm, bombs, and artillery going off extremely close for hours. Anyone could have snapped. (authors note: never did anyone in Recon “snap” .) When Frank started running, the NVA tried to shoot him down. Fortunately, they missed and he disappeared into the wood line next to the stream bed. He then worked his way back along the tree line next to the stream bed, systematically killing NVA; some of whom were located on the other side of the stream. Approaching the machine gun position, Frank jumped down into the dried up stream bed and worked his way behind the machine gun which was just a few feet from the stream. He pulled the pin on a grenade and lobbed it the short distance into the middle of the machine gun crew, then ducked behind the wall of the stream bed for cover. The grenade went off perfectly, killing the crew and taking the gun out of action. Frank’s amazing action was both extremely courageous and intelligent. It seemed to break the back of the remaining NVA. Firing stopped from not only the machine gun but also from the other positions in the NVA line. Little opposition from the NVA remained. Recon was no longer pinned down. LT Carpenter got everyone moving. He said: “That path worked for him. Let’s go the same way”. So the few remaining Recon troopers swept through the NVA positions, following the same general route that SP4 Frank Crary had taken. […] After… Read more »
Thanks, rgr1480. I was looking around for a citation to go with the award, but then work interfered dammit.
The ceremony is to occur tomorrow, if the report is correct. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday we’ll see more. Right now, aside from someone’s story, which you linked, there is squat on this. I do hope it’s not an upgrade. I have learned to eye upgrades with much suspicion.
This gentleman, another Vietnam Veteran, had his Silver Star upgraded to the DSC which was presented to him on 7 May 2018 in Ohio:
And here is another news article on the same Veteran receiving the DSC:
That second one, Pat, is precisely what rankles me about upgrades. That soldier was awarded two Silver Stars and then his wife went through Crybaby Bonehner/Bonehead/Whatever.
2/17 Air Cav:
What is puzzling about his two Silver Stars was his comment:
“I got one for meritorious service, which means being a good soldier,” DeHart said. “And then the other one was for actions done in combat.”
I know the Bronze Star can be awarded for meritorious, but the Silver Star for meritorious?
And I”m still chuckling about your comment “Bonehner/Bonehead/Whatever.”
“but the Silver Star for meritorious?”
Why not?/smile
Remember, they gave the 1st SEAC a Bronze Star w/V just for standing a front gate guard shift at 1600 hrs while the real guard went to evening chow.
But seriously, the second story (that was a rewrite by a junior reporter from the first story) doesn’t mention that he also received two Bronze Stars (one w/V, the other meritorious) and it was those BSM’s that were being talked about.
Claw: That is EXACTLY what I thought…that the 2 awards in question were the BSM versus SS.
LMAO! about your comment on the famous 1st SEAC receiving his award. And you know what? It is probably true…😉
Speaking of the 1st SEAC (and his butt buddy Michael “Killer” Killam) you’ll be pleased to know that this week’s check of Killer’s employment status as Veteran’s Legal Counselor at MHMR of Tarrant County, TX reveals that the Killer is out and has been replaced by somebody new. Further confirmation of this is revealed in Killer’s newest Book of the Face (he still has four different pages up and running) where he listed “workED at vs. workS at) MHMR Tarrant.
So don’t know if the Killer has been out of a job for a good while and the MHMR code monkey just now got around to updating the website or the termination happened just recently.
But all in all, when the name of Michael Killam is entered into a search engine, his TAH entry is still hanging tough at #3 on the hit parade.
End of Report — ((Over))
Silver Star is never awarded for anything but combat valor. Dude must be remembering incorrectly.
Huge clanging brass ones.
My daddy told me “The yellow speaks for itself.”
One tough and determined troop there. Sorry it took so long Mr. Crary.
Well done. Ran toward the fire, and won.
Well done, Mr. Crary.
I am absolutely humbled by men and women such as this. His actions are almost beyond understanding. Sorry it took so long, trooper. You’re a hell of a man.
Look at that stud’s facial expression. I believe he could stare down the VC/NVA into submission. One hell of a man.
“Smile, Frank. This is for posterity.”
“I am smiling. Take the dam picture.”
God bless. I just wish he had received his most deserved award 50 years ago.
Long overdue and needs to be a higher award, MOH in my opinion.
Taking a knee in HONOR and REMEMBRANCE of those Brave Men that fell, never to rise again, they that are what the medal is really awarded to and for. Long, LONG overdue award for his amazing action and re-action that day. (Only one of likely MANY days of brutal fighting). THANK YOU FOR OUR FREEDOM.