Iran sanctions

| October 25, 2007

Pamela at Atlas Shrugs writes that the New York Times leaked news of the Bush Administration’s impending sanctions against the Iranian Quds Force this morning;

The Bush administration will announce new sanctions against Iran on Thursday, accusing the elite Quds division of the Revolutionary Guard Corps of supporting terrorism, administration officials said Wednesday. The administration also plans to accuse the entire Revolutionary Guard Corps of proliferating weapons of mass destruction. Both designations will put into play unilateral sanctions intended to impede the Revolutionary Guard and those who do business with it.  

The Wall Street Journal’s Glenn Simpson writes;

The sanctions hit Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards Corps along with eight affiliated companies and five Guards officials and the elite Quds Force unit of the Guards, which was accused of backing the Taliban in Afghanistan and were designated proliferators of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic-missile technology. Also targeted are Iran’s defense ministry logistics unit, three officials in its ballistic-missile program, and two additional state-run banks.

Of course, the reaction from the Left is predictable.

At The Weekly Standard Blogs, Brian Faughnan writes that MoveOn hopes Iran can be trusted with nukes. It seems that MoveOn is trying to pre-empt a war with Iran because the president is “reckless” Brian reprints the whole solicitation letter. Yeah, it must be Bush’s fault if we go to war with Iran.

So to help illustrate what a peaceful friend Iran is to us, I lifted this photo from my friend Kamangir; it’s a picture of a miltary academy graduation ceremony in Iran;


It’s a formation of soldiers – one group is marching in the form of the US flag (which has a swastika on it for some reason) and the other group is in the form of a scimitar piercing the US flag. That’s a peaceful image, isn’t it?

Then Solomonia has posted one of Ahmadinjad’s speeches from October 6th;

…An incident occurred on September 11, and look what they did afterwards. They used this pretext to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq, they killed dozens of thousands of peoples, and they want to continue to kill. They are creating another incident like the Holocaust. We advise them not to create something sacred, not to fabricate another sacred lie, and to allow a group of truth-seekers to get to the bottom of things, to identify and expose those behind it, and get it over with.

Got that? An incident on 9-11. And we used it as an excuse to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan. For what? Their abundance of sand and goats?

Lew Rockwell says the Qods Force is just like US Navy Seals – so why are we pickin’ on ’em? Yeah, just like SEALS, Lew – except the folks that our SEALs kill have all contributed or plan on contributing to the deaths of innocent people.

And Maureen Dowd is wondering will crazy Cheney get his war with Iran;

He may have lost his buddy in belligerence, Rummy. He may have tapped out the military in Iraq. He may not be able to persuade Congress so easily anymore — except for Hillary — to issue warlike resolutions. He can’t cow Condi into supporting his bullying as he once did, and Bob Gates is doing his best to instill some common sense.

Besides, Cheney is running out of time to wreak global havoc; he’s working for a president who is spending his waning days on the job trying to prevent children from getting health insurance.

I’m wondering if Crazy Maureen will ever win her fight with reality or common sense. “Wreak global havoc” – that’s a level of paranoia right out of a James Bond movie…or Get Smart.

I guess the Left is still in denial that we’ve been at war with Iran for thirty years now – and we’re the only ones acting like we don’t know it.

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics

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Don Carl

This is supposed to work better than the past 28 years of sanctions on Iran, how?