Lakeith Smith trades away 25 years for 65
Several people have sent us links on Fox News about 18-year-old Lakeith Smith who participated in an armed robbery in Millbrook, Alabama. One of his accomplices, 16-year-old A’Donte Washington was killed when he pointed a gun at a police officer. Smith is then charged with his buddy’s murder along with the other participants, Jhavarske Jackson, 23, Jadarien Hardy, 22 and La’Anthony Washington, 22. Smith was offered a 25 year sentence but rejected the offer and got 65 years instead;
“I don’t think Mr. Smith will be smiling long when he gets to prison,” C.J. Robinson, chief assistant district attorney, said. “We are very pleased with this sentence. Because the sentences are consecutive, it will be a long time before he comes up for even the possibility for parole, at least 20 to 25 years.”
Judge [Sibley] Reynolds said Smith seemed to show no remorse for his crimes during the trial and did not apologize. He also overhead the teen say, “I don’t have time for this.”
“You got plenty of time for this,” Reynolds told Smith before announcing the sentence. “When I called the case earlier you said you ain’t got time for this, so I didn’t know if you had time for this now?”
Good job, Junior.
I hope Claw oiled up the Whiz Wheel for this bumper crop of Name Scrabble contestants.
Category: Crime
What ever happened to naming a kid of African heritage Cedric, Leroy, Alfonso, or Willie if Tom, Dick and Harry was not good enough.
I always liked Vito. Vito is a cool name.
Jhavarske sounds Russian. Those damn Russians again
So was the public terrorist A’Donte cremated Al’Dente?
(Best Jackie Gleason voice) And Awaaaaay Weeeee Go!!
TAH Name Scrabble (Home Version)®™ Whiz Wheel results are:
Lakeith Smith (Full Retard Points) 24 x 7 = 168
A’Donte Washington (Bernathian Level Dumb Ass Move resulting in his being Dead Right There) 30 x 5 = 150
Jhavarske Jackson (Dumb Ass Move) 46 x 4 = 184
Jadarien Hardy (Dumb Ass Move) 28 x 4 = 112
La’Anthony Washington (Dumb Ass Move) 38 x 4 = 152
And after that workout, the Whiz Wheel says “Where’s my beer?”/smile
Lord have mercy……reading that hot mess gave me dyslexia.
Six pack is on me.
Whoops! Meant to say
“Passes Claw a shot of Jameson”
Apparently diagonal brackets are a no-no
He dinit du nuffin.
Momma’s name was “la’crackpipe”
Life lesson- there is nothing so bad that a generous helping of stupid can’t make worse.
I’ve heard a lot of black parents complain that their offspring with exotic, made-up African names get “profiled.”
Has it ever crossed their minds that maybe committing the crimes gets them profiled? Or if it’s really that big an issue, give your kid a normal name and save yourself the grief of knowing that your boy is about to be the prettiest bride on the cell block.
Damn straight. Paint me with the big ‘R’. No, not Racist but Realist. Is it too much trouble to give a kid a fighting chance in life by giving a traditional, non exotic name? I think these kids are half way to being doomed simply b/c of some of the ridiculous names given them. Yeah, yeah, I’m a racist. And a realist.
these names are not “exotic”. The parents just do not know how to spell
You mean Vendetta was not a good choice of a single mother who named her daughter that? True story. I knew the woman. She had no clue waht vendetta means. It just sounded pretty to her. I kid you not.
Moonlighted Washington Hospital Center, DC, 72-77. Poorest of the poor went there. Along with millionaires. Poor women before/after delivery had names suggested to them by the attending staff. The names were designed to ridicule the child and the baby momma didn’t know any better. Babies left that hospital damn near doomed for life b/c of the names given. Yes, some of the names WERE exotic, regardless of the baby mama’s inability to spell. It was a joke among the hospital staff. Assume it still happens and not only in this hospital. I never thought much of the practice but it was thought to be funny among some of the staff.
I see the humor. I have laughed at some of the more egregious examples.
I also think, upon hard reflection, that sort of thing looks poorly when held up to “do no harm”.
The -kid- is saddled with it.
I once knew a kid who’s parents saddled him with the initials A.S.S.
My thoughts on that one are that the guy called him that to remind himself to drill the next one in the ass so he didn’t have to play baby-daddy anymore !!!
My favorite were the Cain sisters: Candy, Sugar, and Nova.
Mom worked in admissions at the local hospital. She told me of two babies born in the hospital with names of Placenta and Vagina, back in the 60’s.
Flotsam and Jetsam
Lemonjello and Orangello… twins born in Denver..
Don’t forget their sister, y’know, Cherryjello!
Yeah, I knew a young lady who was named “Airmeter”, cuz that’s what momma saw, when they wheeled her into the ER to give birth.
Of course, her name was pronounced “Ah-meteur”.
My late Mother was a Social Worker for a period of time. She told me of a lady who named her child “Fragile” (pronounced Fra-gi-lee) when she was being wheeled into Labor & Delivery and saw a box on the floor outside in the hallway that said “Fragile” on it, and thought that would be a good name for her son. She must be a special kind of stupid.
I may find the policy abhorrent but I understand governments who have to clear the name of a new baby.
There seems to be a whole population group that jest ain’t too bright.
This bunch of numbskulls seem to belong to it, but the champ? Why, that’s the fella who jes’ aint got time for this.
Anyone think he’s got plans for his future?
“Anyone think he’s got plans for his future?” Realistic ones? No.
He can work towards getting that GED. If he puts his nose to grindstone during those 65 years, he just might get. He is going to be in that position anyway since his “back forty” will be getting plowed every night.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Dudes be dumb.
Yo, LaKeith, or Lakeith, whichever way you roll, how much time does you gots now, homes? What’s dat? 65 years? LMAO.
He has no idea that his street creds for the court show ended an hour after court concluded. He’s 18. He will most certainly be someone’s sperm receptacle in no time flat.
I hope everyone in your cell block can bench press a Buick. Fuck you, trash.
When he gets done, his farts will sound like “whoosh”.
The newest “tight end” for the Prison Football League for the upcoming season. Next year he can try out as a “wide receiver”
Gotta find a replacement in the church choir now that he gone.
Maybe now an Asian kid can get into Harvard!
The Stoopid is very strong in these feral yutes. Too bad all four of them didn’t end up Delta Romeo Tango; woulda saved the taxpayers about a million bucks.
A wise man said “someone should tell these people that random vowels and punctuation do not make a name”
Hey, Lakeith, you waste of space, do you think you can find time to fit the following 65 years into your schedule? Can you recommend a replacement for your meals on wheels route for the next 65 years? I’m asking for a friend. Here’s hoping you’re very popular with the cell block boys. Hope you get your butt packed every damn night. Trash …
Just curious, HMC, as to why you aren’t laughing yourself silly over what this Compleat Moron did to himself.
He too dumb to waste yo’ preshuss time spittin’ nails at his sorry ass.
Now he’s got plenty of time to get his Birdman of Alcatraz certificate, a degree in Social Moron Studies, and a graduated degree in Too Dumb to Live Without a Supervisor.
Above three are perfect examples of what I am talking about. What type of chance does the kid have? I frequently saw examples of this.
PH: Thanks, PH. More than anything, I find myself deeply saddened by these antics which see to have become so commonplace. I don’t see an easy out of this mess. The stupidity is rampant and becoming more so. We have groups who are very nearly doomed upon birth, and there are other groups who feed upon this failure. None of these groups can do anything for themselves b/c they have been convinced Group X has it in for them, which is blatant BS. On an individual level, there is little I would not do for a person; however, I feel there is little that I, as an individual, can do for large groups of individuals who seemingly care so little for themselves. Punch Line? I think I’m getting burned out with what is taking place in the nation on a wholesale basis.
Never heard such racist ignorant comments in my life. It must be easy to hide behind a white sheet and now a screen name. Well this graduate school educated black woman would bet it all that most of you are unemployed chewing tobacco living in the Bible Belt hiding behind the rhetoric of the idiot who represents the 8% of the population of deplorables he represents.
Perhaps before posting willfully ignorant comments you should actually check a dictionary.
Doubt that anyone here gives a flip about your melonin, or lack thereof, as we don’t check that among the posters here either. It just doesn’t matter. I don’t know the race of the young men in the post either, and it doesn’t matter. Why should it?
Are you suggestng that they should be judged by the color of their skin or that a specal standard should be used for them that does not apply to everyone else? Sure sounds like it.
Pretend all you want, it doesn’t change the reality that folks who do bad stuff tend to get bad stuff returned to them. All of us. We really are more alike than we are different. It’s worse for those who isolate themselves and make excuses based upon petty differences.
Reach your full potential or don’t – it’s up to you. These fellows chose not to and are paying the price for their very bad decisions. Recognizing that reality hardly makes me or the others here bad people.
I would totally agree with you except your so misinformed. Talking about the names that “they” name there children, who exactly are “they”? The fact that a 15 year old could be charged for the killing by a cop!!! Yeah don’t talk to me about reality or race. As far as reaching my full potential I’m working on it take your own advice, be informed, and then you can comment.
Obviously, Nicole, you are completely uningormed about the real world. Perhaps you should look at crime statistics in Chicago. Teenagers the age of 14 through 18 are frequently charged with heinous crimes, including murder. If they are under 15, they are charged as juveniles, but if they are 15 or older, they are charged at the adult level and yes, they are gangbangers and shiftless thugs, whether YOU personally like it or not.
Perhaps if you had bothered to read the article, you MIGHT have noticed that this birdbrained 18-year-old Lakeith Smith is legally an adult and was charged as an adult.
Get the chip off your should, you ridiculous, uninformed person.
You lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your assumptions. Well, maybe also your contorted leaps to conclusions.
You are not likely old enough to understand much about the real world. When you have lived as long as I have, and seen as much of the real world as I have, get back to us.
You, Nicole, are obviously clueless and willfully ignorant. That is the absolute worst kind. Unfortunately, it is people like you who have set back race relations in this country to a point it has not been for over 50 years. Dr. King would be very disgusted with what has been done instead of contnuing the work he started.
“I would totally agree with you except your so misinformed”. “Talking about the names that “they” name there children, who exactly are “they”? See anything wrong with the way the bolded words are used? Study hard, and get back to us, Educated One.
And you claim to be a “graduate school educated black woman”? In what, African American Studies? Womyn’s Studies? It would appear that you failed the course of study in the English language.
Hack’s High School English Teacher weeps.
Hats off to UpNorth and OWB at being able to reply to that mess. Me? I have no idea what “Nicole” was trying to say.
I think what most mean by their comments, is it seems that a disproportionate number of violent crime is committed by an equally disproportionate percentage of the population. You claiming that everyone who realizes that, has to “wear a white sheet” or whatever other stereotype (the same reason you’re upset in the first place, so there’s always that double standard) you deem appropriate doesn’t change anything! Also, you pointing out you’re education accomplishments has absolutely zero to do with the conversation. There are many college educated African Americans and I don’t think I recall anyone saying any different! And some of the smarter people I know didn’t finish high school, worked hard, and are millionaires now but you’d never know it because insecurity doesn’t produce a need in them to brag! Sometimes college can have a negative effect, in my experience, diminishing ones mental capacity! The real truth is, (and I live in a predominantly white community) there are no bars on the windows of businesses in my area. I can walk inside a gas station after dark, not ask an attendant for something through a bank teller style window. Hell, I can go walk down the street if I want! If I want to eat inside McDonald’s at night, I can! I work in a “first responder” type capacity in a big city, in a predominantly black community and let me tell you, it’s third world and you just can’t do that there! Even the residents walk real quick, looking over their shoulder every few seconds! Anyone who can’t see that is too stupid to realize, or they’re a liar! The side doors are even locked during the day on restaurants, so the staff can see the front when the trouble comes! There is a walk-in clinic, and this is a true story, just east of the projects… and they have two armed security guards… AT A WALK IN CLINIC!!! Waffle House by the black night club? Yep… armed security!! The problem isn’t poverty, as the residents have every opportunity laid in front of them (the reason they live… Read more »
In short, Real talk, you have learned that your real-world experience conflicts with what you were taught in school, the Left’s silly imaginings, and the media’s unicorn universe.
So, Nicole, you are telling us that that skin color determines politics? How very “woke” of you.
And what, exactly, is -my- pigmentation? My politics? Some Klukkers once came to my little town, long ago, to bother some folks there who I do not much like for thier politics. I helped encourage those sheet-heads to go fuss elsewhere.
So am I “deplorable”? You-pigment-focused folks are an embarrassment to progress, and to humanity in general. Welcome to the 21st century.
You are here and tried to shame folks for bigotry, but forgot to look in the mirror first.
Bigotry. Staring right back at you.
You must live in a large liberal urban area Nicole, you fire off your prejudice like a Howitzer!
Wrong on all counts, but thanks for playing… and somehow i’m betting that your self description is pure BS as well.
Uh oh, someone needs some salve to soothe that butthurt!
Sorry, no sympathy for the little shits, and I never saw you offering any guidance or a boost up his ass to set him on the right path.
Boot. Oy.
And unless and until communities of any stripe pull themselves up by the bootstraps instead of blaming the nameless, faceless, “they”, expect no improvement nor sympathy.
Hi, Lars.
When he was 16, my cousin killed a mom and her two kids drunk driving, as did Ethan Crouch (Couch?) the Texas kid who got off because he pleaded affluenza. Yes, that’s right, his lawyer said he was too rich, too sheltered, to understand the impact of driving while drunk and high.
Like Ethan, my cousin never served any jail time because he was rich and his dad paid to get him off and pleaded at the time of the accident my cousin was too young to understand how much danger driving in e middle of the road was. (My cousin looks like that Ethan kid).
I am not saying Lakeith trying to rob someone is right, but does it strike you as justice that two 16 year old boys killed FAMILIES while being dumb and walked away without any record but LaKeith got 65 years in jail because his friend died while he was being dumb?
My cousin killed a family, Ethan killed TWO FAMILIES. Something is messed up. Admit it.
Oh yeah, and if Ethan Crouch could plead affluenza – too rich to understand the consequences of his actions, why can’t Lakeith plead poor-fluenza for his first mistake? Too poor to understand why robbery is bad.
It’s messed up how many mistakes my cousin got to make Just because his daddy bailed him out.
Can’t tell me if Lakeith hadn’t had more money he wouldn’t have gotten off. If you celebrate hik getting jailed, you’re just celebrating rich people getting one over on the justice system.
the poor go to jail for making the same mistakes as the rich, just ’cause they can’t afford to pay someone off.
Shame on y’all.
Not hard to find this:
Folks in these parts are about the rule of law, and don’t give a squirt of piss about the color of a criminal’s skin, or the size of his bank account. Not sure what shame should adhere to us for being consistent in our denunciation of felons, but you gotta do you, I guess.
Nope, sorry, no shame here. If you actually look at this site, you’ll see as much or more condemnation of the whole Crouch affair, and situations like it.
The correct response to this imbalance is to STOP letting rich little assholes get away with this shit, not to start letting poor ones get away with it too. It seems very odd that your response to your cousin getting away with murder is to suggest that everyone should be able to get away with it.. But, as SSG E says, you gotta do you…
Jenny. Here’s a legal lesson. In our system of criminal jurisprudence, fairness goes to process, not results. Whatever you personally think is neither here nor there. Here’s another legal lesson: the decision to accept a plea bargain or not rests solely with the defendant, not his attorney. Lakehurst/Lithwait/Whatever made a bad decision–twice.
Based on your spelling and sentence structure, I’m thinking your ‘graduate’ degree is from a ‘university’ where the criteria for admission requires that one spell their name correctly. Speaking of spelling, try to reenter this bastion of knowledge and take a course or a dozen in remedial spelling and English. I think your profession of having a graduate degree is much as what else you write: bullshit. Want to see the true face of racism in America? Go look in a mirror or listen to the reverend al spout his hatred.