Thursday morning feel good stories
From Alakanuk, Alaska;
According to State Trooper William Connors’ affidavit, the incident began early Saturday morning. Leroy Patrick, age 42, loaded his semi-automatic rifle with a 20-round magazine and walked to his daughter Shari Andrew’s house, where she was asleep with her boyfriend, Greg Konst, and their 18-month-old daughter.
Andrew and Konst told State Troopers that Patrick fired a round into their home from outside. Then he walked up the steps and forced his way into their arctic entryway. He fired another round into the main doorframe. “Open the door,” Konst remembers Patrick saying repeatedly, “or I will shoot again.”
The family hit the floor, and Konst grabbed his 12-gauge shotgun. He said that Patrick fired two more rounds into the house. Bullet fragments hit the side of Konst’s face, and he said he could feel it burning. Lying on the ground, Konst managed to load a single round and fired it through the front door. It hit Patrick below the knee, and then Konst rushed him. He said he disarmed Patrick and pinned him to the floor until the Troopers came to take him away.
Trooper Connors reported finding bullet damage inside the home. There were still 14 rounds of live ammunition in Patrick’s rifle. Connors also wrote that alcohol was involved in this incident.
In Las Vegas, Nevada, your guess is as good as mine;
According to police, a person entered another man’s apartment with intentions of robbing him but the later was armed and it led to shots being fired between the two.
Both robber and the other man was shot. One of them has been pronounced dead and the other is at the hospital in critical condition.
The investigation is still ongoing.
From Trussville, Alabama;
The incident happened at the Burger King on North Chalkville Road.
Police say a lady met someone through an online market place and went to the restaurant to buy a cell phone.
The seller walked up to her vehicle and showed her the phone and then a second man came up to her passenger side, opened the door and tried to rob the woman at gunpoint, according to police.
The woman had her own gun and reportedly shot the suspect in the leg.
Trussville detectives are interviewing a person with a gunshot wound to his leg to determine if he is the suspect.
Category: Feel Good Stories
If you keep your defensive weapon unloaded, it would be prudent to practice loading (with dummy rounds) under expected condition:
In the dark
Prone on floor
Moving rapidly from a to b
Barricaded behind something
Get “blindfolded” familiar with loading and using it
Best bet for a shotgun? Put one in through the ejection port (assuming it is on the side), close the action, and fire. Don’t screw around trying to stuff the magazine in a crunch. Grab two with the off hand (or four if hands are large), rotate so port is up, drop one in, rotate to upright and close, and fire. (Yes, it works lefty)
If that is a bit much, use a side-by-side. They are Easy-peasy to load two at a time
But -practice-
Sounds like Krazy Drunk Unka Joe’s advice about shotguns actually works! Who knew!?
No, it didn’t work, cuz he fired horizontally, not up in the air. Crazy Joe would still be disappointed.
And remember, creepy Joe was very specific…
“Fire two blasts outside the house!”
“You don’t need an AR-15! It’s harder to aim, harder to use…”
Hey Joe! Who needs to aim?
Oops…. I meant to post this one:
If only reporters were literate these days….
I can dream, can’t I?
I for one certainly hope the Trussville detectives can unravel the mystery of the leg-shot robber.
According to police, a person entered another man’s apartment with intentions of robbing him but the later was armed and it led to shots being fired between the two.
Both robber and the other man was shot. One of them has been pronounced dead and the other is at the hospital in critical condition.
The investigation is still ongoing.
“The LATER was armed” ??
“Both … WAS shot…” ??
Those are just the two most egregious errors.
Now I have a headache.