Charleston gunman’s sister takes weapons to school
The sister of the Charleston murderer (whose name we don’t repeat here) was arrested yesterday when she took a knife and some pot to school, according to Good Morning, America.
Her brother is on death row in South Carolina for murdering nine people three years ago. She left a barely literate message on Snapchat;
Your walking out of the allowed time of 17min, they are letting you do this, nothing is gonna change what tf you think it’s gonna do? I hope it’s a trap and y’all get shot we know it’s fixing to be nothing but black people walkin out anyway.
If that’s indicative of the education that students are getting these days, they need to stop getting involved in social snowflake causes and start paying more attention in the classroom.
From CNN;
XXXX XXXXX, 18, was arrested after a school resource officer at the A.C. Flora High School in Columbia, South Carolina was notified that [she] was carrying marijuana, pepper spray and a knife on campus, the Richland County Sheriff’s Department said.
XXXX had also made an alarming Snapchat post expressing anger about the National School Walkout, The Post and Courier reported. A 17-minute walkout was staged at schools around the country on Wednesday to honor the 17 people killed at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last month and call for stricter gun control laws.
It’s people, not guns that are the threat to youngsters in school.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Asswipe clearly runs in the family.
More joe. The weapon was a knife. I’m guessing it was a pen knife or a butter knife, maybe one of those fingernail clippers with a knife-looking attachment. The pot probably hasn’t been tested. Pepper spray is carried by many females. Am I apologizing for her? No, although it might sound like it. As far as I can see, her greatest crime is having a murdering brother.
“The pot probably hasn’t been tested”
Good ‘ol Libertarian bullshit groupthink. You morons would probably have all of our kids smoking reefer everyday. I say the penalty for fake pot should be the same as for the real thing.
Thanks for your input, Milford. You really captured me with that “Good ‘ol Libertarian bullshit groupthink” characterization. Nice job, Milford. Say, Milford, did you major in knucklehead in school or are you a natural?
“I say the penalty for fake pot should be the same as for the real thing.” -Milford
And I say the penalty for stupid statements such as that ought to be 20 lashes. Thanks again, Milford.
I knew a Milford once. He had everyone call him Jake.
I knew a Milf once. OK, it was twice. I was much younger then.
Pictures or it didn’t happen.
Come back, Milford. I have to leave soon. Come back and get your beating.
Milford’s momma was a clearing barrel.
And Mill-fred won’t understand that reference.
Now he knows.
This mini-thread inside of this thread makes me chuckle. 😀
He hit you with the drive-by, Cav.
Not really a hit. More of a swing and a miss.
Hey Milford! I think you need to go see your doc… sounds like you have a case of rectocranial inversion, Spunk Monkey!
In your case, it looks like it’s terminal…
Where are you Mill-ferd? C’mon, real trolls like to stick around for the fight.
Your ignorance is showing, son. Go get your diaper changed.
Yeh amazing isn’t it? When I was in school (yes I can almost remember back that far 😉 )we all had pocket knives…never had or even heard of anyone wanting to use one on another person…too many mock when I say we need Prayer and Bible study back in school and pledge of allegiance but I can tell you, things were one heck of a lot better in the 50’s…..SAFER TOO!
Apparently, “stupid” has a genetic component.
I believe the new PC term is “teh stoopid”
Can’t escape DNA.
Just wondering: where is their father?
As for the literacy factor, I’m afraid that is fairly standard level coming out of the public education system nowadays. And that’s a feature, not a bug.
“And that’s a feature, not a bug.” Boy, is it ever! There are places in which excellence is demanded, the academic standards are high, grading is tough, and the students routinely occupy the 85th and up percentile in SATs/ACTs. We call them private schools and others home schools.
The disparity between grades and standardized test performance is frightening. Kids and their parents are proud that the kids have high GPAs but, alas, it seems that the lil shavers don’t ‘test’ well. Something happens to them when they see a standardized test: they suddenly remember they don’t know shit.
Some people don’t test well. My family is pretty well split – some test very well, some don’t. It isn’t that they don’t know the material. In my case I’m lazy, so I had only average grades but test through the roof. Can’t tell you how many otherwise very intelligent folks I have known through the years who test poorly.
I certainly can’t speak to your family but my experience tells me that students who claim not to test well are full of shit. IQ tests I like, especially when they are administered a couple of times in elementary school. Some people with above-average IQ perform badly in school and others, with average IQs, are stellar performers. There is no question about that.
Being one of those who was legitimately intimidated by tests for most of my schooling, and tended to not do well on them, I resent all these folks who are now claiming it just because they are lazy. I RESENT THEM!! And they offend me.
Somebody please take me to a safe place? Like maybe the firing range??
Perhaps I should clarify: Don’t test well on standardized tests.As an example… a daughter who graduated both her Bachelor and Masters degree programs, from good schools, with straight As, who had very middling 1100 os so SATs. Or my wife, who has multiple degrees but only had a 124 GT. That kind of testing, not end-of-course finals.
When my eldest worked as
slave laborAssistant Professor at our local U, he could distinguish those who’d been private schooled or home schooled from those who’d come from public schools – and it wasn’t (isn’t) that hard to do. Most public school graduates don’t know anything.Isn’t the communist NEA doing a wonderful job of dumbing down our kids? They said they would and America sat back and let them do it!
I read a newspaper story a year or two ago about some high school overachiever who had a 4.0 GPA , was on all the athletic teams, and worked a full time job. Everyone was Shocked! when he bilged the SATs when he applied for college. It seems the content of his curriculum wasn’t very challenging.
In neither article does it say anything about a gun, just ‘weapons’ (apparently I was a lawbreaker in school, too, I have carried a pocket knife daily for almost 60 years.) While it appears the apples in this family all fell into the the same cow patty under the tree, there is no need to inflame this by claiming she had a rifle.
Actually, a knife is specified but not described.
I swear that the GMA article said she had a rifle when I first read it.
Probably did. The headline writer probably saw the word “weapon” and translated that into the word “gun” because, you know, any weapon is, like, a gun, doncha know.
Rifle, gun, what difference does it make anyway?
Back in the old Army, calling your personal weapon a “gun” would result in a brief inspirational message from your Drill Sergeant. To this day, I cringe when I hear someone say “gun”. Who isn’t an artillerist, of course.
To these dumbass illiterate journalists anymore a “weapon” equals to a nasty old “assault rifle” lol
I learned all I needed to know about this family when after the sons crime the father was on tv , an old fat guy with no shirt, a ponytail and a neck tattoo, sounding ignorant. Yeah I’m judgmental.
A potential tragedy.
Fake news.
Kids get off my lawn! Back in my day, guns at school had to stay in the car or the 4-h room–and knives were limited to no more than 3 1/2″ blades. Anybody caught breaking those rules had to…go put it in their car, I suppose…
I don’t recall a single shooting/stabbing in our non-gun-free zone.
True dat. Guns and knives were much more prevalent and accepted, back then. No one cared. Now, if you have a nail file you are suspended/expelled and considered armed and dangerous. We have turned into a society of pussies that let some feel good progressive bullshit invade our education system so that little Sally and Johnny don’t get a stigma about being trouble and have their self esteem hurt. If the fucking sheriff would have done his job and the school had done theirs, then the shooting last month wouldn’t have happened, at least not the way it did.
Big fucking deal; she had a knife. So do I.
Elementary school kids have been expelled (!) when a grandmother had put a plastic knife in their lunch bags so they could cut their own sandwich.
The stupid is Extra-Concentrated Strength with many school administrators. They have to go to graduate school to become that stupid.
Remember the deaf kid in Nebraska who was kicked out of school because his name, using American Sign Language, resembled a pistol?
Better yet – How about the kid who was expelled for gnawing his Pop-Tart into the shape of a pistol?
(According to this article, the Pop-Tart kid received a lifetime membership to the NRA, so that has to account for something)
So the point of the article was what exactly? The failure of the education industry to teach this idiot how to construct a meaningful sentence? Probably not. That rifles and knives are not the same? Likely not that either.
That some families only seem to breed fools? Yeah, that’s probably it. Not exactly headline news though.
Mom and Dad must be stellar individuals…
I’m thinking the family tree looks much like a telephone pole.
Uncle Daddy?
Or Granpa Daddy.
ewwwwwwwwwww….. did I really type that?
“And Bob’s your uncle…”
“Hey, Wait! That’s my dad’s name!”
Who knew Beldar and Prymaat had relatives in South Carolina?
I’m sure waiting patiently for the Eagle to shit their EBT stipend…to consume mass quantities.