Robert Hicks; phony SEAL
Our partners at Military Phonies send us their work on this fellow, Robert Kenneth Hicks, who claims to be a Navy SEAL. Judging by his wardrobe, and his motorcycle anyway;
And, oh, look, he’s an Iraq veteran and a sniper, too;
Not according to the Navy, though;
He left with eight years of service as an E-4 Aviation Structural Mechanic between 1990 and 2000 – he never made it to Iraq and he wasn’t trained as a SEAL.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
But he’s got a vest and has his dog tags outside his shirt. He’s got to be legit.
must be legit got the tats too.
And he doesn’t need the do rag since he has that bitchin’ Mohawk!
It appears this guy had served honorably for ten years, accruing some awards that are noteworthy on their own. Why embellish? Does he want people to fear him? Is he trying to impress the chicks? Boys?
No kidding, and if one uses one’s skills as an aircraft structural guy, one can make beaucoups bucks on the outside. It’s not an easy MOS.
Any emblems that Robert Hicks displays on his MC are there in Remembrance of someone close to him, I must presume that that would also apply to any Patch that he may wear on his vest. The ALR Post 6 Vest is real he was at one time a member of the ALR post 6.
Nice try.
Did Hicks put you up to that, Mr. Scott, IF that’s who you truly are?
(blaring at maximum volume on the TAH Headquarters 1MC)
‘All hands on Team TAH face outboard and stand by to repel sockpuppets’
No dog? No doo rag?
When will the posers find the TA20 for fakery?
He’s got dog tags though…a thoughtful touch…and that Brazilian wax landing strip on his noggin..maybe that made him more hydrodynamic doing his underwater SEAL thing
It provides directional stability like a shark fin.
He will never make the tournament this year dressed like that
Especially since he has no Harley and no “service” dog? He is also low on bling.
Strike that ?-mark.
Sidewalk SEAL
The Mohawk is an acceptable substitute for the do rag!
Most folks would be proud to have served, and awarded with a couple Good Cookies and an Expeditionary Medal. Not AMS3 Robert Hicks. No, he has to embellish a perfectly mediocre Navy stint with the trappings of better men.
Fuck you and the Kawasaki you rode in on, Hicks.
AW1Ed;, I thought all these hardcore wannabe Seals rode Harley low riders and not rice burners.
Pic #2 looks rice to me, and I should know- 45 years in the saddle, riding everything on two wheels I could throw a leg over.
Never seen a Harley with club bars. Front fairing looks like it is a Suzuki or Yamaha sport bike.
Ducati, perhaps? Didn’t harley and ducati have a thing going?
All sorts of critical things to say here;
However, since I ride a Kawasaki (an EX500), I did notice the departure from the Harley, most sportbike riders I know, don’t go for the vest and such…
Does everyone think that they MUST grow a beard after they get out? Now, to be honest, I cant grow a beard at all, something that must shame my Danish ancestors…LOL. But I don’t get the current beard thing…
Acctually it is probably a KawaZuki as he cant even get the whole “Biker” thing right either
Wow. Somebody is seriously overcompensating for something in their past.
Piss poor performer?
Micro penis?
Mommy and daddy didn’t love him?
The mind boggles.
Didn’t have a puppy as a child, I’m thinking.
10 yrs and only an E-4? I think that is mandatory separation (or 12 yrs, I can’t remember). So, I wonder if he is also telling folks some stories about medical out or being one of those heroes who punched out his commander. Steven Seagal wannabe in Under Siege is the vibe that I’m getting.
Nice Mohawk, fuck nugget…”Last of the fauxhicans”?
I thought that title belonged to a certain Senator from Massachusetts . . . .
He wants to pretend to be a SEAL, but his hero will always be Mr. T.
I pity the fool…
Mr. T has a vanilla twin!
I dub thee….”Vanilla T”
He’ll have to trade up from dog tags to a Mr. T starter set.
He’d need five more pounds of bling just to advance to the Mr. T ‘Starter Set’. This guy isn’t trying.
He goes by the unforgettable name of “Mr. tee”…that’s “little t with a double e”
to paraphrase a “song” I heard once…
Pus-nuts is all air and no tire.
Spew alert, please! I’m stealing that one.
Is he trying to portray himself as a veteran SEAL officer? Looks like he has “railroad” tracks above the Navy SEAL patch. 🙄
That was my first thought as well. He has a patch that says “Road Captain” in the first photo. Looks like he replaced that patch with the RR tracks. Looks like he rides with the legion, so they might use military insignia to denote club positions.
I am the Secretary of Prescott, Arizona Post 6 American Legion Riders, and the Judge Advocate of American Legion Riders Post 6. This person is NOT a member of ALR 6, and is NOT a member of Post 6, American Legion in Prescott.
Good because I was about to call you guys and have some words. Also was gonna have my Collier and my uncle Rusty put a BOLO for for him.
Mr. Moffitt: you might consider contacting the site owner, Jonn Lilyea, with that info. His contact info can be found in the “contact us” link in the bottom banner of each page on the site.
Jonn often updates stories published here when significant new info is received.
He stole the vest….
Where did this asshat get the vest and patch?
See my 4:53 cmt below. It appears he was a member of Post 6 but is no longer. If that is so, it would have been nice if Moffitt said as much, rather than three times writing that Hicks is not a member. Cutting corners always lengthens the trip to the truth.
I like that Marvel Comics “SEAL Man” motorcycle…
My goodness! Anyone else see the size of the fingers on on the hand wrapping his shoulder in that one photo?
Bradley Manning would pucker up and drool over the possibilities.
Looks like a block mason’s hands. Too bad he didn’t sqeeze his throat.
Shooting expert is the same as a sniper, right?
Eating a elephant seal is the same as being a seal, right?
ROBERT “BOOTY BOY” HICKS is one of those sooper seekrit elephant seal butt snipers that go after targets at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the Rear).
Enjoy the Google fame, COCKSUCKER!
The ZZTop mimic doesn’t do it for me. The neck rolls in back are just – well, spectacular!!
The fact that his jacket nearly swallows his head in that one photo makes it clear that his SEAL call name on those supersecret seekrit squirrel missions was Turtleboy. Just don’t know which species of turtles he’s honoring.
I’d guess he’s “honoring” the same kind of turtles that Fat Bastard talked about in the Austin Powers movie.
After all, he is acting like a LSoS.
Seals in the lead, and by the way, is he from, nah I won’t say the you know what State.
I am the Secretary of Prescott, Arizona Post 6 American Legion Riders, and the Judge Advocate of American Legion Riders Post 6. This person is NOT a member of ALR 6, and is NOT a member of Post 6, American Legion in Prescott.
Has he ever, at any time, been a member of the post or of the ALR #6 chapter?
He was seven years ago, according to this picture on Post 6’s FB page.
H’mmmm, and with the passion that the Adjutant used, (3 comments to make his point), I wonder what Elephant Seal, Robert Hicks, phony, might have done to get booted.
yes he was a member of the ALR post 6 in Prescott AZ in 2009.
When a phoney like this is busted, who has so much invested in their fakery right down to most of their social activity, where do they go from here? Friends and admirers turn away in disgust, forever branded on the internet, prior honorable service now soiled.
Every morning this guy will have to look at himself in the mirror only to see a dishonorable fake looking back and that wont change at age 40, 50, 70…….I cannot imagine living with that shame.
I feel sorry for the bike. Looks like a small framed bike sitting under an uber-large framed douche.
“Oh, my shocks and tires!”
And add a case of processed bud light he let loose into his adult diaper after a poker run
SIGH…… Come on shitbag fake SF and Rangers!! We will never catch up to the phony SEAL headcount at this rate.
Maybe SEAL bling is less expensive than SF or Ranger bling….
Better press.
More movies.
Being 99% baloney is no way to go through life.
Looks like he ATE the seal.
And what is that around his mouth? Did he blow a seal?
I am the Secretary of Prescott, Arizona Post 6 American Legion Riders, and the Judge Advocate of American Legion Riders Post 6. This person is NOT a member of ALR 6, and is NOT a member of Post 6, American Legion in Prescott.
Moffitt. That’s three times you posted the same comment. Once was enough. Twice is somewhat annoying. Three times makes me wonder whether you were ever known as Gertrude, Hamlet’s mother.
I think he’s legit, guys. Check the link for “Officers” (under “About Us”) at:
My guess is he’s not familiar with this site and doesn’t know how to contact Jonn. I’ve left him word on how to do so above.
The website says that John Moffitt is the Judge Advocate, the Historian and Secretary for Post 6.
My point is not to question his legitimacy. Three identical posts in reply to three different comments is what I found unusual. No one gets ‘righter’ by repeating themselves. No one here said Hicks was an enrolled member of a post or that he rides with Post 6’s Legion Riders. Hicks is the guy advertising that with his saucy outfits. He’s the appropriate target. What’s more, too many times over the years, it has turned out that some SV type has actually been a member of the legion, VFW, or, in one notorious case, the head man at the Korean War Veterans Association. That’s all. I wasn’t suggesting that by protesting too much, Moffitt is somehow unclean, but doing that certainly gives one pause.
You’re blowing you credibility, pal
please give it a rest dude!! When in the hell are you dang so called VFW/American Legion folks going to start 100% verifying folks military service records instead of taking their word or just because they wear a bunch of phony baloney BS Bling?
You can’t blame him though because who wants to be known as a REMF the rest of their lives. He probably joined the Navy after getting scared to join the Marine or Army.
That’s sort of what I was thinking about you. I can’t blame you for half-assed comments. You so want to be valued here, but it’s just never going to happen, so you comment just to garner a little attention for yourself. You’ve become a chew toy for some, and you are dismissed as a knucklehead by all.
Ya might want to reconsider trolling, lily. I believe that’s one reason Jonn’s put some people on moderation in the past – or banned them outright.
Since you constantly use that acronym now, I am more convinced that you never saw it or heard it before you started reading this blog. You calling others “cherries” is also an indicator of your lack of service on active duty. Your juvenile accusation of me committing the crime of assault and battery on a veteran two years ago in Sacramento, CA is very telling. In the Weekend Open thread, you said I “attacked” you in like manner, implying I beat you up. If questioning your doubtful military service is a physical “attack” (in your simple mind), you should report to the Snowflake Protection Officer tomorrow at your university. You obviously need a safe space, some Play-dough and a puppy to pet.
Why would you do that to a puppy, rgr769? Wood blocks with alphabet and numbers on them would be better. Maybe throw in a Teletubby.
You are right. Giving a puppy to a progtard, even just to hold briefly, is likely animal cruelty. Maybe some Leggos and alphabet blocks, including the letter “s,” would be more apropos.
With your permission Im going to use that awesome “Snowflake Protection Officer” as targets of opportunity appear! THAT IS FUNNY AS HELL! 🙂
So in what passes for your mind sailors are REMFs? That’s awesome. I’d ask the five guys in my old squadron what their thoughts are on the matter, but they all met their respective maker one fine day in May when their helo fell to earth.
Fuck you, lily.
I doubt he even knows what that term/acronym means. It was never intended nor used to refer to the Navy or sailors on sea duty. I first heard it in the Viet of the Nam and only in reference to the soldiers “in the rear with the gear,” like those in infantry division base camps and other large secure fixed facilities. I never heard anyone on an aircrew referred to as a REMF. But then how would LieLie know that.
rgr769, I get all that, thanks. My ire was directed at lily and lily alone.
In my era REMF was a relative term. If you are point man on a patrol, every swinging Richard behind you is a REMF. If you are in a rifle company on the line, Brigade pukes are REMFs. And so on back to the CINC
May be a waste of time to say this, but ol’ lily seems more like a frog than a pog.
Hey Lily, tell that to the Five Sullivan Brothers and all the other Sailors resting in their watery graves.
Has Lily never heard of how a Ship’s photographer can get tinnitus, and a case of the PTSD, from walking out on the flight deck to get pictures as he dreams of becoming an Honorary CPO? Of how it could make him walk funny and have to catheterize himself through out the day and night, and become a vexatious litigant, and downright poor pilot? Has she never heard of how that could cause a bad lawyer to get disbarred? Sheesh.
How about you do us all a favor, and suck a wet fart out of a hobo’s ass?
Amen, NHSparky… AMEN!
If I can be a pecker check and live with it a REMF can learn to live with being a REMF. 🙂
Do you have your official pceker inspector badge?
Large image:
lol….can’t say I ever earned that. Must be a secret level above IDC.
I wonder if we could get someone from American Legion Post 6 to tell us if Robert Hicks, phony bitch, was ever a member of the post or of the ALR Chapter, as his vest shows. He is headed for some serious Goooogle fame, with many of us mentioning his name in the comments.
“I understand that someone marked a post as spam, one that attempted to call their attention to a member posing as a Navy SEAL. As a life member, I’m a little shocked that he has been able to get by with this at a Legion post for so long.
EDIT: Post 6 made contact with me, and he hasn’t been seen in years there.”
Frankie: He reportedly hasn’t been seen at the post in years, which means he is a used-to-be, if that is accurate.
A dude with the “biker look” on a crotch rocket?
Total Loser.
Inferno is his name-o.
I bet it has do with the ass burn he receives (think: my ass is a fucking flaming inferno!) as he is passed around and pounded. Oh, and I imagine it is consensual.
I thought it odd that a Navy SEAL is claiming to be a ride captain but wearing Navy Lt. rank.
I think he has the Mr. T haircut to polish boots after he licks them.
Does the Inferno patch mean he is a flamer?
The picture is blurred but does it not say “STUPID” on the back strap of his ball cap?
This phony POS had better start ‘running silent and running deep’, as in yesterday.
I know several former Teamguys living in AZ. The one who is the most militant when it comes to phony Teamguys makes it his personal mission to arrange face-to-face meetings with them.
Hes sicks his old lady on them with orders to give their man boobs a nice, hard titty twister.
He must have been a shitty Airframer because they sent his ass to Corrosion Control.
We usually shit canned people to Corrosion, or sent them TAD to Mess Deck MAA.
The only seal this dick drip ever got close to was the seal on his paint sprayer.
Just going to throw this out there; I don’t call bullshit on someone unless they wear an official medal/badge that they haven’t earned or if they outright claim that they earned such accolades without ever having earned them.
He’s wearing patches on his biker gear, that doesn’t tell me that he actively claims to have been a SEAL, Iraq Vet, or a Sniper.
Good for you.
Robert Hicks was at one time in about 2009 a Legitimate and valuable member of the American Legion Riders of Post 6 in Prescott Arizona, so for that Part no one can Fault him. Robert never ever indicated in any way that he was a Seal. Robert Left the ALR in about 2010. The bike he has been riding now has a seal emblem on the fairing which he displays as a remembrance for a Friend.
The bike he has been riding now has a seal emblem on the fairing which he displays as a remembrance for a Friend.
Right out of the Poseur 101 handbook… BTW “CLay Scott”, I’ve known three SEALS, one who has passed on to Valhalla – I don’t wear anything in remembrance to him on a vest or vehicle that I own. I remember him in my mind and my heart for the thing that he did while here on Earth.
As to the Seal patch that he now displays on his vest, I must presume it is there for the same reason as mentioned above. Additionally those who criticizing John Moffit for not knowing, this is understandable as John Moffit did not Join ALR Post 6 until 2011 when he transferred from the Yarnell Post.