Trump; Guantanamo remains open for business

| January 31, 2018

According to the Washington Post, President Trump signed an Executive Order yesterday mandating that the detainee facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba remain open. According to the EO;

The detention operations at the U.S. Naval Station Guantánamo Bay are legal, safe, humane, and conducted consistent with United States and international law…Given that some of the current detainee population represent the most difficult and dangerous cases from among those historically detained at the facility, there is significant reason for concern regarding their reengagement in hostilities should they have the opportunity.

The EO says that, not only will the 40 detainees will remain there, but that he might send some others there;

(b) Detention operations at U.S. Naval Station Guantánamo Bay shall continue to be conducted consistent with all applicable United States and international law, including the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005.

(c) In addition, the United States may transport additional detainees to U.S. Naval Station Guantánamo Bay when lawful and necessary to protect the Nation.

Needless to say, the Washington Post doesn’t like the idea;

Trump’s order breaks with not only Obama’s policy but the intentions of his Republican predecessor, who opened the prison in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

By the end of his presidency, President George W. Bush concluded that Guantanamo was doing more harm than good, said John Bellinger, legal adviser to the National Security Council and the State Department in the Bush administration, although in the end, he decided keep it open.

“President Trump is throwing more political bones to his base rather than making a determination based on what is best for U.S. national security,” Bellinger said.

Yeah, well, take it up with the Obama Administration, Bezos. Obama, who promised to close the facility by the end of 2009 on his first day in office, couldn’t find a reasonable substitution.

Category: Terror War

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A Proud Infidel®™


I can already hear moonbat heads exploding, it just gets better every day. Now BRING BACK Waterboarding as well if they haven’t already!


Commissar and his Bezerkeley butt buddies are all asshurt over this one…

A Proud Infidel®™

IT AIN’T Waterboarding if you use diesel fuel!!!


Damn straight…

The Other Whitey

Got a light?


Think of the children.


So, you are saying use diesel and a flamethrower?

The Other Whitey



I understand Elon Musk makes a nice one


Maybe the Washington Post would prefer that we release the GITMO detainees? I suggest that the WAPO reporters and editors each adopt one of the detainees and let them live in their house.

The Other Whitey

Obama talked as nauseam about how terrible it was, but kept it open. Trump just openly says that he’s keeping it open. I’ll take the guy who just comes out and says it over the compulsive bullshitter, thanks.

Rosalee Adams

nothing like dimwit take on any topic and Barry leads the parade. 🙂


There might be room at Thomson Correctional Center.


Guantanamo Bay detention camp, we’ll leave a light on for you.


“… we’ll leave the water on for you…”

Fixed it, I think.

RGR 4-78

President Trump is only thinking to the future.

Someday there will be a Democrat President who will need bargaining chips for a lopsided deal not in the U.S.’s favor.


::Testing… Testing…::

Nope, still not tired of all the Winning!.

The (D) party of old white rich people can go cry in their beer. Their tears are the nectar of delight.


I am pretty sure they don’t drink beer.


“Nope, still not tired of all the Winning!

Me, neither.

2/17 Air Cav

Ever heard of Hina Shamsi? She’s a foreign national, a Pakistani. She has been in the US more than 11 years. She enjoys permanent resident status, a green carder. She’s not at all happy with Trump’s decision and is saying so loudly. She was also not at all happy last year when, returning from overseas, she was actually questioned by authorities here. The nerve of them! Well, Hina Shamsi is the director of the ACLU National Security Project, a perfect job for a foreign national.

Wilted Willy

Club Med of Cuba!
I wonder what the capacity is for this place?
I would love to see it reach that number!!


Pack ’em in until they have to hotbunk. However many are there, it’s not enough. I’m not sure I give much of a shit about their ‘rights’ either. The murderous fucks think nothing of killing and maiming and burning alive anyone who is not a convert to their cult, the head honcho of which believes child love is acceptable.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio is well-qualified to run the place.

Give Sheriff Joe a meaningful job!

Drag Racing Maniac

Dude…that would be awesome! Pink underwear and baloney sammiches here we come!

George V

“By the end of his presidency, President George W. Bush concluded that Guantanamo was doing more harm than good, said John Bellinger, legal adviser to the National Security Council and the State Department in the Bush administration…”

I’d like to see a reporter ask President G.W. Bush about this quote. I would be surprised he concluded it was doing more harm than good.


I have no interest in a caribbean vacation but I would jump at the opportunity to tour the facility.
Trump builds big hotels so why not build one that can be used by tourists to see the place up close. Using inmates for show is probably against the Geneva Convention but that area can be off limits. Nice beach, casino etc.
Some of the rooms could be made up like a cell for those who want the full experience.


They’re illegal combatants, so fuck Geneva


I’m happy. I don’t know why, I’m just so happy to hear this.


I have an idea, might be pretty unpopular with the Left, Amnesty International, the MSM, and maybe even the Humane Society or PETA.

Since the USN no longer has Vieques for bombing and gunnery practice; lets stake one of these fuckers out somewhere on that base and get some real bombing practice.

Personally, I think they should have fixed every single one of these cocksuckers’ Pb deficiencies years ago.


These prisoners have it nicer than most Americans. Only hardcore terrorist leaders lead riots, starvation protests, and other problems. If a new prisoner arrives and stirs up shit they get inline real quick. The OG prisoners have a good thing going and don’t want it ruined by a fish. Regardless of how bad they lie to the press and how bad the press makes our cage kickers look. They’re in there because they did some bad shit. Obama administration knew this and couldn’t get it shut down. Trump administration knows this as said fuck it. The public just doesn’t care. As for information gathering techniques. Put them in a vibrating recliner chai that messages. Give them a tv with satellite, porn channels unlocked, a six pack of beer or liquor of their choice, slip some roofies. Take pictures, transport them to Singapore with the pictures of them drunk watching gay porn and committing homosexual acts on top of the quaran. Plan B lock legs in an ankle high hot tub strap them to where they can stand up and move a bit but not get out. Leave them there for 2 hours at a time, only time to stop is to eat, shower, no socks, no shoes, just flip flops. Repeat this process for 4 days or until they are unable to walk due to excessive pain. Then ask simple questions like their name. Give them medical treatment if they answer. Refusal to answer will result in no response either negativity or positively. Phase 2. When prisoner is fully healed and is of proper health began asking questions, verifiable facts, to gauge response. If false then bring in a 5 gallon bucket, a garden hose, a towel and restraints. Explain the predicament that they are now in. You gave them simple questions that were verifiably easy. They lied. Should they choose to continue to lie then they will be restrained. Lie again then the bucket will be placed under their feet as to allow water. You get the picture. Tell the truth and everything is reversed step by step. As… Read more »


Put half of them on female hormones and the other half on sildenafil. They will be singing info like it were showtunes.


Now that’s just evil. I approve!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Any of you now senior Navy/Marine Vets remember walking down the GITMO bloody mile with the mine fields on the right side to fleet landing with half a bag on.

Just An Old Dog

There is no suitable alternative. They belong to no organized Army of a nation and the countries they are from will either not take them back, set them free or execute them.
They would be nothing but targets if they were put in regular federal prisons in the US.
They should be GRATEFUL they have their own prison.


Should have all been delt with under Rule 303 as soon as all intel has been gathered


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