#MeToo Pentagon protest

| January 8, 2018

The other day we talked about the #MeToo protest at the Pentagon.

AZtoVA was worried this morning that the #MeToo protest was going to be crowded out by Guantanamo protesters in their orange jump suits at the Pentagon;

But, yay! The Gitmo protesters left to make room for the MeTooers;

AZtoVA reports;

More posters stuck in the fencing than there are people.

Video crew with no identifiable markings interviewing ring leaders.

One of the more classy signs says ‘Who needs sex, the Pentagon f*cks us regularly. (Sign not censored)

Category: Protests/Rallies

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Well, OK then. It’s, like, there’s some sort of a message there but who has the time to figure out what it might be?

Maybe it was just too cold for the special widdle snowflakes to venture out into the world. Better they stay safe in their delusions, inside their safe rooms, or wherever it is that they congregate. Or hide.


A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe the rest just wanted to stay in their parents ‘ basements and play XBox?

Perry Gaskill

Just as a thought experiment, what if the Guantanamo protesters and the #MeToo protesters didn’t protest at the same time because both groups were the same people?

The Other Whitey

It seems remarkably common these days for the left to hype the holy hell out of coming protest, only for a grand total of seven people to show up.


And then they frame the shot so you can’t tell it’s so desolate.


I was disappointed that there were no silly rhymes being chanted.

And I’m willing to bet that the “video crew” seen in the center of the close-up photo are members of the group, filming themselves since no news crews were there.

Probably will be shopping the video around for more attention, or posting on LinkedIn to bring great credit upon other Amesbury Middle School alumni.


Vice TV is another group of lefty snowflakes that’ll paint these douchecanoes in the best possible light, not that they’ll look any less insane.


I think Vice TV was involved in that fake Klan reality show which was cancelled because of its exposure as a media fraud.

Just An Old Dog

VICE TV does a shitload of prison documentaries. It’s so blatantly obvious that they are trying to slam the legal system and garner sympathy for the animals they show.
They really love to show the shit stains in their late teens and early 20s who have been gang-banging since they were 12 and have 3 pages of convictions and paint themselves as victims.
I just feel repulsed after seeing these POS living on our dime.
It makes me thank God for prisons.
It also makes me want Ramen and Flaming hot Cheetos.


FWIW, the prisons whose inmates are in that age bracket are among the most dangerous to work. Those kids have no concept of future consequences – and don’t care.


There’s protesters there? Really?

Gee, these twerps just don’t have the stamina of the hippies from the 60s. There was quite a large – well, massive presence of draft protesters at the Pentagon in the fall of 1967. It was on the day that some of them tried to find the Selective Service files and got thrown out of the Pentagon by the MPs at the doors on the Arlington side of the building.

Some real reporters showed up and shot photos for the news services. There were other protests later on. I was mostly too busy to go see them, but they’re on old videos some place.

Those were the days, my friend.

Kids today don’t know their butts from a hole in the ground about protests. Seven people showed up, huh? Yeah, they’re really dedicated, aren’t they?


Here you go. A newsreel of the march to the Pentagon and a brief spiel on the protest itself. Crowd total was approximately 100,000.

These kids today know nothing. Nothing, I tellya!


You can almost hear John Kerry in the background yell, “I gotta go get a few medals to throw away, be right back”


Hey! That was my old M.P. Company (though I wasn’t there until June, 1971).


What surprises me is that they were able to find seven people to protest.

I guess Soros isn’t paying as well this year now that the homefolks in Hungary are after his tail.

Real impressive, folks. Show yourselves to be a small vocal insane group.


They need Commissar, Social Justice Warrior, to lead them!!!!

E4 Mafia For Life.

When is Soros going to shit the bed?
He’s like the most evil POS in the world.


Yes she can, OPRAH in 2020!


FML. Go ahead, let her run.

At least it’ll keep Progtard Comrades Sanders and Liewatha out of the spotlight.


Bernie Sanders wife for VP!

#SheCanDoItToo … from prison.


Like a solar eclipse?


So, did they make sure to get that super tight shot so it appears there are hundreds if not thousands at that pathetic “look at us” gathering? Boy, it’s easy to protest during the weekdays when you don’t have a job.


Were public schools in session today in DC? If not, that might explain part of the small turnout – without access to a bunch of yellow buses, the lefty loons couldn’t clear out the shelters of “protestors” to add to their ranks. Or even school children.

E4 Mafia For Life.

Yellow short buses… and helmets

Veritas Omnia Vincit

One thing’s true about the US, someone’s always got to be pissed off about something. Right or left, but at least the right doesn’t set shit on fire or loot when they try and make a point …

These people will never be happy, never simply enjoy the fact that their biggest fucking problem is a first world problem.

I mean the women were allowed to drive their without first receiving permission from a male relative, no gays got pushed off a building on the way to protest, not to minimize the problem with assault to be certain but I suspect there are more effective ways to get your point across than some dipshit signs and pink hats.

E4 Mafia For Life.

If they studied history – not the revised history they like to write – they could use cardboard cutouts of people to fill in the massive vacancies in their crowds.


I’m thankful the cops were able to control such a violent, massive group.
Anyone check the weather? If it was less than
70 or over 80 they probably wouldn’t leave mommy’s basement. They don’t pop their pimply face out the door under less than ideal weather conditions.

Old Trooper

I used to live less than a block from a DoD contractor (actually quite a large multi-national company, but the plant by me was all DoD stuff) and during the warmer days, here in the frozen tundra, there would be protestors every Wednesday morning. Had been going on since Vietnam. Anyhoo, it was the mid 90’s and they were still going strong, until the weather turned a little frosty, then they weren’t there, until the first Robin of Spring, the next year. I stopped and asked them, once, why I never saw any of them in the Winter. They assured me they were there, even though I never once saw them, to which I told the grey haired, Che t-shirt wearing, Mercedes driving ring leader that he was full of shit. I asked them what they were protesting and they informed me that they were protesting our involvement in Iraq. I told them that Vietnam was over, The Berlin wall was down, and Desert Storm was done; so there really wasn’t much to be whining about. They didn’t like that.


They really do need their own planet… one where the weather is always a balmy 73F, it never rains but there is plenty of water from some undefined (and untested) source, and food just appears out of nowhere.