ISIS Executioner Captured
Fox News is reporting that Abu Omar, an ISIS militant accused of executing dozens of gay men and others has been captured in Mosul last week. He was caught in a hideout in the city after security forces received tips from local Iraqis, according to AhlulBayt News Agency.
Omar directed and appeared in gruesome videos portraying ISIS executions, including gays being thrown from buildings, and others being stoned to death or beheaded for perceived Sharia infractions such as blasphemy.
“In one video, apparently from March 2015, a man who appears to be Omer reads off a list of charges against three men before they are publicly beheaded.
Another photo appears to show Omer inspecting a pile of rocks before a public stoning. Now, this most feared ISIS executioner could be executed himself.”
The exact number of ISIS victims may never be known, but an AP investigation has found at least 133 mass graves, only a few of which have been exhumed. Estimates of victims vary between 11,000 and 13,000 dead.
Let the punishment fit the crime.
Category: Terror War
Throw this fucker off a ten-story building and watch him flap his arms as he tries to fly…
Throw him off a one story building ten times. Make it hurt more with each repetition.
Bend him over and tie him down face down ass up, in a field of goats and let them have their sweet revenge.
Seriously, goats will eat just about anything and well….
Pigs. Goats are cute and lovable and are revered as islamic brides. However, goats have class, and will not indulge in such vile activities.
Pigs, on the other hand, have no such scruples, and will consume most anything they can fit into their mouths…living or nearly dead.
You must really hate goats
Stand him at the edge of a ten story building, tie a cinderblock to his balls with a 70 ft rope and throw THAT off the building. He can follow an hour or so later.
Maybe the dipshit from the other day can “educate” us and call us bigots at the same time, provided Jonn didn’t drop the ban hammer on his ass.
Oh, you mean Willy-boy?
Yeah, he’ll have some excuse about how spiritual they really are.
Chances of that happening are zero to none.
I’ll bet William is busy gibbering incoherently about his favourite subject, the Quran, perfect in every way, written by the perfect man, Mohammad, who in that book says ‘the sun sets in a puddle of mud’, ‘He ascended to heaven on a horse with a mans head’ AND…..’The world is flat’…. among other great 7th century facts, deeds & feats including many mass murders and rapes committed by him or at his direction.
Don’t forget to mention all the great scientific accomplishments of Islamic/Arabic culture, like their claim to have invented the zero.
Actually they invented the decimal point.
Restaurant checks have suffered ever since…
The latest gift to the West from Islam is the “Concrete diversity bollards” or the trucks blocking the roads at major events or the heavily armed police squads patrolling the city.
Sure feels like Islamists have declared war on the West.
They have declared war on us. We (the nations of the West) just won’t publicly admit it. All the Islamists know they are at war with us, that is why they refer to us as infidels (kufir) residing the Dar al Harb (house of the enemy or war). Of course, if you are a progtard, then you buy John Brennan’s bs that jihad is just means personal struggle for spiritual improvement and not Muzzie holy war.
I missed that thread. Probably better for my BP that I missed it.
Believe me, you are better off for having missed it.
Let him live and walk amongst the crowd.
Run his ass through a wood chipper and put the remains on the compost pile with the rest of the garbage.
No. That would be a waste of good pig food. Plus, I don’t think they believe they get their 72 Helen Thomases after they have passed through a pig’s digestive tract.
You guys have no imaginations.
Put him in a closed corral with a very hungry pack of feral dogs, preferably pit bulls.
N.B.: No insult meant toward pit bull terriers in general.
Hungry or angry hogs will also suffice. Perhaps even better, if you catch my drift…
PH: Daughter is camping this week (temp 20/ wind chill 10 … who wouldn’t like it). Anyway, she saw a pack of wild dogs carrying deer legs across the road out in the sticks.
Exactly my point, Chief.
Ala Ramsey Bolton?
BEAT him and feed him alive to a bunch of wild hogs.
I still favor feeding him to the hogs.
He executed people for homosexuality, but what do suppose the odds are that he ever missed a Man-Love Thursday?
The islamic religion: guys who regularly buttfuck eachother screaming for the murder of homosexuals. The doublethink required to believe that crap is utterly absurd.
I believe API has a point about the Disciples of the Great Pedophile being afflicted with a mental illness?
Mental illness is a pre-requisite & assumed if your a willing subject of Allah & a believer in the Quran.
Plenty are stupid enough to believe in their duty of jihad and martyrdom missions & 72 virgins.
With Islamists and the death cult of Islam they actually want to die while killing as many innocents as they can who they see as infidels and kuffar.
It’s akin to the thought pattern I was told was common in some countries that giving a man a blow job was queer, getting a blow job from a man – well, guys got urges, y’know?
I vote for the wild hogs. They’ve shown in the past they know how to get the job done.
Better watch out… “William” may show up and defend this vile piece of trash, then proceed to tell us how we don’t know the “true meaning” about the Islamic faith.
I thought Lars was banned.
Straight from the Imam’s mouth:
“A Texas imam has apologized after issuing a video statement last month in which he said it was the duty of Muslims to kill Jews because of President Trump’s decision to move the United States’ embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.”
There’s his “true meaning.”
Shove an ear of corn up his ass and feed him to the hogs. That would be a teaching moment for ISIS wannabe’s. No virgins, and an express trip to hell.
Whatever his fate with the Iraqis, I would hope they interrogate the shit out of him for every bit of intell he has.
Then turn him over to the families of his victims.
…with hogs. Gotta be hogs involved for this turd.
If execution by hog is chosen, hang him by his hands so they can start with his feet and work up slowly.
Or is that too cruel?
Regardless of how quickly or slowly he shuffles off his mortal coil, his final destination will be an eternity of torment.
>so they can start with his feet and work up slowly.
And a supply of CATs (tourniquets). You wouldn’t want a man like Abu Omar to be eaten by a hog all at once.
Monday: hung by hands, CAT for lower left leg, right leg in hog-resistant sheath.
Tuesday: hung by right foot, CAT on right arm, left arm bound to body.
Weds: Hung by left arm, etc.
Moo ham id never got anyone into Heaven. Who died making this pond scum the moral authority on sexual orientation?
[…] Political Hat: When Transgender Rights & Socialized Healthcare Collide This Ain’t Hell: ISIS Executioner Captured, also, Joshua Boyle Facing 15 Charges Weasel Zippers: California Pranked By Signs On Interstate […]
One knuckle at a time. Where are the Progressives bashing Trump about his supposed anti gay shit? Totally silent on the atrocities committed by the 7th Century Sand Monkies.
The problem is they never face justice in keeping with their crime……and that is the case even in American courts e.g the ‘affluenza’ vehicular homicide case, so many examples…….all skate
He should die screaming and on fire
He should die screaming while feral hogs devour his flesh.
How about thrown into a cell with Bubba then kicked in the balls and ass raped once a day for a year then set on fire.
Step 1. Leave in Jordanian custody.
Step 1A. Attach post-it note saying ‘Please record everything, edit out any screaming, and send us copies of recordings’.
Step 2. Forget Step 1.
Give him some Pace Picante and “Show Him the Rope” on a commercial on the LBGT Channel.
And then upload it to the Islamic World.
you got him now kill him!
DEATH BY RU-RU ! ! From a brigade of gay men of course ! !
NOW them gays in the military can be handy….
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Please let me have him I’ll cure his disease. A single treatment MONEY back guarantee. 100% success rate with zero recidivism. A single dose of .45 caliber therapy. First consultation and treatment is free! Ask me about our discount for referring friends and family. *Massive savings for group treatments and follow up support.
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1. Rope.
2. Tree or Gallows.
3. Abu Omar.
Some Assembly Required.