Tyler Barriss arrested for deadly “Call of Duty” SWATing prank

| December 30, 2017

Fox News reports that Tyler Barriss of Los Angeles has been arrested and believed to be the person that sent a SWAT team to an address in Wichita, Kansas that he believed to be the address of a “Call of Duty” gaming rival.

In the audio of the 911 call, the caller claimed his father had been shot in the head and that he was holding his mother and a sibling at gunpoint. The caller added that he poured gasoline inside the home and “might just set it on fire.”

The address he gave was that of 28-year-old Andrew Finch. When police arrived, Finch let them in his home, but for some reason during the conversation with police, Finch made a motion towards his waistband causing officers to feel threatened and Finch was dead from a single fired round. It turns out that Finch was unarmed and his mother denies that he was even a gamer.

Swatting is designed to make the responding officers hyper-alert when they arrive at the intended-victims’ homes.

The FBI estimates that roughly 400 cases of swatting occur annually, with some using caller ID spoofing to disguise their number.

People generally suck.

Category: Crime

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“People generally suck.” Roger that


As a former police officer, I can tell you, there are people that should NEVER wear the badge! Fortunately when I was in the business we had very few and they were weeded out in a hurry, todays officers are basically brainwashed whimps imho that are afraid to do their job and when in a stressful situation, the John Wayne Syndrome kicks in…..all this liberal, anti christ, the communist ACLU have done wonders to this country haven’t they?


One more reason to ban caller ID spoofing.


If we save just one life, isn’t it worth it?


Already illegal to make a false report to police.

Since online phones self-report location, the only way to prevent location spoofing is ban all non-hardwired phones. Not going to happen.

Police need to think “verification”. This also would cover “ambush call” situations.


Try that little bastard for MURDER in the first degree…premeditated!


Won’t fly. You cannot prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the dickhead -intended- death as the result. You would be very hard pressed to convince a jury, beyond a reasonable doubt, that death was even a reasonably foreseeable outcome.

Possibly? Sure. Grossly negligent? Easily. Callous disregard etc? Sure.

Flip side. If cops do not get a handle on this seeming upsurge of “unarmed innocent person shot and killed”, the backlash will be …. harsh.

Police are -very- heavily dependent on the presumption of a lack of malice, or lack of callous disregard. If that fails, widely, the job becomes very, very personally risky. The resultant breakdown of policing is already evident in Chicago. Imagine it widespread, nationally.

So yes, “blue lives matter”. If “blue” continues to let this sort of sloppy shit slide, “blue” lives will -not- be seen to matter.

And -that- is just a stone’s throw from “chaos”.


This basement dweller won’t do very well in prison. Not well at all. And I’m good with that.

Sympathy to the friends and family of the victim.


yeah what a mental midget. piece of shit shpuld probably get life but swatting is like 4 year term. What a dumbfuck, any idiot who does this usually has mental capacity of an ant. that call to 911 was cringeworthy.


Does the turd a SEAL tattoo or dog tag?


Probably not, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the cop that shot him does. If those Rambo wannabees are so frightened by just the thought that someone else is armed that they can’t control their itchy trigger fingers they should find another, safer, line of work.




1) I Agree
2) ACCIDENTl pressed “report comment”


You bet!


If swatting is a felony, one wonders whether he could face a felony murder rule charge. Probably not under traditional common law. Let’s hope he gets to do some hard time, so that he can “enjoy” some BJT sammiches.

Perry Gaskill

An additional factor is, according to at least one report, Barriss was released in January after a two-year prison term for calling in a false bomb threat.


He should. Definitely depraved indifference. Sending a 911 call allegedly from a house claiming it’s an active murder scene has a reasonably likelihood of causing death.

Since he was using interstate telecommunications, he’d be subject to federal law.

Would probably be subject to Kansas and Cali law as well, since these statutes usually allow prosecution where the victim resides or where the call originated.


Yes, the act of swatting is intended to possibly cause exactly what did happen. Therefore, easy to articulate.



The little bytch has a history of doing this, going back to 2015:


A long stretch at the BTJT Deli (Home of the WORLD-FAMOUS Cockmeat Sammich and Ghey Whey Shake) seems to be in this assholes future…


This happened about four years ago: a North Shore family went out to dinner and came home, only to be barred from going into their own neighborhood because a 911 call had indicated that a family was being held at gunpoint at a specific address. When the driver of the car (the homeowner) ID’d himself and his family and had restaurant receipts to prove that they were returning from a dinner at a restaurant, the police realized that they and the family had been SWATted but good.

As it turned out, the homeowner and his wife had earlier fired someone they had hired as a housekeeper and au pair for their teen-aged children, and this disgruntled employee was the one who SWATted them.

Sometimes you don’t have to bother spoofing caller IDs.


That dude looks like something that escaped out of Area 51.

Perry Gaskill

I’d agree. My own thought was that it’s a surprise the little extra-terrestrial psycho called in SWAT instead of a death ray attack from a Vulcan battle cruiser.


He’s no Vulcan, hell, he damn sure isn’t a Romulan and definitely NOT a Klingon Warrior, so I’m figgering that he was one of the slave boy Lohurians the Klingons keep to clean the toilets with their tongues.
They are reminiscent of the Hobbit’s of Middle Earth fame, but they lack any sort of bravery unlike the Hobbit Klan, especially the Baggins Klan in particular. Since these Lohurians have been a conquered species for several centuries they willingly give their young males to other warrior types such as the klingons and Humans so they don’t have to do anything other than suck dick and lick toilets clean.


The days of ordering a pizza delivery to the neighbor you disliked or a funny joke on a friend was funny and noone was really hurt, these “swatting” pranks take a seriously moronic person to even consider it, let alone following through. Hope the penalty for this kind of stuff gets harsher.
That being said, I have many questions about this being a “good shoot”, I respect Law Enforcement to a degree, but too many trigger happy cops out there with way too many protections regarding consequences. Like that poor fella shot down like a dog in the hall of the hotel, I don’t care that I wasn’t on the jury or on the scene, that was a “bad shoot”, period!


Yeah, I think this is bad on the police. Why didn’t they have the guy put his hands against the wall or cuff him?

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

I’m proud of you. The amount of cheese that I ate to create you was worth it. Keep up the good work. I will spare your residence from another laundry run.

Dennis Howard Chevalier
Denny H. Chevalier

Frankie Cee

Straight out of the DRG playbook.

RGR 4-78

I don’t know how accurate this report from Wichita is.


If the twitter statement is actually Barriss’s, he sounds like a real piece of work.


Listened to the entire interview- BLUF: He’s not guilty of murder because he didn’t actually pull the trigger, and the situation sucks.

No, really.

(Bottom Line Up Front)


THANK YOU. I get weird looks at work when I use BLUF! When I explain it, my colleagues say ‘that’s not a real thing’.

Nice to feel validated 🙂


Should be the same penalty as hiring a hit man, death.


As long as the actual hit man, police or not, gets the same penalty.

A Proud Infidel®™

He ought t get 20 to Life at the very lest!


It will take the prison wolves minutes to “turn out” this widdle gamer.


He will put aside “Call of Duty” for his new game:

Call of Booty: Survival

A Proud Infidel®™

He gonna be Bubba & Thor’s new Booty-Boy!!!



RGR 4-78

From the looks of the little weasel, other than self inflicted, prison sex is all he’s getting.


Murder 1. Death. I’ll do the honors if it’s an issue.

Doc Savage

This little basement dweller is going to go from “squeakhole” to “Wind tunnel” in the first 24 hours in the slam.


Officer has to go away as well.

Maybe the officer and Barriss can share a cell.


If the victim was “not even a gamer” as his mother stated then how did a guy in LA know who he was or his address?
That ass doing the swatting needs to be reamed out daily in prison for causing anothers death like that.


Do you have any idea how easy it is to find addresses on the internet now?

Just go to Zillow’s website. Your house may be on their listings, even if it isn’t for sale. My sister’s house shows up there and unless she tells me otherwise, it is definitely not for sale.


I know how easy it is, Ex-PH2. What I was getting at is if the victims mother said her son wasn’t a gamer how the hell did a guy in CA know who he was? Just randomly pick him out? Even if that was the case I’m pretty sure the home wasn’t in his name. Very strange

RGR 4-78

In the news reports, a rival gamer gave him the (random?) address as his own.

The Other Whitey

Fuck this loser. Of course, that’s exactly what his new neighbors/cellmates will be doing on a daily basis.




Two years ago, Tyler Barriss called in multiple bomb threats to the Glendale offices of KABC-TV Channel 7, prompting a mass evacuation.

Barriss was charged and eventually convicted in connection with the hoax, one of several high-profile incidents at the time that focused attention on the act of crank-calling known as “swatting.”

His twitter handle was SWauTistic, but in jail he’ll be known as “Hugh Janus”.