Christopher P. Blake, Second Chance Veterans Foundation founder arrested

| December 30, 2017

The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office tells the story of their arrest of Christopher P. Blake, the founder of Second Chance Veterans Foundation. According to the sheriff’s office, Blake has been making false promises and bouncing checks all over the place. The sheriff initiated the investigation when Blake took a “selfie” with Sheriff Chitwood and the sheriff started getting complaints from the public. Read the details at the sheriff’s office Facebook page;

Category: Phony Vet Charities

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Dude looks shady…and the misspellings and maudlin bs in his “purpose” statement don’t detract from that…maybe he should rename his organization “No Chance”


Florida again!

Larry Goulet

Florida is the “happy hunting ground” for despicable cretins like this guy! A lot of very patriotic, elderly folks who are easy pickings for guys like Blake who have no moral compass! Sad, but true! Senior chief Petty Officer, USN (ret), Bradenton, FL


Are those POW bracelets he is rocking in the top photo?




POS bracelets.

Prisoner of Sheriff


Never piss off the local POPO – a lesson that CHRISTOPHER P. BLAKE forgot. Here’s hoping that he gets a very long stay at the BTJT Diner (Home of the WORLD-FAMOUS Cockmeat Sammich) .


sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Florida-Nigeria what’s the difference their both predominated by scamming dic/shit heads who pray on the elderly and the sympathies of others for profit….


Where there’s smoke…. and he did have quite a smokescreen, didn’t he?

Where’s ChipNASA and the WOI???

Green Thumb


Check out RIVER in Missoula, Montana.

Another group of crooks.

A Proud Infidel®™

Volusia County Fl, ain’t that the area that some current jAiLbIrD calls Home? Isn’t The Headquarters of APL near there? Volusia County Fl sure draws more than a fair share of conmen and scumbags.


Off topic question:

Is there any truth behind the claims that a quantum entanglement radar is possible and that

1) It can detect stealth craft.

2) Loockhee Martin been working on a prototype.

3) The chicoms claim to have one in service already.


A Proud Infidel®™

STOP huffing the floor wax, Yef!!


“Sheriff Chitwood”

Mike Chitwood? Former chief of Portland Maine? Former Philly cop? Can’t be. Say it ain’t so.
Gun grabbing pos that likens himself to Harry Callahan.
Man oh man I hope he is caught up in this.


“Volusia County”
Best mug shots on the planet.
My x is a regular


There’s gotta be a good story in that post !!!!!


You bet there is.
She ran off with a Biker to Daytona.
Keeps getting arrested for beating on cops while drunk.
You fill in the rest…

Roger in Republic

I read an article yesterday along the lines of ” The times where Florida Put the “F in WTF!” “. It seems to me that those occasions are becoming too numerous to list.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Maybe I shouldn’t have retired to Florida back in 2007 and stayed in Long Beach LI.


Assholes such as this is why I am so fanatically selective in who gets my money. I’m convinced there are more bogus veteran charities than there are legitimate ones. This guy and those such as him, who are the moral equivalent of pond scum, can rot.


Any word on the Wounded Warrior Project of late ???
I challenged them, publicly, on FB the other day and haven’t heard a word about it yet…
Things that make you go Hmmmmm…..


WWP still haven’t cleaned up their act?

Green Thumb

Never have and never will so long as the “PTSD” is still in play.

E4 Mafia For Life.

One great/Legit charity is Fisher House and the Gary Senise Foundation.
When I’m not “donating” my income to illegals, the 12 kids I didn’t father and their education and paying taxes, I slip a few bucks their way.