Douglas B. Tate; phony Vietnam veteran

| December 1, 2017

Someone sent us a tip about this fellow, Douglas B. Tate, who was a high school teacher until he was convicted of sexually abusing a teenage girl, who wasn’t one of his students. The 70-year-old was sentenced to 3 years to life. One of his former students, Richard Lux, wrote a piece in the Salt Lake Tribune which blamed Tate’s service in the Vietnam War for his crime;

If justice were comprehensive the field of view would be wider, matters would be far less simple and blame for wrongs apportioned differently. It might well indeed encompass the architects and vested, corporate interests of the Vietnam war who remained remote and far removed from the lives they damaged or destroyed.

In 1976, fortunately for those who became his students, Doug turned to teaching. Unfortunately, there were no programs to counsel Vietnam veterans about the unspeakable things some had witnessed. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) wasn’t recognized as a mental health condition until 1980, and Congress didn’t prompt the VA to research its prevalence and other postwar psychological problems among vets until 1983.

By then, Doug had dealt with issues alone and found refuge and fulfillment in teaching young people, who responded enthusiastically and affirmed him. Perhaps, it was easier to relate to them rather than peers of his age. He won a much-deserved reputation among school administrators, parents and students alike as an exceptional educator who worked scrupulously and assiduously with encouragement and humor to instill passion for learning and build students’ confidence in their abilities — thereby, preparing them for success in college and beyond.

I won’t forget one particular day when Doug appeared distraught and “not himself.” After class, some of us asked if he was OK. He reluctantly explained that he’d woken up that morning screaming in his closet — 15 years to the day since returning from Vietnam. Thereafter, he occasionally confided experiences from the military hospital in Da Nang where he served — what no civilian could truly comprehend: hiding under a pile of dead bodies when the perimeter was overrun by Vietcong; the death in his arms of a female nurse — her back broken accidentally by another diving for cover during a mortar attack; and, visions unfathomable: body parts of a Vietnamese prostitute strung up around the base with fishing line — murdered and dismembered (publicly) in retaliation for American servicemen killed over failing to pay their “tab.” Doug was a sensitive person. He couldn’t always escape nightmares of horrendous wounds, piles of amputated limbs and spraying anticoagulants onto pools of congealed blood under operating tables.

In those days, he had a painting, done by a friend, depicting a cross section of earth with a man — either sleeping or dead — buried underground in a tomb or vault. Growing out of the body were vines that had managed to sprout on the surface and produce a tree. I thought the picture might be a metaphor for Doug’s own life. If he were — in ways — already “dead and buried” on the inside, he’d also found a way to give back through his unique gifts as a teacher.

The Vietnam war isn’t directly to blame for the deplorable fate of the kind and conscientious person we knew. Doug would probably be first to abjure any claim it was. Yet, “society” ought not so lightly dismiss the life and service — both at home and abroad — of one of its sons. If I’ve betrayed ancient confidences, it is with hope that all concerned may see through the eyes of compassion. I pray those hurt will find healing, including Doug, who I’m sure feels tremendous remorse.

According to the National Personnel Records Center records, Tate’s only time on active duty during the Vietnam War was for training. He never left the Continental United States. He spent 27 years in the military, all of that time in the Army Reserve and Army National Guard, as a physical therapist in Utah.

From Lux;

I’ll choose to remember Doug Tate as one of the most remarkable teachers I ever had and one of Utah’s finest. Without excusing actions, I can attest he was a genuinely good person, who managed to transform his personal torment and PTSD into the worthy education of thousands of Utah students. More than that, he was a true friend. If my words are anathema for any who never knew him, I still say: Thanks, Doug. You deserved better.

Now you can remember Tate as an inveterate liar who got what he deserved. I find it hard to believe that a physical therapist who never left Utah has PTSD from his military experiences. I do find it easy to believe that a fellow who lied about his military career is guilty of something else – they all are if prosecutors look close enough.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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How much disappointment – how much crushing PeeTeeEssDee would Mr. Lux suffer if he accepted the fact that his “idol” doesn’t just have feet of clay, but is a complete phony?

I hope sincerely that the bricks don’t fall too hard on Mr. Lux. Denouement can be such a crushing blow… a real bitch.


Has anyone contacted the Salt Lake Trubune to see if they will print a retraction?


The Salt Lake Tribune has been good at retracting stories. They were fooled by Air Force Myron Brown who claimed to have received the DSC, PH, etc., none which were true. Their original story has been wiped clean by Google.

Am guessing Tate’s former student Richard Lux, who wrote the opinion and who now lives in CA, is guillible and fell for Tate’s story…and once again, the Salt Lake Tribune failed to do their homework in verifying those claims. How emarrassing for the Tribune. They haven’t learned their lesson yet.



Fact checking seems to be a major weakness in journalism – must not be taught in J-school any more. Ranks right up there with sexual assault training in the newsroom/studio


The 3 years to life sentence sure leaves some leeway.

E4 Mafia For Life.

If his life ends before those 3 years then that is a life sentence right? There’s a not-so-implied message hidden there…


WTF, if this ass clown wants PTSD so bad he can have mine; I sure as heck don’t want it, or the baggage that comes with the diagnosis. Hell I’ll bet there are plenty of other legit vets with legit cases that would gladly give theirs to him if they could, too. He’d really enjoy mine, I actually served with the Marines as a Corpsman. F-ing turd, PTSD does not give you an excuse to go around messing around with kids. He doesn’t deserve sympathy either, needs a good swift kick in the ass and plenty of time as a guest in the greybar hotel enjoying all the amenities they offer – and maybe then he’ll develop that PTSD he wants to have so badly he has to lie about having it, not to mention crapping over an honorable career in the Reserves (yeah it was Reserve service, but it was still service when a lot of people opted not to).


Maybe he’ll get PTSD from the guys in the prison shower soon. He won’t ever be able to look at a bar of soap again.

E4 Mafia For Life.

But he’ll always be able reach it with the rope sticking out of his ass.

Mr. Pete


Wilted Willy

I hope the scumbag gets life!


He will get PTSD when his starfish is busted.




A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how quickly Bubba & Thor busted his cherry?

Hack Stone

At the proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the federal government, the Vice President of the company calls it the “Brown Rose”.


This is a new one to me. I had no idea that PTSD turned people into kiddy touching shitbags. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts this isn’t the only time he’s done it.


Lux should be jailed just for using those awful cliches


One of public education’s finest products.


Maybe Lux was REALLY close to his teacher?

borderbill (a NIMBY/BANANA)

Public school “teacher”. Shit.


I hope that Lux isn’t looking for a career as an author or journalist. That sample was horrible.

As for Tate, I blame the Mormons for his PTSD. A guy can only go so long without alcohol and caffeine.


Indeed Bobo,

Perhaps it was the Magical Underwear constantly riding up his crack that traumatised him??

The LDS church is ridiculous (see Joseph Smith) but atleast it wasnt constructed by a deranged,mediocre Sci-Fi writer who was also an epic Valour Thief.


Saw the magic underwear doing room inspections during commissioning…Morman told me they were “legit”…looked like lucky charms sewn in but I didn’t study them in detail…beyond their incomprehensible religion (to me), I have the utmost respect for every Morman I’ve encountered…


And in other breaking news, millions of genuine Vietnam vets didn’t try groping any children today.


How do you get an Commendation Medal as a physical therapist?


Probably as a End Of Tour award.

Utah National Guard Commendation Medal. Kinda looks like an ARCOM being green with white stripes, but not the same thing as a Big Army Commendation Medal.


His records indicate he was an enlisted Physical Therapy Technician…not a Physical Therapist.

Physical Therapists are Commissioned Officers(MSC) generally having a Masters degree, or if accepted with a Bachelors are given the opportunity for gaining the Masters level. The DoD if I recall, used to preferentially send their PTs to Wood’s Hole to get their Masters.

Not that it matters that much, but if it was my community I would want to separate myself from his sorry ass.


sorry …brain fart….It’s actually Baylor…and now the program is up to a Doctoral level.


He cleared a man’s constipation… with only his index finger and thumb. No glove.


I’m hoping there is enough room in the slammer to keep him there for the maximum sentence. He’s going to be have a great time in the warm embrace of Julio and others who look with disdain upon pervs.


Douglas Taint is a kid diddling lying sack of shit.

Carlton G. Long

Good on the editor for a firm but fair response.


Gomer’s little brother?

Green Thumb

This dude needs some high voltage.


This is just another example of a lefty/progtard propagandist who thinks he is a writer/journalist perpetuated the false Vietnam vet talking points/lies. Most who served in the Viet of the Nam saw little or no Sturm and Drang. As an infantryman, I only fired my weapons on a range or in a test-fire barrel. I was only shot at three times in 15 months; once while riding in a helo and twice with mortar rounds. Other than My Lai, I never saw or heard of any mistreatment of the Vietnamese civilians or the enemy. I would suspect that less than 10% of those who served in RVN ever saw or experienced any actual combat. So, for most real Vietnam veterans there was no trauma to cause any PTSD, period.

3/17 Air Cav

rgr769……I agree, most of the stress I experienced was the unknown, what’s around the corner! Drove me absolutely nuts!


What caused most of my stress was dealing with the several asshole senior officers I had in my chain of command, at various points in my tour.