Rancho Tehama Elementary School shooter was out on bail
Earlier this week, Kevin Janson Neal, shot up the Rancho Tehama Elementary Schoolnear Sacramento, California. He killed 4 people before he was killed by sheriff’s deputies who responded. Among the dead was Neal’s wife who officers found buried under the floorboards of his house and two neighbors with whom he had disputes in the past. Neal had a semiautomatic rifle and two handguns in the truck he stole, according to the LA Times.
Sheridan Orr, of North Carolina, said her brother had a history of mental illness and episodes of rage.
“There are certain people that do not need guns, and my brother was clearly one of them,” she said.
Orr said that her brother had long struggled with mental illness and that he would get paranoid and speak of government conspiracies. She said he was also known to have sudden episodes of unwarranted anger.
According to Sacramento CBS Neal was out of jail on bond from an assault with a knife on a person who ended up being one of his shooting victims. He was prohibited from possessing a firearm, police went to his house on numerous occasions when he fired off rounds in the neighborhood;
At a tense news conference Wednesday, police conceded that neighbors had repeatedly complained about Kevin Janson Neal firing hundreds of rounds from his house.
Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said authorities responded to calls several times, but the 44-year-old Neal wouldn’t open the door, so they left.
“He was not law enforcement friendly. He would not come to the door,” Johnston said. “You have to understand we can’t anticipate what people are going to do. We don’t have a crystal ball.”
Somehow, I don’t think that not answering the door to police would work for the rest of us.
At the time of the attack, Neal was out of custody on bail after being charged in January with stabbing one of the neighbors he later killed in the rampage.
After the January assault, a judge barred Neal from having guns, according to court records.
The records also show that Neal was charged with illegally firing a weapon and possessing an illegal assault rifle on Jan. 31.
He was charged with five felonies and two misdemeanors. As part of a protective order that barred him from “owning, possessing, purchasing or attempting to purchase firearms,” Neal was ordered to stay away from the two female neighbors he had threatened.
It’s a good thing that protective order was out there, otherwise someone might have been hurt seriously instead of just killed. This is in California where law abiding people can’t own guns and the government that convinced the law-abiding that they would keep them safe failed. Miserably. On numerous occasions. With cowardice.
Category: Guns
I had this really long wordy post all ready to go.
But it all boils down to the laws are in place…fucking enforce them.
Don’t tell Giffords. Facts do not sit well on her mind.
She’s a Veggie
Nothing really sits in her mind anymore. Her cocksucker husband’s influence couldn’t be more obvious if she had strings tied to all four limbs. She’s brain damaged, he uses her condition to make her a puppet. Disgusting.
Speaking seriously, in other circumstances this would be considered spousal abuse.
Same with James Brady.
Part of being liberal is being totally allergic to facts, logic and common sense.
What little of it didn’t get blown out by that little democrat fuckstick who capped her.
Giffords’ got half a mind to protest this thread.
Gabby is proof that you can shoot a Democrat in the head and not hit anything.
And that would be another reason why I don’t live in the PRofC
I live in rural SoCal. The deputies around here favor “do what you gotta do” as much as possible, but state law is not exactly friendly towards reality.
Last year I had an incident where some unprovoked jerkoff followed us home one night. I pulled the car into the garage, and he yelled threats at me and my wife from our driveway, then hauled ass when he saw the 1911 in my hand. I called the Sheriff’s substation and gave them a quick summary plus a description of the asshole and his vehicle. The deputy I spoke to, who lives down the street, told me, “Remember, if he comes back, you can’t legally shoot him until he gets inside the house. I know it’s bullshit, but that’s what we’re stuck with. Also remember that if he does get inside and you do shoot him, make sure you kill his ass. Less crap to deal with afterwards that way.”
Never allow more than one side of the story. Less complicated.
I’m still laughing over Graybeard’s “facts don’t sit well on her mind” – envisioning a Wile E. Coyote style fact trying to balance on a shot-away pinnacle. God, I’m sick.
“Your Honor, I can say, without fear of contradiction, that….”
The ONE, and the ONLY ONE, version that MATTERS/ is available to the D.A. —
Leave the door on top of their corpse, ya know, just in case.
If someone is behind me when I get into my neighborhood and I even think they MIGHT following me, I don’t go home. I go to some other part of the neighborhood, and if I still don’t lose them, I start making my way to the nearest police station. I got that far only one time. When the guy figured out where we were, he took off like a bat out of hell. Too late–I had already gotten a complete description of him, his truck, and his license plate (we got stopped for a train crossing on the way to the police station). The police paid him a visit a few days later and put the fear of God into him.
Just one more reason I choose to be armed whenever possible.
If it’s legal to carry, you can rest assured I’m fully and legally armed. I may go down, but it won’t be without a fight. The world is full of MFers and I don’t plan to be a statistic.
It’s unclear why the news media seems to be location challenged on this story. Tehama County is roughly 120 miles north of Sacramento, or about the same distance as from Washington D.C. to Philadelphia. As a matter of historical trivia, Tehama’s county seat of Red Bluff was noteworthy during Gold Rush days for being the furthest point of steamboat navigation on the Sacramento River.
A point being that it’s in a part of California where it’s not unusual to hear mention of the separatist state of Jefferson now and then.
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard some place in east county San Diego, eastern Riverside, or Imperial counties described as “outside of Los Angeles…”
Yeah, 150-200 MILES outside! Then again, LA and San Francisco do their damnedest to convince the world that the rest of the state doesn’t exist.
Hell, LA, Hollywierd, San Foo-foo and NYC all act like the rest of the United States doesn’t exist!
And get upset when we don’t roll over for them.
Hmm. So the guy was an individual with known mental issues, one of which was periodic anger outbursts. He was also out on bail after having been charged with multiple violent felonies. And he commits more violent crimes while out on bail.
Stevie Wonder could have seen that coming.
And the police did nothing numerous times.
Liberalism in action.
I’m hoping to see several sudden job openings in the Tehama county sheriff’s office. Starting with the sheriff. Buncha dumbasses.
They knew he had weapons, Knew he was shooting said weapons, people saw him shooting said weapons. He was out on bail, not supposed to have firearms and there were protective orders out against him. So, Minimum they could not have gotten a warrant to search or just wait around out of sight until the idiot started shooting again? Good Freakin’ job, Sheriff! Wonder what party you represent. Gice us your guns, we’ll protect you!
Wonder why this is disappearing off the front page. Oh look! Al Franken Grabbed a woman’s chest! Not, Look at incompetent Calofornia Sheriff’s department! Look at the idiots who made the state a crime haven! My condolences to the families, I hope they sue that Sheriff into the ground.
They can’t successfully sue the Sheriff or his deputies. In Mexifornia, there is law enforcement immunity, which means no civil liability of LEO’s for failure to enforce or negligently enforcing laws.
Hmmm … didn’t hear about this. Just saw the image — she’s wearing a flack jacket, right? Still he shouldn’t’ve done that.
I just did a Google-image search of Leeann Tweeden.
Whoaaaaaaa! IDC/SARC to the emergency room for a code blue HIT.
That search warrant would have written itself. The affidavit for it would have been one of the shortest on record, just as you laid it out.
If nothing else, they could have waited until he left his home to confront him – it’s less likely he’d be armed, especially with the long gun he used at the school.
John, Yeah that would have made scense but they seemed to not care.
rgr769 – I did not know that. That sucks because the bastard was the murderer but they helped him.
Just some feller – yes, she is gorgeous to say the least. But you would expect an adult not to act like that. But it is Al Franken, so what can we expect.
Just more proof the state isn’t trying to protect citizens at this point. It wants solely to control them. Having a fearful, largely misguided citizenry makes it that much easier.
Commiefornia is busy protecting illegals and giving them money. They don’t have time for the actual citizens of the state.
The innocent man is largely beyond the control of the system. The man guilty of violations may usually be controlled at whim.
As it becomes impossible to obey the law, it becomes impossible to resist the state
Is it any coincidence that places with the highest violent crime rates are in the darkest blue sections of the electoral maps?
Next question?
IMHO this along with other mass shootings makes it crystal clear that LAWS are merely words written on paper, ditto with Restraining Orders, they’re worthless unless enforced. Given the dump truck loads of laws that were already violated, WTF good will more do? One thing is for sure and it’s that Armed Citizens will not quietly load themselves into boxcars when told to by an overbearing Government.
What does Government give us these days other than repeated failures, especially that Great Big WHOREHOUSE on the Potomac River?
As an American who is also Jewish, I agre with every word you said
I am always amazed to see so many of my fellow Jews are anti gun
With the example of the Holocaust, it seems that they would all amass an Arsenal
Like I have!
It ALWAYS astounds me that the most persecuted tribe in history FAILS to heed history.
Restraining Order…aka really shitty toilet paper. MexiComiKaliDoubleStandardfornia where it’s legal to be illegal, but illegal to be legal. PUT THE RABID DOGS DOWN WHILE YOU HAVE THEM IN HAND (Custody), because once you unclip the leash….