Fake news and guns

| November 16, 2017

AFP reports that Quinnipiac University has polled 1,577 people and that 95% of them support background checks for gun buyers. The problem is that gun buyers are already required to be vetted with background checks.

Sixty-five percent of those surveyed said they supported a nationwide ban on sales of assault weapons while 31 percent said they were opposed.

That was also a new high and up from March 2013, when 54 percent said they supported an assault weapons ban while 41 percent were opposed.

That’s easy to believe because no one really knows what the media or the Leftists are calling “assault weapons”. Take this from USAToday;

And this, from an Ohio affiliate of NBC;

With all of the scary misinformation, fake news, if you will, who is really surprised about how the public answers polls.

In other findings, 91 percent of those polled said they support a ban on sales of guns to people convicted of violent crimes.

People convicted of felonies are prohibited from buying firearms now – they have been prohibited since the Gun Control Act of 1968 – you know, when Congress acted to prohibit people like Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl Ray from getting their hands on guns.

Thirty-four percent of those polled said stricter gun laws would help prevent mass shootings, but 62 percent said shooters would find a way around tighter laws and commit the crimes anyway.

Yeah, gun control only affects law-abiding citizens from buying guns to protect themselves from the criminals who will always get guns. But, legislators got to legislate. The media has to create a crisis for the legislators to play to. You’d think that a responsible news organization would point out these fallacies in the poll, but then I’d be out of a job, wouldn’t I?

ADDED: The Giffords have decided that the 2d Amendment isn’t about muskets, after all. They want gun control applied to black powder guns now.

The group views the centuries-old firearms technology, which was rendered obsolete shortly after the Civil War due to advancements in self-contained ammunition cartridges and semi-automatic; self-loading firearms, as dangerous because a silencer can legally be attached to it without the paperwork or tax stamp associated with other firearms silencers.

“Cue the .50 caliber muzzleloader, which delivers a particularly lethal .50 caliber round,” the report said. “This weapon is designed with a built-in device to suppress its sound. If any other firearm were built with such a device, it would be subject to the NFA as a silencer. But since this device is designed to suppress the sound of something that is exempt from federal firearms laws, it is not considered a silencer and not subject to the NFA. In fact, it is not subject to any laws at all and can be bought online.”

The group called on Congress to take action and pass new laws restricting muzzleloaders and the other products outlined in the report.

When was the last time a muzzleloader was used in a crime? In the last 150 years, I mean.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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As has been said numerous times, gun control isn’t about the guns.


It is about control.


Now THAT is a funny-looking AR-15

A Proud Infidel®™

Just THINK of the rampant destruction if he had been firing Chainsaw Banana Rounds out of that from a 30 clip Magazine, OH THE HORROR!!!


Using an AR15 to shoot a watermelon? BULLSHYT, that was a freaking 12 ga. shotgun, lying BASTARDS!


Filed under “Why I Don’t Trust the ‘Main-Stream Media'” and cross filed under “Why One Ought to Ignore Polls.”


Exactly. I refuse to have the details of my life determined by people too stupid to use caller ID.


C’mon,Graybeard. Everyone knows that Quinnipiac is extremely trustworthy. Their political polls only over-sample dems by about 10-15%, and they, at least, ask whoever they call if they’re “independent”. I’m sure that everyone polled by them tells them the truth when they ask that question.
Man, that felt great to get that sarcasm out of my system.
I’m sure the pollsters told everyone that the questions addressed things that were already illegal, or that background checks were already mandated. Right?


Gifford’s ideas are a no brainer. 🙂

Too soon?


Dammit Doc!

Spew alert please!

I damn near spilled my ice cold bottle of Yoo-Hoo…


I got banned from her FB page for that joke.




Good on ya!




Bernie hackett

Mick, they still sell that stuff! I haven’t seen it in years, here in the Peepuls Republic of Murland. Not since I wuz a youth, back when Ike was in the white House.


Poor Gabby only speaks when her fuckstick husband pulls her string.


Hubby is way out in space.


How about:

We need gun control advice from Gabby Giffords like we need a hole in the head.


Dayaammmmmmmmmmm 🙂

John Seabee

That is cold….


Chainsaw bayonet.

— sigh —

Oh well, I guess that we can now add that scary AR-15 accessory to the list of terrifying black AR-15 components that already includes the big banana clips that hold a lot of bullets, the thing that goes up at the back, and the flash processor.


The Gears of War video game franchise features the “Lancer” which has a chainsaw bayonet. It’s pretty sweeeeet.

The Other Whitey

And according to “Gears of War,” if you reload fast enough, the rounds in that mag will be more powerful, provided you fire them within 30 seconds. I haven’t been able to duplicate that result in real life, though. Each round still hits the same velocity. Maybe I just don’t swap mags fast enough?

I actually enjoy the games, but I also know better than to believe in the viability of chainsaw bayonets, chainsaw-gripped guns, bullet wounds magically healing if you hide for a few seconds, or glowing petroleum that turns people and animals into zombified monsters.


“I also know better than to believe…”

Jeezus man, I would hope so.


Yeah, TOW is overqualified to be a journalist. He can think.

Bernie hackett

Mick, you should be a commentator on the TV.Wonderful summation! CNN will be knocking on your door!

E4 Mafia For Life.

There is a company that makes an electric chainsaw bayonet that attaches to a picatinny rail. It’s about $800

A Proud Infidel®™

$800 could buy me a nice addition to my handgun collection, I’ll wait until they have a 2-stroke powered version!



Who here is surprised that they want to ban black-powder weapons?

Yeah, me neither.

My .50 Kentucky is not, in anyone’s estimation, quiet. It does have a wonderful impact on a gallon jug of water, however.

I did have a friend in college (back in the 1970s) who used the exemption for antique firearms to keep a percussion revolver under the counter at the stop-and-rob he worked at. When a perp stuck a .22 in his face, and he responded with a .38 round ball to center mass, the perp was somewhat surprised – for a moment.

John Seabee

Reminds me of a song lyric “It only hurts for a little while…”

A Proud Infidel®™

More like “It only hurts for the rest of your life…”

E4 Mafia For Life.

In 2012 CMMG made a .50 CAL black powder upper for the AR-15. They did it to be smart-assed but they found out there were lots of smart-asses out there and started producing them for around $650.
The “magazine” contains several powder charges and lead balls. Insert a primed .223 case in the chamber and it ignites the charge.
You’ll find videos on YouTube.


“Take a look at this video used to shoot a watermelon using an AR-15.” Really? I mean REALLY? People are dumber ever time I encounter them it seems.


This is the kind of thing that got CBS sued by GM when they showed the infamous saddle-tank video trying to demonstrate how unsafe a truck is. Not even a GOOD fake.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Sparks; When did they make AR’S shoot 12 gauge shot gun shells. That WAS a shotgun shell flying out of the ejection port,wasn’t it. Where can I buy one of those and what company makes watermelon bandoleers. This shit can’t get any better.(love it)


well, you know, Saiga had 12 gauge AK variants? (IMO a pretty cool shotgun, made at Izhmazh.)


Whiskey, something set on fire and a Saiga 12ga is some serious red nekkity fun.

CB Senior

AA-12 with a Hundred round capacity.
Fully automatic 12 GA. Street Sweeper widow maker.


Now, THAT looks like a long gun I would actually enjoy shooting. I want one.


You can’t buy one because it is full auto. Moreover, the ATF has prolly already determined it is an illegal “destructive device.” I know they did so with the Streetsweeper shotgun and it was only semi-auto.


if you are referring to the drum-fed riot gun (South African design if I recall), it was essentially a giant double- action revolver.

The one I fired would advance the drum in the first 3/4 of the trigger pull, then fire on the last 1/4.

Kinda neat design, but an understandably lousy trigger.


They have had AR 12g’s for some time now. I just can’t think of a reason to buy one


I went to a tactical shotgun course with a couple of students armed with the SAIGA semi-auto shotguns. They seemed to have more stoppages than anyone else with conventional semi-auto shotguns, like Benelli’s and Remingtons.

E4 Mafia For Life.

Because. That’s why. I didn’t know I need one until they made one. When they stop making cool firearms, I’ll stop buying them… or not.
I have a UTAS XTR-12, 12 Gauge AR-15, 3″ chamber.
The lower is a standard DPMS AR-10 and you can throw a complete AR-10 upper in .308 on top of it.
Comes with a 5 round magazine and they make 10 round magazines.
Shoots slugs and shot.
I have a Benelli M1 Super 90 Tactical. That I trust with my life. And I’ve taken a lot of waterfowl and upland game with it. The AR is just a fun gun.


Well, it was a scary blag boomstick thingy.

Bernie hackett

Hey, must have got that from R. Lee Ermey. Scary gun folks aren’t MENSA grads. Imitation is the sincerest form of plagerism.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

When I was at the Palm Beach County gun show last Saturday, the guy from the tea party table showed me a pic of the above posted chainsaw bayonet which I tried to paste the pic onto the comment window but as I mentioned a number of days ago, It would not paste it. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. I paint the pic then hit the copy and then hit the paste when I get to this site and want to paste it in the comment window. Just doesn’t work. Any suggestions out there?


Yes. Give it up. I tried with a picture of my feet. Didn’t stick. I gave up.

The Other Whitey

In fairness to Gabby Giffords, it’s pretty obvious that, in her brain-damaged state, her douchelord husband is working her like a puppet. Smart money says he’s also screwing the housekeeper.


Word ^^^^

E4 Mafia For Life.

I think he’s pulling the old Jim Hensen Position on her.
That’s gotta hurt even more than the brain injury.


What they DON’T tell you in articles like these is how questions are phrased: any pollster knows you get answers to the questions you ask, so when you ask something like “shouldn’t criminals be forced to get background checks to prevent them getting guns?” you will get a far different answer than to a more neutrally phrased question.

Yeah, that feared .50 is terrifying… almost 1200 foot pounds of muzzle energy, and only obsolete for 150 years or so. They are really straining. She should stand next to a suppressed rifle some time without ear protection… I suspect the only thing she’ll say for some minutes will be “huh?”

E4 Mafia For Life.

NPR/Berkeley/Washinton Post Straw Poll method:
“Should law-abidingless persons be disallowed to not own or dispossess a firearm capable of being aimed to ‘go off’ at a non-inanimate object for ungood purposes when Law Enforcement is only minutes away?”


Walmart sells banana clips online for $8.17 for the French tortoiseshell type.

I think they also carry a Flash processor in their electronics department, but you might get a better price for it at Staples. On the other hand, Adobe will rent it to you for about $20/month online. It’s great for those World of Warwonks games and does everything but pop your popcorn. They’re talking about making World of Warwonks in 3-D for the near-reality goggles that make you trip over the furniture when you wear them.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Ex; I had a banana clip and tried loading a banana into it and all it did was squish the banana pulp into the clip/mag and I spent half an hour taking the clip/mag apart and cleaning it. Speaking of bananas, go google the youtube Abbot & Costello skit with Mr. Botchagaloo (Joe Kirk) selling Lou the bananas from his veggie fruit cart.

charles w

Damn, I better hide my blunderbuss.


No doubt. My Brown Bess is in trouble

A Proud Infidel®™

They said 91%, did they poll anywhere other than downtown NYC and San Foo-foo? Next we’ll be hearing about scary chainsaw-tipped bullets that need to be banned before someone massacres a crowd of people with a ghost gun loaded with thirty clip magazines of it shooting a million rounds a second!


“chainsaw-tipped bullets”



Look back in time a bit, I believe it was chucky schumer whining abut bullets that were a “spinning buzzsaw of death”… it was the old Black Talon from Winchester…
Buzzsaw isn’t that different from chainsaw, right?


No, but there was the jackwagon woman pol from NY who thought incindiary rounds cooked deer in flight.

E4 Mafia For Life.

Roughly 2 years ago San Foo Foo City banned Black Talon cop killer bullets even though they have not been manufactured since 1993.
I guess you should only have ball ammo in the 88 Magnum that shoot through schools.


I would like to know where the bullshyte comes from that claims black powder pistols and rifles have a “built in device to suppress its sound.” I have been owning and shooting black powder weapons of all types and configurations for over 27 years. I have never seen or heard of a that has a built in device to suppress or silence its sound. This made up baloney proves they really do live in parallel universe in their proggy fever dreams. I might also add that tens of thousands of hunters hunt with muzzleloaders during special hunting seasons every year–many with muzzleloaders they built themselves. I guess Gabby’s moonbat husband wants to make all of them felons ASAP.



There is a company, SilencerCo, that is marketing a .50 cal blackpowder rifle with an integral supressor.



Never seen one before.

Every blackpowder firearm I’ve ever seen has been unsupressed.
Beside, even using Pyrodex, can you imagine what clean-up of a muzzleloader suppressor would be like?


They recommend running water through the ‘moderator’ (as they call the suppressor) every 50 rounds or so. It is welded to the barrel – legally it’s only a suppressor if it is attached to a gun; since muzzleloaders under the law are not ‘guns’ the suppressor ain’t a suppressor. Got it?


Well, I stand corrected. I must say I am surprised. I guess it might have an advantage in deer hunting, but since as bowstring twang will spook a deer, I think not. At $1K a copy, I doubt there will be many sold. I’ll stick with my .54 cal Hawken rifle. It is quite comfortable to shoot without ear protection.


I’ve let visiting Japanese college girls shoot my .50 Kentucky (with a patched round ball & 50g FFF Pyrodex) and they had a blast.

It doesn’t kick, lays down on the target like a dream, and makes a pleasing cloud of smoke. An experience most Japanese girls never get to enjoy.


I load black powder into .44 Special and .45 Colt shells – when I pull the trigger it literally shuts the entire pistol range down as everyone goes ‘what the f*** was that?’


Bowstring twang? Hell, I’ve had deer spook from me walking out the door. That’s why I never saw any when I was hunting.
The year before I moved off the 20 acres I lived on, I was lining up a shot on a fairly big 6 point, and the neighbor slid his slider open to let his dog in. The buck went about a foot in the air, and out of my line of sight at about 25mph. He lived a quarter mile away.


They did to get around silencer laws in a few states and were promptly shut down on the idea. As far as I know, the idea is on hold for now.


Thanks you People’s Cube:

If unfamiliar, think of the Onion, but from the perspective Soviet Propaganda. The creator/moderator is a former Soviet Agitprop artist who got out of that shit hole as soon as he could.


Well, aren’t they missing something important? No one is demanding that any of THEM get guns, not at all.

They all act as though they’re being forced to go into gun shops and plunk down their paychecks for things that make loud, noisy explosions. And yet, I have not found any thing anywhere so far that demands any such thing.

Maybe I’m missing something. I just can’t keep up with the news any more.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Don’t know if I already posted what I am going to type during my short time on TAH, but around the 1980’S or so while working for Brink’s, My service gun was the S&W mod 10 in .38/bull barrel. We were in an elevator in Manhattan after making an air courier div. delivery to one of the jewelry companies and one of the riders in the elevator was staring at my duty belt and asked what is that as he pointed to my six round speed loader which was in a pouch. Now dig this. I opened the pouch and pulled out the loader and pointed my right hand with my finger sticking straight like it was a gun barrel then put the center of the loader on my finger tip. This is a mini grenade launcher and when I pull the trigger, the six mini grenades shoot off. What a look the guy gave me. Myself and Eddie were hysterical going to the truck. I also had one of those things that you would squeeze and it sounded like you were passing gas. Real crowd pleaser in elevators. Was thinking of writing a book on my 37 years with the company and all the shit that happened, but figured that maybe the company or parent company Pittston would buy all the book writes. 99% of the public thought that Brink’s was on the level. Little did they know what went on.



E4 Mafia For Life.

Elevator talk is so superficial.
I like to spice it up like you did.
People say, “Haven’t seen you in a while.”
ME: “I just made parole the other day. I don’t have to pay restitution after all.”
Person: “How are you doing?”
ME: “The medication kicked in. I have better skills with anger management now.
Person: “How are you doing?”
ME: “The gun shot seems to be healing well. It missed most of my vital organs.”
Person: “How’s life treating you?”
ME: “I’m doing really great. I’ve merged 7 of the voices in my head down to 3 now.”
Person: “What are you planning for the weekend?”
ME: “Murder.”


Sergeant: We haven’t done them, have we? Right. Bananas. How to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. Now you, come at me with this banana. Catch! Now, it’s quite simple to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. First of all you force him to drop the banana; then, second, you eat the banana, thus disarming him. You have now rendered him ‘elpless.


“You have now rendered him ‘elpless.”

That’s when the sockpuppets appear.


No kidding. The police in Chicago have to explain themselves when they remove some thug from the gene pool after he tried to kill them with a car. What are they supposed to do? Take away the keys and scold him gently?

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean THIS? Maybe we now need Fresh Fruit Control laws?


“and mangos in syrup!”


Lot of tasistics above.

I have complete my goal at 100 % here in Dublin at hitting 75 pubs.

At the last now M O’Briens on Leeson Street, heading back tomorrow.

Could make it 76 as there is world class pub at the airport.

See you all on the US based interweb servers soon.


Ok, I’m flat out jealous!


I know I’m going to rain on everyone’s parade but a company actually does make a chainsaw bayonet.



just do a search on you tube and you can see several of them….none as cool as they should be tho



Bumpfire and a chainsaw….hear that? A liberal just died.

The Other Whitey

Not that there’s any reason for someone to actually assemble, much less use, such a weapon in this place we call “real life.” It must be fun to have more money than sense…


I’m adding that to my “when i win the lottery list”… though I’ll disagree just a little, there is ONE reason to do so.. to make liberal heads explode!!!