Bergdahl pleads guilty
Stars & Stripes reports that Bowe “Walkabout” Bergdahl has told a military judge that he is pleading guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.
His lawyer says the prosecution and defense have not agreed to a stipulation of facts in the case, which is an indication that they did not reach a deal to limit his punishment.
Bergdahl is charged with endangering his comrades by walking away from a remote post in Afghanistan in 2009.
He told the judge that he now understands that what he did caused others to search for him.
Apparently, Bergdahl told one of the old media outlets that he pleaded guilty because he couldn’t get a fair trial in this country, you know, what with him being a coward and all.
QMC sends a link to USAToday;
Bergdahl said he initially left the post because he had concerns about his command’s leadership and wanted to bring them to the attention of top leaders. He said he was tortured and abused during captivity.
Before he was captured, he said he quickly realized that leaving was a mistake, then concocted a plan to redeem himself by trying to stalk Taliban insurgents to get valuable intelligence.
“I had this fantastic idea that I was going to prove to the world that I was the real thing,” Bergdahl said in the interview. “You know, that I could be what it is that all those guys out there that go to the movies and watch those movies — they all want to be that — but I wanted to prove I was that.”
The Army can start by taking that CIB off of his uniform along with those sergeant stripes.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
A legend in his own fucking mind.
What he did caused others to lose their lives or get badly hurt looking for him.
He can starve to death, not that I care what happens to him.
I have a lot of respect for you (well as much as a lurker can), but comments like this rub me the wrong way. It focuses on the cost of the search for this shitbird, and implies, if it doesn’t outright state it, that the cost wasn’t worth it.
And I have to disagree.
Its about the brotherhood. And that brotherhood means there are certain demands and expectations placed on us. “I will never leave a fallen comrade”, “Leave no man behind!”, implicient in these slogans and phrases is the idea that I will risk “life, limb, and eyesight” to bring any of them back.
It doesn’t matter that this guy was as dumb as a box of rocks. He was still my brother, and even knowing what I know now, I’d have gone looking for him and risked it all. Because if you don’t keep that faith, what’s the point?
Its the implication that we shouldn’t have looked for him because he was an unpopular doche bag, that gets me. He is an idiot, but he’s our idiot.
Let me try putting it this way. I’m all for punishing this fuckstick. Hang his traitorous ass for desertion and aiding the enemy. But don’t punish him because other soldiers were hurt and killed looking for him.
I think you’re reading too much into what she said.
Face value: He caused others to be injured or killed because of what he did.
It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have gone after him, but he put others in danger. Period.
Having said that, giving shitbags money AND the GTMO-5 for him was ridiculous and excessive. That was done to further empty GTMO by POTUS. They would’ve taken money alone.
Its argued so much that we shouldn’t have gone after him, that the risk wasn’t worth it, even from other soldiers. So its a hot button with me.
I agree that we shouldn’t have paid and traded for him. If we had that level of contact (to be able to create this deal) we had the level of intelligence needed to lay waste to the fuckers, stack them like cordwood and bring shitbag back that way.
Please see my response below, SSG Kane. And please remember that I’m speaking from hindsight, not with foreknowledge of what Bergdahl did/meant to do.
Agree with the MSG. She says he caused others to be hurt. He did. And he can go starve to death. Which he should. You’re right, had he left a note stating his intentions, they still would have looked for him just as hard. s’all good.
“she says”? Are you confusing Bo with Chelsea?
That “brotherhood” you mention does not include those who desert in the face of the enemy, which is EXACTLY what this man did. He intentionally deserted his unit, making it necessary to look for him. Has nothing to do with him being an idiot, and this is all after the fact, but what needed to be done at the time was indeed done. He hid from his would be rescuers. And, no, given his willful desertion, it was not worth the cost or effort expended.
I’m not trying to quibble, but I agree with the SSG here.
What you say is true, but it should not have guided our actions at the time given what we knew (not what we suspected) at the time of his disappearance.
At that time all we knew (again, not what we suspected) was that a Soldier was missing. Our Code of Conduct demands that our first priority is to recover him. This is our professional ethic- and sometimes it requires us to honor even those that dishonor us.
He was not worthy of that honor, but we have to be consistent in rendering it.
Was it worth it? If you weigh only the risk to of other soldiers lives against his life, no. However, if you add in the preservation of our honor and ethic, then I argue it was worth it. This is what makes us Soldiers and not mere warriors.
His actions at the time could not possibly have influenced whether or not anyone looked for him. No one knew at that time he was a deserter. All they knew was that he was outside the wire and he should not be outside the wire. And I have no doubt they still would have conducted a search. As to the statement about not punishing him because others got screwed up while searching for him, that is insane. The deserter’s actions have a causal relationship to those people getting hurt or killed, because had he not deserted, no need to search would have existed. Even in civilian law, that relationship exists.
His selfish choice to leave his post and get “captured” by the enemy caused death and injury. His. Selfish. Choice. That’s a far cry from captured during combat. He can rot in jail after he apologizes to the families who now have a folded flag on the mantle because of him. Face to face.
Bingo. That POS ain’t no Brother of mine.
Why shouldn’t he be punished for those that were injured or died because he left? It was his decision to leave and could have cared less on the repercussions of his decision. It’s not like he was snatched right out of his bunk or while on patrol. This was his doing and not something he fell into.
Sorry, but you misunderstood me, SSG Kane. I did not say there should not have been a search for him. It would imply that people knew what he was up to, when they did not.
Hindsight is always 20-20. His statement above makes it clear that he thought he was more important than everybody else. He knowingly put other peoples’ lives at risk, with devastating results. He knew exactly what he was doing, but did not care who got hurt when he went hunting for a bit of glory for himself.
Yes, he should have been found by someone other than the Taliban. If he’d even vaguely mentioned his plans beforehand, he could have been stopped, but he didn’t. And he did not care at all who got hurt by what he did when he walked off his post.
For that, he is worth far less than the people who risked everything, searching for him. His own statements make it clear that he still does not give a crap about what happened to them.
If Bo Berghdal had been killed in a drone strike, either as a collaborator or collateral damage, I would still have all the fucks I started the day with.
“Its about the brotherhood.”
It wasn’t for Bergdahl obviously. It was ALL about self just like Barry who was, and no doubt still is, his champion.
Barry who believes the military is just another job.
You never dignify someone who has abandoned the oath as Bergdahl did when he deserted.
He is undeserving of consideration
as a brother.
Correct. He left his “Brotherhood” credentials along side his weapon when he abandoned his post. From that point forward he was, just like the taliban, an enemy.
They are going to love this moron in prison.
I doubt he’ll spend much time (if any) in the hoosegow. Reduction to E-1, forfeiture of all pay and allowance and kicked to the curb with a BCD.
It won’t be until 2035 or so that Bergdahl will claim to be a Green Beret Navy Seal Recon Sniper with 4 medals of honor and 3 Navy Crosses.
Because his abandoning his post and unit was his “cover” to do seekret squirlee stuff that he obviously can’t disclose until it all become de-classified in 2035…
2018. Fixed it for you.
If it was just desertion then maybe, but he’s also admitting to misbehavior before the enemy which is very very bad.
I’m hoping that any plea deal doesn’t prevent prison time. He seriously needs to spend a decade or 5 in a small cell thinking about what he did.
Under Obama, sure. He’d get leniency because mommy and daddy went to the White House. But, there’s a new sheriff in town so I don’t see it being so easy for him.
Wall. Firing squad. Blindfold optional. Git er done!
Rope. Limb.
Don’t waste the ammo. Feed the crows.
It’s the “green” option. Rope is reusable!
They should use a sustainably grown hemp rope, just to piss the hippies off.
This^^^! Besides, it is cruel and unusual punishment to hang a man with a manila rope; it causes unsightly rope burns on the corpse.
They can even light it on fire while he’s hanging so everyone there is a little more relaxed!
They just need to have some snacks nearby for any onlookers for when they get the munchies.
Rope? shit no. Use WD-1 wire from DRMO.
this ^^^
Drawn, quartered, hang his stinking corpse next to the rotting turd Bradley as a warning to other dumb fucks.
Question for JAG types or others in the know:
When Bergdahl was “rescued” and promoted to E-6, I’m assuming he was back-paid for the time he was in custody?
So does he just get to keep that money? Or is it part of the forfeiture?
Or is the forfeiture of pay and allowance only from the date of the conviction forward?
Seems to me if he pleads guilty to, essentially, being AWOL/Deserter the entire time he was gone, then by law he didn’t “earn” any money and is thus not entitled to keep any of it, am I looking at this right?
I thought it was only to E-5? Did they really make him a Staff Sergeant?
Ah, you’re right, for some reason I thought it was E-6.
Still, my question stands…
In a typical desertion case the deserter is dropped from the rolls after being gone for 30 days, and so the pay stops. As far as I know, however, Bergdahl was never DFR’d, so I’m assuming he’s been paid all along.
I’ve never heard of retroactive forfeitures. A fine could accomplish the same thing, although collecting it could be a problem if he’s already spent it.
In these cases, because of his status (DSWUN) he was getting paid while in captivity and it was being held in an intetest bearing account by the Government. The release of those funds only happens after adjudication after he returns to US control. Which means the funds are still being held pending sentencing.
Had he been married or had dependents they would have received support payments as determined by the SECDEF
He started collecting his normal pay the day he returned to US control
Once he’s sentenced for desertion he will most certainly forefeit those monies held by the Government accumulated while he was missing.
Nice! Was wondering if he’d gotten a big fat payday. 5 years of E4/E5 back pay would have been tidy. Now he’ll get nothing but a BCD. When’s sentencing?
That’s good to know. He’s still been receiving undeserved E-5 pay since his return, but at least it’s not a huge windfall.
In the Marine Corps, it would all have been considered bad time once he was convicted. He would have forfeited everything. Look at what they did to the Marine, Lockwood, who deserted in Vietnam and then later wanted to come back.
Key words being “once convicted”
Garwood, not Lockwood.
I vaguely recall reading about him having approximately 180 grand in “back pay” that was waiting for him upon return. HOWEVER, they suspended payment of it until after the investigation and any courts martial proceedings might happen before he would get paid any of that.
So, the money was there pending his being found “innocent”, which isn’t going to happen now.
I don’t recall where I read that, but I saw it in more than one news source within a month after he returned to the US.
Bowe “Walkabout” Bergdahl has a nice ring to it. Much more so than “Jason Bourne.”
Inmate number 5687. That has an even better ring to it.
Duffleblog is on it:
Dang – You beat me to it!
Pleading guilty without a deal on a sentence cap is a risky move – probably indicative of the weak position the defense finds itself in. It could pay off by persuading the military judge that Bergdahl is taking responsibility for his actions
In general, going judge-alone also tends to moderate the sentence, and this particular judge doesn’t have the reputation of a heavy sentencer. (I’ve been expecting judge alone all along.)
The plea to the misbehavior charge was a little surprising to me…of course I only know the public information…that isn’t charged often so I thought he might try for a partial acquittal on that and just plead to the desertion.
His lawyer says the prosecution and defense have not agreed to a stipulation of facts in the case, which is an indication that they did not reach a deal to limit his punishment.
That’s true, a stipulation is normal but not absolutely required for a plea deal; so this leaves open the possibility that there was a deal. It’s just very unusual to have a deal with no stipulation.
I’m guessing no deal. There are apparently credible media reports alledging that the US has intel that indicates Bergdahl is indeed guilty of misbehavior before the enemy.
I fervently hope that Alberich is wrong; that the judge is given access to those purported intel reports, and considers them; and that he then slam-dunks this traitorous bastard’s ass.
Well, frankly, I hope I’m wrong too, but I don’t want people getting their hopes up too much.
IDK. I doubt any judge will be that impressed with someone who says he is only going this route because he cant get a fair trial. Telling your judge the entire system is corrupt aint so bright
Especially when you consider a life sentence. I mean even if he loses, worst case is still life. I am glad he plead guilty tho. Now it’s undisputed (not like it ever really wasn’t). I think he’ll end up with a fairly lite sentence. The important thing really is that he’s guilty.
Whether or not he “takes responsibility for his actions”, should in no way at all mitigate them. He is merely saying, yes I did that stupid shit. He should be hammered just as hard.
“He should be hammered … ”
… with a frickin’ JDAM and record it in 4K video for youtube.
Eddie Slovik needs a cell mate. Bergdahl seems like a prime candidate.
Ah…I see what you did there.
Wasn’t Martin Sheen just so cute in that movie?
I’ve never actually seen the movie but now that you mention it a Tales from the Crypt Episode (Yellow) bears a close resemblance to the story. I always thought it was Martin Sheen who played the coward but it turns out it was Kirk Douglas sentencing his son Eric to death, with a pretty good twist in the end. Haven’t seen it in about 20 years.
Sparks, I had forgotten Martin Sheen played Private Slovik in the film. Interesting considering five years later in Apocalypse Now he would also play Captain Willard who was sent upriver to execute Colonel Kurtz.
He’s digging himself a deeper hole by talking to the media. At first I thought he should just be given a big chicken dinner and be done with it, but now I want him in prison.
This scumfuck.
Shit…I want this bastard to have a Big COCKMEAT Dinner….with extra Mayo.
You forgot the ghey whey.
And the nut butter… word is that Mr. “Tiny” has plenty to share with Bergdahl.
General Court Martial tends to give out Dishonorables, not BCD.
Taking a shitbag to a GCM and asking for a BCD only is like going to a whore house and asking for a wink.
I was thinking the same thing. On top of that, they should also take away the awards (medals/ribbons) that he received for that deployment. This is just being nice. Desertion in his circumstances should call for revoking all of his awards, busting him down to E1, bad conduct discharge, etc.
…..and forfeiture of any movie residuals if some dumb ass Hollywood director type decides to make one about him. Maybe Harvey Weinstein would take him under his leg….er,…..wing. /sarc
The weinerstein-bergdog chronicles.
D0 not forget the talk ciruit,interviews and book deals. I would like to see him with a DD and as said by others stripped of stripes and awards. Joe
The rank is a no brainer.
The awards are harder, but I believe there’s a MILPER floating around out there from HRC that say’s the awarding authority can prevent and revoke a soldier’s awards and ribbons if the solider fails to maintain professional standards.
I agree with you ref the rank.
SSG Kane.
I defer to you ref the MILPER msg but the AR has no provisions for resending a CIB.
I hope BB rots in jail for a long time. If his CIB was awarded based on his performance prior to his isolation, then what would be the justification for revocation? The same could be said for many of his awards.
Um, yes it does. See AR 600-8-22, para 1-32.c.(1).
Dismissal, DD, and conviction for desertion during wartime automatically result in revocation of all combat and special skill badges. Bergdahl has just pleaded guilty to desertion during wartime.
Yeah. Is that a good conduct medal on his uniform?
It is a good conduct medal on his chest until he’s finally convicted. Then 2 or 3 of them will be revoked for court martial conviction.
Doesn’t a DD or BCD also deprive the soldier of the right to wear any badges or awards, even if the award predates the actions that caused the punitive discharge?
Or am I confusing the BCD/DD with the status as a prisoner? I know a prisoner is not allowed to wear awards nor to salute while he is a prisoner but what about afterwards?
Dishonorable, not BCD.
Of course, it’s kind of a moot issue, isn’t it? Once Bergdahl gets booted from the Army he’ll be beyond the jurisdiction of the UCMJ and unless he’s wearing his awards for monetary gain even the “stolen valor” law can’t prevent him from walking around with them on.
Regardless of the final outcome, once he’s done with his sentence and on his own he ought to know that there are not only the ones he betrayed by running away, there will also be the family and friends of those lost while searching for him out there.
That CIB on his uniform grates my nerves. It’s like a slap in the face everytime I see him. If there was any justice, the avenging ghost of CSM Basil Plumley would swoope in, defrock him of that CIB and slap him across the face. Kind of like what Exeter did in this version of Henry V. I hope this link works, the clip is called High Treason on you tube:;_ylt=AwrBT9UtVeVZFJUAgQpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyNWNiaW4yBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjI5NDRfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=Brian+Blessed+on+you+tube+as+Duke+of+Exeter&fr=yfp-t#id=6&vid=2ccff115a9af787728ede7537f3a64b4&action=view
Harry the King had the luxurious option of immediate execution of traitors in his group.
We don’t have that.
Your all wrong. I agree completely with Bergdahls assertion that he can’t get a fair trial. I mean, it’s not like all the evidence proves beyond a doubt that he’s guilt-oooooh. wait….uh…hmmm.
Guilty plea, yay! At least he’s sparing the world the protracted waste of time to trot out all the evidence.
“Bergdahl said he initially left the post because he had concerns about his command’s leadership and wanted to bring them to the attention of top leaders.”
Well, he’s not going to find the “top leaders” outside the wire. 😉
Oh he did find some “Top Leaders”.
Unfortunately they were Taliban.
“Bergdahl said he initially left the post because he had concerns about his command’s leadership and wanted to bring them to the attention of top leaders. He said he was tortured and abused during captivity.
Before he was captured, he said he quickly realized that leaving was a mistake, then concocted a plan to redeem himself by trying to stalk Taliban insurgents to get valuable intelligence.”
So this guy went from an actual Eddie Slovik to a wannabe Alvin York in a few hours? What a dork.
Yeah, the only possible alternative to hi being a shitbag traitor is that he’s seriously mentally deficient, and should be housed in a rubber room for eternity where his delusions can’t hurt anyone else..
Anyone who believes Berboi’s “stories” needs to contact me about the various bridges I have for sale. I’m having a special on the Brooklyn and the SF bay bridges this week.
I don’t, for one second, believe any of that bullshit that he spewed forth about why he deserted or what he decided to do after he did so. I damn sure hope no one else, especially a judge, does either. Fuck that shitbag.
His true motivations were set forth in letters to his parents where he stated he was opposed to what the US was doing in A-stan and he hated the military. He was basically a Chu-Hoi for the Taliban. The first thing he did after reaching the nearest village was ask someone to put him in touch with the local Taliban.
I’ve read that, also.
He should get nothing less than a Dishonorable and ten years.
This just means that death is off the table. However, life is still a probability. I bet he will be truly loved in the Disciplinary Barracks.
The Military doesn’t execute people anyway, even ones that receive the death penalty. They haven’t since early 1960s
Does USDB have a bag of dicks eating contest? Because I want to get out in front and call him the early winner.
He has a sentencing hearing later this month where some of those wounded searching for him will testify. That plus no plea deal and some very deep disagreements between the prosecution and defense will likely produce a stiff sentence.
That he spent all those years as their pet goat is of his own doing. I don’t see that receiving substantial consideration now that he has pled guilty to those charges.
Media: It’s Trumps fault he could not get a fair trial.
Of course.
Can’t we trade him for a different shitbag?
Must be somebody being held somewhere.
How about the five terrorists Obama traded him for in the first place? Though I’m sure the Taliban ran away with their five and were shouting “no backsies!” over their shoulders.
Was, has been, and always will be a piece of cowardly shit.
Change his MOS to -007 IQ(Private Insurgent Mole). Give him a bonus of 50+ hard labor Levenworth.
IMHO he should have faced a charge of Manslaughter for each Soldier that ended up KIA while searching for him.
I’ll bet he doesn’t even get ten years at Leavenworth.
Your probably right, the next democrat to get elected will pardon him. and in 15-20 years he’ll run for Congress and probably win too 😡😡
Manning/Bergdahl 2024.
That’ll make me lose my lunch. From last year.
If that happens, the Army has utterly and completely failed. They need to grasp the fact that you have to be correct, consistent, and harsh when dealing with professional grade fuckups like this guy, or there is simply no deterrence factor remaining. Make a serious example of him, within the limits of military law. THAT is one way to reimpose discipline where it is needed.
From your lips to the ears of the Most High.
Amen! May He hear your prayer with favor.
Overheard in the “special soldier section” of the USDB:
2LT Rapone: “We’re getting the platoon back together!”
BradleyChelsea: “Bowe’s coming? Sweet!”
(Apologies to Jake and Elwood)
Let them all rot together.
Rat Rapone: Bad news guys,, we got a PT Run today.
Bergdahl and Manning: Awwwwwwww!
Rat Rapone: Good news is Hasan is leading it.
Wow, shots fired!
Thank goodness BHO is no longer President. Remember the Rose Garden spectacle and Susan Rice’s comment of serving with honor? Please maximum sentence!!!
That back pay is moving further away.
Bless his little heart.
I am curious if he is under guard in the PMO or not since he has a habit of running away.
IMHO they need to be keeping an eye on him in one way or another because there’s no telling what someone like him will do at a time like this. I still remember retching and gagging while watching the previous POTUS praise that damned thing while its father stood next to him in the WH Rose Garden.
I’m still trying to get the taste of that out of my mouth.
I said I wouldn’t believe it until it happened. It actually happened. Bergsmall pleaded guilty. I guess I need to ask if Mr. Lilyea would consider baking me a nice deep fried crow pie for me to consume. I’d like some A1 steak sauce to help with that, please?
Hey, dipshit; Jonn isn’t psychic, he didn’t know the 0bama bitches running the Army were going to let Bergboi twist in the wind.
Reduction in rate to E-1 (with forfeiture of all pay and allowance) and death sounds good to me, however I will take E-1 (with FOPAA) and life as a second.
Let see next Monday.
I find it interesting that the Stars n Stripes website article on this has only 7 comments and it won’t let you see them. I guess they don’t want us to know what the rank and file thinks about this Bergboi friendly article.
Bergdahl says he’s offended to be called a traitor? Ok; how about meely-muthed, no-load, puss-nuts, little bitch?
How much longer must we continue to have this idiot in the news?
Get it done. It’s way past time to be on to the next fool.
Downside: it is rumored that Defense counsel was going to call BHO. -That- would have been an -epic- can of worms to open.
I’m fascinated by the notion that a llfe sentence in jail for heinous crimes is a more humane punishment than death.
Death ends the problem. It is quick, over and done with. Dig a hole and bury the bad guy. But locking him in a cage for decades is more humane somehow.
Yeah, sure. Aren’t these bleeding hearts also the people who want lions in the zoos turned loose?
Liberals do all they can to spare the lives of Death Row Inmates while espousing the wanton killing of unborn children, one more piece of evidence that liberalism is a Mental Disorder!
They’ll be in Huntsville, TX, tomorrow protesting the execution of a man who is called the Tourniquet Killer – he would rape and strangle young women.
Barring some last-minute reprieve (not expected, SCOTUS has already denied him) he will have a chance to face God tomorrow evening and learn his eternal sentence – from which there is no appeal and no escape.
Yep. It’s some real 1984 double-think.
The associated picture to this article looks to me like a typical Pashtun Wedding picture with Bergdahl as this Taliban’s bitch. I hope his jail cell has a 3×5 ft blow up of this picture on the wall.
CAPT Bones USN (ret)