Caitlan Coleman and family rescued by Pakistan forces
Fox News reports that Pakistan special forces rescued Caitlan Coleman and her family, including three children who had been born in captivity with the Haqqani terrorist network. No US troops were involved in the rescue, but the Pakistani troops benefited from US intelligence reports;
The two vanished after setting off in the summer of 2012 for a journey that took them to Russia, the central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and then to Afghanistan.
Coleman’s parents, Jim and Lyn Coleman, last heard from their son-in-law on Oct. 8, 2012, from an internet cafe in what Josh described as an “unsafe” part of Afghanistan.
The announcement of the release comes a month after President Trump announced a new strategy to deal with Afghanistan and Pakistan, saying the Taliban and other militant groups would no longer find safe haven in Pakistan.
Defense Secretary James Mattis and Gen. Joseph Dunford told Congress last week Pakistan would no longer be a sanctuary for terrorism.
Category: Terror War
I have little if any sympathy for Americans that decide to “tour” countries that are known to be full of terrorist groups.
To risk one life in a effort to fee them is nonsense.
I could not agree more Dave.
IMHO that’s like having sympathy for any American Citizen that travels to North Korea and gets detained.
Not dissimilar to why there are plenty of US cities some of us prefer to avoid.
No kidding. Don’t really get why we should go out on a limb for someone that went to these places. I mean, there’s a reason you cannot get direct flights to some of these countries. If you have to go through three, increasingly less friendly, countries to get where you want to go, then maybe you shouldn’t be going there.
I am soooo with you on this one Dave.
What kind of an idiot asshole would even think of taking their family into an area of the planet that i known to be a safe harbor for terrorists.
He took his fucking kids too ???
Unfortunately this fuck already reproduced and no doubt he will be given some book deal to tell about his stupidity for several hundred thousand dollars and a presence on Oprah just for the fun of it…
Stupid beyond the pale…
They were stupid. Hopefully they will be sadder but wiser from now on.
We are going to find that they were not ‘abducted’…not held against their will.
We are going to find out that they consider their “rescue” to be the abduction.
They went to that region to join the tribe, so to speak
I was in Wardak in 2012 and from what I recall, we were told a rumor that a pregnant Canadian woman had been kidnapped and to keep our eyes out for her. And of course, we were told that she might be in a “white Toyota”. Except for that one time, I never heard anything more about it. Nor could I ever substantiate anything about the rumor. I bet this is her.
Her husband was Canadian, so close enough.
What you won’t read in the news release…
Her husband was once the brother in law of Omar Khadr, the Canadian born AQ terrorist / ex Gitmo prisoner who admitted to killing SFC Christopher Speer!
Hubby is refusing to board a military flight back to the US because he’s afraid he’ll be arrested. Well, sorry about your luck.
see my comment above.
On the plus side, in recent pictures they are both very slim…..
Though I am glad they were released that is about the kindest thing I can think of to say.
I think the real news here is the glaring policy shift of Pakistan forces to actually do something for us for a change. Like the President said yesterday, a year ago this wouldn’t have happened.
They are the beneficiaries of having a President with backbone.
Nothing like the threat of clamping down on the billion or so Paki gets annually in US foreign aid or the thousands of US military troops providing train, assist, advise. Scary these frenemy sheep humping dumbasses have nukes.
Yes its amazing it took 16 years to start focusing on Pakistan. That has been almost completely absent in the reporting….no surprize there.
The photo on Fox, that I guess is after their rescue, doesn’t have the same carefree expression of the one Jonn has of before they were captured.
Hard way to learn a lesson. I do feel sorry for the kiddos.
At least the kids will have the chance to do the rest of their growing up in Canada or the USA.
And who knows, they may just appreciate what we have here after this.
“including three children who had been born in captivity with the Haqqani terrorist network”
Oh well honey we might as well just raise that family right here while we are held captive.
He might not be the Daddy. I read somewhere, she says,”my children have seen their mother defiled”. Whatever that means.
Yeah, my first thought after reading 3 kids born in captivity was “guess they didn’t have TV to watch”
Speaking of people disappearing in the shit-hole countries, what ever came of the doctor that helped us locate Bin Laden? That story seemed to get buried.
Last I heard he was still in a Pakistani prison.
Thanks, Obama. I’m sure people will be begging to help us in the future.
They don’t seem to be quite as jolly in the Fox image as they are in that photo posted up top.
I have tried for a very long time understand people who go on hiking trips into what is properly deemed hostile territory, and think nothing will happen to them. They are nuts.
I hope this pair of twits learned their lesson the hard way and won’t do that again, but I have doubts about that.
I fully expect them to cash in on their own stupidity via book deals and paid interviews.
Sadly, I fear you are correct RiR.
Ditto. ‘We were just innocent hikers, wandering our benign, innocent way through Russia and Central Asia, unaware that we were crossing into territory where we would be taken prisoner for several years and unable to find modern bathroom facilities.’
they were not “hikers”. They were volunteers who went there to join up and ‘be down with cause’.
They are upset in the recent photo because they have been abducted from their paradise and hate it.
I had to tell a friend of mine who’s traveling to Peru about the state department’s page and how to do a review of the country you’re going to visit.
She didn’t even know it was there, nor did she know much about Peru, or even South America. Not my theater of expertise, but I was still able to give her a quick 5 minute brief on what to do and not do there. Like, don’t use credit cards in Peru, use “paper” money. I even told her about the prevalence of “kidnapping” that happens in South America of us Northern peoples because they know there is insurance tied to those that go there for work.
The majority of Americans, or even “Westerners” are oblivious to real threats and think they’ll be fine no matter where they go.
These two are just plain stupid and their children paid a hefty price for their stupidity.
Unfortunately, children and other innocents frequently pay the price for others’ stupidity.
Why do people think that the rest of the world is as safe as the US? They just assume everywhere is just like here, that there’s a rule of law.
This should be posted as an object lesson to every SJW. It doesn’t matter how peaceful, loving and understanding you are of the awful plight of those poor, misunderstood people who are only trying to throw off the shackles of Imperialism. Your feelings and beliefs toward them don’t matter, only theirs towards you.
Anyone see a new TV show called, “The State”? It follows several Westerners who go to join ISIS. It’s fairly honest in that it shows the disillusion that reality causes.
Your dogma just got run over by Karma – one of my favorite lines.
“No US troops were involved”. Not officially anyways. The boys from Bragg were probably right there w/ the Paki forces holding their hands. Like when the Colombian military police got the credit for wacking Pablo Escobar – well, sure okay…wink wink.
Much like the Bolivians get credit for the demise of Che Guevara. Wink Wink
Long before 9/11 Pakistan was one of the most dangerous countries SOCCENT deployed forces. A westerner hiking through any of the above countries is a flashing neon sign “I AM A DUMBASS”.
Good luck with that Pakistan no longer a sanctuary for terrorism.
Tony this is one of my favorite new shirts…
VOV that’s good shit!! I’d love to send one to our fine 2LT Rapone.
Nah, send Rapone a bag of dicks.
Search block? Like a neighborhood watch?
Los Pepes? Like a pack of skunks?
Some day, maybe less than 20 years from now…a couple of books are going to get written. 🙂
I guess I should be happy for them…why I’m not sure.
These two people went for a “journey” through central Asian shitholes. I remain unconvinced these two assholes were just innocent backpackers and I find it hard to believe that anyone in 2012 with any working fucking brain cells at all would consider hiking along any borders with places like Afghanistan is a good call.
I’ve said it before and no doubt will say it a few more times before I shake of this mortal coil, no one is guaranteed equality of outcome. Everyone is guaranteed an equal start under our constitution. Some will fritter that away with choices that involve criminal activity and some will waste it by virtue of being fucking stupid.
That must have been some terrible imprisonment that allowed them to fornicate and produce offspring while locked up….something smells here and it’s not just the 5 years of not washing their asses.
So they are either collaborators, wannabe terrorists, or fucking idiots. And now they’ve reproduced….remind me again why I’m supposed to give a flying fuck if they live or die?
And if you asked them why they didn’t choose a place like say, the Northern Cascades or southern Canadian Rockies, they would have said, “No way, the bears will kill you!”/
Im kind of glad they didn’t decide to go trooping through Washington.
Bears do, what bears do.
I cannot fathom why they would be having children while be held captive. Just a tad bit of uncertainty there; hey kids, Mom and Dad WONT be back today. But this nice lady in the burka will be your mom now.
the kids might not be his….
Looking at the pics at the link, the 2 kids pictured seem to be blond/light brown haired – a recessive gene. Unless the Afghani/Pakistani captors were atypical, I would expect dark hair.
From the pics of the grandparents at the link, the light-haired gene seems to be on both sides.
I expect that their captors had some “fun” with Mamma while the kids watched, though.
Afghanistan is where the asshole from Austria believed the Aryan “race” originated. I met plenty of middle easterners that could pass for goofy ass white boys from Liberty, or Moscow or any other Bugtussle town in East Texas. Expecting them to be dark-haired and swarthy will lead to surprise. It can also be said Aryans do not have to be blond haired and fair skinned. Oh yeah, the Arabs argue Aryans came from Iraq along with the tribes of Israel.
Color me a pessimistic skeptic, but there is a possibility that this family has been converted to Islam while in captivity and are a potential sleeper cell once back in CONUS. Yes, the Stockholm Syndrome and all that. I hope the proper authorities keep a watchful eye on this family as they return to the U.S. and/or Canada…
CH, I think i’ll go you one better, and say that they had already converted (especially considering the husbands former brother-in-law), and their “hiking expedition” and “captivity” were just a cover for going there and getting some training to come back as a sleeper cell. I don’t believe any of it was accidental
When the guys that held Bergdahl dropped him off, they were saying all kinds of things along that nature for the cameras. “Don’t ever come back here! you should feel lucky!” and so on.
I’m inclined to believe this is very likely and I’m sure they’ll be under fairly significant watch for a long while.
“Terry Ritchie, the mayor of Perth-Andover, wrote in a 2013 Facebook post Boyle’s ‘co-workers here knew he had converted or was converting to Islam.
“’He was given special breaks from his job as a customer service representative to pray at appropriate times, co-workers say,’ the post from Ritchie read.”
Source: Eden’s link to, posted 10/12/17 @ 1:48
That Amish beard says it all.
New is reporting the husband is refusing to board a US plane. Thinks he could face legal trouble due to previous marriage.
I’d be fine with just giving him back then….
Yeah, I just posted that above.
Better more updates than none.
Sorry about your luck Chump. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Put them on a plane bound for one of our off the books all inclusive resorts for a bit of decompression.
With the ex-bro-in-law in the picture, I’m a bit skeptical, but there is still the possibility that he’s been brainwashed.
Hope the kids get out ok.
Will some terrorists be ordered to pay child support?
You mean baby mamma might have a hairy little monkey or two?
The plot thickens. . .
Still nary a twitch.
He looks trustworthy, just never trust someone with a full short beard. The full short beard is a sure sign of a demented individual.
An interesting note/observation:
For all their radical beliefs, they walk the walk.
3 children born in captivity and apparently cared for?
Their kidnappers probably considered them to be ‘useful idiot noncombatants’?
It would be very, very interesting to be a wasp on the wall of the husband and wife during their debrief.
I agree. Somewhere out there is video of interactions with their supposed captors.
Mr Sharkman, out of curiosity did you ever come to Tampa (Rocky Point) around 99 – 01?
I was never asked ‘by name’ to leave dinner early at the Rusty Pelican. 😉
I have a strong suspicion we are 1st cousins and had the same Uncle Sparky that we’d visit there from time to time.
The Emir of Randistan and I would struggle to make back to Chaise Suites from Bahama Breeze lol