Washington Post fear mongering

| September 29, 2017

See the scary headline of the Washington Post article; FBI investigating 1,000 white supremacist, domestic terrorism cases. Yikes! 1000 white supremacists case is scary!!!!. Except in the very first line of the article, Devlin Barrett, explains;

The FBI is conducting about 1,000 investigations of suspected white supremacists or other types of domestic terrorists who might be planning violence, top federal officials told Senate lawmakers Wednesday.

Emphasis is mine. For the casual reader, the “other types of domestic terrorists” part escapes their attention. The Post helpfully explains their own definition of “domestic terrorism”;

Christopher A. Wray, in his first congressional testimony as FBI director, confirmed that his office has about 1,000 inquiries that people generally categorize as “domestic terrorism’’ — a catchall term often used to describe those motivated to commit violence in furtherance of racist causes.

So they consider all domestic terrorism to be white racists;

FBI officials have previously said they had about 1,000 ongoing investigations in the United States of suspects who may be inspired by the Islamic State terrorist group to commit violence.

Wednesday’s hearing was the first public indication that the FBI is dealing with a similar number of domestic terrorism cases.

Terrorism inspired by ISIS by people who are living in the US are also domestic terrorists, you imbecile.

This is nothing but fear-mongering from the Post and Devlin Barrett – white supremacists are so few in number, I’m sure they are outnumbered by ISIS adherents. I doubt there are even 1000 white supremacists in the entire country, let alone 1000 for the FBI to investigate. I’m sure that there are Anti-Fa, Black Nationalists and ISIS adherents in those 1000 cases.

I hope the FBI is investigating white nationalists groups that are planning domestic acts of terror, but I would also hope that the Washington Post would report the entire truth occasionally.

Category: Media

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Silentium Est Aureum

I would also hope that the Washington Post would report the entire truth occasionally.

Aren’t ye a wee bit auld to be believin in leprechauns, laddie?

The day they do, I’ll be in the Cardiac ICU.


Ye stole me line, SEA. Póg mo thóin! (smile)


The more they jump up and down, the more they squeal in fear, and the more they point and squawk, the better.

WaPo is in the wacko corner, has been for a while. Perhaps the reporter should look in the mirror and consider what he sees there.

Combat Historian

The WaPo used to be left-wing but somewhat respectable, but ever since it was sold by the Grahams to Jeff Bezos it has become Wackodoodle City. WaPo has no credibility whatsoever, even as vagrant toilet paper…

MSG Eric

Was spelling his name “Bozos” too obvious?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

WaPo has been busy reporting blatant lies and innuendoes for quite some time, with the appearance of Trump a year and a half ago WaPo seems to have drifted right off the deep end into the abyss.

Their concepts regarding accuracy are laughable and their “journalists” are the worst kind of hacks to populate the industry.

But hey at least they keep us amused….and the more of this shit they post the more it seems Republicans win elections…so there’s that.

Red Ghost

Any chance that some of these investigations involve eco-terrorists like the Earth Liberation Front (ELF)? Or other left leaning bad guys?
Gotta maintain the narrative, you lying bastards.

The Other Whitey

Personally, I think there’s more than 1,000 white-supremacists in the USA. A large number of them run the democrat party*

* I refuse to call them “democratic” in light of superdelegates and pretty much anything involving Hillary Clinton, as that stuff proves beyond all question that democracy means dick all to democrats.


Tonite there will be much rejoicing in Dearborn and Berserkeley.
Has the FBI even stood up the Islamic Terrorist Threat cell again after the last guy shitcanned it?
Is HRC/the dark state/Soros allowing Antifa to be monitored.
The threat to our Constitution is real, evolving and growing.


A prime example of pushing and maintaining the narrative here. A little sprinkle of redefining words to suit their narrative as well. Other than people on the far left, who actually considers WaPo to be a credible news source? It’s nothing but propaganda on that “news” site. I’d sooner trust the Onion to give me reliable information than WaPo or any other news site like CNN, Vox, etc.

I’m glad the Alternative Media is a thing; I can get reliable information with no bias or propaganda. Unfortunately, the MSM is doing their best to silence them so they can completely control information. What a sad state of affairs we’re in.


“The Washington Post–a former newspaper”

There: FIFY

Jus Bill

WaPo = National Enquirer minus the space aliens and pictures. It should be put in the fiction section.

The Other Whitey

Hey, hey! How dare you insult the journalistic integrity of National Enquirer like that?


Agree.. its the best investigative reporting on the planet…


So I’m figuring 1 white supremacist to 9 Somalis.


WaPo = Pravda

Old Trooper

Let’s say, for argument sake, that it is 1000 white supremists. Out of 300+ million people, that’s an awful small percentage.

Maybe these chuckleheads could count how many jihadis we have here in the country?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Wasn’t it that democrat racist maxine watters who recently called us 300+million white supremisists?

Perry Gaskill

For those of us playing at home, here’s how the dots might connect:

One of the reasons Jeff Bezos doesn’t like Donald Trump is because Trump has threatened to go after Amazon’s exemption from most state sales tax. Such an exemption is seen by many as causing Main Street business to take a big hit because of a tilted playing field.

Rather than confront the tax issue directly, Bezos has allowed The Washington Post to join the larger news media scrum of more-or-less labeling Trump a neo-Nazi because he isn’t black, gay, Muslim, female, or a Democrat. Prior to the election, there were no indications Trump had racist inclinations. Once he announced he was not in favor of open borders, he might as well have worn a Klan robe to his inauguration.

Something else that might be pointed out is that while it’s true some reporters are lazy and not all that bright, it’s also true that the news business operates under some crushing deadlines. What this leads to are the kinds of semantic fallacies where the terms “white nationalist”, “white supremacist”, “neo-Nazi”, “conservative”, “alt-right”, and “white people” are all synonymous. What’s also likely true is that the news media tends to operate as pretty much a hive mind. Write something that veers from the standard storyline, and you’re likely to be out of a job sooner rather than later.

A Proud Infidel®™

We currently have Antifa along with left wing anarchist groups threatening more violence and civil war in addition to the assaults and rioting in the past and the Washedallup [Com]Post tries to screech that Red State America is all racist white supremacist, blablabla… I honestly have more respect for Spenser Rapone right now than I do those moonbats, Rapone was at least honest about his current ideology. WHO do they get their talking points from these days, Pelosi, Boxer, Waters and Schumer?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

If the Antifa shit hits the fan, I hope everyone is locked and loaded. Hopefully nothing will come to pass on the antifa matter.

MSG Eric


I just watched that vid on Ace’s weblog. I was shocked to see it was filmed at the University of Utah. I didn’t know Salt Lake City was a locale for raging Antifa moonbats.

MSG Eric

This is one of the significant negativities about the internet and social media.

The extremist types all have a much more noticeable voice and avenue to interact with other extremists and/or influence people to join them.

Antifa probably would’ve been limited to one or two campuses in the 80s or even 90s.

MSG Eric

According to the Anti-Defamation League, they are tracking about 3000 white supremacists of various types, Neo Nazis included (at about 500).

While situations like Charlottesville do pump up their membership a bit, that would be a lot of investigations for one specific group of people.

Even if the total number is 5,000-10,000 that is minuscule in the 320 million people population of the country.

Yet you claim that 1 percent of Muslims are terrorists, which is a substantial number (1.2 Billion Muslims in the world = 1.2 Million terrorists) and you’re “racist” and “islamaphobic”.