Is DoD Paying for a Massive Redistribution Scam?

| January 31, 2009

Barely a week into the job and President Obama is feeling his oats as the neophyte CinC and as Democrats always do; he has targeted the Defense Department for cuts.

This was so unbelievably predictable.

The Obama administration has asked the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff to cut the Pentagon’s budget request for the fiscal year 2010 by more than 10 percent — about $55 billion — a senior U.S. defense official tells FOX News.

Last year’s defense budget was $512 billion. Service chiefs and planners will be spending the weekend “burning the midnight oil” looking at ways to cut the budget — looking especially at weapons programs, the defense official said.

I realize that as with any government program there is fat in the DoD budget but we are at war.

Cutting defense right now sends a dangerous message to our enemies around the world.

Why do I call this a “redistribution scam” instead of just good fiscal stewardship? Because I have more than two brain cells and I can see when someone is pissing on my leg and telling me it’s raining.

The defense cuts will cost jobs; lots of good paying (and likely unionized) jobs. These are middle class and upper middle class jobs for the most part.

So where does this windfall of federal money (at the cost of the middle class) actually go?

Look no further than the Democrat proposed, pork filled stimulus package that will stimulate nothing but Pelosi’s dream to drive the United States into a European Socialist state.

$83 billion in welfare payments
$20 billion for food stamps

Increases in welfare and food stamps will not create one job and in fact discourages one from seeking a job.

Cutting $50 million from defense will cost jobs and weaken a nation.

Feel free to draw your own conclusions.

Category: Politics

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Dave Thul

His original stimulus plan called for millions for contraception funding and free condoms. Now he wants to cut military spending.

The 60’s are back! Make love not war! Literally.


And this from an anti-american POTUS shocks you. I’ve gave up, at least as many or more liberals will die as conservatives. BHO and family will be first if the terrorists have an ounce of brains. What better way to shock the world?


I wonder if this will help the process in getting a replacement for the m16/m4. Hell I would be willing to through in the M9 too. You know it is bad when the IAs have a better handgun then you do. I cannot be sure about the exact model but if I had to guess I would say that this is what he had. I do remember that it had Walther on it and it was a more modern plastics type mold on it.

To me the DOD is dragging its feet over this and is trying to reinvent the wheel when it already exists? Perhaps we should consider getting a license to produce some of these other weapons in existence. How much money did we sink into the Objective Individual Combat Weapon that went no where?

old dirty bastard

Yes Spork you are very correct in that the IA issues their officers Walther pistols. I was a Trainer/Adviser to the IA in 04-05 and they had Walthers. Really pissed us off. Them things are like $1200 a pop. And the IP’s are issued Glocks.

old dirty bastard

And oh yeah…the M9 isn’t really that bad…its the crappy reloaded ammo thats issued is the problem. I used “confiscated” ammo for mine and it always worked well for me. lol


Well at least it is good to know that I am not they only one wondering about that.

Reloaded ammo?I had to break out a mag to look my 9mm ammo. Most of it seems new, and half of them has that almost mirror shine to it. I thought they just used the used brass and melted it down to make new ammo casings.

Plus my M9 looks like it has seen some love while the IAs could have been used as a show room quality as for as wear and tear.

old dirty bastard

We needa save even more money etc….issue AK’s a very nice and low maintenace weapon….loved all 3 of mine. 3000rds downrange on one of em…no clean up and no problems….lol


That is another thing I had the chance to talk to a few of the IAs and they are now getting M16s. The general opinion was that they did not like it complaining about the usual items that goes around with the M16.

old dirty bastard

Ya…mine was Str8 junk and it was brand new…jammed almost every 5-6rds. Needless to say…I became the master of S.P.O.R.T.S.. Lol


Obama To Cut Defense Spending by $55 Billion…

Remember how Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton raped the military and the intelligence agencies?  Remember how many of us on the Right warned that Czarbama was Carter-……

Frankly Opinionated

While we are castrating our military budget, we give $150 million for honey bee insurance? WTF,O? None of this surprises me, as I saw this menage a gummint coming with Prez Hussein, Stretchface Pelosi, and Harebrain Reid in bed with eachother. God Save the USA.
nuf sed

airborne injun

We all fucked up!!! None of this shit would have happened if they had let the big bad wolf Dick Marcinko run for President instead of McCain. Can someone please open his fucking cage??


You guys are getting yer panties in a wad over 10%???


Mike H.

ponsdorf, at the time I got out of the Marine Corps there was only enough training ammo for the M16 to allow me to go to the range once in six years. The non-rates had to live in condemned housing outside the gate with all of the drug dealers walking around the non-rated enlisted families because the Corps couldn’t get the funds to build the housing inside Pendleton.

When I got out there were so many Staff NCOs getting out that congress classified an Honorable Discharge as a voluntary quit so they could deny unemployment benefits to the personnel who were leaving. This was to try to force them to stay in.

This is the same branch of government that wants to have all the weapons programs done in their districts. If you’ll remember when clinton was in office the money was cut and all the disaster relief was done with DOD funding. Wake up.

Mike H.

BTW, my date of discharge was 31 Dec. 1981.


Mike H. said: Wake up.

I’m awake, you might want to look up BOHICA.

10% ain’t nothing compared to what’s coming if Obama can pull it off.

Date of Discharge 9 May, 1969