More on Steele’s win; media pay attention here

| January 30, 2009

Michael Steele won the post of theRNC chair and I couldn’t be happier – well, unless the Democrats all resigned one night after discovering they really ARE a bunch of incompetent boobs. But, to put a damper on the win, AP runs this headline;

And in the first few paragraphs they make it sound as if Barack Obama broke the racial barrier enabling Steele to win. Nothing could be further from the truth. Conservatives were supporting Steele’s Senate run when most people hadn’t heard of Barack Obama. It was racist Democrats in Maryland that sunk that run (remember Steny Hoyer and his comment about Steele “slavishly” supporting Bush policies?)

Why didn’t AP write “Tallest man ever wins GOP Chair”? I mean, he’s more than black, he’s really, really tall. As evidenced by this picture of Steele and me while he was running for the Senate in Maryland. (Of course that doesn’t prove much if you’re laboring under the misconception that the picture TSO posted below is really me)
Steele and Lilyea

See, this where Liberals and Conservatives part on the race issue. Republicans have stayed true to our fellow Republican, Martin Luther King, Jr who said that he looked forward to the day people were judged by WHO they are rather than WHAT they are.

The most important thing people should look at in Michael Steele is that he’s a Conservative through-and-through. At a time when the media has counted Conservatism dead and buried, Republicans elect a Conservative to lead the party. It hardly sounds like Conservatism is on the trash heap, does it? But Liberals in the Democrat Party and in the media think they’re being supportive of the Black race by trumpeting each and every “first Black [fill in the blank]”. Actually, all they’re doing is saying “See what we white people are doing for you”, instead of praising the man (or woman) for their accomplishments.

Let me know when those race-o-phobes in the Democrat Party stop judging people based on superficial criteria.

Category: Politics

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Maynard jackson was supposed to be the first black Chair of a political party back in around 2000, but the racist Democrats screwed him, Carl McCall, Harold Ford and William Jefferson in favor of people like Hillary, Fast Eddie Rendell, and Gore.

richard wheeler

Steele is a good guy and got the job because of Barack’s win.Just as Palin brought no Hillary voters,Steele will bring few minority voters to Repub. fold.

Jonn wrote: It’s ignorant, racist shit like that gets you sent to moderation.

J Foster

Politics is a calculating and cynical business and Steele’s victory is probably no departure from this tradition. However, just because something is calculating and cynical doesn’t mean it isn’t right and good (that old cliche about the macadam on the road to hell became a cliche for a reason; good intentions aren’t worth a damn in and of themselves). Steele seems promising and capable and I hope he leads conservatism out of its current morass. I want my Congress back in 2010.

Frankly Opinionated

I don’t think that President Hussein’s win has much to do with Mike Steele getting this position. Mike Steele has been showing the rest of the party just how conservative he is for quite some time. Unfortunately, the RINOs have felt that the party needs to be more like the Democrats and haven’t given him rein. Mike Steele, J C Watts, Bobby Jindal, will not be the future of the party because of their race, but in spite of their race. Sarah Palin will not grow within the party because she is a woman, but in spite of it. Not all of us see this as just race and sex, Richard. Only the smallest of the small see it that way.
nuf sed


Michael Steele is going to bring the racist scum to the top. But he’s already had oreos thrown at him so I don’t see him crumbling.
We’ll now see all that “tolerance” and “sensitivity training” in action…*snort*


Michael Steele is the Republican former Lt. Governor of Maryland. When he ran for the US Senate, the only people concerned about the color of his skin were the Democrats, and they were horribly nasty. It was a real eye-opener, for me.

The racist party in Maryland, the one full of Richard Wheelers, is the Democratic Party.

Don Carl

I like Steele. I just hadn’t realized how tall he is. Either that or, I hadn’t realized how short you are, Jonn…

richard wheeler

Jonn On point # I was agreeing with A.P.On point #2 with election results.The very few racists and misogynists who post here generally identify themselves pretty clearly and seem to be proud of it.


Don beat me to it! 🙁 Was gonna say pretty much the same thing….he’s not tall….you are really, really short. 😛


RW would agree with the AP OBAMA? I’m shocked, just shocked. Maybe Steele got the job because the people voting finally figured he was the best person for the job, not because his skin is darker than Saul Anuzis? Misogynist? You mean like voting for someone just because they happen to be darker? Is that what you mean Richard? I’ll let a quote from Michelle Malkin describe you. Raaaaacist!!



“The very few racists and misogynists who post here generally identify themselves pretty clearly and seem to be proud of it.”

Lilya policy is that he won’t censor like liberal sites so I guess we’ll just have to put up with your racism and mysoginy for a bit longer.

I wouldn’t give a hater like you a forum, but it’s not my site.

Frankly Opinionated

Demographics and public comments show that President Hussein was elected because he is black, not in spite of being black. Who are the racists? When my dog and I went into a local town park, on MLK day, I was confronted with: “What you doin here? Dis ain’t yo day.” Who is the racist? For years, by way of Affirmative Action; the Democrats have been telling blacks: “We know you aren’t as good as us, so we’ll give you a leg up.” Who is the racist?
Mike Steele is a good man, and as I see him, has been quite the conservative. He has my support even though he is black.
nuf sed

richard wheeler

Raoul Hell Censor me whenever you like.But truly I love seeing single and simple minded people like you getting so riled up when anyone questions your right wing dogma.Face it.The American people have voted you out.UpNorth Misogyny has nothing to do with skin color.Look it up.Jonn Hope you enjoyed your vacation Post more pictures.Semper Fi

airborne injun

WHEELER,Please tell me who is simple minded again? The Obamanation IS NOT BLACK!!!!! The messiah is mullato i.e. only half black. Shit, Im darker than that scrot sack.


Little Dick,

A spam folder is not censorship. It’s you’re fault your stuff ends up there because it’s worthless.

As far as dogma, you’re the slave to your Obama. When Bush went nuts WRT shamnesty, I opposed him.

Have fun licking on your President-reject.


“The American people have voted you out”

We’re about to have the new poster child for buyer’s regret.

You won’t have to even use the phrase “buyer’s regret” because it’ll soon know as “Pulling an Obama” or an “Obamanation” or something like that.

His approval rating dropped 7 points in a day or so from 75% to 68%. And don’t forget how your side always touted the wisdom of personal approval polls. Pretty soon you’ll have to “hate him” too because of his poor approval rating.

Thanks to Obama, Bush won’t have to wait decades for history to detach the left’s “Worst Persident Ever” tag. Obama’s going to earn that, perhaps the only thing he ever earned honestly.

Bush went to a door that was locked. Not his fault. Obama went to a window thinging it was a door. Somewhere in Kenya there are villages that could share that big an idiot.



Liberals are nothing if not means spirited, arrogant and condescending.

Exactly the opposite of the kind, tolerant and compassionate fascade they put on.

airborne injun

Get some Raoul!!!


[…] More on Steele’s win; media pay attention here – This Ain’t Hell […]


What, now we go and find our own “magic Negro”?

This is a very, very sad day for America. The election of Steele proves that the Republican party will not go in the direction they need to for the sake of our country. They can expect to be in the minority for quite some time to come.

Are you a true conservative or just a kool aid drinker? If you are a true conservative then you would listen to what this other true conservative has to say about him.

Steve Deace is so right about him.

He’s a RINO. On that we can be clear. This proves that the Republican Party’s move to the Left might be a permanent legacy of the Bush years.