The Dazzling Brilliance of Poodle Logic
One of our frequent commenters made a comment the other day that caught my attention. I felt compelled to respond.
Why? Because that comment reached a new low, even for “That Guy”, in terms of fallacious argument. So I thought I’d point out to the individual the error of his argument, just in case he might possibly learn something from the correction. Based on past experience, I rather doubt he will; but you never know.
The comment in question can be found here. It purports to show, by giving examples of their behavior, that “of course the Nazis were right-wing” (or words to that effect).
Now, people who are even passingly familiar with logic probably already see the problem with that argument. Since That Guy often seems to have a problem grasping simple concepts, I’ll spell things out for his benefit.
The major fallacy in that argument is that it assumes that a particular behavior by government is reliably indicative of whether that government is “right wing” or “left wing.” That is, “If a government does a certain thing (‘X’), then it is a ‘right wing’ government.” If that assumption is incorrect, the argument falls apart completely.
Unfortunately, that assumption is not universally true. Given similar circumstances both “right wing” and “left wing” governments often behave similarly. Therefore, any argument that “because a government did “X”, it is therefore “right wing” (or “left wing”) is invalid – because here the “if” doesn’t invariably lead to the “then”.
In order to demonstrate just how asinine this particular false argument really is, I’m going to have a bit of fun. Below, I’m going to use literally the individual’s own bogus argument to “prove” that the government of the Soviet Union was “right wing”. I’ll do so by making minor revisions to the individual’s comment – which will be presented in italics – but I’ll leave the original logical structure, and most of it’s original language, completely intact.
(Note: the grammatical errors and awkward/incomplete sentence structure in what follows are present in the original; I left them in place because I wanted to make as few changes as possible to the original. I’ve marked many of those errors carried over from the original appropriately, but I won’t guarantee I got them all.)
. . .
So lets (sic) look that (sic) the characteristic (sic) of SOVIET SOCIALISM based on what THEY ACTUALLY DID. Not merely the rhetoric of speeches made during the decades after they rose to power. (sic)
Powerful and Continuing Socialist Symbology: They used symbols of Soviet Socialist unity everywhere. Flags, slogans, songs, pins, banners, and other regalia. (sic)
Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights: The Soviets approval (sic) the use of torture, and summary executions of prisoners. Their disdain for human rights was particularly true when targeting political dissidents or ethnic minorities desiring autonomy.
Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause: The Soviets were notorious for blaming foreign influence, capitalists, and “reactionary elements” for the problems in the nation.
Supremacy of the Military: The Soviet military was given a disproportionate amount of government funding. Soldiers and military service were glamorized.
(Sidebar: there’s a very good reason the Soviet Union during the Cold War was on occasion referred to as “Upper Volta with Missiles”. Outside the larger cities, the infrastructure and civilian economy of the Soviet Union reputedly was closer to third-world than first-world standards during much of the Cold War. The reason? An absurdly huge fraction of the Soviet Union’s economic production was going towards the nation’s military.)
Rampant Sexism: Soviet Leadership was almost exclusively male-dominated (one member four members in Politburo history were female). While either gender was in theory free to “be all they could be”, in practice traditional gender roles remained traditional and largely unchanged. Rampant homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy. (sic)
Initially Blamed and Scapegoated the Media, then Took Control of Media: Prior to the October Revolution, “the Bolsheviks denounced the press itself as being openly hostile and protecting the ‘rotten’ regime of Nicolas II”. And when they took control they targeted the press and immediately took control over it (e.g., during the October Revolution, by decree).
Obsession with National Security: The Soviet government’s use of fear and the constant rhetoric of threats post (sic) domestic and international as a motivational tool by the Soviet government over the masses was ubiquitous.
Religion and Government were Intertwined: The Bolshevik leadership was overwhelmingly Atheist and when they took power the (sic) persecuted Orthodox Christians and Muslims. Lenin, Stalin, and later Soviet leaders attempted to substitute State Atheism as a de facto state religion and unifying force. That failed, but notions of a unified and pure Atheist Soviet Socialist State obsessed Soviet leadership. They thought religion was a corrupting and dividing influence on the purity and strength of Soviet Socialism and it (sic) needed to be replaced for the good of Soviet Socialism. Their long game was a ubiquitous state-sponsored Atheism that would replace religion and become a source of unity in the country rather than one of division.
Labor Power was Suppressed: Because the organizing power of labor (particularly independent worker movements) was a threat to Socialist government, in the Soviet Union labor unions were either eliminated, co-opted, or controlled by the Soviet government.
Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts: In the Soviet Union, free expression in the arts was openly attacked. Intellectuals and artists were targeted and jailed.
Obsession with Crime and Punishment: In the Soviet Union, police and other internal security personnel were given almost limitless power to enforce laws – and if necessary, to act completely outside them. Physical abuse and violence by police and other government security agents was overlooked because it was very unwise to criticize the government because it was regarded as taking the side of “reactionary elements”. (awkward, run-on sentence structure from original)
It is clear that in actual ACTIONS that SOVIET SOCIALISM was a RIGHT WING movement.
. . .
Astute readers will note one omission in the above. The paragraph in the original comment beginning, “Corporate Power is Protected: . . . .” is not addressed.
That was by design. I didn’t address that paragraph because it was absurd on its face. “Central control via a combination of coercion, intimidation, appropriation, and regulation” is decidedly not the same as a “partnership”.
A cursory review the 1931 National Socialist Program – particularly points 11-17 – clearly shows that the Nazis envisioned government control over the means of production if and when they gained political control. After they attained power, they took action to achieve this. They were so successful that none other than Albert Speer himself opined that “a kind of state socialism seemed to be gaining more and more ground”, and further warned that Germany’s industry was becoming “the framework for a state-socialist economic order.” In short: the Nazis were actively working to gain central control of Germany’s means of economic production – and were succeeding.
Oh, and starting in 1936 the Nazis also instituted “Four Year Plans” for the German economy. Sound familiar? It should – and it also sounds to me as if they were trying to “one-up” the Soviet Union’s well-known Five Year Plans.
Bottom line: that paragraph in the original comment was so absurd on its face that IMO it was already a parody of historical reality. So I didn’t bother to even attempt to re-write it as parody.
. . .
As I said above, I hope most readers have enjoyed this article. Or, if you’re a leftist tool who doesn’t like looking like an idiot . . . maybe you’ll take it’s lesson to heart, learn to think – and use logical reasoning – before you wax ignorant once again. But I’m not holding my breath.
Especially if you’re going to imply, inaccurately, that I’m lying the next time you wax ignorant, clown. For that bit of mendacity, let me pass along to you a message from TG – which I heartily endorse.
Let me know if you need that translated.
(Author’s Note: Edited to account a minor factual error in the original article. Later research showed that three women besides Yekaterina Furtseva had briefly been members of the Soviet Politburo/Central Committee – one during the immediate post-Revolutionary period, and two others near the end of Gorbachev’s regime.)
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Historical, I hate hippies
Hondo… well put. He should try his logic over that the other “Smart Military Blog” known as Ace of Spades – they would tear his ass up in a New York Minute, then “Ace” would drop the banhammer of Hell on him for his rhetoric.
I don’t need the gecko comments translated; but, they don’t seem to have that Australian accent I have come to associate with geckos.
They must be Filipino gekkos… PUCK YOU!
They don’t have the same accent as Hawaii geckos either, so I have no clue.
Gee, I wonder who “That Guy” is…???…(sarc)
BWAAAAAHAAAAHAAAAAHAAAA! Yes, the major fallacy in Major Commissar’s, USAR, argument, of which there are many fallacies to his arguments.
Leave it to us NCOs to continue to educate certain officers.
Also, I recommend that when everybody else replies to him here, or elsewhere, to mention Major Commissar, USAR, in order to enhance his Google exposure.
There’s an excellent chance that he rubs other people, in face to face interactions, very similar to how he rubs people here. Many of those folk are going to do an internet search.
This is one of many reasons to why he doesn’t want his name mentioned.
Yeah buddy, I look forward to seeing what he says here.![:mrgreen:](
I still can’t believe that the Army decided that Commissar deserved a rank at which he might be in charge of anything. Did he just know who to blow, was he a list-blocker (are list-blockers a thing in the Army? ), WTF?
It’s called the Peter Principle;
I’d also guess that “right time, right place, right career field” played a big part. My understanding is that Army’s CA Branch was hugely short (due to rapid expansion) and in high demand during OEF and OIF. CA units also tend to have quite a number of officer slots.
From what I’ve seen, sometimes “right place, right time, right specialty” is just as important – if not more so – than competence. That’s particularly true when the Army’s expanding and fighting a war.
Anyone in the Army who was promoted during the period 2001-2008 or 2009 and whose MOS/specialty wasn’t being phased out likely benefited to some degree from that effect. Due to Army need, promotions were “easier” during that time frame.
Can’t forget that just because someone is an Officer it doesn’t mean they will be allowed to command or supervise.
I do believe Commissar was originally a different MOS and the combination of him being unfit to lead and there being a need to expand CA led to the Army, in desperation, moving him to that field.
Commissar was too arrogant to be allowed to command a unit.
Also his backtracking and lack of integrity to admit he presented false information would lead me to have him relieved on the spot if he was ever under my command.
Fortunately with adults in charge service members of his ilk will be purged from the ranks in the next few years.
A CA Battalion has 60 officer positions and most of that is 38A (Civil Affairs) positions.
Most CA units, even ten years after we were deploying 1200 a year to OIF/OEF (among other places), are still very short of 38A O-3s. (Some battalions will have 2-3 each AG, MI, Log, and commo officers for those staff positions)
2005-2007ish, many officers were going through such a significantly “shaked and baked” CA course that it was about 8 days of classroom time and they’d get on the plane to Iraq or Afghanistan. Now the course is about a month and much more difficult.
By 2011/2012, officers from other USAR units were calling up CA units even if there was an inkling they were deploying in hopes of available slots on the battle roster for them. (Many newer officers were fighting to get deployments, but there were none) And there were still plenty of slots. Nowadays the only place USAR units go for a “combat zone” is Horn of Africa, to get a patch.
And yes, having a pulse is about the only pre-cursor for promotion in CA Branch until they hit O-5.
“And yes, having a pulse is about the only pre-cursor for promotion in CA Branch until they hit O-5.”
So THAT’s how he reached O4!
I knew an O-4 who was officially relieved from his duties, on paper. Within a year he was promoted to O-5.
Kinda like the USAF’s current 100% promotion to O-4?
I don’t have time to grace you guys with my superior University of California, Berkeley knowledge today. Right now, I am celebrating my new job. I’m All Points Logistics, Ulterliner Incorporated’s new Public Narcissist.
I’m just gonna make some popcorn, sit back, and watch this one take on a life of its own.
Sounds good, want a soda? I’m buying.
Make that a German-style “barley soda” and I’ll take one. (smile)
I gotta expropiate this one, “barley soda”, for my own lexicon. Thanks, TW
Be my guest. I can’t claim origin – I heard an acquaintance’s dad use it when I was in my early 20s and thought it was a “keeper” too. (smile)
Gentlemen…lets “pop the tops”…this could prove to be lengthy.
Seriously, what part of “National Socialist” do these folks not understand?
Words have meanings.
But only if you have a dictionary AW1 😂
To be fair, they call themselves the Democratic party and have been protesting the results of an election for going on a year now. They also exercise their First Amendment right to free speech and assembly to shutdown the exercise of the same rights by their opponents.
I can hear the gears popping and the crayons being sharpened from here.
Great job, Hondo.
He’s probably got a 14,000 word screed in the works that will play every card that he’s played on this site since his arrival… that’s how he rolls.
Maybe he’s doing something like this, I don’t put it past him, this is how I often picture him in between rants!
I don’t understand… What makes that a uniquely liberal thing? If something angers you libs why would you stick around to let it angry you more?
Maybe it’s the fact the conservatives and classically liberal people realize that destiny is made as opposed to granted, therefor they’re out working hard or too tired to give a shit about getting flustered over pinko bs.
At any rate, I’ve put in my 8 hours today, time to do chores.
At least I have something to laugh about while I’m weeding.
Was the Kruschev question ever answered?
What do you think?
For the record, the answer is, “No”. But I’m sure everyone had already guessed as much.
I wonder why none of those people ever read Solshenitzen. Or why they are so utterly blind to the simple fact that the ‘left/right’ argument is like farting into the wind.
Well, I still have some errands to run but I’ll return, probably around the time Sir Fart Strangely aka Lord Lickspittle aka Baron Quacksalot rolls out of his crib and changes his diapers.
Hondo, I left something on the other thread about Hitler’s mannerisms that show up in the film clips in that video compilation. There’s something kind of frantic about them. If you get chance, watch it and see if you see what I did. Thanks.
Wow! A mention of Solzhenitsyn! He’s probably my favorite author of all time. I’ve read all his books except 1915, and that’s up soon.
His descriptions of the soviets are great. And his works are still relevant today.
Highly recommended.
And I can never remember how to spell his name. Thanks, Pete!
Well strictly speaking there is no correct english transliteration.
His real name is “correctly” spelled in Cyrillic. Transliterated in english it could be spelled a number of ways. It’s like the words Tsar and Czar. both are correct english transliterations.
It’s possible that a “Cyrillic native” has a preferred way of spelling their name in Latin characters. Solzhenitsyn did live in the United States for a period, so it’s possible he had a preferred Latin spelling. If so, I’m not aware of that.
As a side note, similarly, their is no absolute correct way of transliterating Arabic into English. That’s why you can see Osama Bin Ladin’s name spelled OBL and UBL for Usama Bin Ladin.
So strictly speaking your spelling of Solzhenitsyn’s name is correct.
Same with Chinese. Which is correct? Peking? Beijing? Contemporary PRC prefers, “Beijin”. But, AFAIK, the only correct way to write it is, “中國”.
Reminds me of a George Carlin bit about “its the quiet ones you gotta watch out for!”
It would seem like “that guy” would be ignoring the person who walks into a bar and says, “I’m gonna kill the next M’Fer who comes in here!” to watch the quiet guy sitting in the corner reading a book.
“Why were you paying attention to that guy while this other guy was killing people with a machete and yelling about it?” “Well, the saying goes, ‘it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for’ so I was watching and waiting for him to do something nefarious!”
At about 1:45….
Where are those improvised Steely Dan lyrics again, Hondo?
Here ya go, SEA.
As a possible mnemonic, it was published on May Day – the same Leftist Holiday where Hitler, in a public speech, openly claimed that Nazis were Socialists in 1927.
Yeah, Poodle – he actually did say that in a public speech; the quote I gave the other day was by Hitler. Strasser’s quote you keep blathering about was similar, but not the same. And Strasser didn’t say that publicly, while Hitler did – and in doing so, made it the official Nazi position.
So take that “You aren’t quoting Hitler” claim and shove it right up your . . . . nose. Or another of your bodily orifices; your choice as to which.
Alles klar, “Herr” Commissar?
It’s one of those things so endearing about TAH – the ability to swing from earthy inanity to intellectual dissertation in an instant. Well done, Hondo.
Would probably enjoy this particular piece more if I didn’t avoid the troll. While I don’t understand why others want to engage the fool, I support their freedom to do so. Altho it does occasionally get frustrating wading through the wasted band width and I know that I miss some important pearls when the scroll key gets tired.
Oh, well. Choice is good.
^^^Word: “While I don’t understand why others want to engage the fool, I support their freedom to do so. Altho it does occasionally get frustrating wading through the wasted band width and I know that I miss some important pearls when the scroll key gets tired.” ^^^
SO MUCH THIS! Wish we had a way to filter out the lengthy screeds of Poodle and his ilk. Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat!
Lars will throw a tantrum, insult everyone, swear that he’s never coming back to TAH, and will be back on here within 72 hours denying that he ever said any of it–just like every other time he’s pushed utterly-false bullshit and had it blow up in his face.
Any takers?
12 hours… he’s addicted to this site like a crack whore…
He’s addicted to the attention he gets when TAH Regulars®™ take the shit he spews and put it right back in his face like the Three Stooges used custard pies on each other!
He will also question your (verifiable) service, denigrate it, cast aspersions on your age (as he imagines it) and provide several forms of behavior that become more and more predictable.
Yeah, like his comments about me being a CSM’s driver, the trash he talked about your time in,…
Y’know, I wonder if that wasn’t psychological Projection on his part? MSG Eric said in his post that for a while just having a pulse and being a CA Officer would get one to O4 and given Babbles McButthead’s personality and logic, I’m certain he had to have been one lackluster version of an Officer that others had to clean up after and he knows it himself, hence his “Projection” of that onto you, me and other TAH Regulars®™.
He’s tried to ID a few of us, including myself… and been WRONG!
Just like Bernasty did?
He tried IDing me last weekend… claimed I was (1) in TX, then (2) in OK.
Both were WRONG about who they thought I was…
He’s accused at least thirteen innocent men of being me and when I confronted him about it on a Disqus thread he said it was all MY fault because I wouldn’t voluntarily give him my real identity.
What is the point of IDing people who post comments here? Aside from telling him to his face that he’s a mordant idiot and advising him to start his own blog, go elsewhere to whine, etc., no one has made any sort of threat or hinted at intimidation toward him.
He complains about his name being used, when he freely posted under it. Not our problem, is it?
He tried to accuse me of SWATTING him, when I did no such thing, and clearly he does NOT know the meaning of that term. But he did nearly pop a cork over it, and brought it up again later.
The more antagonistic he becomes, the more there seems to be an agenda buried in it. Now everyone here is on his list of something.
Nixon had an enemies list. You know that Commissar, and all the others on the left, do as well. I mean, so many on the Clinton’s enemies list have been murdered, committed suicide, or died “accidentally” that you know it’s a frequently used list when it comes to purge time.
Now the question is are enemies lists a right wing ala Nixon or left wing ala Nazi and Communists? It is so hard to pigeon hole people. Like everyone is a single issue voter and thus swears unwavering loyalty to one party. Even after the 2000 presidential election-stealing attempts by Gore, I swore I’d never vote Dem again. I did last year for the first time for a state legislature position, and because the R candidate was a raving lunatic.
Oh, the enemies list! How could I have forgotten that!?!
No, it’s a universal thing to have when you’re paranoid and delusional. Unfortunately for the enemies listed, the paranoid and delusional like Tricky Dick were sometimes an old lady who sent a $1 donation to the DNC. He had to write a letter of apology to her.
I’m sure that Soros has an enemies list, too, and now Lars the Delusional Donkey, Lord Lickspittle himself, is trying to put one together?
What an asshole. Does he even vaguely understand the legal consequences of something like that?
Oh, he did say I was going to die alone with my cats. I could take that as a threat, couldn’t I? Geezo Pete, I’ve seen better, nastier hogwash come out Dan Bernath, for Pete’s sake! And guess who’s going to jail for it?
Excellent work.
Those characteristics are the primary characteristic of Fascism. I used them as a structure because they are true for the nature of Nazis. But most of them are true for ALL AUTHORITARIAN REGIMES. Both left wing a right wing authoritarianism. However, there are elements you listed the Soviets DID NOT HAVE. And you disingenuously left out the point about empowering business and industry. Which you know damn well was a critical distinction on whether they were LEFTISTS. These characteristics you flat lied about; Sexism is not a characteristic of the Soviet Regime. Traditional gender roles were SHATTERED in Russia. Pre-revolutionary Russia was more traditional and backward than most of Europe. Traditional social structures with respect to Russia were obliterated by the Soviet Regime. Women served in the armed forces. Infantry (even commanders, Armor corps (even commanders), Special Operations, Sniper corp, Navy (even ship’s captains), pilots, astronauts… They were part of the FORMAL services themselves. And they rose to flag ranks. In the US and most of Western Europe women were in special branches distinct from the primary services and served in support roles. Religion and government was not intertwined is Soviet Russia. Trying to spin it as though it was to make a fallacious point is bullshit. Not only was it never intertwined THEY NEVER TRIED OR INTENDED to put religion into government. The Soviets believed NO RELIGION IN GOVERNMENT and strongly discouraged religion in society at all. And the fact that religion and religious influence was NOT part of Soviet government is not a small point. Religious influence and values in government is STRONGLY associated with conservatism. The argument that labor unions were suppressed is absolute bullshit equivocation and spin. They were not suppressed in the Soviet Union. They were empowered and became a cornerstone of the Soviet system and the local level. Them being co-opted is NOT SUPPRESSION. I suspect you felt intellectually dishonest when you tried to spin labor unions as suppressed. But you did it anyway. So you demonstrate you absolute selectivity bias and dishonesty to try to spin Nazis as leftists. At this point I… Read more »
“Women served in the armed forces. Infantry (even commanders, Armor corps (even commanders), Special Operations, Sniper corp, Navy (even ship’s captains), pilots, astronauts…”
Yes, during WW2. That was because many of the men had been slaughtered in moronic Soviet full frontal attacks on prepared and heavily defended German positions. After WW2? Not so much. The tales are legion of women being used and abused by men in any type of leadership position.
“Religion and government was not intertwined is Soviet Russia.”
The state was the religion in the Soviet Union. And you completely dismiss Communist China with its state approved religions. It isn’t intertwining religion into government but government subverting and intertwining itself into religion.
“Them [labor unions] being co-opted is NOT SUPPRESSION.”
It isn’t? The labor unions were the useful idiots for the Soviets to gain power. Afterwards, the unions held no power at all. No individual or group could demand better pay or benefits. There were no strikes allowed when management refused. How is that not suppression?
What? No answer from Lord Lickspittle?
Just more of his brain farts again?
At least he’s predictable.
Even he tires of his arguments. It must be exhausting to tow (intentionally misspelled) that party line so hard. He gives that line such a workout, it’s a veritable crossfit routine!
Obviously, numbnvts, you still don’t get it.
If a characteristic (or set of characteristics) is suitable for use in distinguishing one category of item/entity/system from another, then something from a different category of item/entity/system by definition cannot possess that same characteristic (or set of characteristics). Otherwise, the characteristic (or set of characteristics) is not suitable for use for differentiation between the two categories.
Here, you openly admit that many characteristics in the set of characteristics you chose as the “primary characteristic (sic) of Fascism” are “true for ALL AUTHORITARIAN REGIMES.” But yet you still claim they’re suitable to use in identifying Facism.
That’s not possible. IF they’re “true for ALL AUTHORITARIAN REGIMES,” you can’t use them to decide whether a particular regime is Fascist, Socialist, or just plain run by a batsh!t crazy loon who happens to be dictator. Why? Because they’d be there in all three cases. Observing them wouldn’t tell you squat.
In short: you’ve contradicted yourself, and that contradiction negates the entire logical basis for your argument. And immediately above, you’ve “doubled down on teh stoopid” by defending your previous error – apparently because you are too damn thick to even realize it was an error.
What that in turn means is is that either (1) your set of characteristics that are purportedly “primary characteristic (sic) of Fascism” are in fact NOT at all definitively indicative of Fascist government, making your argument total bull . . . or (2) you are an ideologically brainwashed moron who’s merely parroting talking points. Or possibly both.
Or, alternatively, you could be deliberately lying to us. That would also explain it.
Sheesh. I knew you were thick, Commissar – but I didn’t realize you were that damn thick.
“Just plain nuts! N-V-T-S, NUTS!”
Well, I’ll just keep posting this video and remind viewers that Hitler says ‘those who commit themselves to this socialist state’ is at 02:40. Socialist, socialist, socialist. Out of the mouth of Der Fuehrer himself, and yet, Sir Fart Strangely will deny it emphatically because it isn’t ->whatever<-.
Continuing with the deconstruction. . .
Horsecrap. The only “labor unions” that existed in the Soviet Union were those approved and/or created by the Soviet state. The Soviet government permitted no such thing as an independent labor union.
They didn’t because they couldn’t. Unions often have an adversarial relationship with management, and in the Soviet Union the freaking Soviet government was management. That would have made an independent labor union a potential source of political opposition and/or dissent. The Soviets were nothing if not experts at preventing and/or destroying potential political opposition and/or dissent.
Besides, the workers would have no need for such representation anyway. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” remember?
And spare me that crap that “being co-opted is not suppression”. If management (or the government) controls a union’s actions to the point that and the union does their bidding, then it’s no longer a labor union – it’s a part of government or management. And in the Soviet Union, the government owned the means of production – remember? So that means the Soviet government was management incarnate when it came to labor matters. And yes, that includes state agricultural collectives.
By even your usual low standards, Commissar, that was a whiff. And you whiffed so badly this time that you fell out of the batters box and landed right on your butt.
Any so-called union leader in the ol’ USSR who opposed management and argued against its policies, like the unachievable production quotas, would have found himself headed for the Gulag or the nuthouse.
Deconstruction continued – part 3 . . . . ” . . . you disingenuously left out the point about empowering business and industry.” Um, no. I didn’t “leave out” the point about business. What, are you functionally illiterate as well? Look at the part of my article above between the end of my re-write of your idiotic argument from yesterday and the closing message to you from TG. There, I clearly indicate that I didn’t re-write that paragraph, and why. If necessary, have someone read and explain it to you. As I clearly stated – and which you were apparently unable to comprehend: I didn’t bother to re-write that particular imbecilic original paragraph, because it was so transparently absurd on its face that it was already a parody of reality. In plain and simple language: it was already absolute BS, and easily seen as such. And I then went on to describe, succinctly, why your original paragraph was BS. Since you seem unable to understand a short explanation of why your initial paragraph was so idiotic as not to need re-writing as parody, here’s a longer one. Saying the Nazis “supported business” is absolutely ludicrous. That’s equivalent to saying John Dillinger and Willie Sutton supported local banks by relieving them of their deposits – which the Nazis essentially did early on, actually. They did that by forcing German financial institutions to purchase bonds issued by the Nazi government to pay for massive public works projects – then forcing those financial institutions to trade those bonds among themselves instead of using currency transfers to pay for transactions. Within a handful of years, this raised the German national government’s debt to levels that began to scare even many senior Nazi leaders who’d previously claimed that “deficits were meaningless” (or words to that effect). It’s saying that banning the formation of small corporations “supports business”. The Nazis did that in 1937. It’s saying that destroying roughly 80% of a nation’s stock/commodity exchanges in 5 years is “helps business”. The Nazis did that as well. It’s saying that bureaucratic over-regulation to the point… Read more »
Deconstruction continued . . . .
Really? Then explain why, in all of “egalitarian” Soviet history, there were precisely four females who ever rose to hold a seat on the Presidium/Supreme Soviet/Politburo? Four, Commissar – four. In all of Soviet history. (Additional research showed that 3 ladies I’d never heard of served, albeit briefly, on the Soviet Politburo or equivalent during Soviet history in addition to Yekaterina Furtseva.)
All of their Politburo tenures were short. The longest was somewhat over 4 years. Even the longest-tenured, Furtseva, eventually got shunted aside to the Ministry of Culture.
The numbers aren’t much better for members of the Party Congress, the Council of Ministers, regional leadership, or other senior Soviet leadership positions.
Senior leadership in the Soviet Union was effectively a male undertaking from before the October Revolution to the final breakup of the Soviet Union. Women in high government positions were few and far between throughout Soviet history. And that includes during World War II.
The Soviets gave lip service to women’s equality. But the numbers here speak for themselves.
I believe you Leftist SJW types call that kind of behavior by an organization or government a “glass ceiling”. And the glass ceiling in Soviet Union certainly existed, was damn near a foot thick – and was bulletproof glass to boot.
I’ve got the strangest boner after reading your deconstructions….
Deconctruction – final part. Religion and government was (sic) not intertwined is Soviet Russia. Bull. Athiesm was the de facto state religion of the Soviet Union. They practiced what is today called state athiesm. The government indeed treated all organized religions equally. But they didn’t allow free exercise of religion. Rather, they hindered and obstructed them all – equally, of course – as a matter of policy. However, the state formally sanctioned a de facto Soviet religion. The preferred term used by social scientists today appears to be “state atheism”. Under this policy, atheism was openly and formally encouraged the Soviet government; it filled the role of religion. The Soviet Union is considered the modern archtype of a state practicing state atheism. If you wanted to “get ahead” in the Soviet Union, you publicly professed atheism. Just like you formally professed Islam under the Caliphate, or you formally professed Catholicism during the Middle Ages, or being Anglican after Henry VIII broke with Rome in England. If you openly were be a member of some religion – any religion – in the Soviet Union you weren’t going anywhere. Period. That was also true of most Communist countries prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991; it’s still true of a handful today (PRC, NorK, Vietnam, and Cuba). A handful of non-communist nations have also formerly practiced state atheism; however, none do today. This is not the same as being a secular state – which the Soviet Union was not. A secular state is neutral towards religion, allowing without interference religious adherence by its citizens and/or subjects to their religions of choice as well as allowing the choices of atheism and agnosticism. As a practical matter, the Soviet Union allowed only the choice of Atheism for those who wished to succeed. You can’t get much more “intertwined” with religion than that. Deny it as much as you like, but in effect State Atheism was indeed the Soviet Union’s de facto state religion. Quit p!ssing on our legs and claiming it’s rain. Oh, and GFY for again calling me a liar… Read more »
” Religious influence and values in government is STRONGLY associated with conservatism.”
Only in the minds of leftists. Unless you consider things like outlawing murder, theft, rape, child abuse, etc. to be exclusive to conservatism and religious influence.
“The Soviets believed NO RELIGION IN GOVERNMENT and strongly discouraged religion in society at all.”
Who was it that said something about looking at actions rather than rhetoric? No religion in government, but there sure as hell was government in religion.
“The argument that labor unions were suppressed is absolute bullshit equivocation and spin…”
INDEPENDENT labor unions were indeed suppressed. The official gov’t. (party) run unions had a monopoly and membership was mandatory. Party run management “vs.” party run unions mediated by a party run gov’t.
” his positions are ALMOST TEXTBOOK FASCISM. ”
Has anyone ever checked the Kommissar’s credentials? A major? really? I can’t believe even a a lowlife shythole like berkely would hire a pathetic dimwit like this one? imho I think he is all bullshyt, from the ground up!
American Nazis are conservatives.
America is more conservative than most of Europe.
So Nazis are conservatives even by the standards of an unusually conservative democracy.
American Nazis stand for the same kind of fascism as German Nazis and THEY STUDY AND UNDERSTAND NAZISM AND FASCISM MORE THAN YOU DO HONDO.
American Nazis recognize it as RIGHT WING and consider themselves American conservatives.
Nazi movement around the world are ALWAYS right wing movements.
And then, like today leftist brawled in the streets with Nazis. Every Nazi movement in the world, both now and in history was violently opposed by the left.
Anti-fascists movements have existed for almost a century. And anti-fascists are always LEFTIST movements.
Fascism is diametrically OPPOSED to liberal values.
“American Nazis are conservatives.”
Which shows that you have no idea what the true definition of Conservatism is. You simply take it from a leftist dictionary and throw it at whatever you disagree with.
“American Nazis recognize it as RIGHT WING and consider themselves American conservatives.”
They can call themselves whatever they want. It doesn’t make it true. The Democratic Party was the party of slavery and it was Democrats who started the KKK. They were responsible for the “Black Codes” and Jim Crow. Does that mean that Democrats today are racists and Kluckers? Are they ‘right wing?’
“They can call themselves whatever they want. It doesn’t make it true.”
Precisely…painting stripes on a horse doesn’t make it a zebra.
lol like sitting in a garage calling yourself a volkswagen doesn’t get it done either LOL
American Nazis are conservatives.
America is more conservative than most of Europe.
THAT’S what your ponytailed pothead perfessers who have never made a living outside a college campus say so you accept it as gospel. GOOD LUCK finding a job in the real world with that excuse of an education but remember, McDonald’s is ALWAYS hiring!
Plus, if he is sporting a man-bun, he has a future as a barista at Starbucks.
Nazis, Communists, Anarchists, Fascists,etc…are all simply assholes with beliefs and methodologies incompatible with our current system of government. What label a group applies to itself is irrelevant when it is clearly defined instead by its actions.
Ironically, under the system they hate and wish to eliminate, they all have the right to protection and free speech.
Collectively I guess they’re all really just “Parasitists”.:)
No, you pretty much covered it with “assholes”. It’s one of those times when a broad brush is appropriate.
I think you left out the adjectives “worthless” and “despicable”.
“Every Nazi movement in the world, both now and in history was violently opposed by the left. ”
So? The Gambinos fought the Colombos in NYC. They were both still criminal enterprises.
“Fascism is diametrically OPPOSED to liberal values.”
So are the so-called anti-Fascists.
Try harder, try again.
Look at some history books. Specifically, look at the similarities between the Nuremberg Laws and Jim Crow Laws. Think that’s a coincidence? Think again.
Just replace the word “black” with the word “Jew.” Scary, ain’t it?
Oh, and what party was responsible for those laws, again?
You may go now.
I saw a video about the Nuremberg Laws that said as they were formulating them they found some of the American Laws to be too extreme to apply to the Jews.
I should point out that, no matter how many times one says something, that does not make it true – even if that person becomes convinced of its truth.
Repeating your own opinions over and over as “facts” in the face of true facts which show you as terminally wrong does not make you right.
Grow up. Figure it out. The left is not your friend. The left is not ANYBODY’S friend. Not even their own, eventually.
“All revolutions devour their own children.”
So you are essentially ignoring the ENTIRE HISTORICAL RECORD based ENTIRELY on the fact that Nazis has “socialist” in their name and Hitler added some leftist rhetoric in he speech. Rhetoric written and first put in speeches by the leftist faction that had joined in support of his movement and he eventually murdered.
Some Bernie supporters became Trump supporters. That does not make Trump a leftist.
Babble, babble, babble, babble.
Yeah, ignoring der Fuehrer’s own words is what Lord Lickspittle here is doing all by his lonesome.
Strangely, ol’ Lars aka Baron Quacksalot is doing exactly what he accuses others of doing.
Denial of that reality is a surefire sign of mental illness.
How long before his head explodes all on its own? Any bets?
I truly think it blew long ago and we’re still seeing sparks fly like the snaps and pops after say, an electrical transformer explosion. Babbles McButthead aka Commissar has a mind like concrete, it’s permanently set and all mixed up!
It almost seems that Lars is acknowledging that Hitler gave speeches and enunciated words from his mouth that contained leftist rhetoric.
All those capital letters and exclamation points from yesterday were wasted….
What historical record, the one for the parallel universe you reside in? Have been reading Zinn’s Marxist/crypto communist history of the 20th century, again?
No, dull one. It’s because in addition to calling themselves Socialists, the Nazis use the same police-state and economic techniques that other authoritarian Socialist states have also used.
“If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then damn – maybe it really might be a duck!” That’s particularly true if it does all of that after it told you, point blank and multiple times, that it was a freaking duck.
“Which is why American fascists, white supremacists, white nationalists, Nativist Nationalists, and NAZIS support him.”
“Some Bernie supporters became Trump supporters.”
Strange bedfellows indeed. Trump is obviously a man for all seasons.
President Ahmadinejad of Iran endorsed Obama for President, both times. Does that make Obama an Iranian Extremist?
Well, he did give them billions, sign a deal that will benefit them and no one else, fly to Cuba to be welcomed with open arms, piss off Israel, Piss off The United Kingdom, piss off other allies, hmmmm……what was my point again?
Good point..
Excellent article Hondo. Commissar’s issue is Trump, first and foremost. By extension, anything ringing of Trump, for example, conservative, right wing or right leaning political thought. So he seems to get wrapped up in proving that everything bad, is right wing and at the top of that pile is alas, Trump. Well, we weren’t happy with the previous eight year administration so it’s his turn to not be happy with the current administration. Shit happens.
of course, the fact that Trump is no conservative is an observation far to advanced for him to comprehend…
They don’t care…they’ll label Trump any way that suits them because their candidate lost, so all they bring to the table now is obfuscation above all.
Nice way to earn a paycheck…inflammatory welfare.
I am willing to settle for 1) not a Clinton crook and 2) not a socialist schnook.
That Trump makes some far-left heads explode? Priceless!
I figured out where dipshit got that 1500 Confederate monuments number, including “Confederate Corner” outside Salinas, CA. It is straight out of the latest screed from the SLPC.
The SLPC, an outfit less truthful and reliable than CNN.
He’s probably donated more $$$ to the SLPC than to Jonn and TAH…
Spot on, rgr769.
And the rest of these numbers he pulled from his Arsch.
“Commissar says:
August 31, 2017 at 1:57 pm
Revolutionary war monuments: < 50
WWI monuments < 200
WWII monuments < 200
Vietnam monuments < 20
Korean war monuments < 20
Union and Union Army monuments 1500"
Well, there were 29** for Vietnam for less than a fourth of the total in my state alone, which blew that unsupported claim of his right out the window.
**I quit counting at 29, which included the category ‘all wars’, which applies to Vietnam. I quite because that single result proved that Baron Quacksalot was/is completely full of digested food products which he can expel from either end of his GI tract.
Ah, yes – the two primary “research methodologies” used by Der Commissar: rectus extractus and talkpointae parrotus.
Additionally, Its quite odd that someone who attends a school after a known slave owner does not “protest [/AKA RIOT]” his own school; seeing as it would be hypocritical for him no to or too… Odd stance he has on that one.
[/damn I have been away for months and this asshat is still parroting horsehockey and expects to get respect. An O-4 is not always a Major; just like an E-9 is not always a chief]
And there goes Lars, continuing the pattern. Right on schedule, too. So predictable.
Who had 4 hours in the pool anyway?
Strictly speaking, the clock doesn’t start until he gets extra-pissy and declares that he’s never coming back, so nobody has won yet.
Oh, he woke up, did he? I’ve got a message for him.
Like a puppet, pull his strings, watch him dance!
Commie(sar) can you spell Manipulated?
You don’t have to be lonely any longer, here’s a site for you!
Lars aka “Commissar” does not know me.
Are you referring to Sir Fart Strangely aka Lord Lickspittle aka Baron Quacksalot??
I hear he’s that cousin you don’t like to talk about named “Fulla” – who’s also nicknamed “Dip”.
Major Commissar’s, USAR seems to be underachieving today. His total word count on this topic is only:
654 words/4091 characters with spaces.
(Hey, I just got rained out cutting lawn, have all of my other chores done and I’m bored) (smile)
Well it is Saturday on a Holiday weekend….
Holiday…what is this thing you call…holiday?
**just whining cuz I have skoolwerkz
Mine starts on Monday. So, I have a couple days at least.
We’re in the 7th week…no break for the holiday.
get a few days of break in a few weeks.
just a long scholastic road march. It was nice when I was in a program that at least took a summer break, but they even eliminated it while I was in the program. My lawn has reached terminal length in spots.
Those Bastards!
yeah, first world problems, eh? 🙂
I think I’d find nailing my dick to a table to be a more constructive and rewarding use of my time.
Maybe he’s trying to scrub his social media accounts because his Antifa buddies were labeled as domestic terrorists by DHS?
I’m sure that his superiors in the USAR would take a dim view of his “friends”…
So Commissar, you are basically arguing that, Hitler = Nazis = Right Wing = Conservative = American Right = Trump.
Again, it all comes back to Trump and his followers being ultra right wing nationalists, not dissimilar to Hitler and Nazis in your view.
I think I got your gist didn’t I?
Yeah, Trump is a tyrant…riiiight.
I’d love for a tyrant to *try* to take over America, left, right, blue, red, tailed and pickforked…
I promise it’ll end well, me and my 100 million friends guarantee.
If Trump were truly a “tyrant” Antifa and BLM would all be in GTMO right now, along with most of the Democratic Party and ‘some’ Republicans for criticizing him in one form or another.
One could argue that Obama was a ‘tyrant’ just for the fact his DoJ was spying on reporters and even detained one from Fox News. Along with all the spying his NSA was doing, his ATF’s gun running to Mexican Cartels, the IRS’ targeting of conservative non-profits, a horrible record of transparency compared to previous administrations, etc etc. Oh, and few “loyal to the administration” were ever harshly punished for wrong doing.
Folks who shriek “!!Literally!! !!!HITLER!!!” seem to miss that whole “Konzentrationslager” thing. As in they seem to be not in one, nor is anyone marching around gathering them up. Nor do there seem to be any KZ to be put in.
I suspect that a certain unhinged portion of the left are so despondent about being systematically voted out of power, that they have to demonize Americans as “Nazis” and “Fascists” and “Tyrants” so they can justify open violence and power grabs.
They have to see themselves as a vast heroic popular movement, to avoid realizing they are a kook evil fringe lacking any real public support and quickly becoming an irrelevant ash-heap-of-history major contributor.
Any who oppose them are declared “fash” to be “bashed”.
They really need to be careful about wishing for open violence to achieve political change. They just might achieve it. And like November 2016, they are likely to be rather surprised at the outcome.
Well, you recall that while they had the Senate, Harry Reid implemented the “nuclear” option to allow them to pass bills that were “filibuster proof” and that came back to bite them in the ass, big time.
Now they’re mad at Republicans for having the option that THEY implemented. When Republicans were suggesting it in the 90s, they were whining about how wrong it was and unethical, immoral, etc etc. But, “well Republicans aren’t letting us pass whatever we want to! That’s not fair, we’ll show them!”
Yeah, bit in the ass.
Please understand I was not agreeing with Commissar whatsoever. Just trying to summarize what he writes.
What he writes, which I vehemently disagree with.
I got that from context and appreciate your challenge to ‘that guy’. I was just implying that any tyrant, regardless of stripe, will not be welcomed here.
Oh sparky, don’t feel left out. I will pick on you no matter if you agree with the tyrantsar or not.
The commissar want us to select ourselves out, and i can’t allow that.
America produces 25% of the world’s GDP with only 4% of the population. We do that because we are different.
Because throughout our history we have been better than our competition, closer to to the ideal of free market capitalism, small government, and our constitutional freedoms.
Social darwinism is a bitch that bites communists in the ass.
Darwinism might be wrong, or not, but natural selection happens in front of our very eyes to the detriment of our libtard “friends”.
If WE Conservatives are the Nazis that Babbles McButthead and his ilk claim us to be, then where are the accounts of mobs of us ambushing and assaulting those who disagree with us, ditto the rioting, arson and looting they commit? Let’s not forget that the left is all about gun-grabbing and disarming the public while WE enjoy our 2nd Amendment rights!
kinda like the sytematic racism all these people of color as students and faculty in prestigious universities are always writing about…from prestigious universities
and the systematic murder of people of color by LEOs…which apparently can’t shoot for shite, because compared to the number of LEOs in the population and the numbers they’re killing, it equates to a seriously lazy campaign with a low body count
The kook fringe is kind of a mass “stolen political valor” effort.
Hard to look like “heroes of the People” when folks keep voting for the other guys.
Trump a tyrant? A cruel and oppressive ruler? Not that I’ve seen so far.
Social Security hasn’t sent out notices that we’re on our own from now on because the SSTrust Fund money has to go for other things. No, we’re supposed to see a 2.2% COLA, if the July guesstimate was accurate.
No one’s pension or IRA has been seized by the state, has it?
Has anyone been forced out of their home, or been met at the door by the block warden telling you or me that we have to take in 15 people because a 3-bedroom/2 bathroom house is wasted on just one person?
Prices on most things haven’t risen dramatically. July’s CPI inflation was 1.73%. Not counting August yet, because no figures have been released, and Harvey drove up prices at the gas pump when the refineries and tank farms had to shut down temporarily. Most recent price for regular (this morning) was $2.55 at Speedway. Not so much north of the border. Taxes have something to do with that, too.
But there’s no runaway inflation, no economic depression, the financial markets are up (again), and people still have jobs. The USD index at closing today was 92.85, which is only 0.3% higher. Oil was up just slightly at closing at $47.35/bbl.
There’s no lack of stuff to spend your money on at the grocery store. That store with a butcher shop is still giving a $.15/lb discount for 50-lb orders of boneless skinless chicken. That’s a big savings.
So things look pretty stable to me.
Under a tyrant, these things would be more like what’s going on in Venezuela. No food on the store shelves, no ingredients available to make your own meals from scratch, no medicines, and no effing toilet paper anywhere.
Whatever it is these twisted idiots think they will gain from generating destruction is a fantasy. Let’s send them to Maduro’s country. They might change their tiny minds.
Y’all tell me what you think about this thought I just had, IMHO Commissar whom I address as “Babbles McButthead is living proof that someone can have all the damned education they want as well as a sky-high IQ and still be a bumfucked blithering idiot as long as they go running around without logic and common sense to go with it.
Yes, but he doesn’t have a skyhigh IQ, API. It’s closer to very mid-level. He also shows an obsessiveness that is higher than normal coupled with a need to convert everyone he sees to his point of view.
He’s not having much luck here because of his butthead attitude. He’s not a bit persuasive. Anyone with a little time and the inclination can rebut whatever he says, and it happens all the time. His frustration level shows up in his rants, tantrums and attacks in addition to his lack of respect for people who post comments.
He’s trying to be a propaganda machine for someone and it isn’t working very well.
You are SO right about his obsessiveness, and I wonder if his propaganda efforts aren’t something he does in an attempt for extra credit or just brown nose points with one or more of his Perfessers? I also wonder if he isn’t lashing out from an Inferiority Complex stemming from his earlier years, a truly intelligent person that knows he or she is so simply DOES NOT perpetually run their yap to prove it to others, they have self confidence which I am sure that the subject of our conversation is severely lacking in.
No, I think he’s trying somehow to set himself up as the Guy Up Front, which is not a good idea for anyone.
Also, logic and common sense are cultural constructs. What is logical and what is common sense varies based on culture, nationality and education level.
I think Commissar Lars is vested in his marxist ideology and he will not consider alternatives no matter what.
In other words, he is an enemy of the United States of America as founded, and wants to fundamentally transform America into their workers paradise by taking away all our freedoms and forcing all of us to live by their dictate, because they know what’s better for us, the unwashed masses.
Don’t forget, every marxists leader has always been a college graduate.
I agree that “common sense” is subject to cultural influence, but logic crosses cultural boundaries, otherwise it isn’t logic, because it is suffering from bias of some sort. Logic should transcend culture.
So, how do you interpret logic as a cultural construct?
Unwashed! Hey! Yef, you putz!!! I took a shower this morning! Stuff the unwashed up your bazooka, toots!
So in your view, is Sir Fart Strangely proselytizing because he’s somehow converted to this ideology? Religion is, at its base, ideology, which in turn makes Marxism, communism, and extremism, all of them, forms of religion, just as the ideology of climate change is a form of religion.
If so, this is a sad reminder that when parents don’t take their kids to church, the kids have no belief base and have to figure it out for themselves, too easily falling into the trap of Really Bad Ideas.
It’s kind of like a monkey with the largest Craftsman tool set available. Has every tool necessary to do great things, but has no clue what to do with them. So he screams and flings poo..
Best description of Commissar yet!
Let me break it down for ya Commissar.
You’re wrong.
You got it now?
Okay. Nice chatting with y’all. Bye.
Haven’t heard anything from ‘ol Babbles McButthead in a few…
FUCK IT, I don’t miss him!
This guy is trolling. Has to be. No one is this stupid.
The dunce even states that he thinks the word Socialist in National Socialist is invalid (because he says so obvi), but then bangs away that ‘Antifa’ are totally anti-fascist because its like totally in their name, duh. Don’t pay attention to their fascistic words and actions. Their name says their against fascists so case closed. Gee Lars, its almost as if a group’s name isn’t required to reflect their state of existence and actions (Federal Reserve anyone?), weird! Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug. Don’t OD Lars.