Trump bans transgender troops
According to Fox News, the President Tweeted that he won’t allow the military to be distracted by the costs associated with allowing transgendered people to serve in the military;
“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow…Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming..victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.”
The president’s tweets came only a few weeks after Defense Secretary James Mattis said he would give military chiefs another six months to conduct a review to determine if allowing transgender individuals to enlist in the armed services will affect the “readiness or lethality” of the force. The deadline for that review was Dec. 1, 2017.
I’m expecting my inbox to fill up with emails from the Palm Center and human rights groups who will point out that transgendered troops have been serving for the past year without disruptions, however, they won’t take into account the folks who will join just to get free alterations and the cost to readiness that would be caused by those folks riding medical profiles, unable to deploy, not to mention the costs of life-long medical attention they’d require for elective treatment. Ignoring the social costs to order and discipline in the ranks.
In the spirit of the Secretary of Defense’s focus on warfighting, this is probably the correct decision at this time.
Category: Big Pentagon
In the words of Yoda, “Great butthurt I sense among the snowflakes.”
All I can say is, “Neener, neener, neener!”
This is one you deserve to claim “First!” for, seriously.
I was gone an hour and a half and already 122 comments on this. Wow.
More likely he would say: “Great butthurt among the snowflakes, I sense.”
The fuck up, they should grow.
I just made a shitload of popcorn. Standing by. Commissar inbound hot!
Better make some more. Joe will likely deposit his “shit-n-run.” And LC will have several paragraphs about being “fair” to those confused about their biological gender
who are great patriots and want to wear the uniform. Remember, progtards gotta prog.
First, bullshit. I have posted my opposition to accommodating transgender troops under the current military structures.
Second, when I actually engage in conversation I get accused of hijacking the thread. When I don’t I get accused of shitting and running.
Some of you are seriously whiny bitches
Hey are you one of our Robots ???
Why yes you are
And we live in your head. Rent free. Big ol’ cavernous place.
So you ARE Joe!!!
I had a suspicion.
You want to see a “whiny bitch”? LOOK IN THE MIRROR!
After we impeach Trump, we will allow Them to serve remember
Most of our constituents have already forgot that we promised
Them we would repeal AHCA, NOT.
We have made a ton of cash from Hospital Group’s.wish us well
And for other things like having a full time Spin-doctors on our
Staff feeding you all a bag of horse crap
McCain and Bush for life
who left the gate open so you could escape again?
That was quick, Jonn wasted no time posting about the disenfranchised who wish to serve their country but are now being denied that honor.
Whats next?
Only blonde haired, blue eyed, people from the superior sex can serve?
“Disenfranchised”? They’re being denied the right to vote? :-O
Disenfranchised? Just sign up and serve. Leave sexual orientation on the sideline just like blue eyes and blond hair.
It wasn’t “quick”, it’s the same thing I’ve been writing for years.
For example, I wrote this six years ago.
You do not appreciate the courage it takes to come out as Trans. People with kind of courage are exactly the kind of people we want facing our enemies.
Not everyone is proud of their wiener Jonn. There is no reason you should be afraid of a little air being blown up the skirt of some Airborne Ranger that dangles an unwanted willie on the way down.
You probably don’t like Pizza either. Courage Jonn…learn to appreciate it when people are courageous.
I appreciate the courage it takes to take the Oath.
Why does ones personal issues with a weiner or vajayjay make them more courageous or deserve special recognition or medical procedures?
Your methods are unsound again, Dave…
The troll is strong in this one…..
Ahh, the difference a comma makes.
“Not everyone is proud of their wiener Jonn.”
Maybe some people do name their wiener after Jonn, my spousal unit has her own descriptions of mine.
I do not want to disparage anyone who calls their wiener “Jonn” but I intended to insert one of these “,” in there someplace.
“Not everyone is proud of their wiener, Jonn.”
“Maybe some people do name their wiener after Jonn, my spousal unit has her own descriptions of mine.”
Do those descriptions include:
She usually calls it, “Not Now”.
Mine calls it “OMG”. I’m never sure if she is serious or not
Are you speaking from 1st hand experience? Furthermore, are you 5? Who refers to a penis as a “weiner” but a 5yr old? I’m proud of my penis and I’m even more proud of the places I’ve put my penis, I’m pretty sure most guys would say the same. My opinion would be that someone who isn’t proud of their “weiner” is because of the places they’ve put their “weiner”, like inside another man, I’d be ashamed too if i put my “weiner” someplace it didn’t belong.
guys, Hardinsarc is in full operation…
You just know he really loves reading the responses – BTW I’m taking time off from work just to watch the news outlets go full scale apoplectic :). This is worse than Hitler, Hitler I tell yas!
I’ve heard he uses the comments for masturbatory inspiration…
It’s Dave and his wiener again.
— sigh —
What is it with Americans and the constant upfudging of “ie” to “ei”? Wiener is German for Viennese, anything originating in Wien/Vienna.
In Austria they call wieners Frankfurter würstchen…
It’s probably because Americans have been hearing so much about Anthony WEINER (a.k.a. ‘Carlos Danger’) in recent years.
‘Weiner Now Embracing the Name Carlos Danger’
There’s Danger in the streets . . . Carlos Danger!
Serial sexter and mayor wannabe Anthony Weiner appeared to be embracing his embarrassing online pseudonym and encouraged crowds that chanted, “Carlos!” and “Carlos Danger!” while marching in the Ecuadorean pride parade yesterday.
Sporting bright blue pants, a bullhorn and an Ecuadorean flag, Weiner repeatedly shouted, “Que viva Ecuador!” to the crowd as he energetically ran down Northern Boulevard in Queens with his loyal interns following.
The married Weiner used the cheesy nom de sext “Carlos Danger” in raunchy online and phone trysts with 23-year-old Indiana woman Sydney Leathers a year after he resigned his House seat in disgrace for X-rated tweets with a string of women.
He ain’t confusing shit in the federal pen.
Just getting his packed in.
In Denmark all sausage is “Polser” or “Polish.”
” Furthermore, are you 5?”
I suspect he is 4 inches or below.
I know I don’t appreciate the “courage” a bunch of freaks that want to parade around in the opposite sex’s clothing and demand to use whatever restroom and shower they want. The overwhelming majority of America do not want them so fuck them. Since when do a small, very small minority get to tell the rest of our country what we have to do, accept and condone?
Did I say Fuck Those Freaks yet?
The TV was saying there are 15000 TGs in the Army.
I chocked on my bud light.
There is no effing way there 15000 weirdos in the Army. More like 15.
And none in the infantry.
Yeah, the numbers are all over the place and none are believable.
If there are 15,000 in the military which has about 2 Million active and reserves I think that would mean our country has about 2,400,000 if you run the number out unless trannys are just that much more patriotic and eager to serve than everyone else.
Don’t confuse courage with perversion! or basic INSANITY!
Uh-oh–Dave let his sarcasm out of the cage again.
Blut und Ehre!
Er allein, wem gehört der Jugend, gewinnt die Zukunft.
Der IDCSarcs Ehre Heißt Treue!
Beer and Pizza!
In the current context, perhaps “Blut und Eisen” is a more apropos quotation.
Superior sex? We GIRLS have already been putting our time in for decades, you pussy.
I’m sorry, Dave, I still can’t open the pod bay doors. I’m afraid you are compromising the mission again.
I try to keep you motivated…what will it take to get a sandwich around here?
Get the Russian to fix this for you, or come over to my house and bring some Tuscan red wine. From Saveur Magazine: Porchetta Sandwiches with Marinated Onions and Salsa Verde For the porchetta sandwiches: One 6-lb. porchetta (boneless pork loin encased in a piece of skin-on pork belly) Salt and freshly ground black pepper 3 tbsp. fennel seeds 1 tbsp. fennel pollen 1⁄3 cup finely chopped fennel fronds 1⁄3 cup finely chopped fresh Italian parsley 1⁄3 cup finely chopped fresh sage 1⁄4 cup finely chopped fresh rosemary 1⁄2 cup white wine (optional) Hearty sandwich rolls, for serving For the marinated onions and salsa verde: 2 medium red onions, halved and thinly sliced (3 cups) 1⁄2 cup red wine vinegar 1⁄4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 cup coarse dried bread crumbs 2 tbsp. red wine vinegar 1 cup Italian parsley, minced 3⁄4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 tbsp. capers, minced 12 anchovy fillets in oil, minced 2 hard-boiled eggs, minced (optional) 1 small head garlic, minced (about 1⁄3 cup) Instructions: Prepare the porchetta: On a rimmed baking sheet, lay the pork belly skin side up and rub the skin side generously with salt. Refrigerate uncovered at least 12 hours or ideally 24 hours. Meanwhile, in a small skillet over medium heat, add the fennel seeds. Cook, stirring or shaking the pan occasionally, until lightly toasted and fragrant, 4-5 minutes. Remove and coarsely grind. Set a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 300°. Retrieve the pork belly and place skin side down on a clean work surface. Rub the inside all over with salt and pepper, then with the fennel seeds, fennel pollen, fennel fronds, parsley, sage, and rosemary. Baste or rub the loin with the white wine if using. Wrap the seasoned pork belly firmly around the loin to cover completely, then tie the porchetta tightly every 2-3 inches with butcher twine. Transfer to a roasting rack set in a high-sided roasting pan (if the belly does not fit around the entire loin, be sure the largest piece of the belly is facing the top of… Read more »
And don’t make it a cheap Tuscan red.
Maybe you should try that method at Subway, Dave…
I think I know where I can get the porchetta, but I won’t make this baby until fall, when I can tolerate oven heat in the kitchen.
PH: I think you have Dave Hardin and I confused. HE has a Soviet and I have a Russian. Also, I have been expecting a sammich from you, on Friday, for a few years. Over those few years you have made numerous suggestions re what I could do with my expectations of a sammich’. Yeah, Alas, I have given up all hope. There is no sammich in my future. But … it was a hoot messin’ with you. The above pic is ball bustin’ hilarious. My type of humor.
If you print out any of those recipes, your Soviet/Russian could probably follow them. They look complicated but they aren’t.
The only thing Subway has to offer is Jared taking another footlong.
Since military service is not a right, and recruiters have a target rich environment, they should take the best candidates. I cannot envision ANYONE who is a gender bender being even a suitable candidate, let alone a superior one. Even the AMA says that attached to gender confusion is an element of mental instability/illness. Your comment is kind of silly.
Tell that to the recruiter who is rolling a donut on the 28th of the month and has the RINC, Zone Sup, and CR breathing down his neck.
As one CRFer famously said when dealing with what certainly would be a problem child DEPper , “Just put him in! It’s not like I’m going to have to serve with him!”
No shitter.
You people need Jesus
who needs Jesus ? As usual those that disagree are called bigots. That is all you have is call folks names. Also where do you get your numbers fro? TG might be .0003% of the population?
Jesus …he cuts my lawn.
Now that’s a hoot.
No, that’s “hey-soos”. And his cousin, Manuel Labor.
Jesus cleans the pool here in my AO…
Hay-sus. I like him very much. But he no help me hit curve ball.
Jesus lives up the street from me. There’s another Jesus on the next block over. Maria and Giuseppe retired last year and they were thinking about moving to Arizona, but with all that flooding, now they’re not sure.
They will hurt force retention, recruiting and war fighting capability and create a host of unnecessary distractions for leaders.
Rifleman – oooopsie, rifleperson, attach that bunker. Sorry Sergeant, it’s that time of the month and I have cramps.
Bunch a fuck of transgender pukes.
Yeah, but male TGs don’t get monthly cramps. So if they declare themselves TG and claim they have cramps, they’re lying.
I think he was referring to the female to male TG’s who may still have operating female equipment.
45% of transgenders attempt suicide at some point in their lives.
Suicide is considered mental illness and has numerous ICD-9 codes along with CPT-4 codes in the manuals.
Why would the US Military actually want known mentally ill people in its ranks ???
TG people are seriously unhappy, self loathing people, they spend their entire lifetime hating themselves and are reminded of it every time they look in the mirror.
Would you really want someone that hates themselves that much holding a firearm or some other weapon of great destruction next to you in a foxhole ???
This is about the stupidest argument in the annals of seriously stupid ideas and belongs in the sewer of typically stupid #libidiotSJW ideas.
Dave, ya gotta use that “SARC” tag more. Some folks here just don’t understand your brand of humor.
I noticed that, SFC D. Some take everything DH says as the real deal serious. Dave, you might consider flagging your stuff.
Takes a while to know when Dave is serious. And when Dave is serious, he takes no prisoners. I like that.
Well, I’ve known Dave Hardin long enough to know when he’s serious and when he’s being a butthead and a wad of dick snot. But sometimes, he even fools me.
One must read carefully, read twice, and then toss the note into the trash.
Damn he sure got me! Now I know. Haha.
I’m still waiting for President Trump to do something that totally don’t agree with.
He warned us that there would be too much winning.
NEVER too much winning!
Not to mention too much “whinning” lol!
Then you are not paying attention.
Do you think it is the Attorney Generals job to prevent the president from being accountable to the law?
Trump does.
Our founding fathers never intended the president to be unaccountable.
And it is inconsistent with our national values to regard someone as above the law.
But I guess you are fine with it.
Not surprised.
In what way, exactly, is Trump “being unaccountable”? Notice I said “exactly”.
Do you mean, like Obama?
That dude was completely unaccountable. The first time I criticize his ass, I was called racisss.
And where were Obama’s AG’s when he was getting stupid with the law? Breaking the law themselves (Fast and Furious, for example).
From the one I know of who is openly serving it has hardly been without disruption and any member who questions the wisom is quickly shot down in no uncertain terms lest the command be accused of failing to be “accepting” and open.
I am honestly surprized but hearted that along with Gen Mattis’ proclamation about training that maybe we can turn it around.
“According to the GAO estimate in 2014 the cost of treatment, including the gender reassignment surgery itself wouldn’t exceed .1% of DOD’s annual budget.” (CBS News) We all know that’s a shitload of money. But I have a feeling that it isn’t the cost of honest-to-God SURGIFIED Transgender folks that are the problem, it is the LGBTQ endorsed cross dressers labeled “transgenders’ who are driving the DOD ballistic, in whatever their number (ranged between 1,300 & 15,000!) might be.
exactly…the regulation as it stood meant they could declare a gender. They were not obligated to transition in any way.
The DoD budget request for FY18 is approximately $639.1 billion ($574.5 billion base, $64.6 overseas contingency).
0.1% of $639.1 billion is $0.6391 billion – or $639.1 MILLION. That is NOT an insignificant cost.
Even if you’re “only” talking 0.1% of the military medical care budget, if I recall correctly the total cost for military medical care is still approx $150 billion annually. That means the annual cost for transgender care under that scenario would be 0.150 billion – or $150 million annually. Again, not an insignificant cost.
So just to minimize impact let’s accept the 15,000 serving number (which I think is already inflated.) Using you lowest number that is an additional $10,000 per person we do not need to spend. Maybe we need to allow them to serve..if they chip $10K into the kitty first. Annually.
As I have said repeatedly, I have no issue with TGs serving who have already done the transit ON THEIR OWN and AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. That is THEIR business.
My issue is, and always will be, expecting a free ride for something that is NOT medically necessary, at the expense of the taxpayers.
You keep stating that..and emphasizing it, but it’s never done …it’s an ongoing chronic state.
Oh, I know, but REAL women don’t have to take premarin FOREVER.
I know some post-menopausal ladies who might disagree with that statement… right after they rip my head off for suggesting it.
My ex did. May the Lord have mercy on her next ex.
But isn’t the cost of maintaining that chronic state pretty low? When you compare against other benefits, it’s in the noise. We’re talking ~$1K a year or less. How do we say, “Whoa, people might sign up for that and that’s bad!”, when we’re fine with people signing up for college tuition via the GI Bill, which is worth even more?
I’ve gone back and forth on how I feel about banning transgender soldiers. Sure, any money going to superfluous things is money not spent on protecting soldiers’ lives, … but given that the overall waste in this area is substantially less than the waste in countless others, it seems like treating a papercut over a gunshot wound. When you factor in the discrimination angle, I just can’t see this as the battle to fight for military readiness.
Insulin is fairly cheap, but an insulin dependent diabetic is not exactly deployable.
If I understand the state of the medical art, trans -gender- is a permanent high-maintenance condition. it is not a do-once-and-done sort of procedure.
Even non-dependent diabetics are non-deployable, regardless of their A1C.
And last time I checked, Metformin was about $100/yr.
Also, you need to add to that the lifelong medical problems that come with being diabetic. My wife has two cousins who died of diabetes related conditions after years of a myriad of symptoms/complications, including a foot amputation.
…not to mention even many type 2 diabetics are on multiple meds and unsurprisingly carry multiple chronic medical conditions which also tend to require laboratory studies, special dietary restrictions, and medications all which have to me managed actively.
Just making the point that Diabetics can live rather ordinary long and productive lives, with relatively low maintenance costs, and still be 100% no-go for military service.
TGs have more radical health issues. (I am basing on your prior comments.) What is “no go” squared?
The point is kinda moot since military life is far from ordinary. The biggest problem with diabetics in the free ranging human population is compliance. Military life is ridiculously more complicated and would only cause even more problems for even a compliant diabetic.
I have had to take care of a few diabetics that were active duty. It was always a PITA even though they were undeployable. Of course, those Marines weren’t desk jockeys either, and being who they were they tried to continue their jobs in all conditions.
My point exactly. Even relatively common issues like Type 2 with far lower costs, etc, than gender reassignment prove too much to handle in a forward environment.
?? Thus 100% no-go.
Do I really appear to be disagreeing with you, on a medical topic? Even by my “odd typing” standards, that would be epic.
Q:”What is “no go” squared?” A:Fuck no
From my perspective, that of the non-military layman, sending troops who require any type of regularly-administered medication is a bad idea. What if their supply line is interrupted? Sure, they can bring extra, but that presents its own problems. First, how long will it take to re-establish their lines of supply? Even if they’re air-dropping shit into their besieged position, isn’t that taking up valuable space for food, water, ammo, morphine, and IV bags? If toilet paper isn’t vital enough to be included in the emergency supply drop, then what about this stuff? And what if the emergency stash they take with them? Does it need refrigeration? Even if not, what about food, water, ammo, and *emergency* medical supplies (as in the lifesaving kind)? Is it really prudent to reduce those in favor of that chronic-treatment medication? And what happens if/when that medication runs out? Will there be one less trigger-puller on the line? Will they require medical attention that could otherwise have been given to the wounded? Why not just avoid the problem entirely and deploy troops who don’t need that kind of thing?
Just applying a little common sense and critical thinking to the issue.
I think the difference is a diabetic who needs insulin can be sick within a day and dead within a week… a transgender person who doesn’t get their hormones isn’t incapacitated like that, to the best of my knowledge.
That said, as I mentioned above, I go back and forth on this, and I’ll elaborate below, but I think viewing this as a ban on people with pre-existing chronic health problems is understandable. Banning transsexuals is less so.
It. Is. A. Pre-existing. Chronic. Health. Problem.
just ask any EMS/ER type about psychotic behavior they’ve seen from endocrine dysfunction and/or medications used to regulate it.
The endocrine system is your command and control system for the body’s steady state and balance between all other systems.
Ask any man married to a woman on Premarin. I might have forgotten to refill my own prescriptions, but I never ever let the ex run out of Premarin. Linda Blair time.
Your estimate of the cost of hormone therapy, per month alone, is incorrect.
Conjugated estrogens (Premarin) is an expensive drug used to treat hot flashes and prevent osteoporosis. It is also used to treat women with low hormone levels or in those who have had their ovaries removed. This drug is slightly less popular than comparable drugs. There are currently no generic alternatives to Premarin. It is covered by most Medicare and insurance plans, but some manufacturer and pharmacy coupons can help offset the cost. The lowest price for the most common version of Premarin is around $165.77, 18% off the average retail price of $202.87.
That’s a LOT more than about $1,000 per year in follow-up just for hormone therapy, never mind the counseling that goes along with it, as well as annual tests for hormone-related cancers.
Fair enough. I’m a little torn on the cost issue, to be honest – on the one hand, I do feel any pre-existing medical condition can preclude someone from serving in the military, because why should the military eat that cost? On the other, I still think the cost is minor compared to other benefits which people do, regularly, sign up for. The GI Bill is worth ~$90K or so in tuition, which is more than hormone therapy will cost over a lifetime. Why is someone signing up for the former better than someone signing up for the latter, when the latter is cheaper overall? (Let’s assume for the sake of discussion they don’t use their GI Bill benefits.)
Stop with the financial crap. A non-deployable Soldier is filling a slot that a deployable Soldier should fill. Think lives saved, not dollars saved.
And I’m with you on transexuals who are pre-op. Spending two years out of a 4 year commitment on foreseeable medical issues means someone else has to do your deployment for you. No problem.
But post-op transexuals? That’s a harder case to make.
And I’m talking the financials because POTUS was and it’s one of the major arguments made. I’m all about lives saved, and money spent on elective surgery is money not spent on the primary mission. I get it. It’s also a drop in the bucket compared to the main areas of wasteful spending, so it seems like a ridiculous argument to make.
Uh, I don’t know. Because the Trans is signing up for BOTH?
It’s not just the cost…genotypical males and females use hormones as signaling molecules for a variety of functions to help run the 11 systems of the body. Endocrine function is a system of checks and balances. You can’t just wing it mixing and matching hormones experimentally with no long term studies.It’s risky enough in a regular job and there are no longitudinal studies on the process as applied to military service.
You know much more about this than I do – I was arguing from the point of view that if these are non-essential (in a moderate time-frame) medicines, unlike insulin, then I don’t see it as a ‘front-line-can’t-be-supplied’ issue in terms of readiness.
I do agree that there aren’t long-term studies on hormone therapy yet, and that’s an issue, but not necessarily enough to say, “Hmm, we can’t do this because there might be issues we don’t foresee.” That could be true of anything.
As mentioned above, though, I’m back on the side of this being somewhat understandable,… when pitched as a ban on pre-existing medical conditions. When pitched as a ban on sexual identity, it just rings a bit too political.
(I definitely think the government is too strict on the pre-existing medical conditions thing, but that’s a different story.)
“That could be true of anything.”
You really should read the manual of the medical department regarding enlistment standards and see how many other things are already disqualifying before concluding this is somehow out of the ordinary or in any way unfair.
allowing them was ridiculous in the first place
Ask kids who want to join get turned away at the med decks at MEPS because they took ADHD medication for a month at age 8.
I got turned away at MEPS for a hernia I didn’t know I had. I got it fixed at my expense, where’s my special treatment? #leftinguinalherniasmatter
Flat feet will disqualify you for the Marine Corps. Sleep walking after the age of 13 will disqualify you for the US Navy. Now, ask me about the consequences of bedwetting…
Yeah, because the GI bill isn’t an investment in the country, and someone getting a medical procedure done on Uncle Sam’s dime is. I don’t give a crap about personal sexual preferences – as long as it doesn’t affect the mission. When it does, then I REALLY don’t give a crap about personal sexual preferences. I won’t risk troops lives to please the SJW crowd – period. I’m calling bullshit on your premise – this isn’t a discrimination angle, it is a political one.
Don’t care about the discrimination angle. It is special and preferential treatment for them, and they don’t deserve it. It detracts from readiness, and that ain’t right. It is this simple: YOU conform to the military, not the other way around.
Yep. You’re right, USMC Steve…
Can you imagine the extraordinary pain in the ass it would be to manage one of them on a MEU cycle, let alone anywhere else?
Yeah, no. Not me.
Fuck that.
I think it’s more about attention-whoring than anything else. In the military, you are not supposed to stick out like a sore thumb, but these people (like Manning) generally try to do exactly that.
So how does that enhance readiness and the ability to smash the enemy?
Attention whoring usually leads to getting the type of attention a person doesn’t want.
I think you are also overlooking a lot of ancillary charges. It’s not just hormones, it’s figuring out troop rotation, combat readiness, accommodations both sleeping and sanitary,whole host of problems that will have to be solved. To date there has been a band-aid solution only.
The biggest spend: mandatory training at every echelon. Just in the Army Reserve, with 38 training days and a $9.6B budget, every hour costs about $32MM. This training takes at least two hours, and would doubtless have to be repeated, especially during the roll-out. Add in Active and Guard components, and the lesser branches of service (sorry, gotta get my digs in), you’ll hit $1B in total spend in pretty short order.
That’s not an argument on the merits, mind you – but it IS a dismissal of the “it’s not expensive” canard.
That is two hours of irreplaceable training time -not- directed at “destroy the enemy”.
That means that we -purposefully- traded lives on the battlefield for the training.
Human lives. Ours.
“Close with the enemy and destroy them by fire and maneuver?” Can I get an Amen?
We’re talking non-deployable during that hormonal treatment, that’s a zero return on investment. You can’t deploy, you go home. It hastened my retirement, so let’s just not try the “non-deployables are needed too” shit.
Non-deployables are needed, just not in the military. Somebody has to keep the farms and factories running.
You don’t understand hormonal treatment, SFC D.
It is NOT an injection or an IV drip. It is a single daily pill of conjugated estrogens.
I already posted something about this above.
A 30-day supply of Premarin is a small pill bottle, but because the pills do not fill the bottle to the top, they will rattle and give away the user’s presence. That makes the user unsuitable for deployment to a firefight zone.
They don’t just take estrogens, they also take androgen supressors, it is a multiagent proposition. You’re not just giving someone a supplement they are lacking. Even in those cases it’s often not that simple. Supplementation will affect other hormonal axes as well all of which have to be monitored and balanced.
Additionally…it’s not a female body. The cells in the body have receptors inherently geared with receptors for the hormones of a male physiology. High levels of hormones contrary to the genotype of the body can have consequences not seen in simple supplementation.
The same is true of the female axes.
I had no idea it was that involved. Thanks for the heads up, IDC_SARC.
I do understand. I’ve deployed with 90 days of asthma meds. I can function without them, but it’s far less debilitating than functioning without hormone therapy
Hormone treatments have to be done for life, it increases the risk of cancer, and no, it’s not 1K or less. And what happens when they deploy and can’t get their meds?
And as for readiness, exactly what need is being met? Was there some battle where the after action report indicated that it would have been quickly won if we’d had transgenders deployed with the unit?
it’s not just cancer you have to worry about….because the hormones influence every system.
There are significant risks even when you supplement males and females with genotypically appropriate hormone treatments.
I can’t believe we forced into 2 hours of transgender training. Well, thankfully no more.
Hear, hear!
Gee whiz, another piece of perfectly good social engineering flushed down the shitpipes! 😀😄😎👍🏻
Silly question folks: Don’t most significant jobs in the the Military require a security clearance?
And wouldn’t the mental conflict, possible stress-out, and similar issues that affect TG people pretty much rule out such clearance?
(EG: Bradley “Chelsea” Manning…)
Military has one job: protect our stuff, break the other guys’ stuff if they mess with us. Everything else is secondary (thanks, Mad Dog).
Good move, President.
The fact that transgenders, post-op, have a 41% suicide rate is significant to that clearance. If you are “suicidal” your clearance is suspended immediately. You “might” get it back later after treatment and time and so on, but not for a while.
And anyone who is “deployed” to a combat zone is given an interim secret clearance for the duration of the deployment. If they can’t get “at least” an interim secret prior to deployment, they don’t deploy.
Good point, MSG Eric. I knew they had high suicide rates, but ouch, 41% should be what NASA calls a “countdown halt”. I.E., no clearance.
From an friend of mine who is SF:
The part that infuriates me the most is that all of the meds, psych, and surgery comes from sustainment funds… What kind of BS is that? That directly pulls from the combat readiness of a unit.
Thank God!!!! 🤠
Finally a Tweet from Trump I can be happy about!
I’ve been happy with all his tweets.
Now, if President Trump could post here on TAH, that would be so cool.
Should I ask him to?
Bradley Manning will be severely disappointed by this news.
Does Bradley use tampons for cosmetic purposes? I give this much thought…
I don’t know. But I was going to make a killing on my investment in a company that was going to sell pre-stained maxipads to the military, to be supplied to the Chicks with Dicks so they could feel like the rest of the girls. Now, it looks like that stock will be worthless.
“There are no such thing as chicks with dicks, only guys with tits!”
Well then let’s call them Wannabe Chicks but haz Dicks.
Oh, I’m sure some rainbow group or the other will have him plastered all over the internet in some half-assed PR campaign any time now…
“Does it improve our lethality?” That’s Mattis’s question when it comes to this kind of thing.
Reports are Obama found in fetal position crying this morning.
Making America’s Military Great Again!!!!!
Ash Carter and Tammy Duckworth are upset says the Associated Press.
Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m waiting for Bradley/Chelsea Manning to weigh in with some profound, insightful commentary on the implications of all of this.
It was only a matter of time, wasn’t it?
Rather bizarre that the opinion of a low ranking convicted traitor carries any weight.
If the SJWs had a lick of common sense, instead of soliciting the opinion of a twentysomething punk, they’d solicit a comment from Diane (nee David) Schroer, Col, SF, (Ret.)
Seems to me that the fact that Schroer has not commented might mean that she/he actually understands that having TG people on active duty is a problem that most military commanders don’t need to be dealing with when they’re trying to figure out how to fight the enemy and bring their soldiers home safe.
For those not familiar with Schroer’s story, here’s the Time article from 2008.
Schroer was my Battalion commander from 1994 – 1996 when I left active duty.
Whoops forgot the link:,8599,1840754,00.html
I dug up an interview Schroer gave a while back. S/he said that once s/he was fully TG’d, s/he still wanted to date women, and decided that s/he was a lesbian.
That is not a joke. I posted the link to it somewhere a week or so ago. And while it is not a joke, to go through all the counseling and surgery and everything else, and find that s/he ends up dating women and therefore is a lesbian is the MOST asinine thing I have ever come across. EVER.
Wife dated a guy who later had ‘the change’ (yeah, I had fun with that!) while he was married. His/her atitude is not that he is a lesbian… but that his/her wife IS.
Amen to that, Ex-PH2…a man “transitioning” to a female and then coming out as a lesbian…totally screwed up and likely evidence of more than one type of mental illness.
I am a man, and I love woman. 1. Singular. Therefore, I am a monogamous lesbian. I identify as such, so it is settled science.
Coming from the coward that picked a fight with an actual girl and got his ass handed to him in pieces…
…and is not very attractive when pretending to be a girl, either.
Frankly, he only pretends for the camera. He has to string along this claim of him being “transgender” for a few years longer so he isn’t strung up by the LBGT community for faking.
S/He wasn’t a coward. It was/is a traitor. Bradley served safely inside the wire in his REMF position looking at his computer screen. He was an intel pogue like he who shall remain unnamed.
Who picked what he thought would be an easy fight with a woman, ergo, coward. Then she stomped his ass.
I picked a fight with a woman. Once. Third grade. Got pummeled. Lesson learned.
“Cries”? Someone with a twitter please post the basic training picture of this person with tears streaming down their face on their twitter.
He’s just pissed because he can’t download any classified shit on the F-35 to release to the press.
“Making America’s Military Great Again”
We need every swinging dick in the field!
Oh, wait…
Go read the comments at your favorite news website. They’re hilarious and mostly written by MOS 000 (Keyboard Warrior)
Long overdue, this is.
….Palm Center?
Do you mean the Rosie Palm and her Five Sisters Center?
About damn time. He now needs to get the VA to stop providing TG shit too. TG HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR MILITARY SERVICE. WTF should the VA provide care/treatment which, by the way, takes resources away from Veterans with REAL military related conditions/issues. Specifically on the Mental Health side. TG is a personal issue and has no business being paid for by anyone but the individual who wants to change identity as they CAN’T truly CHANGE their sex. Until a MAN has a period, can have a baby, and goes through menopause, yeah, fuck off. You ARE NOT a women just because you pluck your eyebrows, have fake boobs, and cut your dick off. And no, your not “COURAGEOUS” for doing it.
DAMN RIGHT! Don’t ever forget that your and my tax dollars fund these failed social experiments. I view this as a potential tax cut, aside from being a force enhancement.
That didn’t take long, From my spam folder;
Yeah, “only” 8.4 million bucks.
8.4Megabucks will buy a lot of training ammunition. “Only”. Typical, Libtard, Thinking.
If those 8.4MB came FROM the libtards, they’d be screaming in seconds.
What is 5.56, about 25 cents per round, give or take? That’s a metric fuckton of ammo!
Oh, wait. Are they still using the Obama-mandated lead-free, not-rifle-barrel-friendly stuff? Not sure how much that costs.
Qualifying at the rifle range, for the Army, requires around 100 rounds (somewhere around 20 rounds to zero plus 40 for fam fire plus 40 for record fire, if I’m recalling this correctly from years ago). At $0.25 per round, $8.4M buys enough rounds to qualify 336,000 troops – or just a bit short of 2/3 of the active Army.
Other sources indicate the Federal government likely pays between $0.17 and $0.22 per round. At $0.17/round, $8.4M buys enough 5.56mm to qualify over 494,000 troops – or the entire active duty Army – with some left over.
Yeah, the money can be used better elsewhere.
To add to that, in the Army Reserve, for a few years of King Barry’s reign, while budgets were being cut (unit budgets, not think tank and defense contractor budgets, of course), we had issues getting enough ammo for weapons qualification.
In the USAR, their weapons qualification expectation was each Soldier get 58 rounds per year to qualify (18 rounds to “zero” and 40 rounds to do the qualification). If you wanted more than that, you had to kick n’ scream for it.
Yes, really. 58 rounds a year to maintain qualification.
If you look at the STRAC, the “full” weapons qualification for an M16/M4 is actually 218 rounds. That includes night fire, CBRN fire, along with zero and iron sight qual, and a few other things.
The other problem is, so often they would call that “training”. Weapon qualification isn’t “training” it is qualification. But the higher-ups would think “oh look, this unit is trained with their weapons!” Yeah, that’s not training. Training is taking a couple hundred rounds per Soldier and going out and just shooting at shit in various scenarios.
The only thing that pisses me off more is when I kick n’ scream to get units more ammo so they can do real “training” and they don’t want it, or change their mind and just do qualification.
And Mike Mullin’s shelf life long ago expired…if he actually did have a recent opinion or coined that quote, it’s irrelevant…
8.4 Million was a guess by Rand based on 130 current members saying they would go on hormones and 140 saying they are interested in reassignment surgery.
“In terms of readiness, RAND estimates that 10 to 130 active component members each year could have reduced deployability as a result of gender transition-related treatments.”
That is horse crap. Taking (some) maintenance drugs makes you non-deployable.
Additionally, there is situational non-deployable. While I can’t take a playboy to the ME, I can have one of my TL’s can be Bob/Barbera in the ME? Hardly.
Historically, we don’t take someone in the military with the understanding that they would be non-deployable during their enlistment.
Did Rand do a study on how many man hours would be lost and how many tasks others would have to cover during all the treatment, convalescent leave, and appointments that ONE person would be going through every year?
Only $8.4M??? Hmmm. I don’t know…we could use that money in VA hospitals where brave men & money that already paid a very price sure could use it, or we could pay for some small fringe group’s special needs that comes in with high rates of depression and suicide.
Just sayin’
That’s $8.4 million/year, by the way.
“This is a shocking and ignorant attack on our military…..”
No, this is to improve the military and to help it be more trained & equipped to break stuff and kill the enemy.
This Aaron Belkin guy never served, what would he know about the military. Oh wait, he may have seen some Army dues marching in a parade once. My bad, totally legit. /sarc
These clowns always just say “only” so many dollars a year. But, how much would it be after ten years, twenty years…. ad infinitum. That cost “only” then adds up to tens, hundreds of millions of dollars and eventually to a billion or so.
Yeah, “only”.
Maybe Aaron learned about the military from sucking the dicks of drunk sailors.
This is my opinion on this subject. And I was BORN this way.
Ex-PH2, I enjoy you being a girl too.
I enjoy my wife enjoying being a girl.
Cute. I turned off Diana Krall for a couple of minutes to listen.
Never heard of Pat Suzuki before, nice voice.
Do a little research and you’ll learn that achieving and maintaining trans status is not cheap. Many young men who are transitioning turn to prostitution to pay these expenses. Our military could quickly become a trans haven and worse, a haven for male prostitutes.
Why not let Congress pay for their transitioning then let them work in congressional offices in Washington with all those fellow prostitutes?
Poe, some years ago the writer Tom Wolfe wrote an essay called Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers about how minority groups are able to hustle a bureaucracy for gain. My own view, particularly after having lived in San Francisco, it that the political faction that now identifies as LGBT has taken a page from racial activism and used it to fit their own ends. The means of which mostly involves being stridently loud and vocally aggressive.
It’s not really about equality; it’s about getting over on the “breeders.” And anyone who doesn’t recognize that homosexuals can be bigoted toward heterosexuals hasn’t been paying attention.
Hell it worked for Manning to a point. His sentence was commuted “because Transgender”.
Thanks for mentioning the Mau-Maus, Perry Gaskill. I am going to look for footage on the web and then display it right beside news reports of our fabulous libs behaving in the same manner.
The only down side to this announcement is that with Mattis saying one thing one day and Trump doing this today, it furthers the impression that no one is really in charge and coordinating governance.
Buying bulk, I suspect we are probably paying about $.10 a round for 5.56 – so “only $8.4million translates to 84 million rounds for training or combat. May be a drop in the bucket, but that is one of the major problems with procurement in the government: they THINK in terms of “only” a few million.
Like the Afghan cammo, somebody should instead be screaming about the waste.
oh, and re: the folks already serving… I would bet that there are multiple posters on this forum who wound up with medical discharges when they wanted to stay in for a career. Shit happens and I’m pretty sure the contracts still read ‘for the good of the service’ somewhere. There are no guarantees.
Over the past 4 years, many who were serving were given separation Orders (some with 10 days to process out) for any and every excuse that bureaucracies like Army HRC and Navy BUPERS could come up with so they could “reduce the force” because King Barry said to.
Some cases made the news, but thousands did not.
BUT, if you were “Transgender” you didn’t have to worry about getting kicked out because, “they won’t kick ME out, I’m a special class so chosen by Carter and Obama!”
Just had a discussion about this with my Boss. he said exact same thing. Expect Budget to skyrocket if you want these folks getting elective surgeries. Especially people who come in to freeload for the surgery or scam.
Good call to renege.
I have a lot of friends and two sons serving the moral is way up since Trump became POTUS no more non-stop EO/Sharp training, Shit-bags are getting
Weeded out back to doing what the army should be doing training for the fight and putting discipline back in the force
God speed to your sons, Skippy. I’m sure they will enjoy less PowerPoint and more range time.
My step son from my first marriage is in the marines and my youngest son is in the Army
One is a 311 the other 19D
Some of the stories I’ve been hearing are
I thought to crazy to be true
But everything that we have seen the past eight years has been crazy
Look at what the republicans did today with
Health care after 7 years of we will repeal and replace we fond out who was full of shit all along
I don’t want to make this sound like a personal attack, but what the hell…
C’mon Dave Hardin, are you kidding me? Your comment,
“You do not appreciate the courage it takes to come out as Trans” is nutty. And discrimination? Since when do we enlist folks so they’ll feel good about themselves and display their “courage” for coming out as trans? They can serve, you can serve, an anyone else that meets the standards can serve. The mission is to defend our nation and fight our country’s wars.
You have the plumbing you were issued and there’s absolutely no benefit to enlisting someone who decides that they need to change their gender at taxpayer, readiness or any other expense.
So I say, let them enlist, but don’t expect the military to pay for any reassignment treatment, surgeries or counselling. And no, you’re not gonna catch the “PTSD” at basic training in the latrine because you witnessed a “weiner” or a “vajayjay”
This is one social experiment that we may not have to subject our military to… way to go Trump!
You obviously don’t appreciate Hardin’s sarcasm.
It’s a Marine thang
First Sargent, did you not receive your deck of Troll identification cards? Tsk.
Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant. Sergeant.
And to think some maniac assigned me to duties requiring me to type stuff.
And… I originally used “Top”, but changed it as I thought it insufficiently respectful.
Then “sarg”-ed him with a dumb-ass typo.
Top can be perfectly acceptable. Much better than spelling Sergeant incorrectly. 😉
Mea culpa.
(Sheesh! I can spell -that-!)
I’m never surprised by an 11B….
Sarge. Dave Hardin enjoys trying to take the mickey out of people. He’s just yankin’ his crank. If you take him seriously, don’t. Just point at him and laugh.
If Dave Hardin says it, a /sarc tag is assumed.
1SG, meet Dave. He’s basically a decent sort. But when he yanks your chain, he goes big!
I failed to add the line “You must be kidding, this has got to be a joke.”
I assumed satire when I read his post…
And all kidding aside, all the PC, feel good social experiments do need to end… Let’s see if Trump’s “decision” sticks.
Also, I apologize if I offended any transgender or any other self identifying folks in the audience… Hopefully no snowflakes were harmed during the reading of these posts.
You fit right in, 1SG!
I’m just going to sit here holding my 214 like a comfort blanket and remind myself, “I don’t have to deal with this bullshit anymore”
But what are you doing to do if your documentation identifies as a DD-412??
I won’t be worried untill it tells me it self identifys as a “happy sock”. Then I’ll go to the VA and tell them I am hearing voices.
Is there a market for a poncho liner printed as a DD-214?
Would that not make an -awesome- Woobie?
Amazon has them.
You know… I don’t give two damns if someone considers themselves male, female, mop, or toaster. Most tg people I know are pretty sure by the time they graduate high school if they’re tg. Certainly before they go into the military. So if you want to serve, fine. Get your shit straight by figuring out what the hell you are and getting your reassignment surgery, if so needed BEFORE you join the military. Because otherwise, we’re going to have a bunch of nuts enlisting just so they can get their dick snipped off.
That’s going to cause a whole host of issues, including taking a Soldier out of duty status for dog knows how many months to heal from said dick snippage and the enormous amount of money it will cost.
Just fucking no. The vast majority of tg people already know by the time they’re old enough to enlist. I don’t care if they serve, as long as they get their shit straight before they enter the military.
Toaster? No! You let one Cylon in the place…..
Where is Lord Obama when we need him
Darth Barak is retired, working on his Putz.
Point 1) No transgender troops: Good
Point 2) Manning’s opinion: Fuck that guy!
One less major distraction, and 12 hours a year less BS training everybody has to sit through.
So instead of being reason for a discharge, lopping off your man parts and taking hormones so you can squeeze your own fun bags is a reason to…serve?
I’m sorry, besides a very tenuous mental condition and the fact you can’t be deployed or serve by definition in any useful capacity, your reason for wanting to join is…what exactly?
This is nothing but a ploy to undermine combat effectiveness and steal resources from the mission.
Go eat your bag of dicks at Apple or Starbucks. I hear they are willing to work around your psychosis.
This whole transgender business is just wrong. Civilian or military, they are messed up in the head. It takes long enough as it is in boot camp to teach a platoon the whole “left-right” business. Don’t add to that the messed up program of he/she/it problems.
Our military is about being ready to defend or actively fighting for our country. Not about making a sliver of the population happy, while paying for all the associated problems, drugs, therapy, performance wavers, being non deployable, the list goes on forever. Again, for a fraction of the f*cked up queer community.
I’m glad the President said no and I hope he signs the EO making it so. CNN and their ilk never want for Trump stuff to stomp on him about, this can just be number 1001 on the list.
If you don’t know for sure what you are sexually, you’ve got far bigger problems than whether the United States military is going to be accommodating to you.
This is just an attempt by an even smaller portion of the sliver of the sexually uncertain, to find a free ride for their head twisted notions from the taxpayers. Screwing up the effectiveness of their unit and the military as a whole while doing so. Then leaving the service early for more reasons than I could count, only to walk over to the VA for the rest of their life. While truly needy veterans can’t get appointment for a service connected injury.
There’s wrong and then there’s astronomically wrong in galactic proportions. Transgenders are the former and transgenders in the military are the latter.
You know, there are a lot of conditions that disqualify someone from serving.
I don’t see hemophiliacs, schizophrenics, diabetics, people with MS, people with congenital heart defects, etc, lobbying to serve in the military. Many would like to but they understand that their condition makes them a liability, not an asset. To me this is no different.
I wouldn’t want a quadriplegic to become a firefighter or a totally blind person become an airline pilot, either.
The fact is, some people have physical or mental conditions that disqualify them from serving in the military.
This policy does not pass judgment on transgender or gender confused folks, and only someone with a chip on their shoulder and/or a social agenda could possibly see it as one.
I’ve gone back and forth on this, but I think they key issue is they didn’t make it about medical conditions. They made it about sexual identity.
Had the President said, “People who are or will soon be taking hormone therapy will be precluded from service”, that’d be a lot different than “Transsexuals can’t serve in any capacity.” One is a statement about medical needs, the other is not.
There’s also plenty of debate about what constitutes a valid medical liability. If someone is pre-op or post-op, is that the same as in-op? How do you tell someone like that ex-DEVGRU transgender woman that people like her shouldn’t be allowed to serve? She, to my knowledge, didn’t transition until after her service – would people who aren’t transitioning while in be allowed?
It just seems like there could’ve been a more measured way of going about solving any possible operational issues while still letting those who would serve admirably, and without issue, do so.
No, the activists coined this fictional term “sexual identity” to disguise what, to any reasonable person, is in fact a mental disorder, and one that ought to disqualify a person from service in the military.
People are either male or female. Apart from the occasional hermaphrodite or other physical anomaly, They’re either concave or convex.
Now if convex people THINK they ought to have been born concave, that’s not an “identity”, it’s a delusion, or perhaps a chemical imbalance or some kind of a short circuit in their brain’s wiring. No matter how you cut it, it’s either a medical or a psychological condition (or parts of both.)
The fact that the suicide rate among trans persons is so high ought to be a red flag. These are people with problems. BIG problems, and no, you can’t blame the suicide rate on “society being so mean and cruel to them.” Even in their own communities where they are accepted and celebrated their rates of suicide, substance abuse, self-destructive behavior, etc, are much higher than normal.
A reasonable person can draw a reasonable conclusion from that data. These people are ill, and while we ought to have compassion for anyone who is suffering and struggling, putting them into the armed forces to fulfill our diversity fantasies is stupid, reckless and wrong.
” like that ex-DEVGRU transgender woman”
As far as I know, he’s still got all his male reproductive organs. Since more than 3/4 of the M to F TGs never actually get the surgery, it’s not surprising.
He also WAITED until after he completing his time in uniform to change himself at all.
The usual suspects are in full melt-down mode.
“Star Trek actor and gay activist George Takei sent what appeared to be a threat to Trump, warning that he “just pissed off the wrong community” and said the president “will regret” this action.”
Spare me.
I used to think that George Takei was a funny gay guy, now he’s just an angry old queen.
George Takei? Really? Not getting enough attention, is he? (YAWN….)
You mean George Takei, the Actor who sides with the political party that imprisoned him and his family in camps during WWII?
Some people never learn.
Like Spock said “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”.
What are they going to do? Swish more, more lisp, more lightness in the loafers?
I’d say fuck ’em all except they’re already fucking each other.
The hell with those Holly-weird liberals. The over whelming majority of Americans know they will sleep better at night knowing that a handful of troubled youngsters (think Manning The Traitor) aren’t standing on a wall and walking a post.
Fuck Lena Dunham that fat cow! Is she a trans? She sure looks like a dude. I never heard of her until she started hate-tweeting on DJT. George, remember the best Star Trek movie that you had the privilege of appearing in, Wrath of Khan? What was it that Spock said…
”The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one”
That’s all The President is doing. Making a decision that benefits the most Americans. Not like there are thousands upon thousands of trans kids waiting at the local recruiting office to sign up. Why throw a wrench in the gears for so few people?
There seems to be some serious cherry picking of the transgender data by the LGBT community. If they want to criticize the Trump ban based on the cost to the military, the numbers quoted for transgenders in the military are “only” around 1500. If they want to illustrate how unfair it is to a large block of serving military, they use the trans number of 15,000.
What also seems apparent is that a lot of the trans data is based on surveys conducted by pro-LGBT NGOs that tend to have no real data to work with but instead use ancillary sources to support a confirmation bias. For example, the Williams Institute at UCLA estimates that 1 percent of those now serving are trans, and that the incidence of gender dysphoria in the military is five times higher than the population at large.
All while cheerfully admitting that nobody knows the real numbers because it’s not something the military tabulates.
Isn’t that pretty much the norm for those supporting “Progressive causes”, regardless of the cause?
We need to respect George’s opinion. After all, he served with COL Kirby, SFC Muldoon, and SGT Peterson at Camp A-Niner-Savoy in I Corps. He wiped out an entire NVA company; the man’s a goddam HERO! He knows what he’s talking about…///
“Out HERE justice is a Bullet!”
He’s not worthy to use Provo’s Privy.
Of course not, he has to use the Queen Latrine.
Funny thing, I thought that Trump had already pissed off the wrong community just by running for President. Then, pissed off the wrong community by winning the primaries. Then, pissed off the wrong community with half his tweets. Then, pissed off the wrong community by being sworn in as POTUS.
They don’t seem to realize that the public has gotten desensitized to their whiny bullshit about any and every little thing. Obama being out of office really enhances this point of view substantially.
Some may find this link informative:
Now that is a very worthwhile read.
Thanks for posting that link, Jim. As Ex-PH2 said, that was very definitely worth the read.
This Transgender stuff is just a sickness of the soul.
I just read where McCains was for tg to be able to serve. So ithe ultimate authority on the military has spoken.
Term limits!
McLame has been logically impaired for a long time. He is a RINO who has strong proglodyte leanings on most issues important to conservatives. He doesn’t have a clue about what it takes to win wars.
Yeah, well Mr. Senile just voted against repealing Obamacare. he sucks and has for quite some time.
Fuck McCain and the gay horse he rode in.
IMHO McCain is one of many examples of why we need Congressional Term Limits.
as I have stated before and will continue to aver, he announced his senility in 2008 with his choice of Palin for VP. Nice lady, but not a VP.
And what have we heard from 1SG Moerk and her ilk regarding this? (Don’t know why I asked, but I am just curious.)
She’s too busy doing a copy/paste while she puts in her package (see what I did there?) to get an MSM and spot promotion to SGM.
As soon as Trump was elected POTUS, she found the deepest, darkest closet to setup her office in and is staying there in hopes she won’t suffer the consequences of being a significantly vapid cunt.
One of the sites I follow on FB had a very true comment about the whole ordeal. Our military is there for one purpose – to kick someone’s butt in time of war. It is NOT there to be a social experiment, regardless what anyone might think. If you can’t follow the rules, then the military simply enough just isn’t for you and shouldn’t be made to bend for you. If they are that passionate about serving our country, there are other means available to them, but quit expecting the military to change to fit you when it should be the other way around!
The military exists to kill people and blow shit up. Anything that doesn’t increase the efficiency of those two actions is a waste of service members time and taxpayer money.
Transgender Navy SEAL slams Trump for banning servicemembers: ‘Let’s meet face to face and you tell me I’m not worthy’
That’s quite disingenuous on Beck’s part. He kept his issue to himself while he was serving. Nobody knew but him.
From the article: Beck was awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart and the Meritorious Service Medal during her time in the service, when she kept her gender identity a secret, according to a 2015 profile in GQ.
This is twaddle from him. His service impresses me. His whining does not.
Moving on.
Something tells me it’s not gonna be as easy as emperor Donald just saying it is so. There is gonna be some serious kickback.
Yeah right, Joe TARDO! This whole transgender in the ranks thing was another social engineering experiment from the previous administration and its being thrown in the trash where or belongs is a step in the right direction. Your Momma called and said that if you’re a good little boy today she’ll have a nice warm enema for you at bedtime.
One tweet from the Emperor does not a policy make.
How clever of you to sneak in when you think no one is awake to rebut your notions, Joey.
I should have known I couldn’t slip one by you PH.
You mean it’s gonna be harder than the SCOAMF waving his magic pen and making it so?
Again, to quote Paul Begala, “Stroke of the pen, law of the land. Pretty cool.”
I think I can safely say that those who have served couldn’t care less about where a guy (or girl–although there were none on boats when I was in) stuck his junk, so long as he was there on time to relieve the watch, didn’t get us killed while we slept, and kept his hands to himself.
Twice in my short time in service I saw firsthand how psychosexual issues can affect performance.
One was a sexually frustrated (gay–we didn’t ask and he didn’t tell) MS who “excused” himself from drills because of a nagging case of FTS compounded by Sandy Vaginitis. As a result, he let what should have been a minor overheating electrical panel become a stores fire. We had to come off station to ventilate. “Off station” is a bad thing.
The other was a nub who bought into the sub jokes about “120 men go down, 60 couples come up”. When he found out the truth, he went to the chaplain, said “Oops–I’m gay” (in the middle of a deployment) and the Sonar division watch-bill got a lot tighter.
Nobody got killed, but their actions (or lack thereof) certainly compromised safety and mission readiness.
I’m not sure I believe the 41% suicide rate for post-op TGs, but even if it’s half that, what happens when one offs themselves a month into an SSBN deterrent patrol? Burial at sea by water slug?
I firmly believe in service to our country, but not everybody is cut out to wear the uniform. There’s no shame in that, and there are countless other ways to contribute, if service–and not a political statement–is really your desire.
“Burial at sea by water slug?”
Think big zip-lock baggie in the freezer, next to the ice cream and frozen steaks.
On SSN had their Chief of the Boat die on a Spec Op.
The running joke for the next month: What’s for dinner? Corn on the COB!
Oh, and SMAG? Sub-Mechanical Ass Grabber? At least that’s what the ELT’S used to call themselves on my first boat.
….. daaaaayyyymmmmmmm! That’s -cold-!
I’m also puzzled that the same people howling for legal protection of transgender individuals–who “face unbelievable challenges in their everyday lives”–can do an about face and say that transgenderism is no obstacle when it comes to fitness for military service.
Which is it–more horrible than we cisgender scum can imagine, or a minor quibble?
They can’t have it both ways (no pun intended).
“We” are an elite fighting force. I don’t give two shits about whom or what another would like to have sex with. Biological reality is an X or Y chromosome. Period. No taxpayer should have to pay for TG soldiers to be changed.(BradleyBuddyFUckerManning being a traitor to boot).
THAT is just never going to be acceptable. You want to serve? STFU up, zip up whatever suit you wear and do your job. NOTHING ELSE SHOULD MATTER. LGBTQ IS YOUR OWN PERSONAL HEAVEN OR HELL, the rest of us are not responsible.