Jihadists are homesick

| July 25, 2017

According to the Daily Beast, jihadists who left their homes in Europe to join the Islamic State in the Levant are homesick now that it seems the caliphate is collapsing, so they want to come home and they’re trying to use the press to cushion their return;

Just last week two fighters contacted TV shows in the Netherlands to announce their return to Dutch soil, a third contacted the police.

The grim irony of such a ploy is obvious. Many would-be holy warriors from European backgrounds have been associated with organizations that took journalists hostage, ransomed some, tortured and beheaded others. When they thought their groups were on a roll, jihadists bragged to their Western enemies “we love death as you love life.” And all too many times in France, Britain, Belgium, and Germany they have slaughtered innocents by the score.

The article says that there may have been as many as two thousand jihadists that left Europe to fight with the various groups in Syria and their return home creates a security problem.

With the jihadists’ stories trickling in, the Dutch security services try to gauge the security risk involved if they return. Even if the men are found not guilty of participation in war crimes and/or membership of a terrorist organization, which is unlikely, they are still suffering from PTSD. Letting them loose on the society they rejected would be risky business, and not just for the Netherlands.

“We have a responsibility toward other countries, too,” says Daan Weggemans, a terrorism expert attached to Leiden University….

Yeah, well, if you plant potatoes, you get potatoes. If you let them leave and then let them come back, you’ll get the problems that come back with them. If the media wants to take up their cause, they aren’t really concerned with public safety.

Category: Terror War

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Combat Historian

“…Yeah, well, if you plant potatoes, you get potatoes….”

Homegrown mozzie terrs going full potato in the streets of Amsterdam after returning from jihad in Syria??? Nah, unlikely scenario; never gonna happen…(sarc)


Naah, they don’t want to go home….they want to go get their 70- virgin goats!! help them out!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Cmon, libs, explain to me again how we should emulate the Eurotrash?


Not on all things. Only those things that work.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like the British universal health care that sentenced a little boy to death?


Which is where 0bama and his ilk want us to go.

They mocked the idea of “death panels” but love the fact that they are real in Europe.

I do not say this as an idle curse:
God damned hypocrites and liars.


Bodaprez should have been drowned the day he was born.

Oh! My! God! That was SOOOOO mean of me….!

Glad I got that out of my system. 🙂 I feel MUCH better now.

The Other Whitey

I saw people on other sites arguing that, with Lars’s crowd claiming that insurance companies deny treatment too. While not exactly false, they skipped one very crucial distinction: in this country, it doesn’t matter who’s paying for it; as long as someone does, no treatment or therapy will be discontinued. An insurance company may choose not to fund something, but they cannot and will not prohibit a patient or their family from securing funding from another source to keep going, as Charlie Gard’s parents did. The government of this country also cannot compel you to allow your ill child to die. Even the liberal-as-all-hell Pope Francis surprised everyone with his support for little Charlie (which restored some trust in the current Pope from this Catholic).

And now his parents have given up after an ordeal I wouldn’t wish on Hillary Clinton. Would little Charlie have survived? I don’t know. But how the actual fuck can anyone trust a system that took away his chance?


“Those things that work “.

One very short list.


Sounds like an argument for American Exceptionalism to me.

Silentium Est Aureum

Which, last I checked, was basically fuck-all, comparatively speaking.

The Other Whitey

That rules out pretty much everything. Thanks for clearing that up, Lars!


Hmmm, you say libs, and who’s the first to show up?

I rest my case.

The Other Whitey

But remember, he’s not a commie! He just talks and acts like one.


Why, is that Neville ‘the Appeaser’ Chamberlin, perhaps?

I can’t resist quoting Mann:

No man survives when freedom fails
Good men rot in filthy jails
And those who cry ‘Appease, appease’
Are hanged by those they sought to please.


Good quote.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s see, they got their asses kicked and now they want to go back to Europe where they’ll have lots and plenty of unarmed VICTIMS thanks to the gun laws over there!


These people should be hunted to the ends of the Earth, tried; and then executed for their crimes. If it was good enough for the nazis it’s good enough for these scum.


I’m good with your idea except being tried. Just hunted down and killed.


They are automatically suffering from PTSD?


Post Terror Stress Disorder.

Their cause failed, and they are stressed out by it.


Actually, when it comes to muslims..PTSD stands for “Pedophils talking shyt daily”

cc senor

There’s also the problem of what to do with the European widows of ISIS. Iraq already has a few of them so the decision may be made there.



Sell them on the open market?


Kill ’em.


If you plant potatoes, sometimes you get potato blight fungus and it spreads.

Then you have to root out the entire potato crop and sterilize the soil with fungicide to prevent more blight.

Now, if I have to explain that analogy to any of you, you will be sentenced to a power point program that will fry your bananas.


Or from the other thread, A powerpoint presentation so bad, “that made my bottom spicy”


Hmmm…. spicy bananas flambe!

How’s that sound?


I read yesterday where the French sent special forces types to hunt down and kill any French isis pukes they can find. The French. Really.


Don’t confuse the French people with the French politicians.

The French people can be quite reasonable.


Stereotypes die hard.


True that.

The Other Whitey

The French produced the Nazi-collaborating sack of shit Pétain. They also produced the all-hat-no-cattle asswipe De Gaulle. But there was also Le Clerc, who was a natural-born asskicker, so there’s that.


Hmmmmmm……. Craving me a big ol plate of Freedom Fries for some reason


Mais oui. The Johnny Crapeaux were described as good fighters by the Brits, so if those special forces types are the Legion, they will do the job nicely.


My boy, a USMC Oh, told me pretty much the same.


The French can be quite, uh, decisive when they wish to be. They just don’t brag about it or leak it. That’s one reason they keep the Foreign Legion around. And remember the Rainbow Warrior?


Their GIGN as well.


‘France is ‘hunting down its citizens who joined Isis’ without trial in Iraq: Up to 30 French nationals allegedly targeted by Iraqi troops after identification from French special forces to ensure they ‘don’t return home’’


‘France is allegedly providing crucial intelligence information to Iraqi ground forces fighting Isis in order to target and exterminate French nationals who have joined the jihadist organisation, it has emerged.

An investigation by the Wall Street Journal found that French special forces have allegedly enlisted the help of Iraqi units to ensure that French nationals fighting in the country do not escape to pose a terror threat on their return home.

Photographs, alibis and location coordinates gathered from surveillance drones and radio interception intel have been provided to assist in the hunt, the WSJ reported.

Neither French nor Iraqi sources disclosed how many French citizens have been killed in the operation, but said that up to 30 men had been identified as senior, ‘high-value’ targets.


The Other Whitey

At worst, no different from a cop shooting a felon in the commission of a violent crime. What’s the big deal?


Ooooh, that must hurt Mrs. Merkel’s feelz stuff.


Good plan, sounds like it is being well implemented.

The Old Maj

I think the French are suffering from “Having our citizens murdered by insane terrorist fatigue”. They are therefore taking reasonable and prudent measures to make sure that this does not happen in the future.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

So they are more worried about them having PTSD than them being terrorists….sounds about par for the course.

MSgt (ret), USAF

Its really too bad Geert Wilders wasn’t elected. Then this issue would be taken care of correctly: revoke citizenship, and if they do come back, charge them with terrorism/murder, etc., etc. But of course, since the Dutch version of the jug eared fuck was elected, they’ll be allowed back and treated like “victims” who deserve a second chance. My grandfather is spinning in his grave.


Why do they want to come “Home”. They chose their “Home”, so they can stay and fight. Let them com back and the Dutch will find out what the French and the Belgians have been putting up with. But they are Sensitive and caring. Enjoy Dhimmi Status Dutch Volk!


Why do they want to come back “home”?

Where else can they relax and breed at the dhimmi’s expense until the next jihad?

Green Thumb

Fuck them.


Sure, tell them all they’re welcome to come back. When they get there, kill them all.

Jus Bill

Force each media “personality” to take one in. Listen for the crickets.


IMHO anyone that supports a terrorist organization in any way, whether it is financially, physically or any form of support should be put to death upon return to “home” country. That country should not have to support them whether it’s in jail for life or on the streets…you wanted jihad, you got lucky and survived, now accept the consequences.

The Other Whitey

Sounds good to me.


I’ll second that

The Other Whitey

If the Dutch greet these bastards with anything other than flying lead, then they deserve what they’ll get. The farmer and the viper, and all that.


Turn our Dutch brethren in the Korps Mariniers loose on ’em.


The ‘Cloggies’ will have things cleaned up in no time.


Lets welcome them all home, then straight to the gallows. Sounds good


Do not let them come back into anywhere in Europe, nor anywhere else for that matter.

Why is this even up for debate/discussion?


Why is this even up for debate/discussion?

It’s Europe, inspiration for the phrase “Euroweenie Metrosexual”. Do you really have to ask why?


Naw; you’re right. I already know why.

That was just a rhetorical question that I tossed out there based on my continued frustration with the Europeans and their deeply flawed handling of all of this.

Dave Hardin

I will just leave this here:


DAMN Dave! That’s funny as hell! The trouble is there is a ton of truth in that. Hmmm remember Prime Minister Chamberlain, if we let him have what he wants he wont invade Poland…

I gotta stop reading Kratman, he points out way too many things that piss me off.


I have the distinct honor to have served in a company commanded by (then CPT) Kratman.

Can’t get enough of his writing. Wish we could make A Desert Called Peace, Carnifex, and Caliphate required reading in the Armed Forces.


Dave, you could be kind enough to post a spew warning, y’know.


What’s with the gallery picture of a winery?

Perry Gaskill

It’s not easy being a jihadist, Jonn. Sometimes after a hard day beheading a journalist, shooting a few innocent civilians, and blowing up a school bus, you can come home and get teary-eyed thinking about your Mom’s goat soup and the way she irons your suicide vest…

The Other Whitey

Or all the “quality time” you spent with your dad’s friends as a small boy…

Deplorable B Woodman

Revoke passports
Revoke citizenship
Let ’em suffer in their new self chosen home and occupation.
It they wish to return home, arrest on sight, speedy trial, hang next day.

End of problem.


A very workable and elegant solution, indeed.


DBW – +1000


You people need to be leaders, not only in a military sense, but in your communities, as well. I believe many more of you need to take a more active role in civilian leadership in the USA, at whatever level you are inclined to participate.

You obviously know how crappy the libs are, regarding Islam and jihad. But as I’ve stated before on other posts, we have _real problems!_ here within our own Christian churches. Including my own (yes, again, Northern California, so what might one expect?) who think that the way to deal with Muslims is by “Loving your Muslim Neighbor.” http://www.westgatechurch.org/events-archive/2017/4/30/understanding-and-loving-our-muslim-neighbor

Fuck this! This is prescription for defeat at the hands of a demonic, hateful ideology. Yes, as many have pointed out, former jihadis are being “repatriated” to their European points of origin…good for any nation that “filters” this at the source, in Iraq or elsewhere.

Things are very difficult for our European allies including our British allies. Take a look: Do you really wish to see a similar conversation on public television happen, here?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajSqsiyiXyg&feature=share

I frankly, do not. Please, do consider getting involved politically. Just my $0.02, Best regards, Barbara


What to do with returning enemy combatants? I think it would be the civilized thing to do, to arrange sanctuary in a neutral country, and send them there by ship. All in the spirit of peace, et cetera.

Country? Why, Atlantis, of course.


“If the media wants to take up their cause, they aren’t really concerned with public safety.”

I’d say their cheering on the muslim invasion put’s that question to rest but, then again, if their governments don’t care about the public safety and survival of Western Civilization then why should anyone else?