Canadians donate to widow

| July 18, 2017

We discussed Prom Minister Trudy Trudeau’s US$8 million gift to Gitmo grad Omar Khadr last week. It turns out that not all Canadians agree with the payment to the terrorist who killed US soldier Christopher Speer. According to Huffington Post, a radio host has attracted donors who are giving money to the soldier’s widow, Tabitha Speer and her two children Taryn and Tanner. More than two thousand donors have contributed $134,000;

Ottawa-based talk-radio host Brian Lilley, co-founder of right-wing Rebel Media, who started the fundraising campaign, said he shared the anger of many Canadians over the settlement and wanted to channel the outrage into something positive.

“It’s trying to show generosity out of a political situation,” Lilley said.


The current campaign aims to raise $1 million over a month. Donors who give at least $2,500 will have their names engraved on a “solidarity” plaque that will be sent to Speer but most donated amounts range from $10 to $100. Lilley could not say how many donors were from the United States.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.

Category: Who knows

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Combat Historian



Canadian…”I’m Sorry” in 3…..2……1…
/probably not socialist a-hole.

MSG Eric

Who said all Canadians are nice people again?


A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Trudeau, FUCK YOU and your retarded hound dog, too!


Fuck you Turd-eau and the welfare bum losers who voted for you.
Omar……if there is one dirty goat fucking terrorist I would gladly feed live to hogs…


All I have to say is FU to Canada-Australia-and Europe and 100% of you freeloading/mooching countries.


‘merica, fuck yeah!!!


Turd-eau is the worst thing to come out of Canada since Bieber.
Ottawa has its very own ‘Grassy Knoll’ hint hint…..
