How to undermine US foreign policy
Since Nancy Pelosi’s attempt to undermine our foreign policy in the Middle East didn’t quite work when she went to Syria – and then the Israelis exposed Syria’s nuclear ambitions, she’s decided to attack our allies instead of cozying up to our enemies for a change. Perhaps that’ll work a little better to destroy our efforts in the region. So out of a clear blue sky, with no rhyme, no reason, Congress decides to condemn a ninety-year-old genocide;
President Bush has said the resolution is the wrong response to the Armenian deaths, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the measure’s timing was important “because many of the survivors are very old.”
“It is a statement made by 23 other countries. We would be the 24th country to make this statement. Genocide still exists, and we saw it in Rwanda; we see it now in Darfur,” she told ABC’s “This Week” in an interview broadcast Sunday.
But Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, said the measure was “irresponsible.”
“Listen, there’s no question that the suffering of the Armenian people some 90 years ago was extreme. But what happened 90 years ago ought to be a subject for historians to sort out, not politicians here in Washington,” he told “Fox News Sunday.”
“…many are very old”, Nancy? I’ll bet none are under the age of 90 – that makes them ALL old. Although most probably look younger than you and John Murtha.
Even a half-witted moron can see that the Democrats in Congress are trying to destroy our relations with Turkey – the same as Barack Obama threatened Pakistan. Does anyone think the Democrats might condemn Viet Nam, China or Iran for human rights abuses they’re engaged in at this moment? Nope, they rather drag up long-dead ghosts and jeopardize relations with allies – it’s much more politically popular.
A condemnation of an event 90-years ago can serve no useful purpose – but that’s never stopped Democrats before. They’re accustomed to making empty gestures. They’re an empty party with empty ideas. The Turks are so angered, they’ve recalled their diplomat – if President Bush had provoked that reaction from China or Russia, the Dems would be screaming bloody murder.
Although I agree that it was a horrible event and that Turkey should have the integrity to admit their culpability, I don’t think it’s so important at this late stage of our history to make a useless statement that could damage our relations with an important mostly-secular regional partner in the war against extreme Muslims in the Middle East.
Blue Crab Boulevard quotes Ralph Peters on the same subject;
Legislation similar to this has come up repeatedly in Congress, yet it’s always been defeated – in 2000, because of pressure from the Clinton administration. But if the resolution passes the House and Senate now, the Turks plan to evict us from Incirlik airbase in southeastern Turkey, to halt our military over-flight privileges and to shut down the supply routes into northern Iraq.
That’s what the Democrats are aiming at. This resolution isn’t about justice for the Armenians. Not this time. It’s a stunningly devious attempt to impede our war effort in Iraq and force premature troop withdrawals.
Devious isn’t a strong enough word, how about traitorous. It’s only an attempt to regain some credibility among their base at the expense of our ability to support soldiers in the field. That’s traitorous.Â
Category: Foreign Policy, Politics
Say what you want, the Turks are still a great ally to have.
Those folks live in the crosshairs of history, with forces from all sides poking, prodding, and interfering throughout recorded history. A 90 year old campaign ought not be used to drive a wedge.
I agree, John, that at some point perhaps they should take a look at the record, and make an atoning statement. Right after the Greeks apologize for centuries of incursions.
Right after the Greeks give back Cyprus.
Right after the Persians atone for their invasion a few centuries ago.
I mean, where does it end?
Right now Turks are allies.
They are a tough force (I say so having served side by side in Turkey).
This naked traitorous attempt at subversion should be prosecuted.
There are a ton of Armenians here in Fresno. Every year we have to hear about the damned Armenian genocide.
If Congress feels they have to say something about this, when they KNOW it will enrage our Turkish allies, they should damn well phrase their missive carefully, making it abundantly and unmissably clear that the current government of Turkey had NOTHING to do with it. I honestly don’t see what point condemning those Ottoman Empire bastards will serve, but, lets be honest, this has nothing to do with accomplishing anything.
Just for the record, I hereby condemn Xerxes, Alexander the Great and Hannibal (that bastage abused elephants!)!
Viola! I am as pointless as Congress!
As Crotchety Old Bastard reports, when Republicans wanted to put this condemnation through in 2000, Bill Clinton was worried about the reaction it’d get from the Turks and Republicans pulled the bill.
Geez, Jonn, when the Republicans wanted to do it, it was evil, insensitive and wrong, can’t you see that?