Vets walk out during concert

| January 22, 2009

In keeping with today’s theme (that theme being “Liberals suck”) DefendUSA sent me a link to a Redstate post about a Washington Times story of some veterans walking out on  a George Clinton concert the other evening;

During the Heroes Red, White & Blue Inaugural Ball honoring the nation’s veterans, a vocalist with George Clinton and the P. Funk All-Stars held up a white towel with large block letters saying “[Expletive] GEORGE,” perturbing many audience members who walked out after the display, interpreting it as a jab at the outgoing commander-in-chief, George W. Bush.

Of course, the band says they meant it as a jab at the band leader. But ya know, if a soldier, that same night  had held up a sign that made the suggestion and replaced the word GEORGE with the word HUSSEIN, well, we know how that’d turn out, don’t we. The soldier could swear from here to Hell that he meant Saddam, but he’d be branded a racist. Yeah, we know what they meant. Only one percent of the popular vote shifted from Bush to Obama – it’s still time to shut up and sing.

Category: Politics

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Obviously, our troops are not as stoopid as John f-ing Carry thought they were.
Take a pill George Clinton and band, you’re a fuck-up.

AW1 Tim

Ya know,

That sort of political action crap by musicians always pisses me off. I’m a musician. I majored in music in college. There is no frikkin’ reason that music has to be political. Art of all types should be for art’s sake, but certain dipsticks just seem to think it’s hip to be an assh@le.

What really irks me, however, is that I LIKE George Clinton’s music. I always thought P-Funk was a great idea, and him and Bootsie Collins did some great work turning an everydau concert into a stage show. But then they rip it all up with a stupid stunt like that.


How many troops walked out? 2, 3, a 1,000?
Another course of action would have been to storm the stage, take away the towel and wrapped it around his head like a turban and then……


bman, I like the way you think.


Much ado about nothing. The band’s leader’s name is George. The members do this often:
George Clinton & P-Funk Allstars live at Tivoli, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 6th, 2007


You know what? It isn’t cool no matter whether it was directed at Bush or at Clinton. (George, I mean.) I’d have walked out, too.

Army Sergeant

You know what? Exactly how many people walked out? Apparently lots of troops don’t care. I know I rushed to the shredder to destroy the Bush picture we had…


Sure “The members do this often.” They have been suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome for years. This flag they wave has always been aimed directly at the White House.

I also love their music, but the propensity of artists and celebrities to abuse their audiences by forcing their ill conceived political impulses into their performances has rarely had enough of a push back.

Kudos to those vets who walked out! Only veterans understand the real meaning of loyalty to an office. Our new cult of personality for the new, untested CINC is getting to be a bit much.


EVENTUALLY ALL VETERANS & enlisted men & women will walk out on the newbie CinC. BHO is a FRAUD & is no more qualified to be CinC than I am! Although I am at least a natural born American & a true patriot–Not a Marxist/Commie as is the president. How is this for REVERSE BUSH BASHING???


Another uurah for Bman – I had a bellyful of these scroteless scumbags and commie bastards in the ‘entertainment’ industry years ago. Coddled, protected gutless, privileged and rich, they only run their mouths when they are safe and out of harm’s way. They are collective herpes sores on the cosmic anus.