Tuesdays with Claymore

| June 13, 2017

Oh, I get it because he’s funny, right?

Fake meetings with fake future in-laws

Bloody shirt

Kiss the ring

Oh sweetie, it’s not just the establishment, it’s all of us

The Parties Switched In The 60’s – Bernie Edition

…indite the ham sandwich.


Newt should probably call his office once in a while

From the ‘hey, white guys are terrorists too’ file

Mickey’s got a gun

What does hope taste like? Can you pay bills with it?

“No movement towards Sharia”?

Only two?

Climate change bigotry

Supply and demand

Sherlock shrugged

Fake rich friends always make fun of your POS car

John McStrange

Apparently it’s open season on black people in Florida

Weep for the media

Comey’s fault

No, because I’m not gay or a woman

Swammy Biden tells your future!

Except for that whole “Commander in Chief” thing…

Suppressor…like asking for an ID to vote

Burqa Bash 2017

Hashtag Warriors…so brave.

What, like Jane Fonda workouts?

Might keep them up at night

Private Speedbump

Handing them the knife to slit your throat

Bikers don’t like Jar Jar Ossoff

The rape of Mother Earth resumes

Blame Hillary

Close, but no cigar

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Claymore, I want my brain cells back right now!

As blind as those people are, I think a trip to Raqqa or Mosul would do them some good.


The stupid is still strong over at DU… gotta be physically painful to be that dumb.

Perry Gaskill

I had a hard time wrapping my head around the logic of the DU hive mind about Sharia Law protests. Apparently if you support Sharia Law you’re a nasty-ass male sexist pig who oppresses women, and wants to take away their rights. On the other hand, if you take part in a protest against Sharia Law, you’re still a nasty-ass male sexist pig who oppresses women, and wants to take away their rights, but you want to do it in a different way.

Sort of like different breeds of swine or something…


It’s easy, Perry. Blindly support all of your constituencies at all costs to continue building your own political power. If it looks like one constituency plans to eat another constituency, we can cross that bridge later.

One can argue with my politics all one wants, but at least it’s consistent. America rocks. Freedom rocks. Anyone who seeks to genuinely destroy or denigrate either of those should be tried, drawn and quartered. The end.