Keith Dobbs, Memphis attorney rips off 19 veterans

| June 12, 2017

Keith Dobbs was a Memphis, Tennessee attorney who was a VA-appointed fiduciary for 19 veterans, now the VA is sorting through a mountain of records to determine how much money he stole from those veterans, some of whom may be out on the the street because of Dobbs’ malfeasance.

More than a year after the VA first detected irregularities in Dobbs’ oversight of veterans’ funds, authorities still are trying to sort it out. As a VA-appointed fiduciary, Dobbs managed the financial affairs of as many as 19 Memphis-area veterans — cases he eventually was removed from.

At least two lawsuits have been filed, including one on behalf of [Ronald] White, trying to collect an undetermined amount funds.

An independent investigation by The Commercial Appeal last year told the stories of veterans who suffered under Dobbs’ watch, men like David Meadows, a brain-damaged Army veteran whose bank accounts were frozen and who feared being kicked out on the street; Bobbie Bouie, a 54-year-old PTSD victim who showed up sobbing at Shelby County Probate Court saying he had no money; and Henry Ashurst, 87, the victim of an earlier dishonest fiduciary who used $120,000 of the elderly vet’s funds to finance gambling junkets and personal bills before the VA assigned Dobbs to manage his affairs.


Scott Rose, the Memphis attorney the VA has appointed to replace Dobbs as Ashurst’s fiduciary, confirmed the VA has replaced missing funds from the veteran’s account but said ethically he can’t comment on the amount until records are filed in Shelby County Probate Court.

Looking at the story at the link, Dobbs may have made millions of dollars from his crime.

Be careful, it’s a jungle out there.

Category: Veterans' Affairs Department

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This dude is a seeping hemorrhoid pustule




Don’t worry, when his court date arrives he will be sure to apologize and say that he knows nothing he can say will repair the harm he has done, but he’s really sorry.

Fucking shitbag.


Death sentence.


He should vacuum up the street gutters with those fucking nostrils of his. Asshole.


This guy needs to be disbarred and tossed into a pit so deep he’ll never see the light of day again.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

I can tell the future.

Guy makes half-assed apology, VA promotes him to a better paying job.

And/or a pissed off Vet puts one in his brain pan.


Remember yesterday’s Willy Pete post?

Just sayin’…


“Napalm sticks to your a$$”?


Works for me!


Thermite…easy to deliver, set it and forget it.


Must be a graduate of the Bernathian School of Legal Ethics… looks like he’s in need of a Cockmeat Sammich.

Green Thumb

I wonder if he is hanging with “Turd” Bolling?

Deplorable B Woodman

This turd needs to be made to run a 100 yard gauntlet of pissed off vets weilding anything they want. If this pustule makes it to the end – alive – then let him lay where he falls overnight. If he’s still alive the next day, THEN put him on trial.

If he doesn’t make it to the end alive, or dies overnight, then let his carcass feed the buzzards, bugs, and worms. They gotta eat, too.

Either way, alive or dead, seizure and forfeiture of all assets to repay the vets and VA.


All this man wanted was his share of the pie. That is what we heard for at least the past eight years…

A Proud Infidel®™

He ought to be tied up and dragged down a gravel road until there’s nothing left of him.


Put him in a room
Let two vets at a time take turns beating the shit out of him with bats

A Proud Infidel®™

Bats are kinda cumbersome, I’d prefer a tire iron myself.


Even better ^^^^^


axe-handle and cattle-prod


Even better ^^^^

19D2OR4 - Smitty

Not if they have rabies..


Baseball Bats and yes…
great idea at that, BATs with Rabies and lets add Ebola
Two for one. just for this POS


I wondered about that…
thanks, Jonn!


Here’s an interesting quote from the article:
“Dobbs was arrested in January on an unrelated matter involving the alleged domestic assault of his 74-year-old father, but those charges have been dismissed.”

Yeah, a real weiner there.


Disabled and elder abuse is not something new. The more bad publicity it gets, the better.

This guy? May he find himself on the receiving end of it some day.

Green Thumb


Or worse.


Here in Arizona they’d hang his ass


A lot more like him in the government and VA. Was told my ied wounds to my back and legs were not that bad by a VA bureaucrat. Said I was ripping off the government. This was after three years in Walter Reed and four surgeries. Her desk was covered with obama pictures. Her supervisor called me and apologized but she refused to.