California ends commie ban

| May 10, 2017

Apparently, and who would have guessed it, but California has a law on the books that makes being a communist could get you fired from your state government job. I guess the law was affecting the state’s access to the job pool, because the legislature moved to abrogate the ban according to Fox News;

Employees could still be fired for being members of organizations they know advocate for overthrowing the government by force or violence.

The bill updates an outdated provision in state law, said Assemblyman Rob Bonta, the San Francisco Bay Area Democrat who authored the measure.

Some Assembly Republicans said the Cold War-era law should not be changed.

Of course, there were actual communists or people who were paid by the Soviets to infiltrate the US government – in fact, Allen Weinstein, in his book “The Haunted Wood”, documented a California New York Congressman on the Soviet payroll in the 1950s when Weinstein was granted access to the KGB archives after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Communists do indeed want to take over the US government – ask any anti-FA terrorist. In fact, ask any Democrat how they feel about the Electoral College or the Second Amendment. Ask Bernie Sanders what he likes about the US government – when he was mayor of Burlington, Vermont, he used to brag that he is a communist.

Thanks to Mick for the link.

Category: Who knows

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The next step, I guess is secession.

In 1860 it was the CSA, the Confederate States of America.

Now it’ll be the “new” CSA, the Communist States of America; California, Washington, NY, Massachusetts, et al.

Tom Huxton

Confederation is still a popular point of view; tracing back to the same founding documents as the federalists.

Communism is something else, altogether.

The Other Whitey

I’m kinda hoping for secession, just so the retards can finally see how much of the state doesn’t toe their line, and to hear their beautiful cries of agony as 50 out of 58 counties, including all the food producers, countersecede to remain in the US.


I used to joke and call it “Commiefornia”, but I guess they are taking it seriusly


This has potential to be entertaining. Time to make coffee and popcorn.


I have the same opinion. To quote the guy who occupied the White House for the last 8 years, “You get the government you deserve”. It’s their fault, they deserve it, and WHEN (not if) the ‘Democratic Socialist” government starts jailing and disappearing dissidents, I told you so.


That also. I was speaking more specifically of what’s potentially going to happen on this particular post.

Bruno Stachel

Wo ist Herr Kommissar?


Oh yeah, that too. To paraphrase Animal House, “Un-caffeinated, un-nicotined and stupid is no way to go through life..”.
Morning routine, I no have.

The Old Maj

Dickstein was from NY, not California.

Yes that was his real name.


Just “Dick” will do!


There was a ban? How did so many of the California Communists already in public service get away with it for so long?

Silentium Est Aureum

One of those obscure laws that never gets enforced.

For example, where I live, it’s illegal to sell your clothes to pay a gambling debt.


“One of those obscure laws that never gets enforced.”

Nah, they just tell everyone they’re registered as “Democrats”…




Nothing to fear from Communism, right? Yeah, sure, and it’s dead, too, isn’t it? Isn’t that what the Piuperdink keeps telling us?



There’s nothing to fear from Communism.

Everyone knows that.


Did someone say “Don’t Fear the Commie”?

By the way, Berkeley-boi – does 2 plus 2 still equal 5, like it did in that early-1930s Soviet propaganda poster?

Has the Central Committee resident expert on doctrine sent you the approved and doctrinally-correct answer to my question regarding Kennedy and Khrushchev yet?


Why does it always seem to take so long for the ‘Rezidentura’ to compile these approved responses?

Some Guy

Some Guy

Sorry, meant to post this independently, not as a reply to your post, Hondo.


Every job I ever applied for during my career asked the question: “Are you now or have you ever been a member of any of the following organizations?” Communisim was at the top.
It was because a security clearance was required.
Do government contractors stiil ask these questions or are they banned or am I just so damn old nothing applies anymore?


I’m so old I can’t remember if they asked me that during my last re-investigation ….definitely did in the past though.


Here’s how they ask those questions now:

“Are you now or have you EVER been a member of an organization dedicated to terrorism, either with an awareness of the organization’s dedication to that end, or with the specific intent to further such activities?”

“Have you EVER been a member of an organization dedicated to the use of violence or force to overthrow the United States Government, and which engaged in activities to that end with an awareness of the organization’s dedication to that end or with the specific intent to further such activities?”

“Have you EVER been a member of an organization that advocates or practices commission of acts of force or violence to discourage others from exercising their rights under the U.S. Constitution or any state of the United States with the specific intent to further such action?”

“Have you EVER knowingly engaged in activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force?”, starting at page 116


Whilst reflecting on the current devolving, uncivil environment and the rise in unlawful use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims I found an acronym in the vein of DILLIGAF or TEOTWAWKI. It’s IWBACIWDAC, that is I was born anti-communist, I will die anti-communist.
Feel free to use the hell out of it.

The Other Whitey

This from the same state government that levies some of the highest taxes in the Union yet still complains that they need more. And they pay my rather meager salary, while they all drive BMWs. Sacramento is a swamp in desperate need of draining.


Sacramento = DC

Birds of a feather, etc, etc, etc.

Roger in Republic

This goes a long way toward explaining why Obama bought a house in Palms Springs. He always saw himself as the leader of the “inevitable” communist revolution in the USA. This according to the latest Obama Biography is the reason he made every decision in his life.


Well, he’ll have a place when the “White Party” shows up in Palm Springs next spring…


“Commie”. What a quaint old term, along with “Jerry”, the “Hun” and “Ivan”.