Where do we get such men?

| April 14, 2017

The San Diego Tribune is reporting that a Navy SEAL Chief petty Officer has been hitting more than just the bad guys for several years:

Navy Chief Special Warfare Officer Joseph John Schmidt III has been living dual lives.
As a member of the Navy SEALs, the 42-year-old boasts a chest of ribbons and medals during his 23 years in the military, including a valor citation for combat overseas. To his East County neighbors and Coronado shipmates, he’s been the married father who has given pep talks to special-needs children in Los Angeles and toured the country recruiting for the elite Naval Special Warfare teams, even serving as the face of the SEAL program on its website.

Schmidt is also Jay Voom, the actor in at least 29 porn flicks during the past seven years, from “Apple Smashing Lap Dance” to “Strippers Come Home Horny From the Club.”

He has spent most of his time in front of the camera engaging in sex with his wife — porn megastar Jewels Jade — for her website and film-distribution service. But he also has coupled with XXX actresses Mena Li and Ashden Wells, according to marketing materials found by The San Diego Union-Tribune and confirmed by Jade.

Schmidt declined to comment for this story.

OK, let the wisecracks begin…

Category: Navy

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Dive school redux

Combat Historian

I’m just glad (and a little envious) that he gets to do it with hot chicks, and is apparently not into making films for that other “alternative” lifestyle…


Have you seen his wife? I suppose she’s “hot,” if you’re into women with 0% body fat and huge fake knockers.

Maybe it’s me; I’m not that attracted to women who have bodies like men, fake boobs excepted.

They say he’s only 6 or 7 months from retiring. Not sure it’s worth the fuss. One thing I did take away is that he and his wife financially incompetent. According to the story at one point they were $1.8 million in debt before the wife returned (reluctantly according to the story) to porn. You have to screw up big time to go that deep. Excuse the pun.


As long as he’s not wearing his uniform in any of it and not otherwise breaking any laws I don’t care.

You do have to get written permission to be employed outside the military though. Been there done that.


What if he’s not getting paid. I mean, yea, the money would be nice, but I would do it for free.


My previous response already answered that.

If it’s not a job, then he doesn’t need anyone’s permission. The question of adultery is not on the table, because his wife is involved. If he was doing porn for free or for pay without her permission and she saw it and complained to his Chain then …adultery is still punishable under the UCMJ

They are polyamorous, but as long as no one is bitching or trying to get benefits for a new snotlicker because of it, then it’s subjective at best. The CO if he’s pissed about the conduct could use article 134 I suppose, but if the guy requests a Court Marshall I doubt it would proceed.

I could also be completely wrong…but he’s not the first sailor to do porn and as long as he’s not in uniform I’ve never seen anyone get hammered for it in NJP.

Retired Grunt

You stole my thunder, i was gonna say, unless he was doin’ it pro bono…. sorry, bad joke


You do have to get written permission to be employed outside the military though. Been there done that.

The, uh, being employed outside the military, or the banging lots of hot women in vid—… you know what, nevermind. There are some things I just don’t need to know. 😉


hot is subjective…there are no ugly women in a threesome or moresome


IDC SARC: Well, folks, I gotta say, isn’t it interesting how as individuals both men and women have differing views when determining what constitutes good looks, beauty and attractiveness?

I don’t find ladies who have had augmented breasts to be more attractive than they were prior to the procedure. I don’t find augmentation necessarily adds much to the ‘package’ in its original form. That’s just me and my personal preference. Yet many men find that very attractive. I also don’t much care for puffy lips and certain other features which seem to be a magnet for some men. To me there is nothing more attractive than a natural woman, conservatively dressed. That’s just me. Your views may and possibly do vary and I get it. I do. Different strokes for different folks. Also, to me, less clothing does not necessarily result in increased attractiveness or desirability. Women (and men, too, although I believe to a lesser degree)have been conditioned by society to believe they must attempt to attain perfection, but ‘perfection’ is a moving target, dependent upon the parties involved. Some women benefit from augmentation. I’m not referring to those ladies. I’m referring to those who are, IMO, already quite lovely but have been conditioned by society to believe they need improvement in various areas. Again, your views probably vary. Believe me, ladies, the vast majority of you are just perfect as you are.


I wasn’t being judgemental it was an attempt at humor based off the preceding comment, I feel the same way you do. I’m sorry if you misunderstood me.


SARC: No, no, not at all. I just hooked on to your post b/c it dealt with personal appearances and I wanted to make a general comment about the subject and how we so vary in our personal preferences. It was in no way directed to you in any way personally or as criticism to your post. No way. MY apology if it appeared that was my intent. No harm, no foul. My apology.

Bill M

I’ve always felt that what’s between the ears is the most important and attractive part of a woman. I suspect, in some way, most of us would agree with that. Just my two cents worth and worth about what you pay for it.


There are no ugly women in the dark.

Damn, that guy is living the dream. Hardcore death dealer by day, banging by night.


I was thinking that too.

If the Simulation Argument is right, which I doubt but here is the link to the peer-reviewed paper ( http://www.simulation-argument.com )

If the simulation argument is right then this guy is a good candidate for being the main character.


Interesting article, Yef. One of the headings is, “Are You Living In a Computer Simulation?”

I’ve wondered if maybe, just maybe our solar system or, heck, even the universe as we know it, is nothing more than a snow globe. Yeah, yeah, I know. Can you imagine we are an alien kid’s science project and we sit on a shelf in his bedroom confined in a snow globe. The vastness of our known universe defies my understanding. The fact that there are thought to be billions of this and trillions of that flies in the face of my need to understand stuff.

I just stole this from Google:

“Kornreich used a very rough estimate of 10 trillion galaxies in the universe. Multiplying that by the Milky Way’s estimated 100 billion stars results in a large number indeed: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, or a “1” with 24 zeros after it.May 31, 2014″

Yep, we’re a science project. From what I see of our inability to interact with one another in a civil manner, I’m thinking the kid who submits this project will be getting an F or at best maybe a D-. He should have chosen his subjects more wisely.


(falls down laughing, sides hurt)

Is he going to be chastised for having a side job that pays?

A Proud Infidel®™

He could go in to work saying he has a real boner for his outside job and be telling the absolute TRUTH.


Alpha as fuck!

Wilted Willy

So at least he is a real Seal? Do you know what a Walrus and Tupperware have in common?
They both like a tight Seal!!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Seriously, dude is a matter of months away from retirement, and NOW they want to make an issue of this shit?


Well, unless they have rock solid charges taking on a Chief is a waste of time.


I just know your first impulse was to write “rock hard” instead.


I’d get rock hard with his wife and him. Not the best boob job but definitely doable.

Spit roast worthy for sure.

Silentium Est Aureum

Dude (and spouse) have been doing this shit for 7 years now. You’d think Big Navy would have caught on after the first 20-25 videos dude made.


“In an interview this week, Schmidt’s wife of 15 years claimed that many high-ranking SEALs have long known about her husband’s movies and seemed to tolerate his moonlighting. For example, she said, she was invited to the commandos’ Coronado campus to sign autographs for troops after she was named a 2011 Penthouse Pet of the Month.”

yeah….sure they didn’t know. lol

The Old Maj

They are straight videos, who in big navy is watching any of that?

Ok, I’ll go back in my corner now…..

Seriously though since he has been doing it for so long they are going to have a tough time charging him with anything meaningful. They need to let it go, or give him a light pee-pee whacking.




As far as the pay goes, all the money can go to his wife because it is her production company. All he can say is I did not take a dime, my wife needed help and I provided it. Navy SEAL, Caring Father, Loving Husband and Porn Actor. Some people have the life!!!!


So essentially he is a prop (so to speak) for his wife’s films? Definitely a situation where the non-monetary benefits to a job would appear to outweigh the salary.

All this time I thought Jim Scouten had the ideal job, driving new hot cars and shooting new guns for a living. I stand corrected.


Haha living the dream.


I knew his brother, Joe Schmidt the Ragman.



Good one …..most often leveled by our 1st SGT when addressing an esteemed member of our commo platoon back in in the day.


Does he go home at night and complain about a hard day at the office?

MSG Eric

He goes to work and complains about a hard night at home….

The Other Whitey


I got nothin’.

2/17 Air Cav



Okay, sure. What’s he look like? Most guys in porn are — oh, never mind. Take a look at Playgirl.




Conduct unbecoming

Loss of security clearance

The Quiet Professional? Oh, those are Army SF…


“Oh, those are Army SF…”

Like …Jeffery MacDonald and David Schroer?

Adultery is not on the table and no laws were apparently broken, and I don’t see how this legal but not vanilla behavior is supposed to result in the loss of a security clearance. Conduct unbecoming, well he’s not an officer so the standard is lower as far as that goes and again, no law was apparently broken


myself aside, not everyone in the Navy is a pervert and in my observation other branches don’t appear to have any shortage of them either.

Bill M

Agree there. Perversion is an equal opportunity characteristic, just like it is in the rest of society. I don’t see anything falling into perversion in the instant case.


I take offense to being called a pervert about as much as an 0311 takes offense at being called a grunt


Adultery – punishable by UCMJ. And I personally know people kicked out for it. Maybe UCMJ doesn’t count if it’s on a video.

Conduct unbecoming DOES apply to non commissioned officers.

Security Ckearance – $2 million in debt and declared bankruptcy. Goes into porn to pay off debts. GONE…


I’ve seen people hiy for adultery to. but only and I mean only if they actually cheated on their spouse and the spouse complained to the chain.. or the cheating resulted in a pregnancy and the pregnant woman was also a married active duty person.

Not once in all the time I’ve been active duty or a DA civilian (37 years now)working with active duty have I seen someone prosecuted under the UCMJ for Adultery for a technicality such as this.

Didn’t conduct unbecoming doesn’t apply to enlisted, but it is a different standard and this chief hasn’t done anything that even remotely makes such a charge automatic for the same reasons adultery won’t likely stick.

I was busy looking at picks of his exploits to notice the $2 million/Bankruptcy…yes, that can definitely affect clearance. I’ve seen lesser financial problems than that do it.


pardon the typos 🙂


…and your comment that SF is somehow superior and free of such an occasional Faux Pas is still not based on fact. Everybody has their high speed low drag fukk ups.


So his wife’s porn isn’t paying that well that they have a $2M bankruptcy in the books?

Dennis - not chevy

A buddy of mine was facing charges for adultery until he asked his wife if she wanted 1/2 of an E-7’s pension or 1/2 of an E-3’s pension. All of a sudden she would no longer testify against him. The charges were dismissed.


When I recall charges of adultery brought they were almost always in conjunction with other charges and it was (probably) thought the more the merrier. Kind of like another nail in the coffin, just to seal the deal.


It’s on f*cking video. If the Navy ignored this they could never prosecute anyone ever again on adultery charges…


that’s kinda missing the point that it was a consensual decision by both people in the marriage.

wanna make a wager? I’ll donate $100 to the SFA if you’re right and if I’m right you donate $100 to the MRF


caveat: unless one of the spouses they were filming with raises an adultery complaint..then it would be well within expectations.


The bankruptcy… how was he able to keep his clearance when he was that far in the hole (pardon the pun)? I remember the last review of my clearance, I was grilled over my ex-wife’s bankruptcy (she filed to clear her debts, I had no debt when we married).

As for the command knowing about his after hours “activities”… that could be an interesting issue. If they knew and someone turned a blind eye to it, that could be a serious issue for his previous and current command and the leadership at Coronado.

I’m sure that there are a few people at Coronado that wish this could go away real fast…

Bill M

I think it’s be hard to uphold a conduct unbecoming charge in this case unless he was rockin’ the service connection and bringing discredit on the uniform. Of course, I haven’t seen any of these videos. Perhaps extensive research is in order…ahhh, maybe not. I suspect the spousal unit might have something to say about that.


…and a lot of the folks in the article text did bring the uniform into into…I’m not saying all because I’m not checking into it and I know some of them did…wore the uniform in the act.


Adultery – punishable by UCMJ. And I personally know people kicked out for it. Maybe UCMJ doesn’t count if it’s on a video.

**I have too in your experience who made the complaint? What was the specific situation?

Conduct unbecoming DOES apply to non commissioned officers.

**I already agreed with that….but it ain’t gonna happen (IMO)

Security Clearance – $2 million in debt and declared bankruptcy. Goes into porn to pay off debts. GONE…

** I also agreed with you there and then some


The adultery charges had other issues too. But no one had a video of it…

All that is required is for the offender’s conduct to fall below the level of conduct expected of officers and to seriously expose him to public opprobrium. United States v. Rogers, 54 M.J. 244, 256 (C.A.A.F. 2000).

If he doesn’t lose his security clearance – no one ever will again. And he is done without his TS.


You’re also kind of ignoring the fact that his command was not only aware but accepting of the facts and invited his wife to command functions as a pornographic actress

this situation is many shades of gray and the guy has already put in his time.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


..and taking down a chief isn’t nearly as easy as taking down an SFC


Yeah, I’d like to take down a chief. Just ain’t sayin’ how.

The Old Maj

Based on Ex-PH2 comments she is saying the size of your SEAL does matter.


“All that is required…”

As far as I know the latest update in the UCMJ you should look at was in 2014. It’s not all that easy now.

MSG Eric

Its up to the commander. Regardless of what the lawyers say, or how UCMJ is written. If the commander deems it detrimental to unit efficiency or completion of the mission, then it’ll be a problem. Granted, there are commanders out there who love to destroy personnel for anything they can think of, but I seriously doubt this is going anywhere legally. If he’s doing that much work at home and still able to complete his duties at work, non-issue. I doubt he’d be on the Teams after 7 years if he couldn’t.

Angry B

All of this hubbub will probably be a boon to Navy recruiting….


Except it is now National News. It is way out of the unit commander’s hands now…


So one of the Navy’s concerns is that he didn’t have prior approval from his command to work at any job other than his Navy job? I gotta ask, though, when is getting laid considered ‘work’? I sure as hell never thought of it as work. If it is in fact work, I’m owed more than 50 years back pay. Aah, forget it. I’ll just consider my services to be charity and forego the back pay. I’m a great guy like that. It’s unfortunate you don’t have the opportunity to know me personally.



If you’re hosting the gang bang it can be considerable work I suppose.lol

MSG Eric

Hell just dating 3 women was exhausting for me when I was about 30. Though I’m not a SEAL, so he’s giving proof for their better training.


There are many ways to get exhausted but polyamory is a great way to get exhausted.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

UCMJ if he was paid and failed to get authorization for off duty work

As far as adultery, c’mon, he was just “acting” it’s part of the job.

How in the heck does a senior NCO get in debt to the tune of 2 million bucks? Co-sign on a mortgage on a mansion in LA with Ms. Jade?

RGR 4-78

From what I read, they started a real estate investment company (rental property) on the east coast and it tanked about the time of the economic downturn.

RGR 4-78

Movie titles;
Debbie does divers.
Felicity and the frog.
Sarah SquEALs.
Underwear Divestment Team.

Seriously, I consider this man more of a hero than most actors, sports players and assorted celebutards out there today.

MSG Eric

Backdoor Unit Diver School (BUDS)

We could do this all day I’m sure.

RGR 4-78

Good one.


Operation Poon Tang
Bang a Whore Torpedo

RGR 4-78



Starring Major Johnson and Private Parts.

A Proud Infidel®™

Dan the Diver Goes Deep.

MSG Eric

This is right up there with the Trump flags on the HMMWVs. They really don’t give a shit, but the public is shocked about it.

There are worse jobs. I know Marines that worked at Pizza hut to make extra money for their families.

If anything, others are just pissed they didn’t think of this “job” rather than the other crappy ones like real estate or food service.

Angry B

So, in today’s Navy–where it is ok for a dude to drill another dude in the ass or wear a dress–there’s a chance that this guy who’s had threesomes and foursomes with his wife while a camera is running might get hit with “conduct unbecoming” or similar charge? Yeah, whatever. I think I’d like to knock back a few beers with this guy and hear some of his stories.


yeah….so much for conduct unbecoming. Although gay marriage under the UCMJ is still considered marriage and the same rule applies.

But awhile ago they changed the overall rules and it is harder charge someone simply for adultery.

In my time I never saw it stick unless there was a pregnancy and both were married service members and/or there were other charges and adultery was an add on.

While punishable by up to a year in the brig, I never once saw anyone do time for it.

MSG Eric

I know of one time where a “married couple” got tagged for it. However, it was just one of many violations. They got caught banging their real main squeeze and when asked about it said, “Oh, we’re just married for the convenience and so we can live off post.” Totally wrong thing to say to the Army.

So, adultery was added on to the other multiple charges, including defrauding the government, falsifying forms, etc etc.

But, they deserved it for being so bloody stupid.


Hit them there
Hit it here

I bet he was “doing research” on sexual harassment.


Aren’t we all???


You go SEAL!


Does he get paid to perform? No? Then he’s a volunteer. I thought we were all supposed to keep ourselves busy doing stuff outside of our normal working hours.
How much time did the higher ups spend reviewing the prun videos, anyway?
Seriously, when there are so many other things that really do matter, and (unless noted otherwise) no one seems to have done anything about it until now, this smacks of some kind of butthurtness on the part of whoever ‘turned him in’, if someone did.

I hope this turns into a tempest in a teapot, and the military gets its ridiculous brain out of its own crotch. If there aren’t things more important than scolding someone about sex, something’s wrong. This is not exactly another Christine Keeler episodes, you know.


“How much time did the higher ups spend reviewing the prun videos, anyway?”

and did they buy them or violate copyright laws? 🙂



Guard Bum

Fuckin hell, am I the only one thinking his unit must have one rocking Family Readiness program? Think of the possibilities for fund raising besides bake sales!

mr. sharkman



I’m kind of alarmed and confused here.

Is someone claiming that there is a Teamguy who ISN’T an amateur Porn Star or better?

I’m kind of frighteneed, my reality is fraying at the corners. IDC SARC please halp, tell me it isn’t so and everything is okay?


mr. sharkman

Maybe, if I have time later in the weekend, I will pass on the tale of the 1st phase student who was a former porn star, and the story of how a Good Man avoided charges in an investigation in to certain – ahem – ‘activities’ @ Boy’s Town in Mexico because he was constantly wearing a Gorilla Mask and 1 shoe (and nothing else) for the entire weekend.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, I’ll say it. The answer to the question posed by PT is, “Wherever it is, we need to put them back there.”

Slimy Non-military Lawyer

Okay, it’s been asked how someone can get $2 million in debt managing real estate. There are several ways, but the most common is that the SEAL and the babe buy a bunch of houses on with adjustable rate mortgages and they are unable to obtain the income from renters or buyers needed to pay off the mortgages. I haven’t reviewed his bankruptcy petition so he could have found another way, such as not insuring a property which then got destroyed and then not being able to pay off the mortgage. He could have also been sued for some cause of action arising out of the property and insurance didn’t cover, Fun eh?

But since this guy is approaching superhero status does he get his own superhero car or boat and does it look like a torpedo? Do they have a special floodlight signal they shine against the clouds over Coronado when they summon him? Can he brag about this in interrogations when a Jihadist mentions his future 72 wives?

Enquiring minds want to know.


A couple of weeks ago I would say the Navy wouldn’t really care. Unfortunately a recently released Task and Purpose article painted a image of East coast NSW units out of control. With narcotics and leadership issues seeming to be the problem. I don’t know if the article was truthful or not. However with this the Chief and his porn star wife popping up in the paper. I could see the Navy taking some steps to curb the bad image the teams are getting in the press. They could hammer the Chief and make an example out of him.



And what will the Navy do about the average weekend Liberty taken by married Saliors in all sorts of foreign ports of call? Oh, those weren’t filmed, and they paid sex slaves for the fun, right? Not like someone filmed it and paid the Sailor….

Oh, its all about the publicity? Well if the Admirals are whoring for publicity on -their- jobs, or condoning other ranks who do, you can’t really drop an anchor on -that- other rank for publicity whoring, right?

Someone in the Navy chain of command would have to open a great big can of Hypocrisy to take any sort of punitive action against this sailor.

Maybe someone envious, or jealous?

mr. sharkman

‘Oh, those weren’t filmed’

Never, ever, forget the 11th Commandment.

‘Thou Shalt Not Get Caught’.


skin, sky, scuba or muff… we dive for anything

jon spencer

Was he in debt or the production company? If it was the production company was it a LLC?
There are difference’s.
If he was personally if debt, then the Security Clearance might be in play.
Maybe he and he wife bought a house and he owed the 1.5 or 2 million.
Not that difficult to spend that kind on money on property in California.
Will we ever find out or will this be another story that is forgotten after his 15 minutes?


1 – The two of them bought housing to rent out in 2005, at the height of the housing bubble, which subsequently collapsed, causing a major recession.
2 – The property was on the East Coast, not in California.
3 – It’s his wife’s production company. He just plays roles.