Do we really want eight more years of this? (Updated)

| October 8, 2007

After dealing with real scandals from the Clinton Administration (as opposed to overblown, fake scandals of the current administration), do we really want to subject ourselves to a replay? Have we already forgotten how they cleaned out the White House after they left and had to send stuff back – like some damn hillbilly family getting evicted from the trailer park?

Here we are a year from the election and already we have Chinese criminals driving truckloads of money into the Clinton compound and Sandy Berger, the Clinton Administration’s own Maxwell Smart, is back on the payroll. Link from Little Green Footballs.

From Bloodthirsty Liberal, I get the story that Clinton herself is pulling out the “vast right wing conspiracy” ploy again (retooled as “someone sent you that question” as if the questioner wasn’t smart enough to ask the question himself) to avoid answering questions that she doesn’t have the political huevos to be straight forward (while CNN admires the “heated exchange“). Video from Hot Air.

Oh, and I had two heart attacks during the Clinton Administration and none during the Bush Administration. That should be reason enough for ya’all to stop her.


Continuing in the same vein, I read from the Wall Street Journal’s Jackie Calmes that Clinton, pandering to the ignorant masses, as per usual, is promising “savings incentives”;

Mrs. Clinton will travel through Iowa and New Hampshire on a bus dubbed the “Middle Class Express” to propose new savings incentives so more Americans have 401(k) retirement plans, revenue bonds so states can refinance mortgages for those facing home foreclosures, and expanded college scholarships.

Savings incentives? According to the Motley Fool columnist, Selena Marajian, our savings rate for 2005 averaged .05% of our national earnings. It’s been declining since 1984. you couple that with the fact that we feel the need to pay for health insurance for families with $60,000/year of income and it seems to me that government (specifically Democrats) are creating a climate of entitlement and dependence that’s nearly irreversible.

President Bush cuts taxes – marginal rates for low income people were cut from 33% to 100% depending on their income, married taxpayers got another 20% reduction – yet the savings rate declined. Why? Because those low income people spent their tax reduction. (Actually, my tax reduction went straight into savings – but that’s me).

So my point is; how does government think they’re going to influence people to save? They get a 20-30% raise from tax cuts and spend it. It’s just talking smack – what she does best. 

Michele Malkin writes about another pyramid schemer shoveling thousands into the Clinton campaign. 

Category: Politics

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