Electronics Ban Due to Yemen Raid

| March 25, 2017

It seems Intel sources fear terrorists can now make bombs as small as computer batteries, resulting in the ban on carry-on electronics at selected foreign airports.

“Intelligence sources say that the ban on carry-on electronics aboard U.S.-bound flights from 10 airports in North Africa and the Middle East was the result of information seized during a U.S. raid on Al Qaeda in Yemen in January. The United Kingdom joined the U.S. ban Tuesday.

Information from the raid shows al Qaeda’s successful development of compact, battery bombs that fit inside laptops or other devices believed to be strong enough to bring down an aircraft, the sources said. The battery bombs would need to be manually triggered, a source explained, which is why the electronics ban is only for the aircraft cabin not checked luggage.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security publicly cited two attacks on flights in the last two years, the downing of a Russian jet over the Egyptian Sinai in October 2015 and an attempt that nearly succeeded in bringing down a jet that had taken off from Mogadishu, Somalia last year and made an emergency landing after an explosion ripped open its cabin. The insurgent group Al-Shababb claimed credit for getting a laptop onboard the flight that had been rigged as a bomb.

“Since they weren’t high enough, the explosion wasn’t catastrophic to the plane and they were able to land,” one source told The Daily Beast. “The bomber got sucked out of the hole, but it was proof of concept.”

The chief bomb maker for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Ibrahim al-Asiri, has been working on packing even smaller devices.”

Be a real shame if a JDAM parked itself on Ibrhim’s passenger seat, while he was driving.

More here.


Category: Politics

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Hack Stone

I don’t know who will kille first; the MS-13 gangbangers slipping over the Mexico border or the “refugees” that Obama brought in.


I will not get on a plane again, anyway, but it should certainly put a crimp in vacay plans for a lot of people.

Wasn’t the Lockerbie bomb packed inside a portable radio, or something like that?


A Toshiba radio/cassette player, inside a suitcase.


Solution, jamb the device up the carriers ass with a broom handle and throw him off the plane!

Deplorable B Woodman

People like them are why we can’t have nice things.


Can we stop these leaks? Seriously….

Proud Camp Follower

Agreed! Far too much information is flowing out there. The results of the Yemen raid should not be out here for my review and consumption. Period.


Wait, wait, wasn’t this the same raid that NBC News confidently assured us produced “no significant intelligence”?


As if they would have any way of knowing that. Morons.


I was thinking this exact thing. Wife wonders why I refuse to believe anything they say without verifying thru independent sources.


You know you can’t trust the Nerd Broadcorping Castration!!


No significant intelligence at NBC? This is hardly news.

Silentium Est Aureum

Oh goody. More security theater and cavity searches of little old ladies, coming to an airport near you.


C’mon SEA, TSA has to have someone to feel up pat down.

Bill M

Yep, no actionable intelligence from the Yemen raid. That’s right, none. All trump’s fault. You heard it from the Fake Stream Media, so it must be true. You can Trust them to report the ‘real’ news.

Just channeling the ‘real’ news for you. You know you can’t trust the Trump Administration to tell the truth. It all comes from the Russians, doncha know.

Waiting for the Fake Stream Media to come out with some other line of cr*p to try to explain why the raid was a failure.


Why don’t they just ban flying? Problem solved.

Deplorable B Woodman

Considering that it doesn’t take much to disable a highly specialized, pressurized, fast flying metal tube…..yeah.


“The battery bombs would need to be manually triggered”

Why would that be a limitation? Temporary lack of creativity?


This is nothing all that new, in the ’90s they used to make you turn on your laptop so they could see the screen light up. It was common knowledge in the computer biz that the battery needed to power a small printed circuit board and the screen to simulate the boot-up on screen would take a fraction of the volume of the computer case, leaving open space for lots of make-boom filler. X-raying the interior components was the answer to make sure it looked like a computer internally; then is when you started the now-familiar “take your laptops out”. This is all like radar and radar-detectors on the highway, only with lethal consequences.


So, no boom boxes on planes?