Zinke – on the job while DC hunkers down for snow

| March 16, 2017

We’ve discussed the new Interior Secretary, former Navy SEAL and former Congressman, Ryan Zinke. Like the time he rode a Park Police horse to work on his first day and how he lifted the 11th hour Obama regulation against lead bullets on his first day in office.

Well, this past week DC was hit by a much-hyped snow storm that only dumped a few inches despite predictions of a foot or more. While the rest of the city stayed inside, Zinke went out for a ride-along with his Park Police Officers;

The Park Police had previously provided the hard-charging former congressman and Navy SEAL a horse to ride to work on for his first day at Interior; however, this would be the first time Zinke had seen his new position in a state of semi-emergency situation.

This Independent Journal Review reporter was invited to ride in the back seat of the police cruiser for a day that spanned two states, a couple of secret monument tours, a walk around General Robert E. Lee’s dilapidated home, and the Secretary of the Interior literally shoveling snow off the Lincoln Memorial steps. The ride was a wild one.

Among some of the things he did, Zinke helped officers clear away snow from the Lincoln Memorial and conducted a tour for some tourists.

After a photo session, I ask if he would ever consider shutting down the national parks the way the Obama administration did during the government shutdown in 2013. Zinke said flatly

“No. What is my job? ‘For the benefit and enjoyment of the people.’ How does [shutting down the parks] benefit anybody? My boss would back me up, too. Everybody works for somebody, and the president works for the people.”

Category: Who knows

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Dilapidated Robert E Lee’s home? WTF? If the simple minded can’t honor him as an American fighting man, fighting for his state, then dammit, as least honor him for his service in the United States Army !!! I believe as commandant of West Point!!


Don’t tell that to a liberal, their current fetish is to claim ANYONE in the South was a traitor and should be reviled. You should never honor traitors, only legit approved patriots like Tom Harden or Jane Fonda (ducks)

Pinto Nag

I hope he will get underfoot with the mining shenanigans that are currently going on in Montana. I have no problem with mining — quite the contrary — but reclaimation has to be part of that process, or there is a mess later on for someone else to worry about. I would hope that Secretary Zinke would keep Montana from being turned into a huge pile of tailings and ponds of poisoned water.

Cable Dawg

Can we get 50 more just like him? That’s all the bodies it would really take to run things well. We’d save a fortune after firing several thousand excess positions worth of dead weight.


Between him and Gen “I carry my own bags and do my own laundry” Mattis, I’d say we’re off to a good start with this new administration.

MSG Eric

Fuckin’ A.


The adults are back
(Except in the federal judiciary)

The Other Whitey

This guy is fucking awesome!


Former Congressman? I wish mine was a “former” too. His initials are Steny Fucking Hoyer.

I believe that’s called Leadership By Example. Very well done, Secretary Zinke.

Silentium Est Aureum

Mine is a current AND former. The idiots around here can’t decide if they want to be led by a crook or an idiot.

The idiot won in my district last November.

Silentium Est Aureum

And it’s nice to see someone in DC lead by (positive) example for a change.

I could get used to this.

A Proud Infidel®™

AAaaaaaah, further proof that ADULTS are once again back in charge and DITTO what Graybeard said!


Uh oh. Sounds like somebody isn’t office to suddenly become a millionaire. What a change from the usual in that swamp.


Really, he should be using the same ergonomic shovel that I use for shoveling snow. No strain on the back or the cardiac system at all, although staying up until 2AM to shovel that white fluffy stuff off my front steps and away from my door is not my idea of a good time.


Dude… Did you miss the part where he is a former SEAL? He could have just knife-handed that snow off the steps… prolly only used that shovel so as to not embarrass the mere mortals standing around gaping in awe…

Pinto Nag

You call Ex-PH2 “dude” again, and she’s likely to just knife-hand YOU off the steps!


Geet, thanks for the ‘dude’ moniker, but, gee willikers, I don’t got no trouser trumpet. <3 <3 <3


I am (and was) fully aware of the presence (or lack thereof) of trumpets, trouser or otherwise, on the person of our resident lioness.

I “dude” everyone without regard to gender. I am an equal opportunity “dude-er”.


Deplorable B Woodman

“Everybody works for somebody, and the president works for the people.”

God, thank You for allowing me to live long enough to hear these words from somebody in FedGov, and to see them put into action (not a photo op).


Very Trumanesque – he said the office of President was only on loan from the people, and that it had to be handled carefully so when returned it was in as good of condition as when he got it.

He was also quoted when he moved back to Independence from Washington and a reporter asked “What was the first thing you did after getting home, Harry?” for saying “I put the grips in the attic.”

May not have been our best President ever but certainly ‘way higher on the list than most. Commanded an artillery battery in WWI.