Weekend open thread

| March 10, 2017

Explanation: The galaxies of Abell 2666 lie far beyond the Milky Way, some 340 million light-years distant toward the high flying constellation Pegasus. Framed in this sharp telescopic image, the pretty cluster galaxies are gathered behind scattered, spiky, Milky Way stars. At cluster center is giant elliptical galaxy NGC 7768, the central dominant galaxy of the cluster. As the cluster forms, such massive galaxies are thought to grow by mergers of galaxies that fall through the center of the cluster’s gravitational well. Typical of dominant cluster galaxies, NGC 7768 likely harbors a supermassive black hole. At the estimated distance of Abell 2666, this cosmic frame would span about 5 million light-years.

Category: Open thread

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Commissioner Wretched


Commissioner Wretched

At last, at last … it’s mine! The mantle of “First” is MINE! Bwahahahahahaaaaaaa …

Hack Stone

You know, there is such a thing as being a sore winner.

Commissioner Wretched

LOL … sorry about that, Hack … I’ve been sitting here at my desk in the office hitting “refresh” so much I got a little giddy.

2/17 Air Cav

Never apologize for firsthood. Enjoy. You were a loser many times. You will be a loser many times again. Revel in the win. Rub it in. Twist the blade.


Piffle. I was getting groceries and renewing my city sticker for the car. Pfffftttt!!!

Hack Stone


Commissioner Wretched

Don’t know who added the meme, but … thanks!

I think.


Never, ever apologize for gloating. Hammer it home every opportunity that you can. Let everyone know they are first place losers.

By the way,



Ahhhh, there it is.


Commissioner Wretched

That’s COMMISSIONER Cocksucker to you! 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

I once again claim Honorary First.

Hack Stone

First! Boom!!

Hack Stone

Missed it by “that much”.

MSG Eric

Gotta get your shoe phone off faster next time.




Bernasty still disbarred?

Hack Stone

That’s like asking will Phil be working balls this weekend.


See below. (smile)

Ryan Quinn

He’s too busy acting as the DRGs pivot man to bother with any lawering.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s like asking if fire is still hot, water is still wet and shit still stinks.


You all can suck my butt because Today I’m at home tending to kids and flu but I am here and dispensing DEATH and INSULTS and WHOOP ASS by TEXT!!
We can only hope.

Just An Old Dog

Yep April 17 Berdterd goes back to court.
I’m wondering what tack his lawyer will take.
After going through the gym-gab full of drivel that Bernath gave him I’m betting he’s sucking down a shit-ton of adult beverages this weekend and wondering what the fuck he got himself into.
The way I see it he could chose to go the Bernath route,, shuffle, mumble and bring up “stolen Valor gang” “Self Murder” “Shaking Bushes” and the conspiracy to get Bernath”….. NOT FUCKING LIKELY.
Second option is to ask for a court ordered Mental Eval of his client. This may or may not fly. The Judge may say that Bernath may act like a flaming nut-job, but he is completely cognizant of what he is doing,,, in fact he counts on being given a break because he has been pushing boundaries within the legal system for 30 plus years.
The last thing is for him to simply try to get Bernath the lightest sentence possible. Suspended Sentence.
The thing is that any such sentence would come with conditions that he have zero contact with the Shipleys,,,, Something that he just can’t do.


“The Judge may say that Bernath may act like a flaming nut-job…” He works so hard at being a loon that he overdoes it. He’s about as convincing at it as a box of moldy cat litter.


long time all.. I’ve been busy with the family and the job
Great to check in and see how every one is doing


Present! Top ten maybe?


Yes you made it 😂😂😂😂


Aaaawwwwwww, dammit.

That’s what I get for going outside for a few minutes.


Me, too, Mick. Step out for a quick nap in the car, and WOT pops up.

2/17 Air Cav

Commissioner Wretched. Your name has been inscribed on a sheet of papyrus within the legendary, gilded-covered tome known as the Book of Firsts. It is so rare a thing that even the Library of Congress does not have a copy.


It’s Friday?!?


Apparently, nobody fucking told me either.



Uh-oh, friendly fire! Take cover! Oh damn, I hope that Ford Mustang was insured.


Supposedly there is a weekend somewhere ahead, but that creature’s existence is yet to be proven.


80% chance of rain here tomorrow – must be Saturday.


60% here just a bit north of you, neighbor.
I think I’ll plan inside work – although if there is a break I need to weed the rose beds.


Sunny and not so cold here in eastern Washington state today! 🙂 Great ride into the office. The boss came up as I was still sitting on the bike…”You OK Tom?”

“Yep, wonder what its like in Missoula today?” 🙂

He looked at me like I was nuts.

OH and by this time of the day, Im probably


Hope you all have a great weekend!


Regardless of my WOT ranking, I’m still first in the hearts of my wife, kids, and grandkids, – so…
Commissioner Wretched, enjoy your WOT first and gloat.


(and maybe a middle or two for special effect) 😉


My heart truly goes out to this young man.



Should have been:…..maybe a middle “FINGER” or…

Must be the dust in my eyes after reading the story I posted the link to.


Yea, that was pretty sad/nice all at the same time.


I know the feeling. Just had to put our dog down last Saturday.

Chow/Aussie mix rescue dog. HH6 and I miss him and the back yard seems so empty now.


Best post all week. Thanks, Sky.


Thanks, Greybeard.


I shouldn’t be taking as much enjoyment out of this as I have been, but this is killing me-it seems that Shia LeBouef has been moving his “he will not divide us” livestream around because of interference from Trump supporters. Well, the most recent time he moved it, he didn’t tell anyone where it was, but just put up a livestream camera. Some people at 4chan used flight patterns and astronomy to track it down and within 36 hours of the beginning of the livestream they had replaced his “He Will Not Divide Us” flag with a Trump t-shirt and flag. That’s some good spywork!


Thanks, that was most excellent. I need to bookmark that site.

charles w

Plus, TMZ put a picture of him at a diner and that narrowed the location. They found out he was in Tennessee fly fishing. The MAGA hat was awesome. The dude is weapons grade crazy.


never doubt weaponized autism, that’s was some pretty good sleuthing from 4chan


This Just In: per the State Bar of California, Daniel A. Bernath IS STILL DISBARRED!

If anyone is interested, the reason why may be found here.

Yo, Danni-boi:

Too bad, so sad
Sucks to be you
Received your due
Court said, “Screw You . . .
. . . and the horse you rode in on.”

Note: linked image is likely NSFW/around prudes, clergy, or small children.

Oh, and Danni-boi – I understand you have another court date in Chesapeake, VA, in a bit over a month. How does it feel to be paying for a lawyer?


I wonder if QuEeFeRs and Psul/Palmer of the ballsack are prepping him for life in a poundhimintheass jail?

I’m guessing the boys at the BTJT Deli will be offering a “two for one” deal while he’s in custody.


I understand that Danni-boi Bernath and Dan Wall are twins.

Dan Wall being the smarter twin.


And another one bites the dust from self-inflicted wounds.


“The commanding officer of a Hawaii-based patrol squadron was fired Wednesday amid an investigation into alleged misconduct, a Navy release said.

Cmdr. Ryan Cech was relieved by the head of Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 10 for “loss of confidence” in his ability to command, the release said.”

While the specific cause of the loss of confidence is not mentioned, usually it seems to be because of an inability to keep one’s zipper closed among the more junior squadron members, or activities involving, ummm, professionals. Anyway, nice going there shipmate! Say goodbye to those Eagle collar devices, along with the rest of your career.


The Intractable Rule: “Keep Your Pecker In Your Pants.”


Keep your Pen out of the Company Inkwell.


“Keep yer dick out of the muster report”

MSG Eric



Friday, so for tonight’s dining I’m making:

Ginger-Soy Glazed Mahi Mahi

• 1/4 cup soy sauce
• 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper
• 1 tablespoon canola oil
• 1 tablespoon dark sesame oil
• 2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger
• 2 garlic cloves, minced
• 4 (6- to 8-ounce) mahi mahi fillets, about 1 inch thick

How to Make It
1. Whisk together first 4 ingredients in a small bowl until well combined. Set aside.
2. Heat canola oil and sesame oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add ginger and garlic; cook, stirring constantly, 1 minute or until fragrant. Stir in soy sauce mixture and bring to a boil. Add fish fillets; cook, covered, 4 minutes. Carefully turn fillets over using a spatula, cover, and cook 3 to 5 additional minutes. Transfer fillets to serving plates, and drizzle each evenly with the pan sauce. Serve immediately.

Served with lemon/ginger jasmine rice, which is merely a slice of ginger root and the zest of one lemon in with the rice as it’s cooked- I use a rice cooker, and add a pinch of salt, too.


GAWDDAMMM! That looks like it would be good!


For a simple and classy marinade, try 2 parts soy sauce and I part maple syrup. Very nice with salmon, pork or poultry. Ginger, citrus, garlic, and heat of choice are all options. After a soak, reduce the marinade to a thick glaze. Enjoy!

Perry Gaskill

A simple marinade I’ve used in the past for beef is one part soy sauce, two parts each of olive oil and vinegar, then add crushed garlic. Leave the beef overnight in the marinade in a glass dish, and use the leftover marinade to baste the beef when it’s cooking over mesquite charcoal.


Sounds good, PG! Try adding a squeeze or two of honey, or a tbls or so of brown sugar to the mix. Then you’ll have salt, tart, and sweet flavors going on in your mix. Great flavor and puts a nice bark on the beef.

Hack Stone

In observance of Daylight Saving Time, Daniel Bernath will be moving the needle on his aircraft fuel gauge ahead one gallon.


Hack Stone wins the interwebs today. Well played, sir!

Of course, the cornfield could give a rat’s ass what the fuel gauge says. Same as gravity.


2/17 Air Cav

US AG Sessions has asked the US attys who remain on payroll from the previous administration to kindly pack up and get out. Most have enough sense to tender their resignations when a new president comes in and appoints a new AG. Apparently, not everyone got that memo. Unfortunately, many attys in the civil rights division can’t be touched, but they have a new boss in a fellow named John Gore, whom the Left despises. So, maybe now the civil rights div will stop butting into states’ matters and threatening to sue states and localities that don’t jump when they say jump. This is the stuff that really matters, in my view, not President Trump’s latest tweet or some pissant protest directed against him.

A Proud Infidel®™

UMPTEENTH, or am I eleventieth? Oh well, a happy weekend to y’all from A Proud Infidel®™ Manor.


It was a lovely day for about an hour at noon and then the really serious cold returned. I went for groceries. Strawberries are $1.39/lb. Stocked up on frozen mixed veg for soup/stew/shepherd’s pie.

I have a nice corned beef brisekt for Sunday dinner, cabbage, carrots, potatoes and turnips. Also, good spicy mustard and a half pound of Kerrygold cheese. I am going to put that baby in the slow cooker on Sunday. make some Irish soda bread, and have a nice, quiet Sunday dinner.

Silentium Est Aureum

Who here loves testing gear in the middle of a snowstorm?

Yeah, me neither. And then driving up 495.

Capper to the week from hell. At least next week will be better.

What’s that, you say? A foot of snow forecast for Tuesday? FML.


Rumors say DALLASSCLOWN cometh and I’m dead. THE TRUTH IS HE HASN’T and I’m still alive and yet not identified😂

Hack Stone

Does this mean that Daniel Bernath can no longer go fuck himself?


Silentium Est Aureum

Oh, he can.

And should.



Actually Bernath doesn’t fuck himself..always behind Bernasty is Dallassclown with his dick up Bernaths ass😂

Frankie Cee

Reb; that is not at all true, unless of course you are talking about an “artificial dick” dAlLaS doesn’t have the natural ability to “stick” his dick anywhere. Long before one’s mind gets to where dUlLaS’ mind is now, all copulating abillty goes by the wayside. He is as harmless as a King’s eunuch.


That picture at the top…

If you have a bunch of galaxies grouped together, and bumping into each other, merging as it were…

Is that a true Clusterfuck?


Really, no jokes about junky loser Hunter Biden boinking the widow of late brother Beau? Yeah, and the MSM find the Palin family so weird.


Hunter‘s wife told the court in her motion: “Throughout the parties’ separation Mr. Biden has created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills.”

Beau’s little brother was sending his wife $75,000 per month, but now sends $17,000 per month, she told the court.

In addition, the estranged wife told the court Hunter spent through $122,000 in two months, maxed out cash advances on his American Express card, owes more than $300,000 in taxes, double-mortgaged the family home, and bounced three checks to the housekeeper.

Then, there is the $80,000 diamond ring she is looking for and Hunter claims he does not have.

Hunter Biden Blew Tens of Thousands on Hookers, Strippers, and Drugs After Abandoning Wife for Brother’s Widow

What a guy.


A Proud Infidel®™

Didn’t Hunter Biden get a U.S. Navy Commission only to throw it away when he pissed hit for coke? Not only that, he got that commission via a waver courtesy of his VPOTUS Daddy, what a mudda-fuckin’ lowlife!

Frankie Cee

On this morning of the first time change of 2017, I did a welfare check on SERIAL STOLEN VALORIST, Kyle Barwan. finding that he is still comfortably enjoying the boys in the block down in Sheriff Grady Judd’s Polk County, Florida’s Main Jail facility. I found a group photo of his “friends, Bubba, Mr. Tiny, The Stretcher, and Julio You can see it here:


Heehee! FRankie, you are TOO cool, man! WAY cool!!

Frankie Cee

Over the past month, I have developed a major upgrade in my living situation, and on Tuesday made the physical move to the new place. This already secluded, secure place is even more secure now, with my 3 four legged security critters, and myself on the place. Like all the places that I live/work at, this one has a shooting area, and will need minimal upgrading to extend the length to around 150 yards. Life is good when you choose your friends carefully.


There was just too much TAH love posted to Left Nut Low Jimmy Wall’s FB page that he had to create a new page just to keep up the charade of being a Huey pilot.

His new FB page name is Shakey Walls and he’s got three FB friends so far.


“We were the original UBER. You call we haul.”

Yep, Jimmy Walls is still working balls.