24 arrested in “Operation Tidal Wave”

| March 9, 2017

Twenty-four criminals were arrested when a New York City undercover officer bought 217 weapons. The 24 folks are facing a total of 627 counts of various charges. One of the criminals bragged about how many weapons he could access for resale. From 13 News Now;

There’s no limit to how many guns I can go buy from the store,” suspect Antwan Walker is heard saying on a police wiretap. “I can go get 20 guns from the store tomorrow. I can do that Monday through Friday. … They might start looking at me, but in Virginia, our laws are so little, I can give guns away.”

That part of the eight-month investigation caused Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring to throw a hissy fit for the benefit of the media;

“This is ridiculous. Virginia’s gun laws are so lax we now have gun runners on police tapes bragging about how many guns they can buy,” Herring said in a statement. “It’s way past time for universal background checks and a reinstatement of Virginia’s ‘one handgun per month’ law.”

Yeah, Virginia’s laws are so lax that 24 people were arrested for their 627 violations of the law. Most of those 24 people were arrested in Virginia, not in New York. So, you know, if there were two more laws, those two laws would have prevented those criminals from violating the other laws, too. Because criminals are really concerned about how many charges they’re facing in their daily endeavors.

Thanks to Mick for the link.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Combat Historian

“This is ridiculous. Virginia’s gun laws are so lax we now have gun runners on police tapes bragging about how many guns they can buy,” Herring said in a statement…

Maybe this idiot will try to cancel Virginia’s CCW reciprocity protocol again…


He better not.

Silentium Est Aureum

Laws are like locks–to keep the law-abiding honest.


I thought we already had universal background checks in place??? Did I miss something? Or am I living in a different universe?

Combat Historian

Dingbat Herring’s talking about the so-called “gunshow loophole”, whereby a non-dealer individual selling his firearm to another individual at a gunshow (and elsewhere) are not required to do an FBI/ATF background check, like FFL dealers are required to.

Dingbat Herring and other gun banners are essentially trying to choke off everyday gunowners from privately selling their guns to other everyday citizens by clogging this process with bureaucratic red tape and crap…


And it’s a great way for the state governments to increase revenue through fees, and backdoor registration.

Living under I-594 in Washington sucks.


Exactly. I am so weary of the “common sense laws” and “gun show loophole” drivel. And the “anyone can just go to a gun show and buy as many guns as they want with no background check” bullshit. The short answer is “No, you can’t”. Bah, now you got me all riled up.


And the guy bragging was talking about STORES, not gun shows. But let’s not let little details like FACTS get in the way of a good narrative.

Gonna have to tell the ol’ lady soon that we need to leave this State before it gets so blue they build a wall to keep us in.


Believe your posts place you in IL (my sympathies) which has very tight gun laws. While some states require background checks on ALL sales, most only require background checks on sales from dealers. Federal law says any gun from a dealer, regardless of whether he is at his place of business or elsewhere like a gun show, MUST perform a background check. “Universal background check” is meant to apply to all firearms transfers between any two parties – your best friend decides to give you a gun – you would have to be background checked. Want to borrow a rifle for deer season? You have to be checked…as does he when you return it. Not that that is distasteful enough, the prior administration insists that the only way to maintain compliance is to maintain a 100% registration database saying who has which guns by number. You know, kind of like what they had in Russia, Germany in WWII, England, Australia, etc. It is an article of faith that registries inevitably lead to confiscation as politicians decide what is good for you, so many non-nanny-staters oppose them. For libs, this is the gun cause du jour.

Actually the “gun show loophole” has nothing to do with this, as that refers to people supposedly buying any gun at any show without any checks – an obvious fallacy if you read the above. But libs want to outlaw any non-government sanctioned sale: that just supports the contention that gun control isn’t about guns, it is about controlling- you.

It should also be noted that by Federal law, sales of multiple handguns at one time MUST be reported to BATFE – a law set up to assist in identifying the kind of straw buyer this guy is – he is admitting to multiple felonies. The governor is admitting to several stupidities.


The main problem with all those laws that they are passing is that they are generally not enforced in the liberal centers.
That is unless they are law abiding citizens driving through a state with a firearm in their automobile.
But as far as pressing charges against gang bangers the firearms possession charges are routinely dropped in favor of getting a plea bargain.
Then they go before the liberal “caring” judge and are released on their own recognizance and are usually back out on the street in a matter of days.
If you are a law abiding citizen though, you can count on the DA wanting to make a name for themselves and pushing for the lengthiest jail sentence possible in clear cut cases of selective prosecution…
That is the real problem.
I am in favor of a mandatory federal prosecution and sentence on all felons using a gun in a crime given a mandatory 5-10 year sentence and prosecuted by federal prosecutors instead of local DA’s that more than likely have liberal knobs to polish with their actions that continually release known killers and savage ghetto rats back into the neighborhoods that they have come to know so well that they are able to go right back to gang banging or leave the country in the case of a lot of illegal alien gun crime aliens…
Lock them up and throw away the key. In the long run it is a lot cheaper than having them out on the street killing, maiming and pushing drugs to the children of fourth or fifth generation single mothers caught up in a loser lifestyle…


Commiefornia and several other progtard controlled states have state laws that mandate backround checks on all private sales and transfers (closing the so-called “gunshow loophole”). But guess what, the criminals in those states are still getting guns with which to commit their multiple crimes. Progtards just cannot seem to comprehend the fact that if one is prepared to commit serious felonies (uh, like murder), one does not care about violating some bogus gun control law. Plus these predatory scum all know that the first crimes the DA will drop as part of any plea deal are the gun violations, if they ever get caught.


Talk about some kind of crazy circular logic.

Enforcement of current law resulted in successfully taking 24 thugs off the streets and neutralizing their criminal enterprise. Instead of seeing this as a good thing, it somehow proves the need for additional laws for criminals to break?

You can always count on lefties to be entertaining with their nonsensical screeds. Dangerous, but entertaining.


I love how they have one token white guy.

Tom Huxton

Probably the ring-leader from the Amish Militia

Forest Green

Aaron Horowitz aka “the Gingo”. LMFAO

Forest Green

I guess he’s a “white” Hispanic.

Doc Savage

White Hispanic? Horowitz?

Must be that lost Israeli from the wandering Tonto como una roca de Guadalahara Tribe…..


Indiana, whose your gun runner?


The browning of America that so pleased Obongo as a success metric


I was going to comment about their predominant hue but I didn’t want to give our favorite crypto-commie the opportunity of calling me the “R” word. Wonder if one of his aliases is “Token,” like the kid on South Park.


“Gringo” looks like he has some Chinese Mexican Jew in him, but I could be wrong.

Just An Old Dog

He will definately have some Scots-Irish, Scandivaian, Puerto Rican and African in him in him when Bubba, Thor, Julio and Tiny get a hold of him in PMUTA Prison.


Aaron Horowitz? AKA Gringo? What is Aaron, the token white boy?
If “Twan” can buy 20 guns a day, does that mean he passed a background check 20 times? Or, is it more likely that one or more of his gang-banging buddies or homeboys is working in said gun store? Or, is he just stacking shit to see how high he can pile it? Knowing how gang-bangers lie, I’ll go with stacking shit.


Or this is a leftover from Fast & Furious…


There is that. I’m betting that most of the “purchases” took place before January 20 of this year.


It would be nice to have the link to the story. I wonder if the gun stores had tipped off police that Mr X, Y, or Z had been buying an unusual number of guns of late?

2/17 Air Cav

Operation Tidal Wave? Sorry, that name is already taken. It was the massive bombing campaign targeting the Ploesti oil fields in Romania in 1943. Pick another. Here are some suggestion. Operation Drool. Operation Wet Stain. Operation Puddle.


Operation Nocturnal Emission?


I would presume you are referring, in this case, to bed-wetting not the post-pubescent spontaneous activity.

The Party of Hell No!

Again… failure by the bureaucracy – FBI and BATF. This is how we are going to die – slow and painfully by incompetence of the bureaucracies. The man said “STORE” which means he had to fill out the affidavit using a valid license (I assume Virginian because most Virginian licensed dealers would turn away someone with a New York license.) and had to have had a background check directly to the FBI who has a database on each dealer license and has a record of individuals buying which is supposed to expire after a set amount of time…RIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! No one in this chain scrambled the local police to arrest this individual? Come on, do your job governor send your attorney general to interview these individuals and then follow-up which dealer was involved and rifle through their paperwork. Call the FBI director Mr. Comey and lambaste him for allowing the FBI to not question these purchases and stop these gun sales. And the BATF could send guns into Mexico and said, “they could track them”, but could not track a few guns en route from Virginia to New York? Stop pestering the law abiding citizen and do your job to protect the said law abiding citizens right to not be harassed when buying a gun.

Finally, another story illustrating our faith in government is misplaced – this is not supposed to happen but it does all the time. Only solution is the disillusionment of said organizations so there is no pretense of fake protection and security.


So punishing the civil rights of Americans won’t stop straw purchasers and won’t stop lying. Sounds like a perfect government response.


Are they saying all those passed background checks?


That seems unlikely to me. More like the Fast/Furious, and the store owner was told to just do it. Either way, said 217 weapons were sold for 1200-2200, so avg 1500 and the agency spent roughly 325500. Couldn’t they have built there case on oh, 50 or so? FWIW, it’s not the VA gun laws at fault, it’s the NY gun laws that make the importation so lucrative. Anyway, instead of praising a successful inter-agency/jurisdiction bust, we get more grandstanding.


At what point was that particular boastful singing stool-pigeon handed a script by his “handler”, in exchange for an offer to “talk to the judge” for him?

Naaaahhh. That would never happen, right? Running an undercover op for the political outcome is strictly a figment of Hollywood imagination.

That sort of paranoia comes fast and furious these days.


Yeah, well, they were also bragging about taking “Tommy Guns” off the street.

Those friggen gangsta’s. Today drive by Tommy Gun shootings and tomorrow, black powder musket assassinations.

A Proud Infidel®™

Next thing you know we’ll be hearing “Clip-clop, clip-clop, *BANG!*, clip-clop…”

Amish drive-by shootings.


Ashley, Meryl and Madonna are going to be fucking pissed when they see this.

What, nasty women cant be gun-running thugs??

Just An Old Dog

Maybe they did this doing a “Day without a woman”
Shantissa, LaQueef and Bubbette stayed home in solidarity with the other hose-beasts.


Those skanks don’t need anything more than their mouths to keep everyone away.