Trump remembers Blumenthal’s Stolen Valor
I thought we, here at TAH, were the only people on the planet who remember that Dick Blumenthal lied about his military service until he was finally busted in 2010 when he ran for a Connecticut Senate seat. He had claimed for decades to be a Vietnam veteran, but, in truth, he’d never left the US during his time in the reserves, after he used up his college deferments.
I guess Mr Trump remembered, too;
Sen.Richard Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie),now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 9, 2017
Chris Cuomo, in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never asked him about his long-term lie about his brave "service" in Vietnam. FAKE NEWS!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 9, 2017
Our buddy, Katie Frates, at Daily Caller has the whole story. Every time Blumenthal opens his trap in public, the media needs to remind him that we know he’s a liar.
Yeah, I know, Trump has trouble with his own Vietnam-era service, too, but at least he never lied about it.
Thanks to Poetrooper for the link. here
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Funny coming from the anti-military party. I guess it is cool now to be a Vietnam vet, how big is the band-wagon?
Blumenthal is a coward.
When I saw this story early this a.m., I thought of thought of Jonn. I was in the car and listening to someone from CNN being interviewed. The interviewer was wearing satin gloves. Anyway, the CNN guy was a pip, glossing over the lie Blumenasshole repeatedly told and pinting out more than once that he did serve in the Marine Reserve during the VN Era, unlike the president.
surprisingly, the fact that Blumenthal had been busted as a liar was actually mentioned – briefly – on GMA.
Um, David, based on what I’ve read below I do believe you could qualify for one of those Southwest Airlines, “Wanna get away?” commercials.
Or were you just having a Snickers moment?
Just sayin’…
Well, sheez! Old Fart’s Disease strikes again–my comment was for David’s comment below.
y’know, I get real tired of the current penchant for labeling anyone Vietnam-era with any deferment as a draft dodger. If so, damn near every officer who got their college degree was a ‘draft-dodger.’ And most of ’em were obligated for 2 years’ service for every year in school, so up to 8 volunteer years – compared with the average draftee who served 2 years kicking and screaming. Get a little tired of the ‘I was in Nam when he was a draft dodger’ trope from folks who, if truth be told, most of ’em complained about NOT having an exemption that would keep them out.
Yeah, well, blame those people who called Chaney a draft dodger – that’s where all this BS started. I didn’t call Blumenthal a draft dodger, I called him a liar.
Here ended the lesson.
Someone just got their ass handed back to them.
“compared with the average draftee who served 2 years kicking and screaming.”
What? Is that based on actually serving alongside draftees or only what you’ve heard or read about after you went into the service and after you left the service?
In my experience, drafted individuals were some of the finest Soldiers/Marines you could serve with and were not prone to bitching and whining about their station in life. They got called up, did their duty for their term of service and returned to civilian life and picked up where they left off.
I, for one, get really tired of hearing about how draftees were second class citizens and I’m sure if 3/17 Air Cav (and a few others) read this comment, he/they will back up what I’m saying and he/they may even have a few choice words for you on the subject.
End of rant.
Hey David . Did someone get close to hitting a nerve or something ? Just checking , because I saw nothing putting down anyone who served . I served with a lot of the draftees that you refer to , and they all served honorably and as well as anyone else . As grunts , we did everything that was asked of us , to include the draftees . And everybody bitched and moaned ….it’s what grunts did . But everyone carried their load .
If the grunts aren’t bitching, the sergeant isn’t doing his job right.
If the Grunts ain’t bitching, better watch out. Bad stuff is about to happen.
And the really funny part:
Bitch about shit: get the “1SG hatin on me” treatment.
-Sing- out the bitchin, loud and in step while marching or running: get praise for your Soldierly Virtues.
Talkin’ shit like you know what you are talkin’ about pretty much says a lot about your personal experience in RVN.
Be it grunts, tankers or whatever…..on either trip I NEVER heard anyone bitch, kick, or scream about being in country as a draft dodger
During both trips we went through a hell of a rotation process. Come back to Co. HQ after being out in the field for a few weeks or longer; and you find sometimes as many as three or four gone from other platoons….having been rotated home. Not even remotely close to the experience of seeing friends blown away near or in front of you, but it still bothered you finding others rotated back to CONUS that you had a good rapport with while being in their presence.
You surely did not pick this up from personal experience, did you? Quityorbitchin’! Those of us who wore the T-shirt seldom have complaints about those drafted and serving their time in country. You make me wonder if EVER you served beyond CONUS. The reason I say that is because those who were in fact drafted, once in the thick of the shit found themselves a member of a group they’d never thought they could fit in with. They did their job well and returned home a man.
David, you might have had a lucky shot against Goliath, but your shot with the TAH gang went in one ear and out the other.
“Compared with the average draftee who served 2 years kicking and screaming.”
I was one of those average draftees! Not once did I see any kicking and screaming! We were called by our country. We went, we served!
Were we happy about going? Not really. Before flying as a doorgunner, I was in the bush. Most of us were draftees. We were on task and goog at what did. If you were not, it could be real hazardous to your health.
So, pardon me David if I’m not real simpathetic to your beef!
DITTO. I enlisted and found most enlisted were not as mature as draftees or escaping something. Draftees made good soldiers.
Hey, dipshit david, I “got” a college degree and I was a commissioned officer, but I never received a student deferment, because I was in ROTC for four years, learning to be a professional combat leader. Then, I went on active duty for over five years as a Regular Army officer. And yes, I served actually “in” Vietnam in combat infantry assignments for over 15 months.
And you are wrong about their reserve obligation for service. ROTC reserve officers were only obligated to serve for 6 months on active duty for training and then active reserve service for about 2 or 3 years of weekend warrior duty; then they had an inactive obligation for a couple of years, IIRC.
“Vietnam Era” doesn’t mean shit if you were a weekend warrior, as opposed to serving on active duty, because the likelihood you would be sent to Vietnam was slim and none. Any asshole that claims service “in Vietnam” when they served in the reserve components as a weekend warrior and never left CONUS is a “liar.” So, fuck you. Some, like Blumentrap, did join ROTC or the reserves because they knew it was highly unlikely they would have to serve in Vietnam. We don’t appreciate poser valor thieves on this website regardless of their political stripes, yellow or not.
RA or US. It did not matter one hoot.
Must of hit a nerve huh Sally?
“if truth be told, most of ’em complained about NOT having an exemption that would keep them out.”
I had a student deferment because I was accepted to a college. I made it through the first semester but could not handle the second so I gave up my deferment and enlisted in the Army. I never complained and I never met anyone that complained about not getting a deferment. You are slinging a boatload of crap here and unless you can come up with some solid facts I suggest you stop making shit up.
Same here, 26. I got through two years of college, the money ran out. So, I took myself down to the Army recruiter and signed the paper. Before my “friends and neighbors” decided I should travel and meet people.
Didn’t kick and scream. too busy keepin my head down and stayin alive. Woulda done 8 years standin on my head after a few months in the Ashau. ex-sgt B Allen Bco.1/506th inf 101st Abne !
The draft thing is really something if you stop and think about it. Without planning or preparation or intention on a young American’s part, he’s told his life is no longer his. He is sent to live among strangers, taught how to kill and how to perform basic first aid, and sent somewhere he otherwise may never have gone. In Vietnam, such men constituted over half of all casualties and 30% of the combat deaths.
Source for the “over half of all casualties” info, please? All I’ve ever been able to find was that roughly 1/4 of those who served in Vietnam were draftees, and that draftees accounted for 30.4% of KIAs (source:
I’ll get it for you but I believe the issue may be with the term casualties, which includes all wounded, non-combat deaths, as well as KIA.
Here you go, Hondo.
I’m pretty sure you misread that link, 2/17 Air Cav.
The article appears to refer solely to enlisted KIAs when it uses the term “casualties”. In fact, if you add all the numbers you get 50,273. That is far less than the total number of troops who died in Vietnam (58,000+). So I’d regard that link as a bit suspect – but since it doesn’t include officer casualties, it may well be accurate though incomplete.
Even then, it does not say that draftees provided 50% of all casualties in Vietnam. In fact, it says the following: “It may come as a surprise to some that 63.3% of all V’nam enlisted casualties were volunteer. If ofcrs are added then almost 70% of those who died in V’nam were volunteers.” That’s consistent with what I posted, where I noted that just over 30% of KIAs in Vietnam were draftees.
The link you cite purports to say that 50.5% of Army enlisted KIAs in Vietnam were draftees. That may or may not be accurate; it also begs the question of how someone who was drafted, but who later reenlisted and who subsequently died in Vietnam was counted (I’d argue they should be counted as a volunteer).
But regardless, that’s not 50% of total Vietnam casualties, especially if WIAs are included.
I did misread it. Big Time. I mistakenly read “volunteers” to mean “draftees” when that is exactly the opposite! Thanks for the correction. I won’t repeat it.
A hell of a lot of those draftees went to Germany and other places, too.
As for being sent to live among strangers somewhere he otherwise never would have gone, I think that is a good thing. That’s partially why I do not favor an all volunteer military.
When I saw someone bashing on Trump about his “deferments” during VN and for being a “sexist” I threw it back at him. “Wait, are you talking about Clinton or Trump? The similarities are tough to confirm which you are referring to.” At best I’d get a “touche`” out of it.
I don’t think Trump was participating in anti-war protests was he? And yeah David there is a big difference between deferments and lying about serving in Viet Nam.
I concur, quite different. Lots of people received deferments as I understand.
Hell, since 9/11 0.45% of the US population has served in the military, so talking about someone’s non-military service from so long ago is rather strange. Caveat to that being, the ‘real’ draft dodgers and anti-war hippie types that treated service members like shit for putting the uniform on.
Which one sent the letter to the Professor of Military Science at his College, saying thanks for “saving me from the the draft”?
General response: I did NOT defend Blumenthal, I was condemning the folks who nowadays complain about “draft dodging” deferments, when deferments were part of the general rules of the draft. Not every officer came through ROTC, plenty went through OCS due to a college degree they earned (while on student deferments.) And if you read the full post, what I complained about was the holier-than-thou attitude of folks now who many years entered service involuntarily (sorry, kicking and screaming is a hyperbolic cliche in my neck of the woods.)
Just a minor nit; a college degree, or any college at all, was not necessary for OCS back then.
I, too, share your dislike of those holier-than-thou veterans who seem to think that wearing a uniform for 180 days(or whatever the limit is these days) of active duty makes someone a “hero” and eligible for freebies.
Referencce was to Mr Clinton, not to you.
If one opposes a draft, speak up and say so. Don’t hide it.
I think the country is best defended by volunteers, thus I volunteered.
Clinton was actually a draft dodger. He was actually drafted.
I think I am the only person in the country who actually researched this. Clinton had no deferment when he was drafted. The Selective Service Act of 1967 did away with deferments or graduate school for anyone who had not finished their first year by Oct. of that year. He received his notice to report, which is why he did not complete his Rhodes Scholarship and why he feinted joining the ROTC program at U. of Arkansas.
There were several deferments for graduate education (medicine, etc.) none of which Clinton was eligible for.
C’mon guys. Everyone knows that Blumenthal never lied about military his service; he has only ‘misspoken’ about it. ‘[…] Blumenthal received five deferments, from 1965-1970, before enlisting in the Marine Corps Reserve, though he was never sent out of the U.S. During his six years in the Reserve, Blumenthal was stationed in Washington, focusing on a slew of local projects, such as a Toys for Tots drive. During his political career, however, Blumenthal frequently walked a precarious line, often framing his service just ambiguously enough to give the impression that he had spent time fighting in Vietnam. “I served during the Vietnam era,” Blumenthal said in 2008. “I remember the taunts, the insults, sometimes even physical abuse.” He told a gathering of families who were expressing support for returning American troops in 2003 that, “when we returned, we saw nothing like this.” Blumenthal, however, crossed the line when speaking to a group of veterans in March 2008. “We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” he said. The New York Times published those quotes and others in a bombshell report during the 2010 campaign, noting that Blumenthal was described as having served in Vietnam in at least eight Connecticut newspaper articles published between 2003 and 2009. Linda McMahon, the Republican who ultimately opposed Blumenthal in 2010, claimed her campaign had leaked the tip about Blumenthal to The Times. McMahon is currently Trump’s nominee to lead the Small Business Administration. Speaking with The Times in 2010, Blumenthal said he couldn’t recall if he had seen the articles and wasn’t sure if any steps had been taken to correct the claims. “I don’t know if we tried to do so or not,” he said. During a 2010 press conference in which he was surrounded by veterans, Blumenthal claimed he had “misspoken.” “On a few occasions, I have misspoken about my service, and I regret that and I take full responsibility,” said Blumenthal, who explained he meant to say he served “during” Vietnam, not “in” Vietnam. “But I will not allow anyone to take a few misplaced… Read more »
Well I didn’t ask your permission to ‘impugn’ your service you fucking POS.
You misrepresented yourself and outright lied in public about your service.
I hate arrogant pricks like this.
Yeah, well, I remember taunts and insults and sometimes physical abuse, too, but it mostly came from sailors. What a bunch of pure and unfiltered bullshit.
Go ahead, Blumie, play the victim card all you like. I still don’t like you.
This is no shit: It was 1970, and we were deep in the bush just north of a ville called Washington D.C. We had taken casualties from a Furby ambush, but knew things were going to get worse. My RTO had us up on the Tot command net who had an intel report our objective was held by an elite battalion of Beanie Babies. It was grim, but some days you eat the Teddy Bear, and some days the Teddy Bear eats you…
In Mother Russia, the Babies Bean YOU!
“But I will not allow anyone to take a few misplaced words and impugn my record of service to our country.” Of course, it wasn’t his service that was impugned. It was his integrity that was. But the people of CT like liars, apparently.
They ARE next door to Massachusetts you know…
Easy for him to say. Since he is the only one who impugned his record of service by lying about it, anyone else continuing to tell the truth about his impugning himself, dishonoring his own service and that of hundreds of thousands of Viet Nam vets, and proving himself to be a liar of the first order would be providing the world with useful information.
Just like the rest of the US, the folks in CT expect their politicians to lie. Their expectations are almost always met.
Ya know, I’m fairly certain that Blumenthal was right there with Hillary Clinton when they landed under sniper fire in Bosnia.
In fact, I’m sure of it.
I think you are correct. I saw the video; and Lefty Blumentwat was partly visible, right there behind the little girl presenting the flowers, right after the “sniper fire.”
C’mon there Ranger–how could you spot him when he was under the little girl;s skirt?
I used some of that X-ray vision they trained us to use in our secret X-man training for secret squirrel missions.
And Brian Williams was an embed reporter doing the story on their brave service.
Dammit you beat me to the punch!
*hat tip*
We’ll have to check with someone who was there to find out for sure *picks up phone*
“Hello, Brian Williams? Hey I have a question for you . . .”
Okay, time for Hack Stone to set the record straight, on more than one occasion, Hack made comments on this blog that may mistakenly lead readers to believe that he indeed was awarded the coveted Precious Metals Recovery Badge, when in fact he was only nominated for the award. That being said, the outstanding initiative that Hack displayed during his career entitled him to be awarded an Honorary Precious Metals Recovery Badge by the Radio Shack Battery Of The Month Club. If you were under the mistaken impression that I was awarded a genuine Precious Metals Recovery Badge, I sincerely apologize for your stupidity.
Next thing you know someone will be bagging on me over the coveted Expert Floor Buffer Operator Badge I’ve laid claim to!
Once during the early Vietnam Era, at Band Camp, I was almost awarded the Most Improved Oboist award.
Wow, an Obo? I can imagine a ‘flute’ at band camp, but an Obo must be next level…..
You have to be a future ossifer before they will trust you with an oboe. Back in those days they didn’t allow the flute players in the Army, especially those that played the skin flute.
I understand that military bands are recruiting skilled Bone-a-phone players now.
Reminds me, and this one time, at band camp…
And what about my Ski Instructor of Death medal.
I caught the PTSD doing that. Trying to teach Marines to ski….
Just how the hell do you get a company of Marines to police call for cigarette butts while they are wearing skis?
Or paint rocks?
Back in the day in the 10th SFGA at Ft. Devens, MA, we had some ski instructors I put in for a Major Award because they had the overwhelming task of teaching skiing to a team of Navy SEALS. It was hell out there on the slopes near Rumford, ME. They didn’t do well on a set of White Star issue skis from WWII, but boy could their Chief put away some Class VI at the local watering holes.
Dick Blew-me-thal needs to have his lies broken off in his ass every damn time he opens his cakehole… he’s no better than any other SV ass hamster busted on TAH or any other MilVet website!
Which is why he was elected in Connecticut….
I really hate these kind of liars! At least you did serve, be proud of that, don’t fuck it all up by lying about where you served. I’m sure you weren’t rocking the lie back when real vets were looked down upon. Not that they are starting to get some of the respect and true honor they deserve, now you all of a sudden want to jump on the bandwagon! I say, Fuck You, you lying piece of shit!
[…] Punishment For Incorrect Viewpoints, Punishment For Incorrect Thoughts This Ain’t Hell: Trump Remembers Senator Blumenthal’s Stolen Valor War Is Boring: Is The UAE America’s Best Friend In The Middle East? Weasel Zippers: State […]
Typical politician who lies, gets caught then has the audacity to address military supporters OF ALL PEOPLE with the ol “I misspoke” bullshit.. BULLSHIT!! That is not an err, that is a lie. “When I served IN Vietnam” is a world away from “I served DURING the Vietnam era”. Guess he thought the people would buy that. idk. Another politician who thinks everyone is as stupid as he is.
“And I take full responsibility…but”
Has anyone thought of helping lyin’ass Bloomin’fuck out with a magic marker? Like Dick[less] Gephardt, he has no eyebrows! I wonder if his feet will be held to the fire the next time he’s up for reelection or is he from a blue enough State that the voting majority there will say * B-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-AH!* and reelect him?
“Politicians are like diapers, both need to be changed often and for the same reason.” – Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
Mark Twain’s military career was rather interesting. He made light of it quite a few times after the Civil War. He and others formed a Confederate volunteer unit in Missouri and, according to him, killed a solitary soldier who was alone. That ended his two-week military career and he hightailed it to the southwest for the duration.
Saw this at work and wondered how long it would be before Blow-em-all’s mug would show up here.
Not long. *grin*
Attended college from Fall ’65 thru June ’69. ROTC all 4 years, commissioned in Jun ’69. Did 20 years and retired in Oct ’89. Never left the states. And never once did I claim to have served in Vietnam. I’ve been asked numerous times but have always answered distinctly that I did not serve in Vietnam. It has never occurred to me to even intimate that I did. Bloomie did exactly that – he claimed he was in Vietnam. He’s been called on it. He lied. He fits the definition of a poser. Piss on him.
Bill M: You served- with 20 years and retired I’m gonna say you have an Honorable Discharge. Thank you for serving.
David: yer 1;26 remark was confused.
bloominasshat: ya lied. About yer service. In my United States Marine Corps. Yer a politician and (it’s redundant) a lyin’ prick-o’- misery. Value:0
I gathered that from the responses. Shit happens. No offense meant; hopefully no lasting offense taken.
Blumenthal is a TURD.
Now that everyone appears to have had their say regarding the draftee issue, here’s my take as a junior NCO who had to manage and lead some of them. One of my best and bravest young soldiers was a black draftee who was killed in the Battle of Trung Luong, a battle discussed in another article here. He was a natural soldier and would have gone up the ranks quickly had he lived.
I mention his race because there were problems with those few black draftees who chose to believe the American left’s and North Vietnamese propaganda that they were indentured slaves again, fighting the white man’s war against their brothers of color. This was likely the group that produced the fraggings of white officers and NCO’s that came after my tour. I had to deal with a couple in my rifle squad and it was not pleasant.
But the hardest to put up with were the white college dropouts who felt intellectually superior to every NCO and most officers and took every opportunity to show their total disdain for everything military. If they were hard core leftists, they were even more of a pain in the ass.
So, the draftee situation wasn’t all wine and roses as some commenters above would have us believe. Regardless, most draftees served honorably and well, but that said, we here at TAH should observe the same honesty and forthrightness we demand from others in recounting military history.
And to the point.
Very nice.
Point well taken “Poe” however I don’t believe that US ‘s cornered the market on being jerks on occasion. People are people I’m sure there were just as many RA’s that would show the same traits as to being jerks and being a royal pain in the ass!
Just sayin
In RVN, I commanded two rifle companies (each in different ID’s) and I couldn’t tell an RA from a US in the field as far as performance went, that I recall. The only way I could tell which was which was to look at a company roster for their serial numbers. The RA’s had an RA prefix. I would say that most of the RA’s had a little more positive attitude since they were in the Army of their own volition. But none of them liked being a grunt in RVN, anyway not the ones in the bush with me (each company had a supply sgt, clerk and 1stSgt, etc. in the rear). Everyone, including me, was looking forward to that flight back to the “world.” Although, I did extend for three months to get my Ranger Company job.
It wasn’t your job, Ranger, to manage the troops–that’s what you have NCO’s for. The kind of sullen, complaining, mouthy, ass-dragging, dozing off on watch crap that I’m referring to should never and did never become a part of the commander’s problems if he had an effective first sergeant. A young captain in Indian Country already had enough on his plate.
I will remind you that the officer corps of the 82d Airborne was shocked, shocked I tell you, to suddenly discover in 1967 that they had a full-fledged racial crisis on their hands. I was already ETS’d when it erupted into rioting by black troops but I had tried to warn my brigade staff officers that they had a brewing problem. I was an E-6 living in the barracks and frequently called upon by the CQ to break up racial fights in the platoon bays at night so I had a better insight into the growing problem than most.
When I first told one staff captain that there was a problem in the barracks he responded rather dismissively that racial discord was a topic officers were supposed to avoid. By the time I was really short he was coming to me seeking information which I believe he passed on to the colonel.
The differences I cited were primarily noticeable on downtime in the rear area, not during operations. Out in the bush we were all too dependent on each other to be concerned with our differences.
Well my friend, my first shirt was back in the rear in charge of the company’s rear detachment. In every infantry battalion in RVN I served in the first sgts never went to the field (the bush). So, since I lived with them in the field, I was quite familiar with many of my EM, especially the four or five in my Co.CP in the bush that I lived with 24/7. And yes, I did “manage” them (CP crew) because there were no NCO’s in the field in charge of them. I frequently had a corporal or an E-5 with me, but he was the Arty FO. Also, my CP always moved with one of the rifle platoons, so I was quite familiar with many of the EM. And, I never said I was engaged in the direct management of all the EM in my companies. I am well aware of the proper function of NCO’s. In the rear, I left most of the operation of the unit in the hands of my 1SGT and other NCO’s, but I still knew what was going on; and I was the ultimate company authority on the problem children who needed an Article 15 or a trip to the stockade. Maybe you had more pro-active 1SGT’s, but I was in leg infantry battalions in two different ID’s and that was SOP in every company in both battalions. It was a rare occasion for a 1SGT to even spend an overnite in the field or on the FSB. Also, I know of a young Captain who left perimeter security entirely in the hands of his NCO’s without checking it himself. You may have heard of him. He was KIA at FSB Marianne when it was overrun by the NVA in May, 1971. I was taught officers in command are ultimately responsible for everything their men do or fail to do. Oh, my brigade CO and the Division CG were relived of command over the Marianne incident.
Speaking from the bottom of the chain, I agree that it is not good to leave everything to NCOs. Even the Romans knew it way back when; “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”. Or, as Ronald Reagan once said,”Trust, but verify”.
Bad things are likely to happen when the boss has no idea what is going on in his domain.
I’m not saying I’m Vietnam Vet, but I did watch Apocolypse Now.
I watched platoon, so that makes us brothers in arms in Viet Nam right?
Well, it goes without saying that if a poser/phony Marine watched the first 1/2 hour of ‘Full Metal Jacket’, that means that he graduated from MCRD Parris Island, SC.
I had a DS in basic (’87) that served with the 101st in Vietnam, that’s the same as me serving in Vietnam, right?
The discrepancies in Blumenthal’s military record and statements is a Trump misdirection. Shiny object.
I am not defending Blumenthal but the point of Trump’s attack is to distract from the issue of Gorsuch’s comments.
Trump does this alot. Distracts from the issue with personal attacks on those involved.
Hopefully, Trump does not reconsider the choice of this. I absolutely despite what the republicans did to avoid their constitutional duty in considering Obama’s choice. However, Trump could have done far far worse than Gorsuch and if Trump’s fragile ego cannot handle possible criticism from his nominee I am worried Trump WILL do worse and pick someone less qualified instead of Gorsuch.
Well there you have it! The poodle has given us all a insight into the psyche and motives of Donald Trump
Thanks so much!
President Trump’s statement regarding Blumenthal are not a misdirection ploy at all. Instead, the VN service lie’s resurrection was raised b/c Blumenthal claimed Nominee Gorsuch said certain things in private that are disputed by the White House. Thus, b/c Blumenthal has a reputation for lying, it was reasonable under the circumstance for the President to remind the public of exactly that. Not a shiny object at all.
“I absolutely despite what the republicans did to avoid their constitutional duty in considering Obama’s choice”
I absolutely admire them for doing exactly what the constitution allows them to do.
That would be Article II Section 2.
“and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate”.
He did not get that and there is nothing in there that forces them to give it to him.
Not to mention that the history of the Senate is replete with instances of not acting on judicial nominations offered in the final year of a president’s term. But the source of Commissar’s constitutional and historical knowledge appears to be DU.
The commissar prolly also thinks foreign nationals without a green card have a “constitutional right” to come to the US because a bunch of lying proglodytes say so, despite federal law to the contrary. After all he is a constitutional law scholar like his hero, former commander 0.
And, Joe Biden even was nice enough to articulate that a President shouldn’t nominate a SCOTUS justice in his last year in office. I think it ended up being called the “Biden Rule” or something?
Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?
A year in Germany and all I learned was “mox nix” and “bier bitte.
The “discrepancies” (read, lies) in Dickenthal’s story are precisely to the point. A proven liar is lying about what was said to him.
This type of analysis is so easy even an MI puke should be able to do it.
But alas…
Couple of problems with dealing with known liars – occasionally they do accidently, or even intentionally, tell the truth but it is impossible to sort out the lies. Besides, why should any of us need to waste the energy necessary to figure out which of their stories might be true? So, we normal, sane folks tend to just write off anything they say.
Add to that their history of lying about things that need no lies at all leads us normal, sane folks to wonder, “If he lies about trivial stuff when it would be easier to be truthful, what is he willing to do about important stuff?”
He’s not MI anymore; he’s a Civil Affairs ossifer. That makes him an expert on Con Law. He is actually trained on how to set up and run a government. Anyway, in some third world shithole.
noun, plural discrepancies for 2.
1. The state or quality of being discrepant or in disagreement, as by displaying an unexpected or unacceptable difference; inconsistency:
The discrepancy between the evidence and his account of what happened led to his arrest.
2. An instance of difference or inconsistency:
There are certain discrepancies between the two versions of the story.
1. A false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
Synonyms: prevarication, falsification.
Antonyms: truth.
2. Something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture:
His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.
3. An inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.
Yeah, exactly the same thing.
Ya know – we GOT that lefties don’t like President Trump. We GOT that they didn’t like President-elect Trump. We GOT that they didn’t even like candidate Trump.
Pull up your big boy pants, lefties- it’s way past time to move along. You’ve gone way past being amusing, through annoying, and now your antics are boring. Yet, you continue your destructive ways when facing reality would be so much more healthy for you.
Egads – winning is so satisfying.
Although I’m not a huge fan of the nihilists there are two Nietzsche quotes that come to mind….the first is this:
[b]There are horrible people who, instead of solving a problem, tangle it up and make it harder to solve for anyone who wants to deal with it. Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all. [/b]
Trump can hit the nail on the head, the horrible people don’t much like that, but fuck ’em we’ve tried their way and it sucks ass time to move on….
For Blumenthal this quote works nicely….[b]And nobody lies as much as the indignant do.[/b]
Forever indignant and forever full of shit….his stories have all the veracity of a Brian WIlliams combat adventure.
dagnabbit forgot which site I was posting on…..tags here are the greater than and less than….
Ok, ok… how do we get this Stolen Valor creep out of office? These Dems lie so much, it is absolutely stunning.
We don’t. He represents CT and, evidently, the voters there don’t mind his lies. He was re-elected to a second term in a cakewalk last November.
What a bunch of dicks, he performed the arduous duty of “Toys for Tots” back in the states while most other Marines were raking in the Glory in Viet Nam….yet you mock him!