Wednesday Open Thread (Temp)
Okay, it’s early, but I have to go run some errands and may be out for a little bit.
I think that curmudgeon Dave Hardin is muddling around with some stuff, too, but nothing definite. I’ll have more later. Have some fun. It snowed here last night and I am not a happy camper. I get to shovel. Not my cup of tea. More later!
Category: Open thread
dammit to hell, luker
crap, make that lurker
Likely the only “first” I will get- pretty boring at work with 25 degrees and a skiff of fresh snow. Not many masons really want to work in this shit!
Will keep my eye out for the coveted First on the WOT, but will not be holding my breath.
That is always a problem in the construction trades.
I hung drywall in my younger days, and remember my hands being so numb that when reached for a sheetrock nail, they’d come out stuck in the end of my fingers and I never felt them. Made it easy to get a new nail – and by the time it warmed up my callouses had grown to the point that it never hurt.
I don’t hang rock willingly any more, though.
I hate anything to do with drywall! Okay with doing a minor patch, but then finishing the damn thing…
Know exactly what you mean about the nail in the fingers. Back in my framing day, I was always thankful that 16d and 8d sinkers didn’t pierce the skin, but they still hurt like a bastard under the finger nails.
LOL! Yep!
Okay, then, we have a live thread and the grownups are out somewhere. This should be fun.
Darn it – can’t count. I’m fourth.
While the adults are away, the kids will play.
Michael Sleeper is *STILL* a lying, festering sack of hippo shit.
Tell us how you really fell, ChipNASA… VENT YOUR SPLEEN!!!!!! 🙂
Michael Sleeper is a ass gobbling sphincter tonguing cock eating butt fucking catching not pitching sperm burping salad tossing cum dumpster with bitch tits and a micro cleenis, and STILL not a Ranger and a lying pussy politician.
I also wonder if Micheal Sleeper is messing with Phildo?
I’m sure that Michael Sleeper has sent a resume to APL.
Michael Sleeper is not Airborne.
Michael Sleeper is not a Ranger.
Michael Sleeper did not deploy anywhere.
Michael Sleeper is a disgrace to all 11Bs.
Michael Sleeper is unworthy of serving on a school board.
Michael Sleeper is a bad example to children everywhere.
Michael Sleeper is a pathetic loser.
Michael Sleeper needs his butt whupped by all the School Board and every coach in the district. 10 pops each.
Michael Sleeper did not get any medals.
Michael Sleeper is a untrustworthy liar who ought not be given any position of authority or responsibility – especially over schoolchildren.
However – Austin Rhodes is to be commended for accepting the cold hard facts as presented here at TAH and responding accordingly.
I suspect that at the next meeting of the Columbia County School Board, Michael Sleeper may be playing “20 Questions” with his fellow school board members and the public that attend the meeting…
I sure hope so. Really ticks me off when this sort of thing is just swept under the rug.
The public needs to bring this up in the “public comments” section of the meeting… most allow for a 3 minute period for each member of the public to ask questions/make comments. That could be 3 minutes of HELL for MICHAEL SLEEPER for every person that asks him about his service at the meeting.
That ought to be pay-per-view – a fundraiser for school supplies for the children.
It would be the only decent thing done for the children related to Michael Sleeper – unless he resigns or gets impeached.
Some bigger cities have Board of Education meetings on the local CCTV station… not sure if his school board does that, but it would be worth the time to DVR it and post to YouTube
Concerned Columbia County Taxpayer:
Mr. Sleeper, what did you mean when you posted on Twitter “The tab on the wall is a companion to the one on my shoulder.”
Mr. Sleeper:
My records are incomplete.
Concerned Columbia County Taxpayer:
Are you claiming that you are a tabbed Army Ranger?
Mr. Sleeper:
My records are incomplete.
Concerned Columbia County Taxpayer:
Austin Rhodes offered you the opportunity to explain yourself on his radio show on January 31, 2017. If you have nothing to be ashamed about, why didn’t you?
Mr. Sleeper:
My records are incomplete.
Concerned Columbia County Taxpayer:
Should it concern the citizens of Columbia County that you have a boy cave?
Mr. Sleeper:
My records are incomplete.
Maybe Mike thought this was Ranger training?
Maybe Mike Sleeper watched every episode of “Chip and Dale’s Rescue Rangers” and awarded himself his bogus tab?
I shall regroup and will prevail on the WOT. My victory will be celebrated the world over. Don’t resist, join Team ex-OS2.
Save it. They’re just practicing. The Big Show is Friday.
Ex-OS2… the prize is the WOT… not these measly daily ones… just concentrate on the prize.
Also, go get a Brazilian done on your “parts”… supposedly it makes your posts show up about 1/3 of a nanosecond faster… I read it online somewhere.. its gotta be true since it was on the Internet
I appreciate the advice Senior Chief!
Should I wear a tux for my WOT victory party?
Go NEKKID!!!! With a “strategically placed” bow tie….
And a codpiece…
My wardrobe includes the codpiece that Sting wore in “Dune”.
Coming Soon to a Theater near YOU, ex-OS2 as ZARDOZ!!!
Thank you ChipNASA, that made my day.
Great with room for your cellphone, camera, and everything in yer pfanny-pack, too.
“The vacancy on the Supreme Court was a major factor for many voters in the 2016 presidential election. According to the Fox News exit poll, more than one-in-five voters said nominations for the high court were the most important factor in casting their vote – and those voters went for Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton 56-41 percent.” Fox News
Those are some damn smart voters. In my view, aside from committing troops to battle, the power to nominate a person to the Supreme Court is the single most important power belonging to a president. Notwithstanding the appeal of this nominee, Neil Gorsuch, I remain against this justices-for-life business. If we had only nominees and justices who were committed to construing the Constitution’s language and the Framers’ intent, I might think differently. Unfortunately, we have those who believe that the words of that blessed document can be overlooked or twisted and molded to advance agendas. And that is plain wrong. It gets us a document that has words no mere mortal can see, such as a fundamental right to marriage that includes people of the same gender, lawyers decreeing when life begins, and lawyers telling us that something that isn’t a tax at all is indeed a tax. Now we have, of all people, Chuckles Shumer/Shoomer/Whatever saying that he and his will only support a “mainstream” nominee. (Yeah, and this honey is a cream puff, driven by a little old lady to and from church only.) When it comes to “mainstream,” the word applies to politics, not law. There is no mainstream law.
“There is no mainstream law.”
Spot on. I also disagree with life long appointments.
I dont understand why the left is running around in circles with their hair on fire, Gorsuch does not have a firm position on abortion.
Cities would burn even if President Trump nominated a Judge from the Nutty Ninth.
Some pundits are warning that if the judiciary does not police itself and squelch this “judicial activism” (the phrase itself cries “illegal!”) then the voters of the USA will impose restraints upon them.
Three of the sitting justices have a combined age of just shy of 243 years. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a/k/a Miss New Zealand, will be 84 in two months and her philosophical sidekick, Blue-nose Breyer, is 78 ½. The third, Mr Swinger, Anthony Kennedy, is 80 ½. I’m saying that Presidents Trump’s 2nd and 3rd choices for justice this time around had better stay ready.
I just know I wish I had that s back one day.
Army goes with the poodle-shooter round.
did you seriously think there was any doubt?
Not really, but I was hopeful.
As long as we are in partnerships like NATO, commonality will trump (pun intended) lethality. At least they are talking hollowpoints nowadays.
Another tragic example of the day-to-day hazards of training for war:
‘Air Force base: 1 killed, 1 injured in New Mexico training’
‘ALAMOGORDO, N.M. – Officials at Holloman Air Force Base say one person was killed and another injured in a training accident on a military range in southern New Mexico.
Base officials say in a statement that the Tuesday night accident involved members of a ground-control party struck as two F-16 jets used unspecified air-to-ground munitions at a range that’s part of the White Sands Missile Range complex near Holloman.
The statement says the injured person was released from a hospital after treatment for specified injuries.
Identities were not immediately released, and officials say the incident is under investigation.
The statement says the two F-16s are based at Holloman but belong to a group that is part of a wing headquartered at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona.’
Prayers for all involved.
My thought to their friends and families.
James Walls, phony UH-1 pilot is still slurping cock.
Jimmy “Left Ball Low” Walls banished me from his FB last week. Jimmy is learning the hard way that one can have unlimited Gmail accounts.
Share some TAH love to remind him that:
2,202 helicopter pilots were killed in Vietnam.
2,704 non-pilot crew were killed in Vietnam.
I must warn you, Jimmy has been working out in his high-tech gym. His spotter looks like The Arnold.
Word is that he pumps “man-meat”….
Some women that IDC SARC would probably like to hook up with:
Cartwheels in a skirt and no undies?
What was she thinking?
I found another report that quoted a 17-y-o female student as saying the teacher said beforehand that she had no panties on, and that the student saw the teacher’s vagina open and close as she did the cartwheel.
The teacher also expresses some admiration for 14-year-old boys.
gotta read the comments under the last link… better than the article
“double bagger”
As explained by Rodney Dangerfield: “That’s where you wear a bag over your head in case the one over her head breaks!”
Someone here once described a “triple bagger” – one for your dog, cuz, y’know, he’s got pride too.
My favorite comment was on the threesome where a commenter said “If I want to disappoint two people at the same time I’ll just go have dinner with my parents”
“My favorite comment was on the threesome where a commenter said “If I want to disappoint two people at the same time I’ll just go have dinner with my parents”
Fucking classic, love it!
I love watching the daily thread for the firsts…nice to see some guys getting to be first, everyone should experience the win from time to time…
“You always remember your First time.”
PA Game Commisionjust passed a pre-motion to let us Quakers hunt with semi-autos!!! Yippee.
Dammit…why I gotta be a DA Civilian that actually works? Never make first this way. 🙂
There’s always Thursday, IDC_SARC.
Here’s the thinker for the day: (aimed at most all the old timer ground pounders out there)
What common product is added to Olive Drab paint to turn it black?
And go…..
No Sir, neither one, but at least someone is trying to figure it out.
Here’s a clue. The common product is not dark in color.
Snowflake tears?
Nope. But here’s the final clue.
Ever been on shit burning detail?
You used the common product in performing the duty.
Yep. That’s the ticket.
I heard (way back when) that #1 Kerosene or Fog Oil would also turn OD black, but we never had any of either on hand in the motor pool to try it out and see.
But it was just like Brylcreem. A little dab’ll do ya to make it turn.
Peanut butter or oil?
The blood from your enemies?
/make the grass grow.
Napalm. It turns everything black.
Yes, Sir.
Learned something new today. Can I go home now?
Yes, you can and here’s the best part of today’s schooling:
No overnight homework or a first period pop quiz tomorrow./smile
We can now say we’ve been schooled by Claw.
Thank You. Just trying to pass on a little bit of traditional NCO lore before it’s lost to the ages.
It may be useful to someone on active duty when the color scheme of our military vehicles returns to Olive Drab/Black instead of Desert Tan/Black.
Let’s hope that some of our youngsters will retain that knowledge – no surety that if I ever need to know it that I will remember…
Hump Day,
Double quarter-pounder for lunch,
64 degrees outside,
Hillary Clinton is not President.
Life is good.
Dump Day,
Large Domino’s Pizza and a rack of Sams on the way back.
4 degrees outside and snowing
Papa John’a deep dish pizza and a jug of red vino.
40’s and overcast
Still grinnin’!
I’m set.
These hostage situations rarely end well. Hopefully the SWAT snipers will bring this to a swift end, with no harm done to the hostages. ‘Inmates take guards hostage at Delaware maximum-security prison’ ‘A group of inmates took guards hostage at a maximum-security prison in Smyrna, Delaware, Wednesday in a brazen attack that forced corrections officials to lock down all of Delaware’s state prisons. “The inmates have taken over a building,” Rep. William Carson, a member of the Delaware House Corrections Committee, told the Wilmington News Journal. “We’re hearing that three to five correctional officers have been taken hostage and the inmates have control of the building,” Geoff Klopp, the President of the Correctional Officers Association of Delaware, told the Delaware State News. “Department of Correction Response Teams and the Delaware State Police are on scene responding to a hostage situation at James T. Vaughan Correction Center,” read a statement issued by the department. The facility is the state’s largest male correctional center and houses approximately 2,500 inmates, according to its website. Dozens of police vehicles and ambulances arrived at the scene Wednesday as helicopters circled above, the Wilmington News Journal added. It is standard protocol to lock down all state prisons when an emergency occurs at any of them, Department of Corrections spokeswoman Jayme Gravell said. Gravell described the situation as an isolated incident, adding that there was no threat to the public. She added that firefighters were called to the scene after reports of smoke and were being held on standby. Video from above the prison shows uniformed officers gathered in two groups along fences near an entrance to the prison. Later, video showed several people surrounding a stretcher and running as they pushed it across the compound. It wasn’t clear if a person was on the stretcher. People could be seen standing near a set of doors with an empty stretcher and wheelchair. According to the department’s website, the prison is Delaware’s largest correctional facility for men, housing about 2,500 inmates. It houses minimum, medium, and maximum-security inmates, and also houses Kent County detainees awaiting trial. It… Read more »
I remember the last time Texas had a hostage situation. The inmates were all killed – two in a shootout, one survived and was put to death later.
The bullet holes from the gunfight are still in the walls of the ramp in the Huntsville Unit. The inmates walk past them on their way to chow every day.
Moral of the story: kill the hostage takers and leave the evidence of the gunfight.
wonder how the media is going to try and blame this on Trump?
If the perpetrators were hanged in situ, it might cut down on this stuff.
There has to be an “or else – worse” for prisoners, or the inmates -will- take over the asylum.
After the Carrasco debacle, the signs on the gates became meaningful to the inmates:
“No hostages exit these gates.”
It tells the inmates (who ain’t too bright, y’see) that they will die if they try to take a hostage out. So there is no use trying. Makes all the free-world folks safer.
I bet the COs wish they had done a better job searching cells for shanks. They can get no firearms. Unlike the movies, COs do not carry weapons inside prisons. On the perimeter towers? You bet.
Carrasco and his helpers got some .357 Mags with JHP rounds.
Inmates can make shanks faster than the COs can find them.
One of the most impressive I’ve seen (it is in the Texas Prison Museum now) is a Bowie style, using old Hershey’s chocolate wrappers for the grip, made out of the angle iron from a death-row inmate’s cot using 1/2″ of hacksaw blade & sharpened on the concrete.
It was found before it was used, thankfully.
A usually reliable source came across a statement that says the Trump team just announced Trump will be making a trip to be present for deceased SEAL TEAM 6 member’s return home.
Hope its true. I can see The Donald doing just that and with no cameras present (I hope).
UPDATE: Found a link
On report said the media was excluded from the meeting.
“One report”…. pfffft
‘Trump makes unannounced trip to honor fallen Navy SEAL’
‘WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump is making an unannounced trip to honor the returning remains of a U.S. Navy SEAL killed during a weekend raid on an Al Qaeda base in Yemen.
Trump was to arrive Wednesday afternoon at Delaware’s Dover Air Force Base.
Chief Special Warfare Operator William “Ryan” Owens, a 36-year-old from Peoria, Illinois, was the first known U.S. combat casualty since Trump took office less than two weeks ago. Three other Americans were wounded in the operation, which was planned by former President Barack Obama’s administration but approved by Trump.
Trump was expected to join Owens’ family for a private ceremony.
The trip was not on Trump’s public schedule. A small group of journalists traveled with Trump on the condition that the visit was not reported in advance.’
Doing it right. Good for him.
Reference Sleeper:
Sleeper was the Campaign Manager of Scott Dean, AKA Anthony Scott Dean, who was the former Columbia County Commissioner.
There are interesting stories/commentaries about Dean, Sleeper and Cross via Internet as well as videos on Dean.
The sad stories are about Dean and where he is today.
How embarrassing. But I guess that is what happens when someone fudges their military service.
As often commented, the Internet is forever.
Scott “The Breck Boy” Dean is the D-Block bitch now. I am sure his new friends just luv him….
Yes, and all of the butt hurt media are in a tizzy because they were not invited! I love this man more everyday!!!
National Security Adviser Michael Flynn issued a refreshing statement today, effectively saying that the pussy playing with Iran is ended. Flynn pulled no punches, naming the administration of that guy President Trump replaced as failing to respond adequately to Iran. Iran, he said, is “put on notice.” That phrase wasn’t explained but needs no explanation. Also, while the Left is busy denouncing President Trump’s Supreme Court, another was approved by the Senate. We now have Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Tillerson is a good man, and will be a good Sec.State.
Exponentially better than those over the last 8 years of incompetence.
I personally loved the Flynn statement. I think it was mighty nice to give Iran warning that the next of their boats that ignores a US Navy warning to back off or to stand down will be splintered.
Two bold statements in that – what was said and what was not said. Terrific turn of events.
The past few years it was more, “Well, uhm, we may have to do something about that if you keep doing what we said you should not do (wink, wink) but if you don’t stop, we won’t do anything about it. But we might have to. If we ever do contemplate doing something, we will tell you exactly what, where, and when. While we look for bullets and stuff you should have plenty of time to move or hide whatever it is you need to move or hide.” Unless it was dear leader himself speaking. He would have a lot more I’s and fewer we’s. Maybe some foot stomping and more winking.
You left out the limp wrist, OWB.
Devos (sec of ed nominee) may be in trouble. She and her very monied hubby (c/o Amway) donated to Clinton’s Bullshit Foundation and she was not a Trump supporter in the primaries. That second one is meaningless but this isn’t: There is a legitimate question regarding her support for that diabolical Common Core. What the ed dept needs is someone who aims to make the dept unnecessary, returning education to states and localities and get the heavy hand of centralized gov’t out of it.
Was wondering about her. It just seems odd that two female Republican Senators could be the ones to tank her nomination. Altruism is not what I expect is their reason for declaring that they will not vote to confirm her.
Just heard that they may need to delay the actual appointment of Sessions as AG until Devos’ nomination is voted upon. I have a bit of heartburn about that, but it is what it is.
Actor Johnny Depp makes a fortune with his movies. Last March he was at AZ State University, mocking Donald J. Trump . “I want the Taj Mahal, I want the Taj Mahal, I want the Taj Mahal,” Depp said in an imitation-Trump voice. “’Cause, you know, because everything is mine. Even if I don’t own it.”
Since then, Mr. Donald J. Trump became President Donald J. Trump and Depp sued his former management company and the company countersued him. “The lawsuit said Depp paid more than $75 million to buy and maintain 14 homes, including a French chateau and a chain of islands in the Bahamas. Depp also spent heavily to buy a 150-foot yacht, fly on private jets and cultivate collections of fine art and Hollywood memorabilia requiring 12 storage facilities to maintain, the lawsuit said.” Sounds like Depp didn’t leave much for President Trump to own. What hypocrisy? Where?
“America is dumb, is something like a dumb puppy that has big teeth—that can bite and hurt you, aggressive.” John Christopher Depp II
I read that the Frogs told him that if he wanted to continue to live in Frogistan, he would have to become a citizen and pay full taxes on his income and whatnot. He decided that Amerika isn’t so bad after all and left Frogistan.
Just want to remind everyone that tomorrow being Thursday, it’s also Recipes Welcome Day, and I think comfort food (e.g., mac & cheese, pizza, wings) is a really good idea.
I’m only saying this because when I left the house to run my little errands this morning, I had not taken chicken out of the freezer to thaw for supper. I did that after I got home. It’s having an overnighter in the fridge and I will slice and sautee it tomorrow. And yes, I do things like that all the time.
Big reason why the crockpot gets so much use around here – it doesn’t care whether the stuff going in is frozen or not. No remembering required beyond turning it on.
Slimy, phony, piece of crap, 4 time felon, Kyle Barwan is looking at some serious time now. Statute: 817.312 Solicit/Misrep Military Uniform/Medal/Insg
Charge on Arrest Docket: Solicit/Misrep Military Uniform/Medal/insignia.
I put this one in Jail, again. $5,000.oo surety bond. And there may be more charges coming, I am told, from a federal agency.
Looks like there’s more cockmeat sammiches, ghey whey and tubesteak (with copious amounts of manmayo and nutbutter) on the plate for one KYLE BARWAN/KYLE REACHER
And the tolerant special snowflakes at UC-Berkley evidently didn’t want to hear from someone at Breitbart, so they are breaking and burning stuff. The speaker was uninvited. Imagine that. Whining idiots making demands are given what they want, as usual. Lovely.
They say there is a police presence, but none are evident in the live footage.
And that’s not the worst of it. The host group was expected to pick up the tab for the extra security. Not the folks doing the breaking and burning stuff but the guys who invited this controversial figure.
Yeah, I read about it in articles linked to the Drudge Report. The usual crowd of snowflakes, “People of Tolerance”, SJW Howler Monkeys, et al are going apeshit over Milo Y. speaking there. He doesn’t agree with the liberal agenda thus the moonbats riot and burn as much of the place down as they can. I wonder if that moonbat university will do jack shit to any of the little shits they caught? I myself couldn’t give a shit, they’ll get eaten alive by the real world as soon as they exhaust their streams of money from their Mommies and Daddies as well as their loans run out.
Berkeley is ablaze.
Berserkely is another locale I couldn’t give two hoots of a rat shit about, I say cordon the place off and let the hippies and hipsters do each other in.
Thought of Ex-PH2, I could not stop laughing.
I couldn’t resist this one either.
WA-A-AY too much time on your hands, ex-OS2! Too funny!
I see that the Home of Free Speech, UC-Berkeley, erupted in violence yesterday. A mobile flood light was toppled, causing a fire, a large, plate-glass window was shattered, and missiles were thrown, among other acts of peaceful protest. And the reason for the vile display of anger, intolerance, and violence? The planned talk at the campus by a fellow with whom the rioters disagreed. Now, one would think that such violence would not be tolerated but, try as I have, I cannot find an account of a solitary arrest. I did, however, find this tortured line in a local Berkeley paper: “Both BPD and UCPD did not make any arrests.” I conclude, then, that it was not only tolerated but abetted by those who gave the orders to police not to restore order. No one was arrested? Not when the crowd barricades were knocked down or when the floodlight was toppled, or when objects were thrown? The evening was not without humor. At least one protester who may or may not have joined in the riot held a sign that read, “Hate speech is not free speech.” By the way, police there do arrest some students, now and then, but for more serious crimes than rioting. And, consistent with their self image, Berkeley leads the way. Pablo Gomez Jr., a 24-year 0ld UC Berkeley student was arrested on 7 January and charged with murdering one person and attempting to murder another. I’m guessing that Pablo opposed guns. He used a knife. It was the first murder of the year.