Yes, they really DO care… don’t they?

| January 28, 2017

Of course they care. ‘They’ refers to the Democrats and how very much they care about the military.

This one comes from Poetrooper. I think it kind of speaks for itself.

It kind of belongs in the gigglesnort category, unless you get really ticked off by it.  I would simply throw up my hands.  That ‘can’t we all just get along?’ whine from some unemployed politician isn’t just a whine. It’s the ‘surrender everything’ attitude that annoys me.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"

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there is a reason we call them surrender monkeys.

Or Asshats…whichever you prefer…

Deplorable B Woodman

And this is surprising to…….who?

A Proud Infidel®™

Well they ARE the political party of howling SJW flower monkeys!

CC Senor

And peace dividends. Remember that?

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes, and it’s despite how hard I try to forget it.


the fun part is that the response always costs more than it would have cost to maintain the larger force to begin with.

But it is important to understand what the left (not liberals, the left is not liberal) sees when they view national defense. For them, dollars spent on defense are not spent on tying victim groups to the government leash and therefore wasted.

The Other Whitey

I’m thinking of one Senator Gerald Nye, quite possibly THE original RINO, who was notified about the attack on Pearl Harbor, along with “No details yet, heavy casualties, many ships sunk” on the morning of 12/7/1941. The esteemed Senator from North Dakota then took the stage at a rally of the America First antiwar movement, talked for three hours about how we shouldn’t get into the war, FDR is a warmonger, accused the crew of USS Greer of provoking the incident in which the destroyer traded shots with a U-boat south of Iceland (the krauts shot first), made similar accusations about USS Kearny and USS Reuben James (both torpedoed without warning, with Reuben James sunk), etc. While this was going on, news of the attack started making its way through the crowd, which began shrinking rapidly. After three hours of bullshit, Nye finally made an offhand mention of the attack, and questioned whether it had really happened. By this time, hundreds of Americans were drowning in the dark in USS Oklahoma’s engineering spaces, Arizona, Cassin, and Downes had ceased to exist, Nevada and Vestal were beached, California and West Virginia were flooded, Utah and Oglala had rolled over, Shaw was blown in half, three airfields reduced to embers, and the harbor was covered with fuel oil and dead Americans. But this is likely just propaganda! We shouldn’t increase military funding! We shouldn’t get involved in the war! MacArthur didn’t have enough tanks or planes to stop the japs, and those that he did have were caught unprepared nine hours after Pearl Harbor was bombed (definitely not MacArthur’s finest hour). The Asiatic Fleet was one heavy cruiser, one light cruiser, a dozen old four-stack destroyers, a handful of WWI-leftover S-class subs, a couple of broke-dick old minesweepers, and a single YRP gunboat against the entire Japanese navy. I read somewhere that on the night of December 7th, FDR called General Marshall and asked him about the possibility of a Japanese invasion on the west coast and the Army’s level of readiness. Marshall’s answer was, “If the japs invade, they’ll be in… Read more »


“I’m thinking of one Senator Gerald Nye, quite possibly THE original RINO”

He reminds me of John McCain.

The “Gerald the Giant Killer” who died from an allergic reaction to penicillin.


When you listed the available ships after Pearl, you failed to mention the Aircraft Carriers, all of which were untouched and were deployed at sea at the time!!

The Other Whitey

Yes, but they weren’t with the Asiatic Fleet, and thus weren’t helping in the Philippines.

2/17 Air Cav

Whatever the crazies want, none of it can be w/o a strong military to ensure that no one takes the whatever away.


This is my surprised face!



Well, queers and queefs gonna be…queers and queefs.


The Donks are all about helping their butt buddies in the FSA/SJW/OWS… the military is just a piggy bank that they can take money from to make their minions happy.

Fuck the FSA/SJW’s…


The sad truth is the Democrats place far more stock in their cockamamie fear of man-made global warming than they do any threat from radical Islam or China. They will gladly waste billions on crony wind and solar schemes, slashing the military budget and diverting those funds to such pet liberal projects. To Democrats the major value of a military is as a social experimentation lab where their decadent social policies can be imposed on a voiceless, helpless segment of American society that they already hold in deep contempt.

In my piece below about Tucker Carlson, I discuss this contemptuous attitude of liberals for conservatives. That liberal disdain is multiplied tenfold for the military. Like teens who hate their parents, liberals never pause to think how dependent their lives are upon those they hate.

How any active duty personnel or any veterans could support such a political party is completely baffling to me. It’s like a starving dog that still licks the hand of the owner who keeps it chained and unfed.


“Like teens who hate their parents, liberals never pause to think how dependent their lives are upon those they hate.”

That statement could also be considered in the civilian world as well.

A Proud Infidel®™

Christians worship God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Liberals worship their political agenda which is LGBT this and that, abortion and global climate crap du jour.


Saying that we should not be spending more to “strengthen” the military is not the same as not “caring” about military members. Yes. Liberals do not care much about having a strong expensive military. We really do not need one as large and expensive as the one we have in order to provide for the common defense. The three core pillars of our national security strategy is DIPLOMACY, DEFENSE, and DEVELOPMENT. Foreign and development is less than 1% of our budget. Diplomacy is even less than that. Defense is 16% of our budget and more than 50% of discretionary spending. For every $1 spend in development risk mitigation and social resilience in trouble areas, we save $7 in warfighting costs. General Mattis highlighted this when he said; “If you don’t fund the State Department fully, then I need to buy more ammunition ultimately. So I think it’s a cost benefit ratio. The more that we put into the State Department’s diplomacy, hopefully the less we have to put into a military budget as we deal with the outcome of an apparent American withdrawal from the international scene.” Our military is doing a lot of functions that they are not efficiently or even effectively conducted using military assets and spending. It is simply a too expensive way to conduct too many kinds of operations and we really need to relook at whether much of what we do globally is necessary and if it is we need to look at putting the money into capabilities that can do it more efficiently and effectively than the military. The overwhelming majority of military spending is consumption spending. Consumption spending is not the ideal way to spend taxpayer dollars unless NECESSARY. It is hard to argue that the size of our defense budget is necessary for the common defense so there is certainly room for democrats to argue that it should not be a priority to spend more. The US spends 1/3rd of the entire WORLD’S military spending. Most of that is consumption spending and much of it is DEFICIT spending. Debt that will have… Read more »


What you failed to point out is when diplomacy fails and we are left with our dicks in our hands.

Bombs speak louder than pens.


All I am saying is that it is reasonable (and probably healthy) to have a political demographic think that spending more on the military is not a priority. Especially given what we already spend and have spent for decades.

And I was pointing out that not thinking it is a priority to spend more on defense is not the same as not caring about military members. Only one-quarter of the defense budget goes to benefits for personnel, and retirees.

As for veteran benefits/care that is a separate category for which voters show significant bi-partisan support.

2/17 Air Cav

The US is the Big Dog. It has the costliest and mightiest military forces in the world. There is no disputing that. To me, the question is not whether we ought to be the Big Dog with the costliest military spending but whether we ought to continue to be. The Left has always decried the extent of our mil spending, whatever its level, and has always wanted to knock the US down on the world scene. Thus, whenever the Left argues against an increase in mil spending, it is immediately suspected of seeking to undermine our military. And well it should be. When was the last time the Left decried idiotic and wasteful spending otherwise by the federal government? The next time will be the first time.


@ 2/17 Air Cav

You mean like the EPA?


Phuck! The Donk dick-licker is baack!

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Zika-Panic-Pooodle, it costs money to keep a capable, trained and well equipped Military Force ready for WHEN the diplodoodles fail.


Yes, money future generations won’t have to defend the nation later because we are unnecessarily consuming it now. Much through debt spending.

If you want to claim US taxpayers need to be the ones footing the bill for 1/3 of all defense spending, then fine, be that guy. But there is certainly room in our political system for a demographic to disagree with you on that.

And implying that disagreeing with you on that means they don’t care about military personnel (which is the implication of the language of Poe’s post) is bullshit.


*1/3 of all GLOBAL defense spending.


I am sure they can find some cuts in the 50,000,000 starving able-bodied folks on food stamps that we continue to sustain.

Oh wait, I mean EBT with the fancy cards, with American flags on them that are flaunted at retail shops nationwide.

As an American, I desire that we have a military that will destroy anyone who fucks with us.

A Proud Infidel®™

B. Hussein 0bama is the first POTUS in U.S. History to spend more on welfare than Defense. I say we start with audits looking for welfare fraud as well as other giveaways like the 0bamaphones where there were plenty of accounts of fraud being encouraged! Giveaways to outfits like Solyndra and the contractors who sold us “Green Fuel” to the tune of $20+ per gallon just to name two examples. As for having a strong and well equipped Military YES, I see that as essential. Look at how many fleabag third world Dictatorships messed with us after Ronald Reagan sent some F-111’s into Libya to “say hi” to Qadaffi and compare that with how the previous administration pussyfooted around while gutting the U.S. Military and making us a laughing stock!


What are your thoughts on the money spent so far on the “Great Society” that LBJ put forth? How much money has been spent on that and the families that are now into their third and fourth generations of being on welfare?

I’ve got no problem helping someone or a family that has hit a run of bad luck to help them back on their feet and be productive, but generations on the public dole? How do you recommend that it get fixed? Or do we as a country “forget” about them?

Funding National Defense – I only see two options:

1. Provide the money to do the job right without sacrificing preparedness, or
2. Disengage from what we are doing now and reassess our National Defense goals.

You can’t ask people to go in harm’s way without proper training and funding to do the job right – and right now both are hurting.


that is a long conversation that I would be happy to have with you in a forum that does not include the kind of clownish troll posts that saturate the threads I post in.

It becomes impossible to stay on topic and have a coherent discussion with morons like Infidel jumping in with their fucksitck nonsense.

BLUF on that though; we have over a century of empirical data from the US and several dozen other industrial democracies throughout the 20th century and into the 21st that there is some government spending that has HUGE returns on the dollar and thus could be regarded as “investing” in a society. Technology, research, infrastructure, and education top that list.

Consumption defense spending like blowing shit up is at the bottom of that list.


Not only a lousy reply, but he put his BLUF (bottom line up front) at the bottom of the reply. It makes me wonder if he knows what that means.


Lars, I was talking about welfare and other social assistance programs. I have no problems with investments in Tech, R&D and infrastructure (I think that more money should be pumped into NASA, not just for the science but to help us understand our solar system and universe better) . Education – I see the mess that the all levels of government have created in the existing education system we have on a daily basis and I think that there needs to be a top to bottom reform in education in the US.


Lars, last week I posted my reply to you on e-mailing each other in the GEN Mattis thread… I haven’t changed my mind about it.

As to you treatment here at TAH, I think the old saying “you made your bed, you get to sleep in it” applies.

The Other Whitey

Lars acts like an asshole and cries foul when everyone treats him accordingly. Sounds about right!


Except that now and then, shit needs to be blown up.



You were doing pretty good there, but blew it.

Ignore anything that seems “trollish” and off topic. And never go there yourself if you are truly seeking a “facts and reason” thread. You might not have noticed, but you went there, just now above.

If you are going to complain about “poo flinging”, keep you hands clean. If you want a “facts and reason” conversation, dont let someone tempt you to fling poo.

You have a great big “meltdown” button, and you put up a sign that says “dont push my meltdown button”.

In a forum full of vets

I think you sometimes fail to analyze the key terrain, or to grasp the community culture where you seek to communicate.

Rephrased, in a crowd like this you want to avoid “stop pissing me off” as a persuader.

You are communicating with peers, and have no demand of respect. Try using that perspective. It seems to work here.

2/17 Air Cav

Single shooting mil spending is rather disingenuous. How do US wages of public employees compare to their counterparts in other countries? How about infrastructure? How about all pubic assistance? Unemployment benies? I don’t know but I don’t need to know. My point is that comparing US mil spending to that of any other nation or group of nations provides a small portion of a much larger picture. And one other thing. Of course diplomacy is essential and General Mattis was correct when he provided that quoted statement a few years ago. His statement was not in favor of less international funding in order to fund the military but merely spoken in support of international funding when a reduction in it was threatened.


First, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. Leftists are not liberals in any definition of the classical sense of liberty and freedom.

Second, the US spends so much on the military because your precious leftist policies have made the US the primary force by proxy.

Your argument on consumption spending indicates you know nothing about consumption vs investment. 100% of government spending is consumption. The fact that it was given to the celebrated group of the day to leash them to the plantation doesn’t make it an investment.

As for your $1 vs $7 argument, you seem to disagree with some important research at (,, and Harvard).

Now let us address deficit spending. If we were to simply stop all current discretionary spending today, we would still run deficits. Why? Because non-discretionary spending is what is ballooning, not discretionary. By 2041, the GAO projects that 30% of the entire budget will be SS spending. OMB rates that at 40% in their projections. Both agree that the biggest driver of spending in the US is social program spending.

You know, the trillions “invested” into cities like Baltimore, Chicago, ST Louis, Memphis, etc that have produced such peaceful and productive outcomes.

All government spending is theft, at least defense spending doesn’t create crime waves in our cities.


Methinks the commissar has a major deficite in the grey matter dept!!

2/17 Air Cav

“Our military is doing a lot of functions that they are not efficiently or even effectively conducted using military assets and spending.”

Name three or four. And also provide the cost expended and the cost of having others do whatever these things are that the military is inefficient and ineffective at doing. It certainly would bolster your otherwise bald assertion.


Disaster assistance, humanitarian assistance, nation building, international law enforcement.

We often do these things because we have the capacity to do them, but that is because we have not put that capacity into organizations that are better suited for them or built organizations best suited for them.

Since these are growth areas we should consider whether we need to relook at how we allocate our resources and where we put our capacity.


wrong, we do them because the agencies that have been built to do them are so completely inept. DOJ, DOS, USAID, etc are so bad that it is far more efficient to send the military in spite of the fact that the military is not designed for it.

Why is this? One need look no further than the zampolits who run those completely useless departments.

So let us dispense with the BS, no one is better at disaster relief than the US military and that is because the progs at State, Justice, and AID just don’t care about people.

Resource allocation is not the issue. The problem is a political belief structure that devalues individual people in favor of group identities.

Thanks for playing.


The only time you take issue with “bald” assertions is when they do not conform to your worldview. You lap up bullshit as long as it smells good.

I think you need to check the fact on many of your assumptions that makes you so hostile to the things I post.

I am aware of how inefficient the military is at disaster assistance, humanitarian assistance, and nation building because I DID THOSE jobs for the military, it was literally more career field to do those jobs, and I worked closely with the US and international organizations that specialize in doing them and do them much more effectively, efficiently, and for less cost. Many of them leveraging donor dollars instead of US taxpayer dollars.


you are a waste of time.

2/17 Air Cav

And you are simply a waste. Fuck off, commie.

A Proud Infidel®™

Zika-Panic-Poodle, shit like that is why I often chuckle or laugh when Ex-PH2 sharpens her claws on your candy ass. MAYBE someday you might be capable of waking up and pulling your head out of your ass, but I’m not going to hold my breath and wait.



“Waste of time”?

Who gets asked to guest post here?

See my comments above. Seriously.


NGO’s and Military sources need to work hand-in-hand to be successful. When they don’t, failure is usually the end result.


Zika-Commie, for all the shit you have claimed to do, where the hell is your Nobel Peace Prize?

The Other Whitey

Hey Lars, I’ve got a question for you and, with great effort, I’m going to briefly set aside my disdain for you. On another thread a while back, you claimed to have “fought two forest fires.”

Being a professional in that particular field of endeavor, I asked for specifics regarding what exactly you did and under what conditions. You failed to answer. So I will ask you again:

What exactly did you do?
What was the weather like?
What kind of vegetation in what kind of topography?
What kind of fire activity did you encounter up close (flame lengths, rate of spread, smoke conditions, radiant heat, that kind of thing)?

The Other Whitey

Well, Lars…?

The Other Whitey

I guess Lars didn’t want to take advantage of the opportunity to see if his money could possibly go where his mouth does.

Hmm, I wonder why not?

2/17 Air Cav

“You lap up bullshit as long as it smells good.” You have experience with bullshit that smells good? Now, I tried to be nice but you went on the attack, you twit. Gloves off. And fuck you.

2/17 Air Cav

Lars. You actually had an opportunity not to be an asshole but you f’ed it up again. Do you realize that any points that might bring agreement from some of us are lost because of you? You spew Larsfacts and take umbrage when challenged. Well, you are not one of your Berkeley professors and we are not your students who blindly and dutifully chow down on whatever slop you serve up. And, if I wasn’t clear the first time around, fuck you, twit.


“Larsfacts”. Code for bullshit. I like it, 2/17.


The challenges are obnoxious and excessive. And often I post backup and instead of accepting the posts people just choose to dismiss them.

It is time-consuming and I have yet to see anyone change their opinion.

I deal with several comment boards during the week. And this is the most ideologically entrenched and hostile to opposing views board I see.

There is a few exceptions. A few people on this board try to have actual conversations.

Perhaps I did not realize your attempt to be “nice” or have a serious conversation because I have seen you dismiss my as a communist constantly over the last 3 years despite the fact that the model I support is not where near communist and arguably more capitalist and entrepreneurial than we have now.

2/17 Air Cav

“The challenges are obnoxious and excessive.” But well deserved. When you are allowed to get away with one you think it license to try a few more.

A Proud Infidel®™

He has no brilliance to dazzle us with and his bullshit is so predictable and boring there’s no way he’ll ever baffle us either.

2/17 Air Cav

That f’n Commissar. He truly does think he’s a bright bulb. And I suppose that’s true among those with whom he associates himself. Here he’s just another commie asshole.


Apologies. I did not detect your change in posture from the hostile “commie Lars” posture you have held over the last few years.

2/17 Air Cav

Go munch on your apologies. They’re not sincere. Fuck off. Go away. That would be a true sign of repentence and atonement.


And I am not a fucking communist.

2/17 Air Cav

You are as far as most (if not all) of us are concerned. Whenever you write that–and you’ve done so many times, I think of Nixon saying, “I am not a crook.” Well, it wasn’t for him to determine that and the same is true for you, you commie bastard.


It depends on what the meaning of “is” is.

A Proud Infidel®™

*YAWN*. If socialism is so great then where the hell were you during the Venezuela thread?

A Proud Infidel®™

He must have thought it was unworthy of his imaginary brilliance.

2/17 Air Cav

It is never the brand he advocates when it fails. Someone always went off the socialist rails when that sort of thing happens. The problem is, of course, that socialism never works, as in never ever. It inevitably leads to a trampling of liberty and the crushing of the individual. All hail the state. Forward!


Why are the mentally insane always the LAST to know? lol

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s REALLY beginning to bore the hell out of me.

2/17 Air Cav

What he is is predictable. You can not only tell which threads he will appear in but what he will say when he gets there. In that sense, yes, he is a bore. On the other hand, he does allow many of us to sound off in defense of the world’s greatest country and the world’s best economic system, whatever its imperfections.


I don’t bother to read his crypto-commie blather. I just scroll through it and read your replies. He lives in a parallel universe–in his head.


Lars, Lars, step back and take a deep breath.

We know today is your birthday and all, but stroking out before the ice cream and cake is served is not a good way to celebrate.


Maybe Manning will dress up like Marilyn Monroe and jump out of his birthday cake for him.

2/17 Air Cav

He daydreams about such things. Imagine how popular he would be if he were able to have IT over to his apartment or a class at Berkeley. He would never have to prove his commie quals to the others there again.

2/17 Air Cav

Answer: “Lars, Lars, step back and take a deep breath.”

Question: “What does one say to Commissar when he is three feet outside of a garage filled with lethal exhaust fumes?”

Thank you. I’ll be here all day.

A Proud Infidel®™

You forgot to tell us to tip the veal and try the waitress!


Been saying it for years, the Democrap Party is the anti American party.


My father is a retired Vietnam vet. He was a seabee. He voted for Obama and sanders. Why do retired vets do that?


We call them blue falcons.


The sane and informed ones don’t. Your father is prolly a lifovo–low information voter. How is his hearing and reading comprehension?


He can’t hear well. He finally got a hearing aid last year and he’s 81. He only watches CNN too. I don’t think he reads at all. He dropped out of high school and got a GED.


That confirms he is a low info voter. They usually vote for the corrupt party. I usually vote for the stupid party. Although, our nominally Republican president seems to be making some smart moves.


I am so borrowing that one, Anon. Thx.


Well, here’s the final tally on the Obama economic legacy…and it’s ass ugly:

Cliff notes version – “Instead, Obama oversaw the weakest economic recovery since World War II.”


For crying out loud Comrade Poodle Dik, you are the most predictable bore ever seen on this web site. Don’t EVER think for one moment you will not be remembered for your moronic quote, “People who are afraid of Communism are foolish”. None other than the pseudo intellectual Lars himself. When you do return these days with what you feel are generous words of wisdom for us, and someone takes issue with your nonsense, you always insist on insulting them. What the hell is wrong with you? If you don’t like the fact that the general I. Q. on this site is beyond your reach or agreement, then get the hell out of here. You’re a damned masochist Poodle Dik. Always insist on delivering what will offend somebody (Anybody will do) just for the sake of having to sit at home alone on a Saturday and jerk off while watching old Annette Funicello reruns. You sure you’re not just trying to get a better look at Frankie Avalon’s schlong?
Look, Lars, no one will ever know that you’ve had a lobotomy, if you wear a wig to hide to the scars and learn to control the slobbering.

A Proud Infidel®™

I did Convoy Security during my tour in A-stan with plenty of missions outside the wire and Zika Panic Poodle reminds me of the ones I hated the most! A few times we had to escort a Field grade Ossifer or two around for what seemed like no other reason than they simply wanted to get outside the wire in earshot of gunfire or IED’s so they could award themselves a CIB, CAB or whatever else they thought they could award themselves while needlessly risking our asses. One such mission was to convoy through the Khyber Pass (Talk about an ambusher’s dream come true!) headed to Jalalabad to pick up a Troop who had just received a Red Cross message. Upon discovering that the road was impassable due to the work of some Chinese Contractors (NICE INTEL WORK, eh?) we turned around and headed back but my Bros in one of the trucks containing one of the Ossifers said he overheard one saying “Oh well, we’ll just have to send a chopper after all, we’re not gonna get to hear any gun fire today.”.


Some may recall when Jimmy Carter cancelled the B-1 bomber in the late 70s. The aircraft was revived by Ronald Reagan, and since that time presidents of both political parties have utilized this fine aircraft. As was noted by a post above, these weapons must be funded and built before you need them. As an aside, the proposed alternative to the B-1 was a B-747 to be loaded with cruise missiles. Seemed like a crazy idea at the time, yet fast forward and there are four Ohio class ballistic missile submarines that have had their Trident missiles removed and replaced with Tomahawks. Fully realize this was done with respect to nuclear arms control, but would be sort of cool to see a few B-747 loaded with ALCMs and lobbing them off from stand off distance. Just playing armchair General/Admiral on this comment. Final aside, pics of a B-1B wheels up landing on Diego Garcia from more than a decade ago. The second pic down, I know that it is not, but looks like duct tape circling the fuselage aft of the cockpit.



Several of us have offered you peer counseling on how to persuade in this forum.

If persuasion is your goal, you are failing, miserably.

You are a -peer- here, respect has to be earned not demanded.

Inbred Redneck

Okay, Lars, here’s what you said yesterday.

“Disaster assistance, humanitarian assistance, nation building, international law enforcement.

We often do these things because we have the capacity to do them, but that is because we have not put that capacity into organizations that are better suited for them or built organizations best suited for them.

Since these are growth areas we should consider whether we need to relook at how we allocate our resources and where we put our capacity.”

I’m thinkin’ that the following shows how having a prepared military, in this case, was worth every penny spent on the ship involved. I’m sure that if you asked the people who were affected by the tsunami, they were happy Chimpy McHaliburtonBushHitler, as he was referred to by so many leftists, saw fit to provide humanitarian aid in the most efficient manner of anybody, and much quicker than those who chose to call some number on the TV screen to donate to causes that may very well have sucked away a good percentage of the bucks for administrative costs and graft.

The rest of the world gets to use their “peace dividend” on socialist programs while we choose to spend money on defense so we can also provide aid in times like these.


Also, as I recall the US military was the first source of international aid and transport for aid to SEA when the tsunami wiped out Banda Aceh and the other impacted locations. Thousands would have died but for our inadequate disaster assistance.