Smug libs getting plumb ‘Tuckered’

| January 28, 2017

The word tuckered is taking on a whole new meaning with the advent of the new FOX News prime-time (9:00pm ET) hit featuring Tucker Carlson as host and interrogator nonpareil. The show should probably carry a viewers’ warning that if you are disturbed by the sight of smug, smarmy liberals getting dissected live on camera, then perhaps you should just buck it up, bucko, for one viewing, and you will soon learn the pure joy of watching an accomplished and prepared professional at work.

Actually, squeamishness isn’t a widely recognized characteristic among those flocking to view the dissections if viewer numbers being reported are accurate. In fact, according to The Hill, among others, Carlson has almost doubled the viewers in the key 25-54 demographic from the slot’s previous occupant, Megyn Kelly, now preparing her debut at NBC.

One of the most frequent criticisms conservatives voice regarding liberals is the dripping condescension with which they deign to engage their opponents in political discourse. It’s like a directional speech defect – liberals don’t talk to, but rather talk down when speaking to conservatives, and if you possibly miss the scornful contempt in their word and tone, it’s usually accompanied by a visible backup cue, a knowing little smile of superiority that’s there to make it perfectly clear, bubba, that you are one dumb, misinformed, knuckle-dragging primitive. That derisive smile is always there when they are listening, usually moving from side-to-side as the head is being shaken slightly to convey the sneering certainty that you’re just simply never going to get this, bumpkin. It’s beyond your flag-worshiping, gun-loving, Bible-thumping flyover yokel comprehension.

…until they get Tuckered, in the new meaning of that word. Armed with the knowledge of what his liberal guests have publicly pronounced most recently, as well as in their pasts, Tucker Carlson proceeds to hold them to task for their words, hitting them with cogent questions, demanding, repeatedly if necessary, that they answer the questions he asks, not the ones they want to answer with their smug liberal talking points. Throughout, Carlson’s like a polite, smiling pit bull with lockjaw, and when he finally says, in that rapid-fire delivery of his, “Thanks for coming on,” you can almost hear an audible sigh of relief from his guests, most of whom seem to have lost their contemptuous smiles for the moment, leaving the viewer wondering if the guest is wondering, “What on Earth made me subject myself to such public humiliation?” A few retain their smug attitude to the bitter end, but the viewers know that those libs are leaving the studio with some deep Tucker tooth marks in their contemptuous backsides.

Carlson’s not new, having previously hosted other shows on other networks, but this time he’s different – someone at FOX wisely decided to drop the leash and let him tree a bunch of those squirrely, self-righteous liberals. He does so doggedly well.

If you have ever had the thought, “Man, I’d love to sic my dog on that smug SOB,” this is your chance. Tune in and watch an assortment of liberals get plumb Tuckered out.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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A Proud Infidel®™

I’ll have to start tuning in to that show, I thoroughly enjoy the sights and sounds of moonbats getting their smug asses handed to them! ?


I quite enjoy watching Tucker politely dissecting them with their own hand holding the scalpel. And then, when he is done and the person is completely disassembled into their component parts, he laughs at their lack of cognitive thought and moves on to his next victim… I mean guest.


He really is great.
A true master of mayhem !!!


Should I be regretting not having a TV right now? I need a good laugh.



Love the expression on his face.
“Is this person even listening to the words coming out of her mouth? Seriously, WTF is she babbling about?”

Perry Gaskill


FWIW, Lauren Duca lives in New York City and is the weekend editor of Teen Vogue. She apparently got her start as an entertainment writer, which puts her at about the same level as Perez Hilton. Here’s a twitter posting of Duca’s from last night:

“I will burn this patriarchy to the ground or die trying.”

2/17 Air Cav

Where does she want to be buried? I’ll start digging this afternoon.


She really is full of herself.

Does she EVER shut her yap and let anyone else talk? All she did was rattle on and on and on, changing the subject instead of sticking to it, not answering specific questions at all.

I’d like to know how she’d compare Bill Clinton’s KNOWN and DOCUMENTED liaisons with Monica and his reputation for being a sexual predator with Ariana Grande’s thigh-high boots. She does NOT make any sense at all.


At least she’s relatively attractive.


well, like, ya know, she, like, ya know, like writes for, ya know, like Teen Vogue and stuff.

The Other Whitey

Yet another Hildabeast shill who screams about how Trump is “anti-women,” yet can’t point to a single policy of his that can be described that way. Defunding Planned Parenthood isn’t “anti-women!” If anything, it’s anti-racist, seeing as how Margaret Sanger was an outspoken white-supremacist nazi cunt who founded the organization as an instrument of quiet genocide, handed it down to her hand-picked, true-believing successors, who did the same on down the line through today, when they still push abortion as much as possible in black and hispanic neighborhoods while toning it down and flaunting their “reproductive health” side in predominantly-white areas.


I’m surprised that there are still Libs willing to go on his show. I love how he throws the bullshit flag by using facts and their own words against them.

2/17 Air Cav

I’m not a TV news viewer but I read that Carlson’s viewership is double that of the gal Megyn Kelly) he replaced in the Fox time slot.


Yup! The ratings of that show have roughly doubled since Mistress Kelly took off.


Tucker is a hoot to watch AND he knows his shit.


I remember Tucker on “Crossfire” years ago, and he was the prison bytch there – always getting shouted down (and wearing bow ties?)… saw an episode of he program this week, and he just tore up some ass on some online blog editor. I’m glad he’s getting a chance at Fox and pulling better ratings than Megyn was.


Megyn was fine until she started acting like a spoiled brat. Pouting and taking your ball & going home are not points in her favor with me.
If she didn’t like what Trump said to and about her, she only needed to bitch slap him. That’s what I would do. So she failed when she didn’t have to.


You’re right about Megyn… good correspondent until Trump got to her and started living rent-free in her brain housing group. When she went off the tracks over him, her time was up at Fox.

Question for you – Why is it that the female reporters over there at Fox really sharp and not afraid to ask the “hard questions” to everyone and the others at the lib networks like to “softball” their lib buddies?


Why? Watch their faces. The first clue is there.

They pretend to be independent and self-sufficient – emancipated, if you will – but they are actually responding to the same urges that had teenaged girls squealing at Elvis and the Beatles. It’s exactly the same thing.

I don’t have a TV right now, prefer to do without, but I see that response in some of the older women reporters on the local station I watch online. It’s a form of flirting.

The worst one of all was Barbara Walters, who thought Bo Derek was so important that she had to spend 90 minutes interviewing that bimbo. There is something about the medium of the ‘stage’, whether it’s an actor or a politician or a news reader, that gives them a sort of demigod status in some people’s eyes. When this current crop of ‘reporters’ becomes part of that visual medium and encounters one of these ‘demigods’, they turn into marshmallows. They lose their focus on the story and start drooling over the ‘guest’.

I never saw Megyn Kelly present herself with that kind of grinning, ‘pat me on the head’ behavior. She was more direct and focused than the liberal reporters.

However, when she could not out-tough Trump, she lost me as an audience. I thought she might have had the same ‘stones’ that Dickie Chappelle was known to have, but she didn’t. I was quite disappointed in that.

Generally speaking, Fox is a network that seems to want to have a group of women who are tougher-minded than the women correspondents on liberal networks, and encourages them to be the tough broads that women reporters used to be in the 1940s, during World War II. It wasn’t an insult then, and it should not be now, if someone can be compared to predecessors like Dickie Chappelle. She was noted for digging deeper into the stories she followed than her male counterparts.
That’s as close as I can get to it.


Sounds pretty close to me about what goes on. I love tough reporters taking people to task over what they say and do refusing to softball them. Woman for some reason seem to get to the point at times where they have to prove they are more man than everyone in the room. They don’t have to be, just be pointed, hard nosed reporters and interviewers. Never understood that.


Not many are missing Kelly since she took her dominatrix roadshow to friendlier climes. I would be just as happy if The Tuck attacked Conservatives the same way as Progressives. Treat them all the same, hammer them hard and make them own up to what they say and believe.

I must admit to a ton of schadenfreude watching the glassy thousand yard stare of the progressives come over them when they realize what they got themselves into.

Sgt M

I stopped watching Kelly and most of FOX when she went after Trump. Since the election and that Trump is doing what he promised to do, I have gone back to FOX. Glad Kelly is gone, she looks good on camera, but her allegiance to me, is an agenda that has yet to show its ugly face.


I wasn’t bothered with her going after Trump. It was the fact that she attacked him over and over for some reason. It seemed to me that she didn’t like him and allowed that to make her un-professional and ultimately cost her her audience.