We need more Airborne Rangers in Congress
A great article written by Poetrooper at American Thinker was sent our way.
We get so many pleas for money in our little retirement household from politicians that most never get a second look except during gubernatorial, senatorial, and presidential elections. I confess, however, that there is a single word that, should it catch my eye regardless of the office, ensures a closer examination, and that word is veteran. Even there, though, my eye is yet further discriminating, searching for evidence of more than just service to our country, looking for proof of time served in ground combat arms organizations and more specifically for direct ground combat experience. The closer the candidate has served to the pointy end of the spear in deadly and dangerous places, the more likely he will get a donation from this old combat infantryman. If the petitioner has jumped out of airplanes as part of his lethal service, his chances go up even more.
My poor spouse has been hearing for decades my unending refrain that we need more Airborne Rangers in Congress. These are precisely the kind of people who know how to identify an objective, how to develop a plan to reach it effectively, and ultimately how to take that objective by whatever means are at hand when the original plan has gone all to hell, as all battle (and political) plans tend to do. Former Army Special Forces, Navy SEALs, USMC Force Recon/Special Ops, and Air Force Special Operators also are political candidates likely to get some of my money because they all share those combatant skills as well as the required attitude.
So that’s why, upon retiring to beautiful Arkansas, we became immediate fans of our young congressman, Tom Cotton, a former Airborne Ranger who’d served in combat in Afghanistan, with my old unit of fifty years ago in Vietnam, the 101st Airborne Division. That is why young Cotton got our vote and some of our money when he ran for the Senate, and that is why he tickled us to death this week when he verbally smacked that fancy-pants New Yorker, Charles Schumer, right in his prissy kisser, right there on the Senate floor. Too bad it was just verbally, but even so, it made me proud of him and our shared legacy and just reinforced my belief in proven warriors as politicians.
Next election, watch your email and snail mail solicitations for candidates and incumbents like Cotton and Allen West, a combat commander and master parachutist, and send them a few extra bucks, regardless of whether they’re in your state or not. After all, they were serving your state when they were serving this country, were they not?
Have I said we need more Airborne Rangers in Congress?
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/01/we_need_more_airborne_rangers_in_congress.html#ixzz4WhSUtpFG
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Category: Politics
Rangers lead the way!
You saying “Rangers lead the way” made me think of this.
NSFW, or pretty much anywhere else for that matter.
ANYONE that will smack that ignorant piece of crap Schumer either verbally or physically is A-OK in my book…slap the s.o.b. down!!
Um, Dave, is it OK if I mention that I’m the author?
Um, Ok…but make it quick. Look, don’t blame me…my kids left this computer laying around when the moved out.
I just push buttons and shit happens. Ahhh the mystery of it all.
Mine was an act of pure selflessness, Dave. I simply did not want to confuse readers into thinking that Marines can write in complete sentences.
HAHAHAHAHAHA…I had something I was going to
Poe, great article, but I do believe you misspelled Army Cavalryman as ‘Airborne Ranger’. You probably should get that autocorrect fixed.
Man, I shoulda seen that coming from a mile away!
Next thing Lars will be chiming in here claiming I shoulda spelled it “Intel Wienies.”
Damn Poe, you lumped me in with that Martian? I’m gonna take my ball and go home now lol
That would be ex-ex intel wienies. Long ago, he apparently branch transferred to Civil Affairs branch. In Afghanistan, according to his Linkd-In bio, he was a “governance officer,” which is some kind of military/civil government position.
Regardless, I’m sure he was a about as useful as a knitted condom.
But don’t you know he thinks “goverance officer” is some kind of special ops position. I suspect he thinks that psychological operations are “special” operations. He is pretty special though.
Branch CA, with an assignment as a “Governance Officer”? Is that anything like the old Soviet politruk (political officer)?
Hmm. I guess his new screen name really might be quite apropos. In his dreams, anyway. (smile)
Kind of. His mission, I believe, having served in a Reserve Cyclops company (which is related to civil affairs, as taught in my psych-ops course anyway) was to teach the chai boi/goat fuckers how to do western style “democracy,” while being culturally sensitive to their pederasty and misogyny.
rgr769, IMHO Lars ought to change his screen name to “Maple Syrup” because he IS A SAP.
Dave, I whole heartedly agree with you! I must admit, that for the first time in my life, I donated to President Trump’s campaign. I really hope I will get my monies worth out of it! I always look for the candidates military status when I go to the polls. I hope Shummer gets a face full of fresh cow shit! BZ to all of you for your dedicated service to our great country!!
Well, gee whiz, just think what might happen if some Airbornes and SEALs and such got lots of seats in Congress and the chairbornes got fired by their constituents.
Anyone besides me think the world might come to an end? Or would the drek be gone and the strain on US citizens be reduced?
I’ve been preaching forever that we need more veterans in congress, combat or no.
Way to many phuking lawyers.
You gave Schumer two left hooks, Cotton. Now it’s time for a right cross- he needs some heeling. This makes me smile – almost as much as Friday’s inauguration.
PT’s call is not for more Veterans in Congress but more Veterans who walked the edge. When I look at the post WW II era, when the number of Veterans in Congress and elsewhere in gov’t was sky high, I cringe (e.g 1973). A great deal of crap came out of those years. Lawyers as critters are on the wane. Career politicians are the problem. The country imposed term limits, thanks to Emperor FDR. I’d love it to go across the board. And while we’re at it, I’d like a term limit for that small group of lawyers known as the Supreme Court. That lifetime shit in light of their social engineering agenda is that bloodless tyranny we hear about. How much more undemocratic can one get? Either term limits or Congress has to curtail the court’s purview.
Article 3, Section 2, Clause 2 of the US Constitution indeed gives Congress the authority to restrict the appellate jurisdiction of the SCOTUS.
Whether Congress has the guts to do that or not is another matter entirely.
It most certainly does. I’m glad some people out there realize this. Congress can essentially pass a law and restrict SCOTUS from reviewing it. The Congress just needs the back bone to tell them that. It would solve a lot of the problems such as some of the environmental lawsuits or other nonsense that goes before the court
The justices read. Hell, I wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that Saint Antonin stopped by here. My point is that the court knows damn well how far afield it has gotten and will either rein itself in or be reined in, one way or another.
Fuck Chuck and Amy Schumer…douchenozzles to the core.
I saw Mr. Cotton’s response and I rather enjoyed it myself…I will have to live vicariously through your senator as my senators are Liz Fauxahontas Warren and Ed “no bigger hack on the planet” Markey…they receive zero funds from the bank of VOV….we’ve no time for shitheads at our house.
Reminds me of the time I received a political phone call during John (you know I was in Vietnam) Kerry’s run for POTUS while still “serving” as a Senator from the DRofM (Democratic Republic of Massachusetts). The gest of the call was that he was not representing us (Mass. voters). I told them that having him out campaigning rather than voting was the closest that he EVER came to representing me.
Great article. Will watch out for those vets-turned-politicians; they are more than worth the money!
Had a lib acquaintance patronize me 10 years or so back by saying should be required that a Pres be a Vet. I said that would be nice but I’d like to see a requirement that one (and/or) have operated a business and sweated on Thur night if he/she had enough money to make Friday payroll. Doing so changes your outlook on things.
I actually donated to Sen. Cotton’s campaign even though I’m in NC. We have to support warriors like this that will not be overcome with DC niceties and “my gentleman collegue” crap but call a spade a spade to their faces. Schumer is a piece of shit of the highest order and more need to tell that condescending asshole that.
I have been happy with Ryan Zinke(SEAL) here in Montana, but it appears Trump has snatched him up.
Agree completely. There is no doubt that Cotton will think lhard before making choices that put people like him and those he considers friends in harm’s way. Such a refreshing change from the many career congressional asshats who think that going off to war and maybe coming home in a box is something for “other people” to do. And Chuckles Schumer getting the verbal bitch-slap he so rich deserves really did warm my dark, cold heart.
That was one beautiful smack down by Cotton on Schumer. Wonderfully emphasized the difference between the citizen/Soldier/legislator versus the self-serving lifetime politician.
Laat night at a Social event for a Command Sergeant Major who is completing his tour in the battalion as well as nearly retired, I found both officers and enlisted to be very proud of their Ranger Brother. I even heard from an E-7 who once had 1LT Cotton as a platoon leader. Ranger Cotton made quite an impression.
Also, this being the first social event there since the installation of the new US C-in-C, I found the real feelings regarding the past C-in-C, and not one felt that he was up to the job, or that he gave a rats ass about “his” troops. They all see better days ahead for our military, which will pay itself forward to be a benefit to the citizens.
I’m not jealous of much from Arkansas, but it does make me envious as to how they got such a great combat veteran to represent them in the Senate.
Meanwhile, we somehow get stuck with wishy washy wheel and deal politicians like Thom Tillis.
QM1, you should better inform yourself about the beautiful state of Arkansas. The western half is miles and miles of sparsely-populated, forest-covered mountains with pristine lakes everywhere. The hunting and fishing are incredible.
Both senators as well as our governor, lt. governor and attorney general are conservative Republicans and both houses of the legislature are Republican majority. Income taxes imposed under Democrat control are being rolled back and property taxes are low. Housing is half what it was in New Mexico where I moved here from. It’s a great place for retirees.
You should take a closer look at the lovely state you’re disparaging.
Poe, I’m a Navy man through and through. Call me when they get the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean.
With that being said, I did do long canoe trip down the Buffalo River once. It was beautiful.
Then you know what I’m speaking of. To add to the natural beauty of the Buffalo River area the state is rebuilding the elk herds to what they were back when the first whites entered the area.
But I do know what you mean about missing the ocean after living out the back gate of NAS Pensacola for many years.
Two words before you get too excited about vets in Congress: TAMMY DUCKWORTH.
Dingbat personified.
Duckworth’s problem is not her veteran’s status it’s her liberal bent and her party affiliation.
Of course there will be exceptions.
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