Guess who was left unpardoned!

| January 22, 2017

You can thank Poetrooper for this, but put down the beverages before you read it.  Let the gigglesnorts begin.

Obama has left town, and guess whom he has left holding the proverbial bag for possible criminality occurring during his presidency?  If you guess Hillary Clinton  and, by extension, her husband, her aide Huma Abedin, and her lawyer Cheryl Mills, among many others who hitched their wagons to the Clinton star  you’re right on the money.  Imagine the ominous sense of impending doom that must be spreading through the Clinton domain as all of them realize that they have lost forever the umbrella of protection from prosecution that a last-minute pardon from a friendly president of their own political party would have afforded them.  They now all stand fully exposed to the elements of criminal prosecution that they had thought themselves immune to during an Obama presidency followed by a Clinton election victory.

Wouldn’t you love to hear some of the phone conversations going on right now within that former empire?  John Podesta’s email revelations likely pale in significance compared to those email conversations underway even as you read this.  You say they couldn’t possibly be that stupid?  Remember, these are liberal Democrat operatives who have already demonstrated their limited grasp of and regard for cyber-security, so don’t be so sure.  What you can rest assured of is that there are a number of those operatives whose minds are working furiously to determine what they can do to save themselves  not their bosses, but themselves.  Surely the FBI agents who have an open investigation into Clinton corruption are at this moment sifting through their perp profiles to determine who will best respond to offers of immunity for cooperation.

Friday, the 20th of January, 2017 has to be a very dark day within the Clinton realm.  Don’t you just love it?

Thomas Lifson adds:

President Trump also has pardon power.  That gives him a lot of bargaining leverage if he ever decides to exercise his artistic skills in deal-making with the Clinton machine.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"

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A Proud Infidel®™

That and I heard the Clinton Global Initiative is shutting down and GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. ???????????

MSG Eric

And all those people giving contributions for political favors have to find a new organization to fund since Hillary wasn’t elected Queen of America.

Deplorable B Woodman

Hopefully a “gated” community with vertical gray walls, gates and bars.


I’m sure that the shredding party and disk drive destruction has been working non-stop for weeks before the announcement was made.


As far as I can see, Robert Bowe Bergdahl also has not been pardoned by President Barack Hussein Obama II, now no longer POTUS…and Mr. Trump, excuse me, the current Mr. President, is not inclined to pardon Bergdahl, as far as I am aware. Also Chelsea Manning would like to appeal her dishonorable discharge, but given that Mad Dog Mattis is now at the helm…appeal chances have lowered to very very slim for it.

Pineywoods NCO

Those two dumb “sweet old boys” need to realize their chances of getting out of their predicaments has gone to slim to none…and frankly, slim rode off to the sunset.


What’s the current wait on discharge appeals? Several years? And how many DDs get upgraded? I would hope his appeal gets to languish in line with everyone else’s. Hopefully there isn’t someone at the board sympathetic to him and they don’t hand walk his through the appeals process. As far as that dumb ass Bergdahl goes, that’s still going to drag out for another year? Maybe more? I’m surprised he didn’t score a pardon and get to ETS with full bennies. Hell his parents got to stand next to Barry in the Rose Garden, so I’m actually he didn’t get one too.


Would love to see Bergdahl wearing that native jhad garb sitting beside Manning wearing his wig and mini skirt setting across a small table from Gen.Mattis. THAT would be popcorn worthy.

2/17 Air Cav

The anxiety caused by the possibility of something happening is often worse than the something when it happens. I like to think that’s true for the Bitch of Benghazi and her husband of convenience, Cigar Bill.


You can take it to the bank: there will not be any prosecution; and the Clintons know darn well that is the case. There’s nothing to get excited about. Too bad.

MSG Eric

We shall see.

Silentium Est Aureum

Never say never. If Trump’s programs work, and his popularity rating notches up in a year or so, it’s entirely possible any information dug up on them will set the stage for a prosecution at least of Hillary and Huma.


Medic09, while I was writing the above piece, I considered addressing this issue of whether Trump would prosecute the Clinton’s but decided it would make the piece too long. Here’s how I addressed that issue in a comment from another skeptic over at American Thinker where the article was first posted and garnered more than 500 comments.
Don’t lose track of the reality that Trump met with Arkansas Attorney General, Leslie Rutledge, at Trump Tower before he announced HE would not pursue the Clinton’s. Rutledge has jurisdiction to prosecute the Clinton Foundation and its officers as it has corporate offices in Little Rock. And that prosecutorial power extends beyond the borders of Arkansas. Notably, Trump did not say he would hinder a state prosecution of the Clinton’s.

Rutledge is a new but ambitious Republican who was elected for her law and order attitude. She is too junior for Trump to have had any other reason for meeting with her than the Clinton issue. But she’s not too junior to make a deal with Trump that could secure her a position in the Trump Administration following her successful prosecution of the Clinton’s and their henchmen. Also, Trump could quietly make the investigatory resources of the federal government available to Rutledge while publicly claiming no role.
So you see, Medico, there is more than one way to skin this corrupt Clinton kitty.


Dear God in Heaven, I hope you are correct!

Ahab and Jezebel … describes those two to a T.


One of several things to smile about this week. Actually, the thought of the Clinton bunch pondering if and when they may be called to account for their actions brings more of a giggle. So many possibilities, none of which should bring them any surety of a peaceful existence into the future.


The thought of Wideload ‘sweating like a pig’ makes me grimace. It’s also redundant. But, it’s a pleasurable grimace. The Clintoons and damn near everyone closely associated with them, IMO, are corrupt as hell. I’d enjoy the discovery phase of class action lawsuits brought by those who, in good faith, made donations to their ‘charity’. Why they and those closely associated with them are not in prison defies reason. They are too numerous to list, but for beginners, I’d settle for Podesta and Abedin, followed by, oh, 50+ more over a period of a few years. It would also be nice to somehow get Harry Reid behind bars, but it may be illegal if not immoral to incarcerate a corpse. Will the Clintoons serve time? Someone hit the nail today when stating if they keep their mouths shut and not attack Trump, they can possibly escape revenge by Trump (although perhaps not from others). However, if they flap their gums and attack Trump, I believe he will make their lives miserable. A series of select committees looking into their business dealings should shake their limousine liberal lives to the core. They are a law degree removed from trailer trash.

Deplorable B Woodman

And what about ValJar Binks and “Hang ‘Em High” Lynch?

(I always thought “Lynch” was an appropriate name for an attorney)


Don’t forget the amateur arms dealer, Eric “Fast and Furious” Holder


Well, Barry couldn’t give them a pardon, as they haven’t been convicted or charged with anything (yet). Maybe a legal eagle on the forum can correct me? Has any president issued a preemptive pardon for crimes that may or may not have been committed? I don’t know if Nixon had already been charged with anything when Ford pardoned him. Can you imagine the shit storm such a broad pardon would have caused? He would have had to run that pardon all the way back the the Whitewater years.


From the Ford pardon of Nixon:

As a result of certain acts or omissions occurring before his resignation from the Office of President, Richard Nixon has become liable to possible indictment and trial for offenses against the United States. Whether or not he shall be so prosecuted depends on findings of the appropriate grand jury and on the discretion of the authorized prosecutor. Should an indictment ensue, the accused shall then be entitled to a fair trial by an impartial jury, as guaranteed to every individual by the Constitution.

Now, Therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.

Notice that the pardons were for possible crime that had not been charged and for which no indictment had been obtained.




You’re welcome.

Please see my post below as to why I believe that while Obama had the authority to pardon Clinton, he could not do so because of the political fallout.

2/17 Air Cav

Does anyone ever read others’ posts? Do some research on pardons and commutations. At various times, this issue must have been addressed more than a dozen times. Hondo covered it. Guitarcarver covered it. I covered it. And probably at least one other commenter covered it.


No pardon from the JEF for Shillery… his unique way of telling her that she’s on her own.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Obama may have let that little shit Bradley Manning off the hook, but he didn’t do shit for PFC Bowe (Hang em High) Bergdahl. I believe that certain individual is very, very fucked right now.


Once again, in United States v. Burdick. Justice McKenna wrote in the majority opinion:

This brings us to the differences between legislative immunity and a pardon. They are substantial. The latter carries an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it. (emphasis ours)

If Obama had pardoned Clinton, he would be saying that in his opinion, Clinton had committed crimes – something that he, his administration and the Clintons deniy.

If Clinton were to accept the pardon, she would be admitting guilt to crimes that she denied committing.

There is no way in hades that Obama could have pardoned her. He had the authority to do so, but the political fallout would have been devastating.


gitarcarver – I’m old enough to remember the fallout that Ford got over the pardon he gave Nixon, it cost him the election against Carter. If Clinton had accepted a pardon from the JEF, it would have been a clear admission of guilt – no way to overlook that.

Wilted Willy

I can only hope for a very large number of convictions of all of these shitbags and may they all rot in prison like they deserve!
Fuck them all!!!


I was certain Bergdahl was not going to be pardoned. I also knew Obama was not going to protect Hillary.

Bergdahl was an issue that the right could bring up to criticize the Obama administration. Before he was freed for not doing enough to free him and after he was freed for risking lives to free him. Now, Bergdahl is irrelevant moving forward because there is literally no political advantage for either side to bring him up.

As for Hillary; as long as she keeps a low profile and does not use her now crumbling political and social influence to attack or shame Trump she will be fine.

If she does attack Trump he will go after her.

And for those of you that might take issue with the fact that right wingers were attacking Obama for not getting Bergdahl back and for getting him back here is just one example of the hypocrisy.


“mom, dad

The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting. […] [Three good sergeants had been forced to move to another company] […] and one of the biggest shit bags is being put in charge of the team. […] [My battalion commander was] a conceited old fool. […] In the US army you are cut down for being honest… but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank… The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools. … The US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at. It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools, and bullies. The few good SGTs are getting out as soon as they can, […] I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live… We don’t even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks… We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them […] I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting. There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them.”

Fuck him.

2/17 Air Cav

Commissar either did not read the pieces he linked to above or his reading comprehension is lacking terribly. The pieces in no way, shape, or form are hypocritical and the second one does not, as Lars states, object to Bergdahl’s return. I cannot see how any rational, intelligent, and reasonable reader of those two pieces could reach the conclusion Lars did. Or did I just summarize how Lars came to reach his mistaken conclusion?


Lars does have a bad habit of posting things he clearly does not understand-

2/17 Air Cav

I hope to hell he understood the effect of his intel work.


That is one of the conversation that got derailed by noise before it could go anywhere.

I absolutely understand the economy and why the blog post was selectively choosing data to support a misleading position.

However, I tried to pull a graph that I had seen several times and when I did an image search on the graph I pasted the link of the wrong one.

When I came back to the thread there was so much bullshit and noise it was pointless to even try to respond.

I find this board tedious as hell. The delusional thinking, cognitive dissonance, and selectivity bias on this board is beyond my ability to impact.


“I find this board tedious as hell.”

Nobody here has you handcuffed to the radiator Lars.


“I find this board tedious as hell. The delusional thinking, cognitive dissonance, and selectivity bias on this board is beyond my ability to impact.”

Then leave. There is clearly no reason for you to be here. No one is forcing you to come here. No one will miss you when you’re gone.


Well, maybe Joe. . .


OT – Lars, I left a reply for you on the GEN Mattis thread this morning:


I read them, and it was hypocrisy. There was another article on the same site that further demonstrated that the site selectively chooses whatever position it can to criticize Obama on the issue of Bergdahl.

That exchange was neither unusual or treason. And “consorting with the enemy” is an outrageous claim. It was US personnel who were negotiating this deal. I was constantly meeting with “the enemy” while in Iraq and I know of people who were meeting with the “enemy” in Afghanistan. A half dozen still close friends. Meeting with the “enemy” is common in insurgencies. Because the enemy is not one monolithic grouo.

2/17 Air Cav

“There was another article on the same site that further demonstrated….” Oh? You linked to two articles written by two different people two years apart. That failed so you point to another article as proof of something or other. You failed again, Lars. Find something you are a good at and stick to it, why don’t you? You expect that your words should be taken at face value and lash out when they’re not. You beef about this “board” incessantly and you keep coming back. I don’t get it and I believe you don’t either. You keep shitting your pants and then wonder why the hell everyone moves away from you.



If you read the articles, then you have to note the difference between taking actions to getting Bergdahl back and the final deal to get Bergdahl back.

There is a huge difference between demanding action and then saying that the action is wrong.

You make the assumption that the deal Obama got was the only deal possible or that the deal of giving up multiple terrorists was a deal the US should have agreed to. (For example, why not a one for one exchange?)

Your assessment of what is “hypocritical” is way off the mark.

An example in the private realm of life would be “as the President of the Acme Widget Company, Lars has not done enough to secure a supply of materials to build our widgets.”


The Widget Union I812 said today that Lars had agreed to a deal for materials that would require the company to cut jobs, pay, and benefits in order to remain competitive in the widget market. “Lars agreed to such an outrageous price for the materials when other sources were available,” said Union head Air Cav. “that the health and well being of the company and the workers is at risk.”

No one – not even you – would say that the two statements on the Widget Company are hypocritical, yet that is the same thing that you are saying about the two articles you cited.

You’re off base here.


You all need to stop wasting thought and keystrokes on this proglodyte. Like one of my law professors wisely observed over 35 years ago: “You cannot reason with a zealot. They believe the crap they do because they want to believe it, despite all evidence to the contrary.” They all live in a parallel universe in their tiny minds.

2/17 Air Cav

You are right, of course, but it’s rather like trying to ignore fingernails being run across a blackboard.


Ex-PH2, you’re more woman than I am. I just don’t have the patience for his nonsense. Many a time I have wished for an “ignore” feature here, so I could block out the garbage from Lars and Joe (and probably LC, although he’s much more reasonable than the other two put together).


I suppose you are correct. At least he is not typing his comments in random caps like one of our favorite DRG bois.
By the way PH-2, congrats on your “major award” for your yeoman’s service in picking up the slack for our fearless leader.

2/17 Air Cav

And now, I’ll explain. The pieces were written by two different people but for the same publication. Lar’s first mistake is to state categorically that the right wingers are hypocritical. Even if the pieces were contradictory and hypocritical, which they are not, one size does not fit all and one flavor does not satisfy all, even among the “right wingers.” So, he’s wrong in that assumption from the start. As for the content, he could not be more wrong. The first piece laments the apparent abandonment of an American soldier by the oBaMa regime. It was written in 2012. The second piece, written in 2014, takes oBaMa to task for oBaMa’s political opportunism and the Rose Garden spectacle starring Bergdahl’s parents. That’s all. The author of the second piece does not suggest, let alone take the clear position that, Bergdahl should not have been released. Jonn Lilyea had the identical position, if you recall. Jonn wanted an American soldier freed and set aside the rough talk about whether Bergdahl was a willing captive. Lars is a pip.


It is the choice to attack Obama regardless of what he does or does not do.

Something this board does to “liberal” quote often.


Sort of like the idiots attacking Trump for something they “think” he is going to do?

Some advice grasshopper, there are many here that are just as intelligent if not more intelligent than you. Stop pretending to be omniscient.

2/17 Air Cav

He’s a millionaire. His kids attend exclusive, private schools. He never has held a real job. He plays golf with the upper crust and hobnobs at Martha’s Vineyard with the blue bloods. Trump? No. Obama. There’s your working class hero, Lars.


I was thinking of that 2/17…since FORMER Dear Leader is no longer in Govt Quarters and now in his own walled in residence in DC, assume his kids will go to DC public schools? And he’ll play on a public golf course?


I knew that. No way did I think that Obama would put his kids in a school system of the people he supposedly cares about. And he will be living in a house surrounded by a newly built wall…Wonder if he can get a carry permit? Oops, I forget, he’ll still be protected for life by Secret Service so he won’t need a Carry. BTW, I thought walls didn’t work. Oh the irony.


BTW, how’d he become a millionaire? He was an adjunct professor and, we’re told, they live in poverty. He had no jobs in the economy. He was a Senator and Pres and the pay for those is not in the millionaire pay grade. His books? Bullshit.

But, who cares. He’s gone. Finally.


Also left without a PARDON, Daniel A Bernath and Wittless Dallas WITTGENFELD. Dallas eat shit..

He’s heading to San Diego to a business he claims I work for. I’m so New Orleans for a funeral, Posuer


The Hill is reporting that Bergdahl’s lawyers are seeking that Bergdahl be released. They claim that Bergdahl cannot get a fair trial because of statements made by Trump in regards to Bergdahl while campaigning.

The interesting thing would be that Trump (or anyone) who is campaigning for the office of the President could be held as “prejudicial” if elected for answering questions or making statements as a private citizen.

As I remember, Nixon said Manson was guilty and the Manson lawyers claimed that the jury could not be impartial. The judge and later appeal courts rejected that argument.

To me, it seems ironic or “par for the course” that the people defending Bergdahl are in fact attacking the integrity of the military people hearing the case and their ability to separate their opinions and judgements from that of Trump.

The article also says that Bergdahl sought a pardon which means he was admitting his guilt in a crime. If those papers are signed by Bergdahl, I wonder if they can be admitted into evidence in his trial?


This is what some dipshit lawers do. If you will recall, a certain disbarred California lawer tried to disqualify all the bar court judges and lawyers handling his disciplinary case on the grounds they were prejudiced against him. My experience with this argument is that it is almost always a loser, and it merely further alienates the judge. I watched an opposing counsel pull this stunt numerous times in front of two trial court judges and even a Court of Appeals panel of justices. After he finished playing out this tactic by suing several judges (state and federal), he ended up disbarred just like our DRG ex-lawer.


I thought you were going to say Bowen Burghdahl. If he only became transsexual and put on a burka he could be a free woman.


This guy, David Brock and his Super PAC of liberal rat commie bastards.