What is it now?
I am still trying to figure out exactly what this was all about yesterday. I wanted one of these so bad I was about to reach out and grab one. I failed to snatch one, but it would have made a great gift for TSO and that Brady chick after tonight’s invasion by the Steelers Nation. In any event, I think maybe I am now supposed to be “Aware” of some horrible injustice going on in America. Someone asked me to pick my favorite sign from the event but honestly I couldn’t find one I could call cogent. Something about no more free razors stands out, but as a Jarhead I am used to staring at things I do not understand.
Jonn is almost multi-syllabic. Yesterday I nearly got a complete sentence out of him. I think he is moving up to soft foods this week. If Mr. warm and fuzzy doesn’t get his shit together soon, I am going to ask Cher to send him a hat.
Enjoy your Sunday…sending condolences to TSO in advance.
Category: Pointless blather
You wanted the hat that makes you look like a cat?
Don’t worry. The noisy crowds will go away soon. They get paid to be obnoxious, rude and destructive. The cops in WDC are developing an attitude toward them, from what I saw on the videos provided yesterday. At some point, the cold winter sets in and camping out on benches in the parks ain’t so wonderful, after all.
If you speak to Jonn again, tell him I haven’t been able to find cheap enough cigars to make him happy.
More accurately, a “pussy” cat hat, lol.
Not only that Ex-PH2, according to more than one news outlet there have been more reporters than protestors in more than one episode of busting and looting. In one article they told about a CNN Reporter being knocked down by LE before they discovered he was media. ????. I wonder how many of the accounts of these “protests” are exaggerated beginning with their accounts of the crowd sizes?
When I hear ‘thousands’ from TV reporters and all I see is a few dozen or maybe a couple hundred showing on the screen, I know it’s baloney. There’s no overhead drone shot, no long view of the streets the way there was with the Cubs homecoming parade, no real visual check allowed for us, because that would spoil the LSM agenda.
So, exaggerated is a mild way to refer to it.
Surely you jest? No matter where your politics fall, the protests yesterday were pretty god damn large. And there are tons of places with aerial shots – here’s one from a quick google search. Note the helicopter videos:
It’s possible to take issue with the nature of the march while not denying the reality of the crowd sizes.
No, I am not jesting. There were no such aerial shots on my local news stations. I don’t care whether you believe that or not, and I don’t spend my time watching television. I have better things to do with my life than waste it on that crap.
Except denial is exactly what is done from your side when you want to deny the importance of those who oppose you.
“A few thousand” is oft repeated when patriots meet up in DC for their events. Never more even when there are multiple millions attending.
Oh, well.
Hardly ‘my’ side – I’m completely independent as a voter. I lean liberal on some social things, conservative on some fiscal things, and all over the place on security.
I call out the liberals for their misrepresentations, too. Like I said above, any time Democrats whine about Trump speaking with Taiwan, I want to smack some foreheads – supporting a democratic society should take precedence over supporting the status quo.
That said, I can’t think of any protests in DC that counted in the multiple millions of people.
You have to account for how many were probably there just to watch the circus for entertainment purposes.
“Speaking” implies some form of verbal exchange using a known language. Its more like guttural sounds coming from a neanderthal drooling over a bowl of gruel.
What he has just sucks the energy out of you. Staying awake for more than a few hours is torture.
Nobody is paying them. Delusional to think they are being paid.
There were literally millions of women and supporters of women’s issues in more than 38 cities. Hundreds of thousands of women traveled to the events.
Dozens of cities internationally had sister marches.
The operation would have taken a massive amount of coordination and communication and billions of dollars of funding.
You lose yet again Lars! Soros has been funding crap like that for years, GUESS WHO bankrolled moron dot org during the “Blowjob Willie” years and continues to fund it and others? Who do you think pays for buses to import the “AstromTurf Mobs” to start shit in locations? You are damaged beyond repair grasshopper, your brain and mind rendered completely FUBAR.
Lars, don’t you have a bra to burn or something? Go away.
Don’t disregard Lars like that; he’ll get his panties all wedged up in his metrosexual mangina.
There is little possibility of thousands of protesters spontaneously appearing with signs that appear to be professionally made, in buses taking them to a central location, without outside influence and assistance from those with deep pockets. Soros, Bloombugger and their ilk are almost certainly behind these ‘spontaneous’ events which cost mega bucks.
Wrong, douchebag. It’s all the usual leftwing astroturf.
Some were paid. Most were not. Instead of making your point, you just had to throw in that delusional business. It’s exactly that which makes you TAH’s asshole, Lars.
Funding of transportation, messaging, coordination, advertising, and, no doubt, signs were paid for by the behind-the-scenes guy. There was nothing spontaneous about this, despite the characterizing of certain massings as exactly that. In that sense, yes, they were paid–as in sponsored. Beyond that, some, I suspect, were being paid salaries to do one job when they were actually organizing. That’s being paid, too. Lastly, there may have been women who were actually paid to be there.
Lars loves him some protests. It’s his thingy. That they accomplish nothing, by and large, is neither here nor there. What legislation will result from this? How have hearts and minds been changed? It’s a feel-good exercise. I’m glad the womenses feel good.
It’s time for a recap of recent events. Donald John Trump is President of the United States. The House of Representatives is majority Republican. The US Senate is majority Republican. General Mattis, whom Lars called a sociopath, was cofirmed by the Senate by a close vote: 98-1. The majority of state governorships and legislatures are Republican. And the pussy parade isn’t changing a damn thing. Oh. I nearly forgot. John Kerry, H. Clinton, and B. Hussein Obama are private citizens once again. And Harry Reid is history, just waiting to be buried after being embalmed years ago. So, what’s the concern? There is none. They lost. We won. The end.
Ah. One more. There is a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Before 2020, there are likely going to be two more. Sa-weet.
I heard rumor that Justice Ruth Ginsburg has indeed decided to live up to her promise to resign, I hope ts true!
The composition of the Supreme Court is, to me, damn near as important as who sits in the Oval Office. Perhaps not ‘as important’ as ‘more important’. Two terms with Trump should sew up ‘control’ of the Supremes for a few decades. And the crowd roars its approval.
Hey! API! Don’t toy with me, truck boy.
Not bullshitting, I saw a headline saying so, I’m just waiting to see if it’s true. before I open my gloat gates!
Wimminses? Glad I’m not part of that ramshackle bunch of badly-aging hippie chicks, has-been-singers, and wacko actresses. Lest anyone misunderstood the point to this idiotic attempt to achieve equal rights for women, I must repeat myself (again): Women’s suffrage accomplished August 18, 1920 – 19th Amendment Civil rights addressed completely and competently by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which did literally cover everything, including sexual harassment in Title VII. If those two bits and pieces of legislation are insufficient, someone – NOT Lars – needs to explain just how they are so insufficient, and I would like to remind everyone that the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution gave blacks the right to vote in 1868. Amendment XIV Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state. See, most of that stuff has been in place for almost 150… Read more »
You did not miss anything, very comprehensive.
This was the point I was trying to make. This march was nothing more than an anti-Trump tantrum.
SPEAKING of the Voting Rights Act and other pieces of Civil Rights Legislation, didn’t they pass with Republican support despite many an obstacle placed by Demo-rats?
Yes, I believe you are correct, API.
Most of LBJ’s Civil Rights legislation passed because of Republican support because the Southern Democrats voted against most of it. They did not want blacks in the Southern states voting them out of power.
PH: If you can’t find cheap enough ceegars, a good substitute would be booze. Jonn’s favorite is the type priced by the gallon. A rule of thumb re booze for Jonn is that anything costing more than, oh, about $2 a gallon is a waste. I remember Hav-A-Tampa (almost certainly misspelled) cigars that in the 50s and 60s were about a nickel each. You might have to splurge and buy those costing a dime each. Sacrifices must be made to get Jonn healthy once again so that he can regain control of TAH. I’ve noticed the undercurrent of a coup in his absence. LOL
When watching the ‘spontaneous’ protests recently, I don’t believe I saw two protesters who could spontaneously meet and plan a trip to Walmart. There is big money behind these ‘spontaneous’ events. Most of those I saw, IMO, couldn’t coordinate a good dump w/o outside assistance.
I know where to get cigars. It’s just that they aren’t those old Cuervas, or whatever they were, that smelled like horse manure when they were lit.
“You need a Thneed!”
Maybe Jayne’s mom might send him one.
I would think that having Madonna as a major participant would take away from what ever your message is. Nasty.
Madonna was out-crazied by Ashley Judd, who spouted many gems, such as “black people only get arrested because of their skin color”. Of course, Madonna’s “I think about blowing up the White House often” was right up there with bat-shit nutz, too.
I read this a.m. that “city officials” in D.C. are now saying that the millions marching in D.C. was about 500K, in reality. Lots of folks either way.
And, the crowd did what liberals do, they left garbage, signs and pink hats laying on the ground all over the place.
And the reason there was no actual march was that, at any given time, a couple hundred thousand women were standing in lines to go pee.
On the front page of this morning’s Chicago Tribune, the article about the ‘march’ says “An estimated quarter-million demonstrators poured into downtown on Saturday, so many that organizers of the Women’s March on Chicago”, in regard to the size of the Saturday crowd.
The Chicago Cubs, on the other hand, had an peaceful, enthusiastic audience of approximately 5 million at their homecoming parade in October.
If we do the math, the Cubbies are 20 times more popular than those silly women who think they’re somehow being oppressed because their fave-rave candydate didn’t win the November 2016 election.
I keep wondering about this unanswered question: what if they held a protest, and no reporters showed up for it?
They’ve done that. The “Right to Life” march every year has a very large turnout, 2013 was estimated at 650,000 is ignored every year by the press.
Oh, but they clean up when they are done so that must be the difference, right? Since they aren’t burning shit, destroying property and generally acting like adults it’s not news worthy.
If you really think about it, the more obnoxious these people are, regardless of ethnicity or gender, the less likely they are to be welcome in your home or mine.
Like I said, it seems more like the last gasp of idiocy than a reboot of the last eight years of Da Stoopid.
My first thought after looking at photos from a Washington Post story yesterday is that they should declare January 21st as national Coyote Ugly Day.
But that might be unfair; the photos obviously didn’t show all 450 million marchers “estimated” by the event’s organizers…
Well, no, the ‘media’ admitted that it was closer to 500,000 than the millions they had originally said were there.
It was a number intentionally chosen to be 50 percent larger than the entire population of the United States. In some parts of the blogger comment universe, this is what’s known as a joke. Sorry for the confusion…
Fugly was certainly not in short supply, as they used to say in the S-4 shop.
The ladies with the “Pussy ( or is that “Puu-say) Cat Hats” can’t even hold a candle to “Josie and the Pussycats”.
The blonde drummer was my favorite as a kid. Such a pretty face….such an empty head.
IDC SARC would hit that.
Yesterday, I posted a link in the WOT to the pics of some of the parading pussy power participants. One in particular is of interest. Her name, at least as she provided it, is Khia Willson. She is reported to be a Veteran and she has a service dog. Hers is the seventh pic down:
My only thought yesterday was for all of the poor sandwiches left unmade.
I really wasn’t expecting them to make me a sandwich, but at the very least I would have hoped those fucking slobs would have cleaned up after themselves.
No, they left piles of trash behind, as well as broken store windows and trash cans set on fire.
As my favorite author, Larry Correia, said:
“Oh look. People protesting Trump in a city that overwhelmingly voted against Trump just smashed a coffee shop whose CEO was against Trump. Well done, assholes. Well done.”
What was the message? Just looked like another platform for immature fools to act outrageous in public.
My personal perspective is that the less of a message the better for this type of march. That is, having women with multiple viewpoints marching in opposition to a President makes it a Women’s March. Having women with a singular viewpoint (for example, abortion rights) makes it a less unified effort.
Sure, some people acted foolish, and the ‘razor’ sign Dave referred to is just painfully stupid, but I think on the whole lots of women found support and solidarity in the crowds after reeling from seeing a man with a history of some fairly sexist remarks being elected President. The goal wasn’t to change a particular policy, it was that showing of solidarity.
Foolish? I would hardly call breaking the windows at Starbucks foolishness.
Oh, but you didn’t see that, did you? How convenient for you.
The organizer of the so-called ‘women’s march’ is a muslim woman who supports sharia law.
Your ignorance is appalling. What’s next? Are you going to become an apologist for them, too?
I believe the breaking of the Starbucks window happened not at the Women’s March yesterday, but rather the protests during the inauguration? Regardless, I’m clearly opposed to that.
As for Sarsour, who was one of four co-chairs, not ‘the organizer’, it doesn’t bother me because the march itself didn’t espouse Sharia law. If I organized a rally in support of cancer research and my co-chairs were a Grand Dragon of the KKK, a leader from the Nation of Islam and some nutjob who believes he was abducted by aliens, I wouldn’t care so long as their actions and voices supported the mission and not their personal beliefs.
When Sarsour supports Sharia, I’ll oppose her. When she simply wishes women to find a voice in solidarity, I’m all for it. It needn’t be black and white.
It’s a bit like how I argue Democrats should support President Trump on his Taiwan overtures, even if they oppose him on countless other things. Or how Republicans who hate Obama should still applaud his decision to go into Pakistan and get bin Laden. People are rarely all right or all wrong.
The march–which was much more of a pedestrian traffic jam–had no theme and included some 600 Canadians. Why? As far as I am concerned, they and their buses should have been turned around at the border when they were asked the purpose of their visit to the USA. As for the standers, it was a pearly white show, which more than one liberal paper expressed their concerns about. After all, what good is the Left if ‘privileged’ white women are its representatives.
Linda Sarsour is a twitter addict. On her twitterpating feed, she has said she’s angry that 22 US states do not allow sharia law.
As much as I dislike the 4th estate, Gateway Pundit has screen shots of her support of sharia law.
If that is insufficient evidence for your ‘needs’, LC, then you are nothing but a troublemaking, self-centered jerk, a twin for Commissar.
Your arguments are fallacious, non sequitur, and not backed up by any history or references because you have none.
Here’s another screen shot of a Twitter feed by Linda Sarsour for your reference, LC. If this isn’t enough proof for you that she supports sharia law, then you’re deliberately ignoring the truth.
And I’m not going to do your homework for you.
I wasn’t doubting Sarsour’s support for Sharia.. my ‘when’ referred to when she tries to push to make it law, I’ll oppose it. Again, I wouldn’t give a rats ass if there was a KKK member there, provided he was there to support the cause at hand and not his own personal one.
Hell, I know two Republicans who went to the Women’s March. They were there to support other women. They disagree strongly with liberals, but their disagreements were irrelevant to the bigger picture.
George H. W. Bush reportedly said he wasn’t sure non-religious folk should be considered citizens… but guess what, I could still support him on countless other things. It’s just that if he had started to push that as law, I’d have opposed him on it. And then still supported him on other things I agree with.
When Sarsour supports a peaceful protest for women to show solidarity in a time when many are feeling concerns, I’m all for it. When Sarsour supports making Sharia law the law of the land, I’ll be against it. Note that those screenshots are supporting a part of Sharia in favor of interest-free loans, too – that doesn’t exactly instill a great deal of fear in me.
“Note that those screenshots are supporting a part of Sharia in favor of interest-free loans, too – that doesn’t exactly instill a great deal of fear in me.”
You should fear it.
Banks that loan money based upon following a religious doctrine and discriminate those that do not?
Islamic law prohibits receiving or paying interest on loans.
I guess since Allah forbade it, it doesn’t violate the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) or Fair Housing Act (FHA.
Oh, if there was a religious component to it, I’d completely oppose it.
And even if there wasn’t, I might oppose it – I mean, I don’t quite know what interest-free loans would do to the economy and banking system. It’s a bit of a radical change and it’s not something I’ve ever considered.
I’m just saying that if she’s a proponent of interest-free loans (no religious test, just the interest-free loan aspect of Sharia) I’m not going to fear it just because it’s an idea also used in Sharia.
So, LC, what you are saying is that you are actually too stupid to recognize propaganda when it’s right in your face.
I thought so. You just proved it.
You really are dumber than a bag of bent screws.
Hey dimwit, she already does support Sharia. Take a look at her twitter page and tweets.
What I thought was interesting about the protesters smashing the Starbucks windows on Inauguration Day, was the fact that the CEO Howard Schultz, was/is a huge supporter of Hilliary. He donated somewheres in the neighborhood of $300K-400K to her campaign.
Another case of the stupidity of her supporters and of them eating their own.
They also broke windows in the Bank of America next door, another mega-donor to Wideload.
“…reeling from seeing a man with a history of some fairly sexist remarks being elected President.”
As opposed to having Hillary in the White House, who’s husband has been accused of numerous rapes and caught diddling the staff? Flights to Pedophile Island?
Yeah, that make perfect sense.
Donald Trump is the President, Bill Clinton isn’t. In fact, Bill Clinton wasn’t even running. Those are two pretty significant differences, I think.
I also think that while Bill was slimy on a personal level, Trump’s comments on women tend to be very public. That’s not a judgement as to which is worse, but one is obviously much more visible than the other.
Except WHEN Cigar Bill was president, where were the outraged women? I know where they weren’t, congregating in DC and elsewhere against the molester. And where were they when his chief apologist, H. Wideload Clinton, was named Sec of State by that obama guy?
‘fairly sexist remarks’ does not equal – not REMOTELY equal Bill Clinton getting a blow job from a White House intern while he was on the phone with the Secretary of State.
There are sexist remarks all over the place on This Ain’t Hell. Perhaps you’ve missed those, but your response is non sequitur.
Here’s a hypothetical situation: some asshole steals $1B from someone, and someone else steals $100 each from one million people.
Which is worse? The $1B theft is 10x greater than the latter one, so you could argue it’s worse, but I’ll go out on a wild limb and suggest the latter would cause more protests.
Bill Clinton could grab a bunch of asses in private, but when you go on national TV and talk about ‘grabbing women by the pussy’, or calling other women fat, or any of other countless things President Trump has done, it’s likely to result in a stronger reaction than private interactions between two people.
You have reached rock bottom, LC. You really have.
I’ve reached rock bottom by pointing out how a lesser insult to millions of people leads to more protests than a greater insult to one (or, a few)?
I don’t even like the Clintons. But that seems like pretty standard human nature to me.
I reread your 11:17 post to see whether I was too hasty. I wasn’t. You reached rock bottom when you set up a which-is-worse comparison, minimized what BJ Clinton actually DID to multiple women, and then both mischaracterized (“go on national TV”) the circumstance of the Trump sick words, and then concluded, by implication, that what one SAID is worse than what another DID. Yes, that’s rock bottom.
Fair enough. I still contend that’s human nature.
Which do you think resulted in a larger reaction: when John Kerry made comments implying that only dumb people join the military, or when David Palmer (who?), a veteran, got beaten and hospitalized by some assholes during a riot in Charlotte a few months back?
I’ll wager being beaten that badly is much worse than someone saying something stupid, but it didn’t get nearly the same attention.
And I certainly didn’t conclude that one is worse than the other – I just pointed out that it’s human nature that something that insults more people gets more of a reaction than something that does worse than insults fewer people.
If you still disagree, well, that’s fine. But our disagreement is human nature, not politics.
“And I certainly didn’t conclude that one is worse than the other”
No, you just implied that one is worse than the other and then made the implication that saying “Women will LET you do that when your famous” is worse than Clinton ACTUALLY raping women.
Fuck off Lars.
I’m not Lars, and no, I didn’t imply one is worse than the other, I said one is likely to cause a greater reaction than the other.
What makes something worse? Is a slightly bad thing that affects 1000 people worse than a really bad thing that affects one? I don’t know. If you do, well, I guess you’re just a lot smarter than I am.
And Bill Clinton hasn’t been convicted of rape, has he?
Again, a non sequitur. Nobody, including the mead, pays any attention anything Kerry say. IN addition, he WAS in the military so he lumped himself right into that ‘only dumb people’ category.
Palmer being beaten by a bunch of thugs has nothing to do with Kerry’s idiot statement.
Fallacy, non sequitur.
Geez, you can’t even come up with good examples.
That comment about Trump going “on national TV and talk about ‘grabbing women by the pussy,’ shows you are as big a proglodyte leftard propagandist as the Commissar, as you know that is factually false because it was a secretly recorded conversation between two guys about how women throw themselves at them because they are famous. It shows why we should ignore everything you post here. Followers of the Bitch of Benghazi were the ones that caused it to be aired on national TV.
We should shun this prick and his fellow traveler from Berzerkly. Lets stop feeding the trolls.
Was he not on TV saying those words? Sure, I shouldn’t have have said ‘go on TV’, implying it was a conscious choice, as opposed to a leak. But much like the DNC leaks, it’s true information regardless, so the point remains. Someone publicly making offensive comments that could apply to millions of people is going to garner a larger reaction than someone doing something bad that only affects one person, or a small few.
I’m not sure how that’s trolling.
I guess receiving a blow job in the Oval Office is not as offensive.
Even to this day Bill Clinton is a fucking pig. Where is the outrage by the little pink girls?
I was told actions speak louder than words.
Kind of seems backwards in these examples, doesn’t it?
I certainly didn’t argue it makes sense, I just argued that’s human nature. Someone getting a blowjob in the Oval Office is offensive, but it isn’t personally offensive. I imagine, if you’re like me, someone spitting on your wife or kid would rile you up. Probably even more so than, say, even a story about a cop getting killed by some asshole. The latter is far worse, but -again, if you’re like me- while both upset you, you’ll probably be more incensed by someone spitting on you.
Maybe not, I don’t know – I’m just calling it how I would be. For me, the fact that Bill Clinton got it on in the Oval Office with Lewinsky is embarrassing and disrespectful. But he wasn’t making general statements about all women, belittling them based solely on their appearance. Or saying he could do anything, including sexual assault (‘grabbing them by the pussy’ — if someone did that to your daughter, I imagine you wouldn’t laugh it off?). It’s a difference between someone being an ass to another individual or someone being an ass to people that include my wife and daughter. I definitely understand people who take the latter more personally.
Bill Clinton’s entire career has been filled with accusations of rape and demeaning women. Hillary stuck around because she doesn’t give a fuck, she is just as bad. Where is the outrage from all the women?
For the record, I do find it personally offensive that a public servant received a blow job in my house.
So why do you find it PERSONALLY offensive that Trump said that when you are famous women LET you grab them?
Are you sad that Donald didn’t find you attractive enough to grab your pussy, Lars?
I don’t think we can treat allegations as fact – and yes, that applies equally to Trump and Bill Clinton. Again, I just argue that there’s a difference between demeaning a single woman and demeaning women in general. It’s a bit like the difference between someone saying they hate Michelle Obama because she’s an idiot, and they hate Michelle Obama because she’s a woman. In both cases they’re being terrible to a woman, but in one it’s clear that’s an attitude that they apply to women in general. And people take that more personally than something just between two people.
And I can understand you taking offense at a blowjob in the White House. I can see that. I probably should find it more offensive, but I don’t have high expectations for the personal lives of politicians. Should Trump have an affair with an intern and get a blowjob in the Oval Office, I assure you I won’t be outraged by the act. Again, maybe I should be, but I just don’t care so much what two consenting adults do, even if they should know better than to do it there.
I find general statements about groups of people more offensive than statements about a specific person, yes. If someone has a beef with veterans in general, would you not find that more offensive than if someone had a beef with his neighbor Larry, a veteran, who for whatever reason pissed the guy off?
Insult a woman, that’s bad. Insult women in general, that’s worse.
And again, I’m not Lars.
Obviously, numbnuts, you weren’t around in the 1990s when Bill Clinton’d little Oval Office orgies were published in every freaking newspaper in the country, including my hometown newspaper.
Just how dumb are you?
He was impeached for that. The ONLY reason he didn’t get booted out the door is that the Senate could only get 50 votes for impeachment when they needed 52. How much of his corruptive influence do you think was slammed on those two who did not for to fire his ass? Oh, but that spoils your narrative that ‘it’s only ONE person’, when in fact, he offended a helluva a lot more than ONE person.
You are doing nothing but showing your ignorance here. It’s one thing to argue a point. But you are not doing that. You are making nothing but false arguments.
I remember all of that. And to me, the issue is still that his affair with Lewinsky was an act between two consenting adults, and not him making general remarks about women. Is it offensive? Sure, he’s a jackass. But once again, women didn’t see that and think, “Oh, that could’ve been me he’s talking about”. But when then-candidate Trump went off on women for being fat, or it being their ‘time of the month’, or any other sort of generally sexist remark, they identify with that.
But since you clearly disagree, let me ask you this – what’s your theory for why Trump’s comments matter more to women, as they obviously do, than Bill Clinton’s? You think the millions of women who find President Trump’s comments disturbing are all partisan hacks since these mattered more to many people than the past actions of Bill Clinton?
Honestly, it just seems like basic human psychology to me, not false arguments.
There is outrage over Trump’s remarks yet there has never been the same outrage for Bill Clinton’s treatment of women.
A heard about a foundation that has Bill’s name on it that accepts money from nations that oppress women, not just one woman.
Actually, Trump was not talking about women in general at all, LC. You had better revisit the transcript.
Correctamundo, he was talking about women that are commonly known a star-phuckers aka groupies in the music business.
Oh, shit – private interactions? You cannot be serious. Monica Lewinski gave extremely graphic detailed PUBLIC descriptions of her sexual encounters with Bill Clinton. Just because she wasn’t doing it on the front lawn or leaking it to National Enquirer does NOT make it BETTER than making idiotic remarks that the gossip trash can pick up and spread.
Since when is whoring in private less an offense that saying stupid things that the yellow journalists print?
Again, non sequitur AND fallacious.
And while I’m at it, LC, don’t change the subject when your argument fails. It doesn’t work, especially on This Aint Hell.
I don’t think I have. My point throughout this has been that people feel more strongly about things that affect them. And general comments about women affect more people than two people having an affair, as reprehensible as that may have been.
As has already been demonstrated by the context of the audiotape and his other comments you find offensive, he wasn’t talking about all women or women in general, but you continue to mischaracterize and conflate, because that is what you liberal progtards always do. If the facts don’t serve the narrative, change the facts.
LC, just to be clear, women of different viewpoints (UNLESS that viewpoint happens to be pro-life… womens’ groups with that particular viewpoint were dis-invited by the organizers.. so much for diversity and inclusiveness…
I’m aware of that, and it’s one of the points I’ve argued with liberals about. In my opinion that represents a missed opportunity by the organizers to be more inclusive and focus entirely on a ‘pro-women’ viewpoint, as opposed to bringing anti-Trump or pro-choice sentiments into it. The Democrats rarely fail to take a good idea and implement it poorly.
(Also, a minor point, but while pro-life groups were dis-invited, pro-life people were accepted fine, at least the ones I know who went. And I haven’t heard of any conflicts with others who were surely there too.)
Watch some videos of the clowns that were interviewed by news stations. Most were unaware that there were favorable existing laws on the books on issues they were “protesting” about.
Women have the same rights today as they did on January 19, 2017.
I find abortion repulsive as an excuse for “family planning” and I refuse to be forced to pay for it. It takes two to tango, let mommy and daddy pay for it. They jumped in the sack together, right?
I have some issues with the march and with abortion as well; I don’t think we’re in complete disagreement here. But…
Let’s imagine an alternate reality where Clinton won, just for a moment. In this reality, you’d have the same rights to own guns today as you did on January 19th, 2017 – but my guess is there’d be concerns about that right. And some people might organize protests, or pro-gun rallies, or whatever. And you know what? That’s fine – it’s people voicing that they want their concerns to be heard. Nonviolent protests are just people peacefully making their feelings known. What’s wrong with that?
Add to that scenario alternate-reality Clinton making plenty of disparaging and dismissive comments about gun-owners for the preceeding weeks, and I think it’s even more valid.
Fair enough. I support every Americans right to peacefully protest.
Just in case the TAH peeps weren’t aware…Apparently a woman named Linda Sarsour, an American Muslim was an organizer for the “Women’s March”. She is a supporter of…wait for it….Sharia Law in the US! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa….Ignorance is bliss for Madonna, Ashley, et al, hmmm? Or, is it that they do support wife beating, marital rape, and oops, gee, execution of gay people? It works for them until it doesn’t. Ignorant fucking fools, but that is nothing new, is it?
Oh, that’s not just execution, Defend. It’s PUBLIC executions. And for women who disobey and develop their own unapproved relationships, that punishment is being buried up to the neck in a hole in the ground, and stoned to death.
You can’t make this crap up. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Hey, how about that Ashley Judd, huh?
Why, she’s not crazy at all.
Is that why the Judds disowned her or something?
Ashley Judd is quite the loon – I’ve read stories about her behavior for years. Don’t forget about Madonna…
I’m surprised that the Secret Service hasn’t had a long talk with her about her statements.
Madonna couldn’t say three words without looking down at her cheat sheet.
That’s a great spokespersonfor women: missile tits and sex-on-stage Madonna.
If Madonna opened up her skanky whore legs while in DC wouldn’t that be considered a biological-chemical terrorist attack for about a 5 mile radius?
Didn’t she promise to preform certain…acts…in exchange for voting for Hillary. She can’t be done just yet-get back to it Madonna, you welsher!
According to the Brit media, the SS is going to have a little chat with her soon.
But don’t expect CNN to mention it.
Michael Moore physically blocked an entire intersection by himself. I’ve watched my last movie with Ashley Judd. And…is the Secret Service going to talk with Madonna about her “blowing up the White House” comment? Or maybe they’ll wait until she’s had her 5 minutes of media face time and then flies back to London. She’s been over and done for ages and this was the only way she could get anyone to look at her ugly mug anymore.
Nowadays she’s little more than a washed up has-been and I’m sure her comments like that will place her right alongside Rosie O’Doughnut in the dustbin of has-beens. Rosie reneged on her promise to move to Canada and now she’s calling on all Hollywierd moonbats to “Go on strike” until President Trump resigns or is impeached, I’m going to enjoy seeing what they call for next and I’m sure they now have USSS and FBI files on them now!
What? Hollywood ACTORS going on strike? Well, gee whiz, doesn’t that just open up those roles for people who don’t give a shit about leftie politics?
Hollywood the Industry is a very strange place. You screw up somehow, and that ‘never work again’ comes true. It’s not even about being an insider. It’s about being an embarrassment to the corporations that own the movie studios.
Rosie is still pissed that no one declared martial law, arrested Trump and Pence and, maybe, the White House chef, and made John McCain the temporary president. You know, like it says the left can do in the “Good and Welfare Clause”, as defined by that legal scholar, John Conyers.
As was said elsewhere, Rosie seems to have forgotten exactly who enforces “martial law”, and what their views tend to be. And the utter contempt and scorn her cohort has heaped upon those folks, for decades.
Another teaching moment for “Be careful of what you wish”.
I think it’s some sort of low shoulder crop top. But heh, wear whatever you want on your head. It’s all good.
“I failed to “snatch” one….”
I see what you did there, even if everyone else missed (or ignored, more likely) it.
You win the unintentional interwebz for today.
Why is it that no one had a paintball gun at the riots and marches? Watching those fools and poltroons being hit with paintballs would have been fun. And probably would have prevented some of the property damage.
There’s a new sheriff in town. Drudge is reporting that the U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington is saying that most of the 200 plus rioters arrested are to be charged with FELONY rioting which can get them up to ten years and 250K fines.
Eight years of coddling by Democrats has led these leftist rioters to think they can totally ignore the law. Bet a few prosecutions and multi-year sentences tones this crap down real fast.
It’s a show. They will deal the charges down to misdemeanors and that’s that. The exception may be anyone that was actually caught smashing a window or throwing a brick.
Hopefully the deal will include naming the funding sources and organizers for the riots.
Ask and you shall receive – from, of all places, the NYT:
BTW – the Government of Hungary is looking into some of his “activities”:
Well, ain’t that just a kick in the Nazi jackbooted pants for that old Nazi! Did you guys know that he lost nearly $1 billion out of his hedge fund when the market spiked instead of tanking concurrent with the elections? I don’t know how much or what he shorted, but it must have been a gynormous heap and now, he has a massive loss to deal with.
Karma really IS a bitch.
I think I’m going to enjoy the next four years enormously.
I thought women had the same rights as me. Did they vaporize overnight?
From the article 2/17 Air Cav posted above:
“With a service golden retriever, Fargo, by her side, U.S. Army veteran Khai Willson walked toward the marchers with a sign in her hand: “I served for better than this.”
Willson enlisted in the military shortly at the Twin Towers fell and served for more than a decade, mostly as a linguist. She suffered a brain injury that left her with post-traumatic stress disorder. She was reluctant to discuss how it had happened, afraid that the memories could trigger problems for her in such a large crowd.”
Not sure what army that fat fucked served in but she forgot her honor vest. I would pay to see an FOIA on miss piggy.
Another gem:
“Her friend, teacher Maree Mitchell, 49, from Missoula, Mont., said she plans to make a difference in coming years by teaching her students how to identify fake news, a phenomenon that was widespread during the 2016 election.”
I was unaware that should be on the school curriculum. I thought they were supposed to teach silly shit like math and spelling.
“She was reluctant to discuss how it had happened, afraid that the memories could trigger problems for her in such a large crowd.” I see. She has no problem with showboating with her service dog (if it is a service dog) and she has no problem telling reporters that she is a Veteran (if she is) and holding a sign referncing her service, but when asked how she came to be injured, she clams up. One would think that the Purple Heart she doubtless received would have been mentioned. I can’t help but wonder whether the reporter said, ‘So, you received a Purple Heart?’ And bowling bowl said, ‘Gosh, look at the time. Gotta go!’ The suggestion is that she was injured or wounded in service. In any event, she’s a shitty rep for women in the military.
Dafuq kind of name is Khai Willson anyway? That alone sounds and looks fishy–no pun intended.
Khai is a village in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Not sure why miss piggy was named after it.
Well, yes, ex-OS2, the 1964 Civil Rights Act addressed that issue, now that you mention it. I guess that part of history is left out of classes in high school.
So, yes, we girls do have the same rights as men. The more mature and informed of us don’t go squawking in the streets like idiots.
I mentioned that the men in my family should have a Men’s March and my husband lit up and said “Penis Parade”!
I have no patience of identity group parades and marches, they are meaningless and accomplish absolutely nothing.
Nice one. The PG version is the Willie Walk.
‘Penis Parade’
Brings an entirely new meaning to the term “Cock of the walk”.
Speaking of the allegedly huge Wombat’s (*OOPS!*, liberal Women’s) “protest” in DC, we can now honestly say that President Donald J. Trump has gotten more fat women out walking around in ONE DAY than Moochelle 0bama did in eight years!!
Oh, yeah! Hadn’t thought of that one!
API, you are a scream! That has to be the observation of the day. That really is comedy gold.
Good looking women, with nice chest adornment accent that feature, while the Feminazis claim that we men objectify women and fixate on their breasts. Either way that is women’s fault. As soon as we men are born, they stick a boob in our mouths every time we open them. We are addicted to boobs, (but that is not a bad thing). Hell yes, we males like boobs, always have, always will, but when the boobs are on the chest of a boob, we just shine them on.
Shine on, shine off. @@
I just read this over at Ace’s place – here’s the linky thingy for you to check out:
Straight and to the point.
Great article; thanks for the link. I am going to buy the “this is my safety pin” tee shirt. Also, Iron Mike’s post of 1/20/17 titled “Thanks from an American Infantryman” is a great commentary on the damage Commander 0 has done to our military with all the social engineering bullshit.
I’ll just leave this here
The only person who really accomplished anything at this… “event”… was the guy selling the pretty pink pussy hats. He probably made a fortune. Capitalism in action. What a country!