I will bless those who bless you

| December 29, 2016

Views concerning Israel and Jews vary from person to person, culture to culture, country to country and most certainly religion to religion. My view is the Biblical one. If it ever comes down to choosing, it will be my choice to stand with Israel and defend along with Jews and Christians, our kindred faiths and shared holy land. This is a centuries old battle driven by forces and a level of pure hatred men cannot begin to comprehend. It is a war, as foretold in scripture, where the world stands aligned against Israel and now most interestingly displayed for us at the United Nations. In the Bible, there is no mention of a United States of America. There exists no accepted Biblical interpretation that I know of that identifies an entity recognized as the USA. Biblically the USA does not exist. Is it remarkable then that in the United Nations vote condemning Israel that the United States of America was silent – non-existent? If you are Christian, you are Biblically bound to Israel. Ultimately it is the people, not countries or tyrants, who will ultimately choose where to make their stand.

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

“I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.” Genesis 12:1-3

In my life, never have I seen a man who has laid bare his soul like Barack Obama. He has peeled back all layers of the facade fully exposing the true man inside. He began his flirtation with gullible Americans by declaring there is only one America, “a red, white and blue” America. Then he proceeded to divide our country so much one would have to search the pre-civil war era to find anything comparable. He declared his “Christian” faith countless times only later to mock scripture. Since there has been no election on the horizon, he has not even tried to fake it. Only God knows a person’s heart for certain, but actions are the language that usually defines what is in a man’s heart. He also, up until after his re-election, declared his support for Israel. However, his actions never supported that declaration either. I do not believe he sets much store in God’s covenant with Abraham. Someday he will have to answer up. In his actions, he has been no more faithful to Christians than he has to the Jews. For him, that leaves but few “faith” options.

It was a cowardly act waiting until the final days of a failed presidency to turn his back on Israel. When your foreign policy sets the Middle East ablaze and increases the breadth and width of Islamic terrorism, what else is left except to set them all against Israel and ultimately the USA? It is disdain magnified by an administration filled by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, bringing willy nilly Middle East “refugees” into the country, and opening our borders to all comers. This president will certainly have a legacy as will both of his Secretaries of State, one a power and money hungry hustler the other a life-long demonstrated anti-American who has now solidified his anti Israel world view by declaring in his speech, “Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, it cannot be both.” I do believe Israel is a democracy not a theocracy

Years will pass undoing the damage done by this president and his minions to our country, the entirety of the Middle East and much of the world. As a nation we are weaker than anytime I can recall – in my lifetime. That makes it our most vulnerable and dangerous time. We better be on the side of God.

© 2016 J. D. Pendry

Category: Politics

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

Unlike you JD I have no real belief in your deity, but I do believe it’s always been in our best interests to stand by Israel as the only true democracy and beacon of hope in the ME. For me it’s always been about loyalty and Israel deserves our loyalty because we are allies and friends, and it’s a rat bastard who turns his back on his friends.

John Kerry’s speech was a deplorable example of the nature of this administration and the level of cowardice associated with Obama and company. They wanted to get a shot in at Israel, and now that it’s time to leave they felt they could get away with this, I’m glad Trump immediately called it out for what it is and assured the Israelis in three weeks time they will have a far better ally once again in the United States.

To hell with the coward John Kerry and Obama.

MSG Eric

The mere fact that John Kerry told Israel “you can be Jewish or you can be Democratic, you can’t be both” is enough to confirm King Barry doesn’t give a rip roarin’ fuck what happens to Israel.

It is just amazing how much we’ve done a 180 in his 8 years. We’re making nice with Iran, Palestine, China, etc., and pissing off our friends like Israel, England, and Ireland.

When people claim Obama is actually a Muslim, those things you stated really don’t help his case. Especially the on-going actions of his minions in regards to how they treat Christians and Jews.

And for the life of me, I cannot understand why the Fuck Jews in the US continue to so strongly vote for Democrats. Their views and goals are so juxtapose it is ridiculous, yet they still do. I just don’t get it.

Very eloquent posting JD.

DP2 Oldgeezer

IF western civilization survives, 100 years from now, historians will look back and say “this is when we almost destroyed ourselves”. As to JD’s post – all one can say is AMEN!


Among the many lessons of history which are ignored by the elitists and mediots is the lesson of what happens to those who oppose the Children of Israel vs. what happens to those who oppose them.

It is just historical fact that the Jewish people have persevered as a nation and as a faith where others (nations and faiths) have not.

One may not wish to admit it, but the most practical explanation is that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is real, and that God’s Covenant with Abram (later Abraham) is still in effect.

We, too, stand with Israel, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem, knowing that God keeps His promises, and that in Christ we who are Gentiles by birth have been grafted in to God’s vine – Israel.

As Johnny Cash said in another context: “My arms are too short to box with God.”

John Kerry, and the Obama administration, is too willfully ignorant to recognize that fact now. I pray that, for their own sakes, they recognize it before death, for they will certainly acknowledge it afterwards.


Make that “those who oppose… vs. those who support…”

pfffft. Need more coffee.


I’m with you and JD, Graybeard!



Dave Hardin

I have long since become exhausted with people arguing with over land promised to them by invisible celestial dictators.

Than annexation of the west bank by ultra Orthodox Jews who are doing so illegally must be addressed. Like any religion, Jews have their fringe radicals who take their invisible friend a bit too seriously.

Kerry has no credibility, not as a Statesman or as a Veteran. Churning up hostilities over an issue that actually needs dealt with is utterly reprehensible at this point.

Women are still treated as a lesser than gender by most religions. Someone show me a picture of a woman worshiping freely at the Kotel. Only recently have arrangements been made for a separate area for women, because they have a vagina it was forbidden.

Most Orthodox Jews in Israel are a pain in the ass. Just because their Muslim counterparts are more vial in just about every measure does not excuse their despicable actions.

Dawning Tefillin Phylacteries and babbling to yourself makes you no more righteous than holding and E-Meter and reaching a state of Clear. When acting in a bizarre manner some how entitles people to real-estate, of course there are problems.

I am not on the side of any God, Kraken, or entity of any kind created by Thetans or any other mystical force. The notion of it is non compos mentis.


Ummmm…. (vile)


The third largest political block (13 Knesset seats) in Israel is the “list” parties, representing Israeli Arabs.

On a strictly non-theistic basis, Israel deserves support as a functioning representative state in a sea of theocracies and dictatorships. Arabs and Muslims there have more political rights and freedoms than the ones in the neighboring thug-ocracies.


The current administration seems to be bent on lighting a fire to consume the world. They will then ‘forget’ who kicked the mideast and russian ant-hills, and say “See! See! Truuuuuummmmmp!”


It’s a good thing that Trump is too smart to fall for it.
But you know he’s pissed !!!

Dave Hardin

You are correct. There is a much larger than most people realize Arab population in Israel. Been there many times. Worked with many of them. In large part they are against a separate Palestinian state, they are all too familiar with what the result of that will be.

Israel must deal with the militant ultra Orthodox. They are not peace loving quiet Jews seeking the next Nobel Prize.

We must support Israels right to exist. We must also be pragmatic with our support. The Israelis have the blood of many dead Americans on their hands.

Netanyahu personally has the blood of my dead brothers on his. That, I will never forget or forgive.


I can also understand why Marines might not be too thrilled about having Japan as an “ally”.

The only thing that sucks worse than American politics is International politics.


Yet more proof of the idiocy that consumes the left wing in this country.
And Jews voting demonrat is always a quanadry, but it likens itself to those Jews in Germany prior to Hitler that stood quietly by while other Jews and races were rounded up and sent off to the “work camps”.
In WWII it only took 5 or so soldiers to transport several hundred Jews into the gas chambers because they all refused to fight back.
Now we have Israel that does fight back yet in America we have Jews that will vote for their own destruction. There is no doubt in my mind that if possible these left wing fucks would gladly start rounding up those that oppose them and send all of us off to camps somewhere in outer Montana…
One small problem, we will also fight back, they know it and that is the only thing that stops them…

2/17 Air Cav

If ever there was a false idol at whose East River altar the Left worships, it is the UN. Tell me again why it exists. No, don’t quote its grandiose charter. I can read the flowery bullshit for myself. I mean in actuality.


The UN is the “strangler fig” which is being carefully cultivated to choke to death the Tree of Liberty.


Why does the UN exist today? Because it’s a self-serving bureaucracy. Bureaucracies, like living entities, seek to continue their existence; they also seek to expand their scope and authority. It’s simply their nature to do those things.

What puzzles me is why the nations that provide the bulk of funding for the UN continue to do so. Seven nations – the US, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, and Italy – provided in excess of 54% of the UN’s budget this year (and that’s only assessed contributions; it doesn’t count contributions in kind, where the developed world provides an inordinate share as well). However, the US and most other developed nations have bee getting negative return on their funding for decades now. And per the famous quote, insanity can be defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time.


Dave Hardin

Overall, diplomats with the UN accumulated 150,000 unpaid parking tickets during the last five years.

The average ticket is about $50.

Getting them to pay their damn tickets will yield $7,500,000. Trump might want to start getting the money from there.


Regrettably, they will never pay a dime. “Diplomatic Immunity” covers even the lowly parking ticket. Settled US law, and long established.

Now, we could inform the UN that the offenders will be PNGed. Kinda hard to maintain the posh diplo lifestyle when sent packin back to The Peoples Democratic Republic of East Podunkistan


My admiration for the government of Israel is rooted in their contemporary acts, not the Bible. Yes, I get that the Jewish people were looking for a place to call their own and defend their people, but the way they have gone about it has been to comply with current laws and customs in all respects.

The people of Israel have solid, confirmable rights to their land, by either purchase or conquest, under contemporary law, without some justification from the distant past.

Further, their government, though made of flawed human beings and therefore capable of mis-steps, is plainly a vast improvement over the surrounding countries. Their dedication to humanitarian principles as shown by their generosity to their neighbors and willingness to live peaceably with them, is singular among all nations.

They deserve our respect and our help, based entirely on their own actions. If their actions are motivated by their understanding of their religion, then theirs is an honorable religion.


Anyone that professional-grade at killing ragheads can’t be all bad. Yeah, I’m a bigot…I love my fellow man in all his colors and races… except cameljocks. I consider the Mideast an unused testing ground for neutron bombs, I think their food sucks, and their religion is an abomination. Don’t like it? Go whine to someone who cares.


If you are Christian, you are Biblically bound to Israel.

Ummmm…no. Just no.

Do not mistake blessing through Abraham as the same as a tie to the nation of Israel.

(See Galatians 3.)

AW1 Tim

John Frikki’n Kerry: America’s Gigolo. Blue Falcon Extraordinaire. Guiding Light of the Dutch Rudder Club. Chief Lackey of the Great Embarrassment. All round Jackwagon.

Sonny's Mom

Rider of the Flying Squirrel…

A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t think that B. Hussein 0bama or John “Lurch” Kerry bared their souls, both of them and others just made it more obvious they SOLD them years ago.

Semper Idem

Let’s leave theology out of this, please.

The simple matter is that there are only two sides here: Freedom’s Friends and Freedom’s Enemies. The two sides include both Muslims and Jews. Some Muslims are Freedom’s Enemies; some others are Freedom’s Friends. Re-read that last sentence, but this time replace the word ‘Muslims’ with ‘Jews’. Same idea.

Who gets to make the decisions as to where we go from here? Freedom’s Friends.

Who gets banned, shut down, and – if all else fails – filled with hot lead? Freedom’s Enemies.

Never mind who is Christian and who is Jewish. Look only at what is relevant – Friends or Enemies of Freedom.

2/17 Air Cav

“Never mind who is Christian and who is Jewish.” As soon as the Muslim horde agrees with that, let me know and I’ll sign on.

2/17 Air Cav

I watched the video and that fellow (I wasn’t taking notes) made the same observation I did. And that is that if, tomorrow, Israel turned its gov’t over to the Arab Muslims, Israel would cease to exist. There is no give and take in this Palestinian matter. It is comical that there are states that refuse to acknowledge Israel’s right just to exist. And when Iran, thanks to Obama/Kerry, get a few tactical nukes, well, the fun really starts.

Sonny's Mom

That’s author and talk show host Dennis Prager.

John Robert Mallernee

The Book of Mormon, which like the Holy Bible, is yet ANOTHER witness of Jesus, the Christ, tells the saga of a group of Israelite exiles who sailed to America just prior to the Assyrian invasion and captivity. The Book of Mormon condemns those who persecute the Jews, as Jesus Christ was born and raised a Jew, and we get our Holy Bible from the Jews. The Book of Mormon specifically states that America is a land blessed above all other lands, a land of liberty, and that Jesus Christ is the God of this land. According to the Book of Mormon, America will continue to be a land of freedom and bounty blessed above all other lands, only as long as we continue to obey and worship the God of this land, who is Jesus, the Christ. But, if we reject the God of this land, who is Jesus, the Christ, and disobey His commandments, then we Americans will forfeit all of our blessings. The scriptures and prophets of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints also teach us of other migrations to America, including refugees from the Tower of Babel, that prior to the separation of the various continents, the Garden of Eden was located in America, that after Jesus Christ was resurrected, He came to America to teach the Israelites living here, and that at some point in the future, the lost ten tribes of Israel will miraculously appear and dwell here in America. In fact, even as the Holy Trinity is composed of three distinct separate beings united in purpose, i.e., God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, so too do we have a similar trinity here on Earth, i.e., The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, the United States of America, and the State of Israel, being three separate distinct entities eternally bound together politically and theologically by a common history, heritage, and destiny. I feel especially blessed to have been given the once in a lifetime opportunity to visit Israel, when as a soldier in the United States Army serving in the… Read more »

Dave Hardin

I often do this on the way to planet Kolob with dark skinned people that dont realize they are cursed. Its a shame Joseph Smith had to Restore what Catholics removed from the Bible or nobody would know that American Indians are really just lost Jews. How can we all become Gods in the Celestial Kingdom if people keep going to Starbucks? Coffee is of the Devil, so most everyone that posts here is screwed anyway bro.

Sgt Fon

wow, your a dick ain’t you? who cares what someone believes if they truly believe and do good works? it’s narrow minded idiots like yourself dave that even makes us have to talk about defending Israel. Hope you dick shrivels and falls off so you don’t reproduce more narrow minded and bigoted offspring

Dave Hardin

Me being a dick is hardly a news flash. When someone makes a post boasting “facts” that are utter bullshit, they deserve nothing less than ridicule.

John Robert Mallernee

I wonder what sort of spirit it is that motivates an individual to attempt to belittle and/or destroy another person’s personal religious belief?

Does mocking my chosen faith somehow strengthen or enhance your own personal beliefs?

Raised up as a Methodist, I grew up in a small, Southern, “Bible Belt” community, where my parents and the teachers at school taught us kids to never laugh at someone else’s religion.

During my younger days, it was those Mormon values which helped get me into the United States Army, and then kept me from participating when I was repeatedly surrounded by flagrant illegal drug use.

Dave Hardin

The spirit of Reason and Common Sense causes it John.

You post bizarre claims and expect nobody to comment on them? Ya, well fuck that. A religion founded by a guy who put magic rocks into a hat so he could read golden tablets found in upstate New York deserves nothing but ridicule.

Come on, God lives on a planet called Kolob? Well, at least nearby anyway? Black people are cursed? Noah used to be St. Gabriel? A Nephite man Moroni became the angel Moroni? American Indians are really Jews from the Holy land?

Look, believe what you want but don’t expect silence from me when you spew this crap.

Semper Fi bro.

Joe Green



If we’re basing policy on someone’s fictional invisible friend, we are in trouble.


Sorta like our policy with Iran Joe?


The left has been basing policy on the imaginary nonsense of Marx for a century. They certainly seem willing to try yet again, even if the prior attempts killed a hundred million people.